Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1069: Literary family visiting

Wang Daoyuan already has six kinds of spiritual fires himself, it doesn't matter whether he has earth fires or not.

But if there is such a thing, it is invaluable if it is placed in the spirit orb space and used to generate lava fire crystals.

Of course, this matter is not in a hurry.

Now that this tribe has just taken root on Tianfu Island, there are still many things to deal with.

It's no big deal to go down to find the fire, and push it back.

Wang Daoyuan carefully inspected the relics of these flame dragons. To the Wang family, these were more than just a few pieces of material.

Tianfu Island is surrounded by sea water, and the flame dragon's range of activity is not large. These spiritual objects should all come from the vicinity of Tianfu Island.

Spiritual objects, especially the refining materials, many have mineral veins.

Every type of refining material here represents that there may be veins of this material nearby.

The veins of Tier 5 or Tier 6 refining materials, any of them are priceless.

After searching for a while, he found a piece of Tier 6 middle-grade refining material.

This material is red all over, like a piece of red iron, containing rich and violent fire spiritual power.

This material not only does not reveal the fire spiritual power, but on the contrary, it constantly absorbs the fire spiritual power in the lava.

Wang Daoyuan's fingers ejected a silver ray, hitting the material, but he couldn't leave a trace.

Fire-attribute materials are mostly not known for their strength.

This material has such a strong fire spiritual power, and its strength can be so high, it is extraordinary.

Wang Daoyuan took out the forging celestial cauldron directly, and asked, "The material of this refining vessel is not ordinary. Look at what it is."

Duanxian showed his figure, and took a look at the red iron block.

"What kind of baby am I supposed to be? It's just a piece of red flame iron, or it's just formed.

However, the potential of this thing is still great.

If it can be cultivated near the seventh-order fire attribute spirit vein, it is not a problem to upgrade to the seventh-order.

The seventh-order Chiyan Divine Iron, even if it is a great power, will be very heart-warming.

The sixth-order Chiyan Divine Iron, after all, was almost meaningless.

However, it is also a rare treasure in the eyes of the cultivator of the fire attribute transformation god. "

The name of Chiyan Divine Iron is indeed not small, this thing can be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth, formed by the essence of fire veins, and there is no such thing as mineral veins.

According to several hall masters in Ten Thousand Beast Valley, the secret realm where Wang Daoyuan discovered the life spirit fire was once a lava secret realm.

In that secret realm, a piece of Chiyan Divine Iron was conceived, which was still the core of the entire secret realm.

Because this thing was extremely rare, Wang Daoyuan had never seen it before, and never thought of what it was.

Chiyan Divine Iron is indeed one of the very few high-end materials with fire attributes known for its high strength, and the lowest grade must reach the sixth low-grade.

The piece of Chiyan Divine Iron in front of him is only the size of a palm, but it weighs more than a hundred kilograms.

There is no estimate of this material in the market, but it is not impossible to sell tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones.

This kind of treasure, now used, is a violent thing.

It is still kept in the small lava lake in the Lingzhu space, and after the cultivation reaches the seventh or even the eighth level, it will not be too late to use it for refining.

There are many other refining materials in this lair, and there are a lot of dragon scales with a single fire attribute.

However, the only spiritual objects with extremely high value are lava fire crystals and red flame iron.

There are also a lot of other sixth-order materials, but they are all types that are not distressed when used.

It can be considered a fortune to scrape all these materials.

It's just that Yan Ling was in a bad mood, watching the good things he greeted was raided, and no one would be in a good mood.

Wang Daoyuan comforted: "Don't worry, I will create a suitable magic weapon for you in the future.

You cultivate here first, and guard the lava fire veins by the way, so that no monsters can touch them from below.

Don't be too sad. As a lava spirit, you can adapt to the lava environment better than the flame dragon.

He can find so many spiritual things, how can you be worse than him? "

Huo Ling nodded reluctantly, Wang Daoyuan put away the forged immortal cauldron and left the crater.

Now that the sixth-order spirit beasts entrenched in the Diyan Islands are all gone, they must also quickly deploy their formations on these islands.

According to the rules of the immortal world, where there is no formation, it is a land without a master, and anyone can occupy it.

If you don't set up the formation now, someone will come over and take up the space, then you can only play hard.

In order to avoid trouble, it is better to set up the lead-through array over there as soon as possible to form a sub-array.

The structure of the access array method is very simple, and its main function is to act as a light curtain and provide spiritual power to maintain the sub-array.

The master lays out the lead-in formation method, and can directly use the mountain and river spirit veins to form the formation.

Wang Daoyuan is self-aware, and he is still far short of his ability, so he must rely on the formation.

Fortunately, the lead-in formation method only had one formation base, and Wang Daoyuan had already refined it a long time ago.

These formations are far-reaching, but they don't have to work hard, and they all use the fifth-order high-grade materials, and they are refined in accordance with the standards of the sixth-order low-grade artifacts.

After tossing for a day, all the lead-in formations were arranged.

After the formation was activated, the other five big islands were also covered by a faint light curtain.

It's just that the light curtains on the other five big islands are slightly worse than those on Tianfu Island.

However, it can barely be regarded as a sixth-order low-grade formation.

The monks in the later stage of the transformation also need a lot of effort to break this formation.

Coupled with the fact that there is someone controlling the main line, those who attack the line must be prepared to be beaten.

After arranging these things, Wang Daoyuan returned to Tianfu Island.

A member of the late Zifu clan came to the front and bowed to Wang Daoyuan and saluted: "The great-grandson Wang Xuanlie, see the ancestors."

Wang Daoyuan glanced at his cultivation base and nodded: "The talent is good, what can you do with me?"

Wang Xuanlie replied: "Back to the ancestors, there are many alchemists and artifact refiners among the clansmen on Tianfu Island, and the great grandson thinks we should open up an underground fire room.

The fire room can be opened with the help of a volcanic crater or a hole can be dug.

But the continuous overflow of lava on the Huolong Mountain indicates that the underground pressure is extremely high.

If you dig a hole rashly, dig through the rock layer, and lava spews from the entrance of the hole, you may be in trouble. "

This is a problem. There are not many spirit trees in the Diyan Islands, and it takes a lot of effort to burn charcoal. Alchemy refining equipment can only rely on ground fire.

The overflowing lava from Huolong Mountain formed a lava river in the northern part of Yufeng Mountain.

But the lava firepower over there has almost dissipated, and it is not suitable for alchemy.

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a moment: "Let's do this, the fire room is built in the Huolong Mountain."

Wang Xuanlie arched his hands and said, "Old ancestors, great-grandsons have a low cultivation level, but they also know the power of lava.

In the Fire Dragon Mountain, I am afraid that ordinary God-Transforming cultivators can't handle it.

If the formation is used to force the lava, the formation will not last long.

Once the formation is broken, the entire Tianfu Island will be over at that time. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I didn't say that you need to use the formation to force it.

I plan to open a hole at the foot of Huolong Mountain to release part of the lava and relieve part of the underground pressure. "

Fire Dragon Mountain is the top of volcanic lava slowly piled up, with a height of more than three thousand feet.

The mountain root is not small, nearly two hundred miles in diameter.

Open a big hole at the foot of the mountain to let the lava flow out, and the pressure of the underground lava will be released a lot, and the height of the lava will be reduced.

At that time, the volcanic crater inside the Huolong Mountain can be transformed into a superior fire chamber.

Wang Xuanlie thought for a moment: "The ancestors' strategy is very clever. In this way, Huolongshan is a natural fire room.

The great-great-grandson suggested that an opening should be opened on the north and south sides of the Huolong Mountain.

The lava river in the north of Yufengshan can stop the cold wind, and the lava river in the south can make Tianfu Island expand southward. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded. In the deep ice sea of ​​Tianfu Island, it will only get colder and colder towards the north, which is not suitable for ordinary people to live.

"You have a good idea. By the way, whose junior are you, how old are you, how talented are you, and what pill talisman formations have you learned?"

Wang Xuanlie arched his hands and said: "In return to the ancestors, the great-great-grandson's ancestors are all ordinary people, 153 years old this year.

The great-great-grandson is a monk of two spirit roots, and the main spirit root is a fire spirit root of eight inches and six points. "

At the age of one hundred and fifty-three, he reached the late stage of the Purple Mansion, and it was not a problem to form a pill before the age of two hundred.

The two attainments of Qizhen are not low, and he is a rare talent.

The most important thing is that he was born in an ordinary tribe, without the help of elders, and he can go to this day by his own efforts.

Such a person is capable of assuming great responsibilities and is worth training.

"The talent is good, practice hard, don't fall behind the two lines of weapons, if you don't understand, just ask me."

Wang Xuanlie also understood the meaning of the words: "Thank you ancestors, great-grandson retire."

After he left, Wang Dao flew far to the foot of Huolong Mountain.

The field expands, enclosing the entire island.

The nearby spiritual energy rushed desperately, and then it was transformed into earth spiritual power.

Later, he released two wisps of returning dust, which fell on the north and south sides of the Huolongshan foot respectively.

Gui Chenyan saw the aura of the earth attribute, and immediately burned.

However, with 100 breaths of effort, a large hole with a diameter of more than 20 feet appeared on the north and south sides of the foot of the Huolong Mountain.

Huolong Mountain is more than three thousand meters high, and lava overflows slowly. It is conceivable how much pressure is underground.

Now two large holes have been opened at the foot of the mountain, and a large amount of lava is gushing out.

If it were not for Wang Daoyuan's full suppression, I am afraid it would spread to the south of Yufeng Mountain.

After the lava spewed out of the Huolong Mountain, it slowly flowed into the sea along a path.

The hot lava encountered the cold sea water, and a large amount of white water vapor gushed out.

Under the influence of the cold wind and Yufeng Mountain, the water vapor in the northern part of Tianfu Island was lifted into the sky and turned into white clouds.

Looking at this posture, there should be more rain on Tianfu Island in the future.

After the foot of the mountain was broken, the height of the lava at the Fire Dragon Pass dropped rapidly.

Wang Daoyuan didn't rush to the fire room, waiting for the lava to stabilize.

The lava underground in the entire Earthyan Islands is connected, and it will affect the whole body. It will take a long time to stabilize.

At this moment, a flying boat approached to the northeast of the Diyan Islands.

There were no human activities near the Diyan Islands, and 80% of the people who can come here are from the literary family.

Soon, Feizhou came to the outside of Tianfu Island.

An old man wearing an ice blue robe stood at the bow of the ship, and he looked at the formation on Tianfu Island.

Afterwards, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he didn't understand this formation.

Suddenly felt that Wang Daoyuan's methods were superb, a sixth-order low-rank formation method could be so advanced.

He didn't dare to take it big, and pointed at Tianfu Island.

This person is the elder of the Wen family, and the real helm of the Wen family.

Wen's family is a snake in the endless sea of ​​ The Wang family has just arrived, so we still have to make a good relationship with them.

Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to neglect, so he flew out of Tianfu Island and said, "Senior Wen, if you have anything to do, just ask others to inform you, why bother to go there in person?

My tribe and I have just taken root on Tianfu Island, and many things need to be dealt with. I have never visited Xuan Iceland. Please forgive me, Senior Wen. "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "Why don't you tell me before the visit, it's too old to be ecstatic."

"Senior Wen is polite, Tianfu Island is a bit crude.

If the predecessors don't dislike it, please enter the island for a while. "

Wen Xuanhai took the flying boat, Wang Daoyuan took out the token and flashed it, a small gate appeared in the formation of Tianfu Island, and the two walked in.

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