Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1062: Ghost means

The gray sword kept trembling in the cauldron, trying to break free.

However, being burned by a large amount of Chiyang real fire, and without the help of the yin, his strength is getting weaker and weaker, and he can't get over any big waves.

Even the treasures left by the earth immortals, now there are only fifth-level top-ranks, and the manipulators are not sufficiently cultivated.

It was already quite difficult to get entangled with ordinary cultivators in the early stage of transforming gods.

The strength of the demon prison was relatively strong among the cultivators in the early stage of transforming gods.

In addition, forging the immortal cauldron, which was once a seventh-order middle-grade magic weapon, it is naturally not difficult to subdue it.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "How many family backgrounds the soul demon clan still has, just take it out quickly.

Up to now, there is no means I can see.

If there is no other means, the soul domain may not be able to keep it. "

The majestic voice before, now there is no arrogance: "The Emperor is so capable, even the soul-slaughtering array left by the ancestors can't help you.

The ancestors still left a lot of things, but most of them couldn't hold the Supreme Emperor.

We will directly come up with the strongest means. If we still can't win, the soul clan is willing to let the Supreme Emperor deal with it. "

After all, the previous yin wind and yellow spring water stopped, and the ground began to vibrate violently.

After the previous toss, the gray fog here has almost dispersed.

Wang Daoyuan could also see clearly what the Yin Qi ground was shaking.

There is a huge altar in the distance, with two statues of a man and a woman next to it.

They were the same as those seen in the soul demon secret realm at the northern end of Qianlong Mountain, except that these two statues were much smaller, only the size of ordinary people.

But the breath radiating from these two statues made Wang Daoyuan afraid to take it lightly.

Just look at the spiritual power fluctuations, but only the fifth-tier top grade.

With such a level opponent, Wang Daoyuan can easily sweep a slice.

But the breath of these two statues made Wang Daoyuan a little scared.

This kind of fear can only be experienced when facing the imprint of the mighty divine consciousness in the Heavenly Secret Tower, and when encountering the Yin-Yang Array Immortal in the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm.

In this way, these two statues may contain the power of great power and even the earth immortal.

While Wang Daoyuan was thinking, the two statues moved.

The two stone figures are very flexible.

After two steps, they disappeared suddenly.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan had also experienced a hundred battles and was already prepared.

Sacrificing the white tiger blade, he took a hard blow to the two of them.

The power of these two statues is not unexpected, that is, the strength of the peak body refiner of the Nascent Soul.

With this little strength, it is natural that Wang Daoyuan cannot be threatened.

But at the moment of the fight, there were two weird dark energies carrying the cold air, and infiltrating Wang Daoyuan's body along the white tiger blade.

These two forces are quite extraordinary, as soon as they enter the body, they cause the internal organs to vibrate.

Had it not been for Wang Daoyuan's physical strength, he had already been seriously injured at this time.

He quickly moved a distance away and ordered two demon clones to entangle the two stone statues.

He runs the Chiyang Real Fire, refining these two cold airs.

This yin and cold air is quite pure, although the power of the laws contained in it is not much, it is far from the sixth-order level.

But it is quite laborious to refining, in the process of refining, they also try to enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

It took more than ten breaths of time to completely refine this spiritual power.

At this time, the Demon Prison and the Blood Spring had been beaten steadily and retreated.

The two demon cultivators of great strength were suppressed by two statues of the fifth-order pinnacles.

The voice before became rampant again: "In these two stone statues, there is the imprint of the ancestors of my soul race.

Supreme Emperor, can I still see the strength of my soul race ancestors? "

Wang Daoyuan knew it in his heart, and his previous guess was correct.

The ancestors of the soul race were a pair of ghosts and immortals, and their spiritual consciousness was imprinted, and their strength was naturally not weak.

When I entered the Heavenly Mystery Tower for the first time that year, I asked the imprint of the demon-sealed gods for advice on how to improve the power of the magical powers.

At that time, the Feng Demon God Venerable could block a water dragon blessed in his domain with only a drop of water.

Not to say how strong the spiritual power is in that drop of water, but the powerful control of spiritual power has been so wonderful.

With the same amount of spiritual power, the power that others can exert is a thousand times greater than one's own.

In the two stone statues in front of them, there is the imprint of the spirits left by the ghosts and immortals.

Their control of power should still be above the Conferred Demon God.

There is another big formation here to help, although the spiritual power is only the fifth-order low-grade, but it is endless.

If such a fight continues, I'm afraid it will really be taken.

He has the true fire of red sun, which can dissolve the yin and cold air.

There are no two demon clones. Once too much cold air enters the body, the internal organs and the soul will be severely injured.

The armor of Red Sun True Fire on Wang Daoyuan's body is a little thicker, and all the spiritual power in his body is transformed into Red Sun True Fire.

The inheritance of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal is that the attributes of the five elements can be used, but the white tiger blade is a metallic magic weapon and cannot be activated with the spiritual power of the fire attribute.

Putting away the white tiger blade, sacrificed the Guiyuan sword that had been useless for many years.

This Guiyuan Sword is a sixth-order high-grade sword embryo forged by the Forging Immortal God, but it does not have an inscription on it.

Wang Daoyuan's current refining methods were not enough to condense and restrain this sword embryo.

Therefore, this Gui Yuan Jian's veins are still the fifth-order pinnacle.

The Guiyuan Sword is a non-attribute magic weapon, and it can be activated with Chiyang Real Fire.

The whole person turned into a ball of fire and appeared in front of the two stone statues.

With a wave of the long sword burning with red gold flames, the two stone statues were pushed back.

The demon prison and the blood spring quickly moved apart, refining the cold air in the body.

Wang Daoyuan had a few tricks with the two stone statues. With the Chiyang Real Fire Protection, the influence of the Yin and Cold Qi was indeed much smaller.

But they were still able to put An Jin into Wang Daoyuan's body, shaking his internal organs.

Even if his internal organs are extremely strong, they are still aching.

These two stone statues are also extremely strong, collisions so many times, there is no meaning of damage.

He didn't dare to confront these two stone statues anymore, turning into a sea of ​​red gold in the field.

As soon as the consciousness moved, more than 30 fire **** thunders hit the man's stone statue.

The man's stone statue did not dodge, and the long sword in his hand shook lightly, drawing a black hole.

The Thunder God of Fire C entered into the black hole and all disappeared.

After a while, a black hole also appeared behind Wang Daoyuan.

All the fire **** Thunder came out of the black hole and hit his back.

Wang Daoyuan quickly dodged, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, more than 30 scarlet sword shadows appeared out of thin air, detonating more than 30 C-Fire Thunder.

Jian Ying and Bing Fire God Thunder were all destroyed, Wang Daoyuan consumed spiritual power in vain, but did not cause any damage.

The method of the man's stone statue is the way of space, which directly diverts his attack and hits himself in turn.

They can use the way of space at will in their own field, and the field can't limit them at all.

In this way, all long-range attack spells are all invalid.

In close combat, the internal organs will be shocked by the strange force.

Far offense is not good, and close combat is not good.

Wang Daoyuan used the technique of transforming dragons, covering his entire body with dragon scales, and his hands turned into dragon claws.

In this state, the physical strength and strength have been greatly improved, and it can endure a few more beatings.

The two stone statues attacked again, and Wang Daoyuan had a few head-on collisions with them, and the internal organs really felt much lighter.

But after all, being beaten is not a long-term solution, you must figure out a strategy to break the game.

"There is no structure for storing spiritual power in these two stone statues.

To be able to fight all the time, there must be a formation to maintain.

You go to destroy the formation here, once the formation is broken, the two stone statues will not be able to display their abilities. "

Yunyi nodded, and controlled the golden wind to attack the ground.

Akabane also flew out of the forged celestial cauldron, emitting a dazzling golden light.

The cold air in the two demons' bodies was almost resolved, and they attacked the ground one after another, trying to find out where the formation was.

A large amount of red gold flames were also released from the forging immortal cauldron, desperately consuming the aura of this place.

At this time, the five Yuan Ying Peak Soul Demon appeared out of thin air and fought with them.

Both Yunyi and Chiyuwu are the nemesis of the soul demon. The two demon clones and the immortal forging tripod rank have advantages, so they should be able to win quickly.

But the magic weapons used by these spirit monsters are quite extraordinary, and they should be handed down magic weapons handed down from ancient times.

Instead of gaining an advantage, they fell short.

Wang Daoyuan invited Zhou Luan out of the Lingzhu space. Zhou Luan watched his mouth continue to overflow with blood, and wanted to help him deal with the stone statue.

Wang Daoyuan quickly discouraged: "These two stone statues are branded with ghosts and immortals, and you are not their opponent.

To deal with those spirit demons, I can hold on for a long time. "

Zhou Luan nodded, pinching Chiyuwu's opponent.

With Zhou Luan's joining, the disadvantage was quickly reversed.

The five spirit demons are at a disadvantage, but it is still difficult to win in a short time.

Wang Daoyuan picked up Yanling from the Lingzhu space again: "Yanling, help me deal with a stone statue."

Yan Ling was born near the place where the Golden Crow fell. It has a strong pure yang energy, and it is not afraid of yin and cold air.

In addition, his body is made of lava, so he is not afraid of the strange dark energy of the two stone statues.

Yan Ling entangled the man's stone statue, and did not play any fancy tricks, just stick to his body, Wang Daoyuan continued to use Chi Yang Real Fire to replenish his spiritual power.

The stone statue immediately ran into the nemesis, and Yan Ling's unreasonable style of play completely gained the upper hand. This was really a random punch to kill the master.

Wang Daoyuan dealt with a stone statue of a woman himself, and gradually turned around the disadvantage.

After playing for a quarter of an hour, the five spirit demons were a little unable to hold them.

After all, the cultivation base is at a disadvantage, and it will undoubtedly be defeated if it is carried on.

A man holding a black long banner shouted: "Taiwan, my soul clan surrender.

As long as you are willing to give the soul clan a way to survive, I will do whatever it takes. "

This old guy is a little self-aware, and the soul race has no chance to win at present.

If it continues to consume and lose a few more people, I am afraid that it will not even have the qualifications to surrender.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I can give you a way to survive and let these two stone statues retreat first."

The two stone statues stopped shooting and returned to the side of the altar again.

Wang Daoyuan shouted: "Stop it all."

Zhou Luan and others also distanced themselves from the spirit demon and returned to Wang Daoyuan.

"The soul race is worthy of being the descendants of ghosts and immortals. There are indeed enough methods.

If it weren't for enough manpower this time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to win.

The soul race can also be regarded as a branch of the human race. If you are willing to return and let me dispatch it, I will naturally not embarrass you.

I still have some means to completely solve the soul domain.

The means by which you escape to the underworld is useless in my hands.

I came here this time to subdue the Soul Race, so I didn't use the method of suppressing the box.

If I play tricks again, I will destroy the soul domain. "

The method Wang Daoyuan said was naturally a spirit pearl.

As soon as the spirit orb comes out, all energy will be absorbed.

It takes a little longer, UU reading www. The spirit veins around may be downgraded.

These spirit races also knew that he had this ability, after all, there were spirit races planted in Wang Daoyuan's hands before.

The man holding a long banner bowed and saluted: "Since I have lost to the Emperor, I am naturally willing to obey the dispatch.

It's just that my soul clan can transform spiritual power into divine consciousness, which is coveted by many experts.

It can last for hundreds of thousands of years, but it is hidden.

I hope that the Supreme Emperor will not announce our existence, otherwise there will be great powers and even the earth immortals to deal with me and so on.

The strength of the Ether Emperor, I am afraid it is difficult to preserve the soul race. "


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