Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1075: Secret Realm Open

This time I went to Qizhen Island, but I was about to face the top masters in the Sea of ​​Seven Stars.

I want to be hunted down by the Seven Star Alliance, the Blood Shark Pirates and the Yuan Ying monks of the Wen family when I was in the Seven Stars Secret Realm.

There was no way into the earth, and almost lost his life.

Now he can sit on an equal footing with the strongest master of the Seven Star Sea, and he can also share a piece of the newly discovered secret realm.

Wen Chengtian took out a Qiankun Ring: "This is the reward for fellow Daoists for helping the refiner this time, and the news has also been notified.

I have to go back and reply to the two ancestors, and I will stay soon and leave. "

Wang Daoyuan sent him outside of Tianfu Island and returned to the auditorium.

Xiang Wang De respectfully entrusted: "Your Seventh Granny and I are going to Qizhen Island. We may want to explore a secret realm that has not been opened for at least tens of thousands of years.

It may take some time to return to Tianfu Island.

The family is already on the right track, so just keep it up.

You, the Patriarch, must take care of the clansmen well and not let them run around.

I will leave the blood spring, plus Yan Ling, even if a few Tier 6 monster beasts come, it will be difficult to get in. "

Wang Degong patted his chest and promised: "Uncle Qi, don't worry, my grandson used to have more manpower in the blood shadow headquarters than here.

I can control those outsiders, and my family will not be a problem. "

Wang Degong was the first batch of children from the Wang family to enter the blood shadow headquarters and successfully joined the blood wolf.

Under Wang Daojian's care, before the Blood Shadow Headquarters was integrated into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, he was already a powerful elder.

Not only is he good at blood shadow assassination, but he also has some talent in management.

Another golden core monk, Wang Delin, came to the sea of ​​seven stars. After seeing the sixth-order monsters and the cultivators, he was a little irritated.

He has been in retreat for several years. That's good. With his talent for cultivation, he will be able to try to give birth in a few decades.

The Wang family has too few people at the Yuanying level, and multiple Yuanyings are easy to handle.

In this way, family affairs are all weighed on Wang Degong.

Wang Daoyuan left the avatar Blood Spring in the recruit, and returned to the cave.

At this time Zhou Luan hadn't dressed up yet, Wang Daoyuan took out a huge fire-red dragon scale from the Lingzhu space.

"His Royal Highness, this is a dragon scale shield refined for you by your subordinates.

There are three defensive prohibitions, three imperial fire prohibitions, and three water avoidance prohibitions in the shield.

Even if the opponent is a water cultivator, his attack will be unloaded by the Dragonscale Shield most of the power. "

Zhou Luan took the dragon scale shield and looked at it: "When did you refine it? Why didn't I find it?"

In the previous four years, it was impossible to practice all the time.

When taking time out, some magical artifacts are also refined.

The dragon scale shield made from the flame dragon scales is completely a hand-crafted work, which is to test the limits of his refining methods.

Unexpectedly, the luck was not bad, but the first time he tried, he successfully refined a nine-ban spirit weapon.

Of course, this cannot be said explicitly.

"Isn't this to give you a surprise? This dragon scale shield has nine prohibitions, which is also the limit of the sixth-order low-grade magic weapon."

Zhou Luan nodded in satisfaction: "Since it is your wish, then I will reluctantly accept it."

After that, he happily went to refining the magic equipment.

Wang Daoyuan took out a black dragon scale gleaming with thunder, which was the material he obtained from the last time he killed the sixth-order lower-grade Jiao Jiao near Fire Lotus Island.

The transforming **** monk with the strongest combat power in Qixinghai should be the group of old guys from the blood shark thief.

They may have thousands of years of aging corpses in their hands, and ordinary methods are really difficult to deal with.

In this dragon scale shield, there are three defensive prohibitions, three imperial water prohibitions, and three evil thunder prohibitions.

It is too slow to cast thunder-attribute spells by oneself, and it is of little practical significance, but the five spiritual roots can easily activate the magical weapons of the three strange attributes.

At the same time, two spiritual powers of wood and fire are injected into the ban on the evil thunder of the magic weapon, so that the magic weapon is sent out without worrying about the speed problem.

When this magic weapon is fully urged, it can release the thunder method to punish evil thunder, and its power should be slightly stronger than that of the **** of water **** thunder.

It's difficult to deal with those powerful corpse refining just by relying on this evil thunder.

But when the defense can't be broken, it is good to consume the power of refining the corpse with the evil thunder.

One's own methods still can't expose too much, including such methods as Guishui Shenlei, which can hide as long as possible.

Especially the realm supernatural powers, until the moment of life and death, resolutely don't use them.

Possessing domain supernatural powers means that one has one-to-many abilities, coupled with the law of space, that is, having the ability to easily kill the cultivators of the **** of transformation.

When it comes to the realm of the **** of transformation, who doesn't have some means of life-saving?

Even the cultivator in the late stage of the transformation is very difficult to kill the early stage of the transformation.

Unless it is possessing a special magic weapon or secret technique, restrict the opponent's escape.

Suddenly a power like the Wang family appeared in the Seven Star Sea, and the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates wouldn't know it.

On the bright side, there are three transforming gods combat power, if the domain magical powers are exposed again, the threat is really too great.

The two families may be in a truce temporarily because they fear that the king is far away.

This gave the blood shark thief a chance to grow up, which was extremely detrimental to Wang Daoyuan.

A day later, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left Tianfu Island and took a Lei Peng flying boat to Lone Star Island.

It is more than a million miles away from Lone Star Island, even Lei Peng Feizhou will have to fly more than two days.

In order to deal with the possible existence of ten thousand years old corpse refining, Wang Daoyuan also brought Akabane along with him.

Really want to fight, Akabane Wu Wanke refines the corpse.

Two and a half days later, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan came to Lone Star Island.

The Lone Star Island is dominated by Yuan Ying and Jin Dan monks, and the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm does not have a god-shifting and casual cultivator.

The other cultivators wouldn't come here either, Wang Daoyuan swept away with his spiritual knowledge and found the position of the two Supreme Elders of the Wen family.

The Wen's family also has a shop here, and they are staying in the Wen's shop at this time.

Wang Daoyuan took Zhou Luan to a refining shop, Xuan Iceland mainly refining alchemy and refining, and also sold some other things.

It's just that the level is not very good, and it can only be regarded as second-rate in Qixinghai.

Of course, relying on the advantage of the endless sea of ​​ice in the depths, Xuan Iceland can obtain a lot of special materials, and magical instruments and medicines have their own unique features.

The two converged their breath and came to the front of the shop.

An older Jindan monk from Gu stepped forward: "Senior Wang, Senior Zhou, my master has been waiting upstairs for a long time, so please ask Senior to come with us."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan followed Brother Jindan to a small house on the third floor.

Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan are both in this cabin, and Wen Chengtian's strength is still useful for guarding the formation.

Exploring the secret realm, he just made up the count when he went.

Upon entering the house, Wen Xuanhai started the prohibition against detection.

Then he bowed his hands and said, "Wang Daoyou, Zhou Daoyou, I have been waiting for a long time."

Wang Daoyuan also bowed his hand in return: "The two seniors are polite, can you have any new information?"

Wen Xuanhai nodded: "There is indeed some news. My spy at the Blood Shark Pirates of the Wen family discovered that someone from the Seven Star Alliance came to the Blood Shark Pirates' realm more than ten days ago and has not been attacked.

It may be preparing for a high-level meeting between the two sides. Recently, the two sides have almost ceased the war. It is also very likely that the high-level officials are discussing secrets. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It seems that the secret realm should have already been opened, but before the two parties reached an agreement, the cultivator of **** transformation did not dare to enter easily.

Let's pass now, maybe just in time.

By the way, the two seniors, I must know some of my abilities.

However, I would like to ask both of you to help conceal it.

If the Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance knew that there was power behind me, they might stop their hands because of fear.

At that time, we have to throw out the child of luck, and we may also be involved in the war.

The Seven Star Alliance wiped out the Blood Shark Pirates, and then the Seven Star Alliance monopolized the Seven Star Sea.

Even if the Seven Star Alliance is no longer in a group, it will maintain a relatively stable situation, which is not good for us. "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "Don't worry, fellow Daoists, we know the importance.

The news has been received, let's go. "

Wang Daoyuan naturally had no objection, and led Zhou Luan to leave the shop first, offering Lei Peng Feizhou, and flew all the way south.

The speed of the flying boat was not fully opened, so I had to wait for the two of Wen's family.

After half a cup of tea, a small flying boat measuring two feet long and five feet wide followed.

This small boat is just a simple flying weapon, unlike the real flying boat, it is more like the flying kite used by Wang Daoyuan when he built the realm of the purple mansion.

There is no complicated formation, nor can it be moved with spirit stones, only the spiritual power of the monk.

However, the level of this magical artifact is not low, it should be a sixth-level middle-grade spiritual tool.

And the speed is not slow, the current speed is also up and down forty thousand miles in an hour.

I have to say that the Wen family's family background still has some.

This magic weapon is extremely clever, and there seems to be a wind-breaking restriction on the bow.

When moving forward, the breaking wind ban will mobilize the power of divine consciousness to push away most of the air in front of the bow in advance.

The resistance that the small boat receives is extremely small, the spiritual power it consumes is naturally greatly reduced, and the speed can be much faster.

There are similar restrictions in the refining heritage of Ten Thousand Beast Valley and Shenbing Pavilion.

However, the core of Beiyuan Cultivation Realm is on land, and it doesn't take long to travel to other places, so it doesn't pay much attention to such restrictions.

The inheritance in Wang Daoyuan's hands is really inferior to the breaking wind restriction on this small boat.

This method is a bit interesting, but it can be used when improving the Kunpeng Feizhou in the future.

If you can save a lot of spiritual power, you won't need to travel back and forth to the Sea of ​​Seven Stars by yourself in the future.

As long as the clone brings hundreds of Tier 5 Spirit Gathering Orbs, it will be able to travel back and forth between Seven Star Sea and Beiyuan freely.

Bringing more tribesmen over can also be a lot easier.

Xiaozhou leaned over and Wen Xuanhai said hello.

Wang Daoyuan also handed his hand: "The literary family really has a good background, and the prohibition against wind is extremely extraordinary. It shouldn't be difficult for this small boat to fly 50,000 miles in one hour, right?"

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "Friends of Taoist laughed. In this regard, my Wen family feels ashamed.

Your Pengniao Feizhou is only a fifth-tier top grade, capable of flying forty thousand miles in one hour.

My little boat is a middle grade of Tier 6, and it's barely enough to reach fifty thousand miles an hour.

If a fellow Daoist refines a lower-grade Pengniao Flying Boat of Tier 6, I am afraid that the speed will far surpass this small boat. "

What he said was not a problem, but Wang Daoyuan didn't have enough materials in his hands, and the Tier 5 high-grade flying boat was also sufficient for the time being, there was no need to play too fancy.

Two flying boats, one large and one small, stood side by side, both maintaining a speed of forty thousand miles an hour.

Wang Daoyuan also chatted with Wen Xuanhai by the way, although he had some knowledge of the forces of the Seven Star Sea before.

But that was all obtained through the underlying channels, and a lot of inside information was not known at all.

And the elder of the Wen family is considered to be the high-level of the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, and he should know a lot of the black material of the major forces.

The two chatted all the way, and four days later, they came to a place 50,000 miles west of Qizhen Island.

Wen Xuanhai took out a few jade charms and began to pass a letter to the spies.

In the past, if you wanted to send a letter, you had to pass through multiple sending formations, and it was very laborious to send the message.

Contact directly now to get more timely information.

A quarter of an hour later, Wen Xuanhai received a lot of information.

"Friend Wang Dao, it seems that our previous judgment was correct.

The secret realm of Qizhen Island has been opened, and the entrance of the secret realm is more than a thousand miles southeast of Qizhen Island.

This entrance is very conspicuous can't hide it at all, but the location is a bit awkward.

The formation on Qizhen Island can expand the range, but too large a range will reduce its power.

If the secret realm entrance is forcibly included with the formation method, it is estimated that the cultivator in the late Yuan Ying will be able to defeat it.

The blood shark thief could not completely control the entrance to the secret realm, but the Seven Star Alliance did not dare to pass easily.

This position is still within the influence of the Qizhen Island formation. If the two sides fight near the entrance of the cave, the Seven Star Alliance will suffer heavy losses.

What should we do next, fellow Taoists have ideas? "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled, "It doesn't make sense to play tricks at this time. The entrance to the secret realm is too obvious, and it's unrealistic to sneak in.

It would be better to go over and negotiate with the Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance.

Let's do our best to solve the dangers inside, and then divide the benefits. "

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