Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1073: 3-foot black

The two quickly returned to the Diyan Islands, with two gods of war power sitting on the ground, coupled with the large formation, there will naturally be no problems here.

The fire room on the side of Huolong Mountain is now only equipped with a large formation, and there is no formation to draw out the fire.

These tasks can only be done by Wang Daoyuan himself, after all, the cultivation level of other tribesmen is still too low.

Even Wang Delin and Wang Degong, who have the highest cultivation base, are only in the early stage of the Golden Core, and cannot hold the heat of the fire in the Fire Dragon Mountain at all.

A perfect ground fire room also needs to limit the strength of firepower, so that alchemists and refiners of different cultivation levels can use it.

After the large array of suppressing lava was laid down, the heat near the crater was already very small.

Even the foundation-building monks can stay at the top of the crater for a long time.

With Gui Chenyan's help, there is no difficulty in opening up small fire chambers.

Wang Daoyuan also built a spiral corridor on the ground fire room by the way, and all the entrances to the small ground fire room are on this corridor.

It took a full half a year to complete the layout of the fire room.

The entire ground fire chamber is three thousand feet deep from top to bottom, and a thousand ground fire chambers have been opened up.

Adjust the intensity of the earth fire according to the cultivation base of the refiner and alchemist, from the foundation building to the realm of **** transformation, you can find a suitable small earth fire room.

I wanted to build an underground cave in Huolong Mountain, the same as Beiyuan Yuquan Peak, but the underground environment here does not allow it.

Wang Daoyuan could only open up another cave in the western part of Yufeng Mountain far away from Lingquan.

It took only a few days to open up a cave.

Although there is no endless lava in this cave, the cultivation effect is also good near the non-attribute spirit veins.

After the cave mansion is created, the formation will be laid out.

In particular, the sound-proof formation and the formation of isolation detection are completely in accordance with the standards of the sixth-order formation.

Even the cultivator of God Transformation would never want to see what was going on inside the cave.

These are not difficult, at least much easier than opening up a ground fire room.

The layout of the newly opened cave mansion is exactly the same as that of the underground cave mansion of Yuquan Peak.

The entire cave is divided into two parts, the front yard is exactly the same as the Zhou family courtyard at the blood shadow headquarters.

The backyard is a garden covering more than ten acres. The catch is that there is a lack of water resources here, and there are not many groundwater veins here.

Wang Daoyuan also asked the clone to specially refine a puppet, and continuously performed the rain technique in the garden, creating a pond forcibly.

There are also a pure sun bead and a moon flower bead hanging in the garden, which can promote the growth of spiritual plants while illuminating.

After learning that the cave was built, Zhou Luan immediately left the temporary cave and came to the new cave.

Looking at the garden in the backyard, he smiled and said, "It still feels good in this cave. I always feel uncomfortable living in a temporary cave."

Wang Daoyuan had just finished setting up the bedroom, and when Zhou Luan came in, he laughed and said: "Your Royal Highness, I just finished the Dongfu, you can't wait to come and accompany me to practice?

How about let's have an in-depth exchange and see what else needs improvement in this cave? "

Zhou Luanfeng glanced at it and snorted coldly.

Wang Daoyuan was about to continue to flicker, and in the Qiankun ring he carried with him, a jade symbol flickered.

This is a letter from Wang Degong, informing him that someone from Xuan Iceland has come.

For those who come from Xuan Iceland, 80% of them are commissioned to refine tools.

This is a big customer, and we must not neglect.

"This is the fault of who I have learned from, and always trouble me when it is critical.

Your Royal Highness waits a moment, I'll go to receive Xuan Iceland visitors first. "

After all, leave the cave.

People from Xuan Iceland have been introduced to the auditorium. In the past six months, most of the necessary buildings for the family have taken shape.

Wang Daoyuan entered the auditorium and found that it was Wen Zhong who came, and the Patriarch Wang Degong was entertaining him.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming in, both of them quickly got up and saluted.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't come here unharmed, fellow Wen Daoist. If you come here this time, it must be the Wen Family who wants me to help refine some magical artifacts, right?"

Wen Zhong took out a Qiankun ring: "It is true, this is what my head Wen family entrusted me to send, and the refining materials and requirements are in it."

Wang Daoyuan opened the Universe Ring and took out two jade slips from inside.

One of the requirements of the jade slip was to refine a ten-foot-long Tier 5 high-grade flying warship.

Two materials were given, and the reward was 500,000 high-grade spirit stones.

The materials given are good, about one-third of them are top-grade fifth-grade materials, and the others are also middle-grade fifth-grade materials.

Another jade slip recorded the magical weapons that need to be equipped on the flying warship, including dragon hunting crossbows, and shields.

Three materials were given to these magical implements, and the total remuneration was 200,000 high-grade spirit stones.

"Flying warships will be taken two years later, as for magic weapons, they will be taken four years later."

In fact, it only takes a few days to refine these things in the Lingzhu space.

In order not to look too abnormal, let's take your time.

The time for refining magical artifacts is looser, and it can also give you more training time.

Wang Daoyuan's words surprised Wen Zhong. Although he didn't understand craftsmanship, he had also come into contact with craftsmanship masters in many races.

A flying warship requires too much effort, and it is not easy to complete it in two years.

"Senior, two years are too tight, why not extend the time?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "No, an ordinary flying warship is nothing, two years is enough."

Seeing that he was full of confidence, Wen Zhong did not dare to say anything.

After greeting for a while, he left.

Wang Daoyuan also returned to the cave, intending to continue discussing cultivation matters with Zhou Luan.

As soon as he entered the cave, before he could speak, there was movement in the Lingzhu space.

Wang Daoyuan's primordial spirit entered the Lingzhu space, only to see Akabane Crow transformed into a round of golden sun, desperately devouring spiritual power.

Aura wind blew up in the entire Lingzhu space, and a huge vortex appeared beside the golden sun.

Both Wang Minglong and Molong were hiding near Wuliangzhen Water at this time, and they were trembling with fear by the sun transformed by Akabane Crow.

Mo Long was very entangled now, and he wanted to fly out to carry the golden light, but he was a little scared.

The true dragon blood in his body didn't allow him to counsel, but his heart told him that he couldn't be counseled.

Both of these guys have cultivated to the fourth-order peak, but Wang Daoyuan hasn't let them break through now.

They all need to improve their blood, and the best way to improve their blood is to rely on blood tribulation and gifts from heaven and earth.

Now that the foundation is more solid, the Bloodline Heaven Tribulation will be stronger, the heaven and the earth will give more, and the improvement will be more.

Wang Minglong can also eat the bloodline pill, and when Beiyuan defeated the monster clan, he slashed a few semi-divine beasts.

Wang Daoyuan also made the avatar demon **** refining into a bloodline pill, which had an excellent effect on Wang Minglong.

But Mo Long couldn't do it. He had more than 70% of the true dragon bloodline himself, and the bloodline of those Jiaolong dragons was far inferior to him.

Eating those blood vein pills has almost no effect.

Wang Daoyuan learned from the memory of the clone that Chiyu Crow had been refining the pure Yang Qi in that piece of golden crow feather feathers.

After the refining is completed, the cultivation base has been promoted to the fifth-order peak.

Afterwards, he took out a trace of golden blood from the down feather.

The blood contained extremely terrifying power, after Akabane Crow swallowed the blood, it became like this.

He can only do the refining of essence and blood, and no one can help.

What Wang Daoyuan can do is to take him to a place with sunlight and sufficient fire and spiritual power as soon as possible.

The Yuanshen returned to the body, and he had no intention of communicating deeply with Zhou Luan on his cultivation experience, and flew directly out of Tianfu Island.

I found a volcanic island more than 5,000 miles northeast of Tianfu Island.

This island is relatively small, with a radius of only twenty or thirty miles.

There is a volcanic crater in the center of the island, and the entire island is scorched very hot by the volcanic heat.

This kind of environment is also liked by fire-attribute monks, and ordinary people can't stand it at all.

He released the Akabane Crow from the Spirit Orb space. As long as he saw the sun, the Akabane Crow could continuously recover its strength.

In addition, there is a volcanic crater that provides fire spirit power, making it easier to refine the golden crow's blood.

As soon as Akabane came out, it landed on the crater.

Put away the golden light all over her body, spread her wings to absorb the sunlight.

At this time, there were a lot of tiny cracks in his body, and the blood was dark red in the deep, and the blood in the wound was all red gold.

He seemed to be using the essence and blood of the Eighth Golden Crow to achieve the transformation of his own blood.

The bloodline of Akabane Crow was already better than that of a normal demigod. After this transformation, it should have made great progress.

His breath was very chaotic at first, but as time passed, his breath became more stable and stronger.

Soon, his spiritual power reached the limit of the fifth-order spirit beast.

Akabane Crow shouted: "Father, the blood of this eighth-tier Golden Crow is too strong, and it's hard to refine it all by my own ability.

The essence and blood that cannot be fully refined will be lost in vain.

I want to use the power of Heavenly Tribulation to refine the remaining essence and blood.

If you stay far away, my catastrophe range may be very large. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "You can survive the catastrophe with peace of mind, and I will protect you around you."

Soon, a dark cloud appeared directly above the island, and the catastrophe was about to come.

Wang Daoyuan quickly flew away from the island, watching from a distance.

Jie Yun continued to absorb spiritual power, and soon expanded to a diameter of three thousand miles.

But Jie Yun still didn't stop, but the expansion speed slightly slowed down.

After half a cup of tea, Jie Yun finally stabilized. At this time, Jie Yun was already about 3,600 miles in diameter.

This talent has surpassed most of the human race's heavenly spirit roots, and most semi-divine beasts do not have such a powerful celestial calamity.

Jieyun began to surging violently, and soon a dazzling golden sun fell from the sky.

The Yaozu's improvement of cultivation base mainly relies on the development of bloodline talent.

The power of the laws they master is entirely dependent on the legacy of their ancestors.

Therefore, there is no need to cross the heart and demons and other things.

Heavenly Tribulation that broke through Tier 6 was also simple and rude, and Heavenly Tribulation Jinyang directly wrapped the Akabane Crow.

There is a trace of real fire power in the golden sun on this day, and even Wang Daoyuan feels fear.

This trace of the power of the real fire of the sun can help Akabane Crow to increase the bloodline concentration.

If it can be carried, the blood will be greatly improved.

If it cannot be carried, it will be burned into charcoal.

At this time, the small volcanic island was completely shrouded in golden flames.

The sea water within thousands of miles was scorched and boiled, and a large amount of white mist was blown by the cold wind, and soon turned into snowflakes and fell down.

After half an hour, the golden flames gradually extinguished, and the entire island was burned into fiery lava.

The original volcanic crater was also burnt flat, and the underground lava was free of restraints and poured into the sea continuously.

After being cooled by sea water, it turns into rock.

In the center of the island, there is a piece of black coke.

Wang Daoyuan's spiritual sense explored the past and found a trace of vitality.

Although it is very weak, there is no tendency to weaken, but slowly strengthen.

The robbery cloud in the sky also began to transform into auspicious clouds, and Wang Daoyuan was relieved now that Akabane was still alive.

Soon, a drop of golden raindrops condensed in the auspicious clouds.

Like the water droplets after the transcendence of the cultivator, there is no fluctuation in spiritual power.

After the golden raindrops melted into that ball of coke, UU read www.uukanshu. The vitality of com skyrocketed.

After ten breaths, the coke cracked, revealing a piece of black skin with golden lines on it.

Feathers began to emerge on the skin, and after half a cup of tea, the black feathers with gold patterns were completely grown.

He only heard a cry similar to a crow's cry, and then a slightly crisp cry sounded.

The black coke was completely shattered, and a cloud of golden sun rose into the sky.

The golden light converged, and Wang Daoyuan could see the appearance of Akabane Crow.

The Akabane black wingspan in his heart is more than three feet, and the feathers on his body have not changed much, but the technical lines are a little more.

A handful of pure golden feathers grew on the head, like a crown.

Another leg grew out of the two long golden legs.

This leg is only half the length of the original two legs, and there is no difference in shape.

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