Wen Chengxian didn't have any opinions about marrying Wang Daoyin, and the whole Wen family agreed, so things went smoothly.


   Wen Chengtian said, "Two ancestors, I will reply to Wang Daoyuan and talk to them about the details of the marriage."


   Wen Xuanhai nodded: "Go, the Wang family has just established a foothold, don't mention too many conditions."


   "My ancestors don't worry, I won't make the Wang family embarrassed."


   After that, he drove the flying boat to leave Xuan Iceland and came to the Wang's shop.


   Wang Daoyuan noticed his breath, and the three of them hurriedly came out to greet him.


   Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said: "Friends of literary scholars, please come inside for a comment."


   Entering the cave, Wen Chengtian smiled and said: "The two ancestors and my sister have no objection to this marriage. I will come over to discuss the details with the three dao friends."


   "Since the Wen family has no objection, my Wang family has no objection.


   Whatever the Wenjia asks for, I will definitely meet if I can. "


   "Friend Wang Dao is polite, and we don't have any requirements here.


   Marriage is also to pull in the relationship between the two, and now the Seven Star Sea Cultivation World is turbulent, this is also a preparation for self-protection.


   The Wang family has just been established, so there is no need to waste too many resources for marriage. "


   Wang Daoyuan smiled secretly in his heart: This literary family is quite sincere, so that he can save a little bit of the betrothal gift.


  I don't have many spirit stones in my hands.


   But when it comes to some rare spiritual things, I still have a lot of them in my hands.


   "I appreciate the kindness of the Wen family, but I still have some good things in my hands.


   My brother’s marriage is naturally going to be successful.


   The war on Qizhen Island is expected to be delayed for a long time, so don’t worry.


   is exactly when the wedding day is, it is up to the Wen family to decide. "


   Wen Chengtian smiled and said: "Since Wang Daoyou is so humble, then I will choose a day for my ancestor.


   The wedding day will be set in half a year.


   In terms of etiquette, my literary family inheritance is superficial, so let's follow the rules of the Wang family. "


  "The literary and Taoist friends are humble, but the older generations have a lot of red tape.


   It’s just that those etiquettes don’t make much sense to me and other monks.


   Over time, no one mentioned these etiquettes.


   Now, the etiquette of my Wang family is very simple. "


   These words are still in Huyou Wen's family, when waiting for the welcoming relatives, the scene is made bigger.


   The simplified etiquette is so scary, the original etiquette will only be more terrifying.


   Some old families in the world of cultivating immortals do retain a lot of red tape.


   It is generally believed that the more complicated the etiquette and the greater the pomp, the greater the origin of the family.


   Wen Chengtian also breathed a sigh of relief. It’s better to be simple, but if it is too complicated, it seems that his family is too poor.


   Then, after discussing the details, he left.


  Wang Daoyuan, Wang Shouye, and Wang Daoyin didn't stay here for too long. After Wen Chengtian left, they also left in Lei Peng Feizhou.


   After returning to Tianfu Island, the three came to the auditorium.


   Wang Daoyin asked: "Second brother, what should I do when we welcome my relatives?"


   "When you greet you, someone will teach you. You just need to follow the arrangement, and you don’t have to worry about everything else.


  What you should consider is what you should do when you enter the bridal chamber. "


   Wang Daoyin nodded in confusion, as if he really didn't know what to do.


   Wang Shouye almost laughed: "You really don't know what you are going to do?"


   Wang Daoyuan didn't panic at all: "It's okay, I have a lot of Ten Thousand Beast Valley double cultivation techniques in my hand. I should know after reading them."


   Wang Shouye nodded: "That's not bad. It's a headache for you to meet such a dumb brother."


   "I got used to it. My second brother didn't know it back then, so he came to ask me.


   I ate him two wild boar kidneys, and Wang Mingfeng was born ten months later. "


   "Dow Hing also came to ask me, but I ignored him.


   Later, Ming Feng was born. I thought he was getting awake, and co-authoring was your method.


   Daoxing has been taught so lack of heart and eyes, and Daoyin is even less of a problem.


  What about etiquette? The set passed down by our ancestors from the Wang family is a bit hard to get on the stage. "


   Wang Daoyuan looked indifferent: "Don't forget, Zhou Luan was born in Zhou Dynasty.


   Although he is a side branch, he still grew up outside.


   But I have learned ritual and music since I was a child, and I still know a lot of these etiquettes.


   Looking back, I asked her to recall Zhou’s etiquette, and by the way, I would take out the etiquette of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.


   It doesn't have to be complicated, the scene is big enough to be able to fool Wen's family.


When    was welcoming the relatives, he took Molong and the two dragon fishes to suppress the place.


   Four-claw four-fingered dragon species should also be extremely rare on the Qixing Sea side. "


   Wang Shouye put down the wine gourd and nodded: "Yes, welcoming relatives with dragon seed, the Wen family's face is enough.


  What about the offer? There is nothing that can be found on Tianfu Island. "


  "These are all trivial things. There are dozens of altars from Baiguo, two of the sixth-order magical instruments, and a few of the fifth-order magical instruments.


   plus some pills and the like, it's almost the same.


   Our gifts from the world of immortality are usually these things.


   I have a lot in my hand, just a little bit out is enough.


   I'll go back and discuss with Zhou Luan first, let her sort out a set of wedding etiquette. "


   then left the auditorium and returned to his cave.


   Zhou Luan has been staying in the Lingzhu space, not in the cave at all.


   In order to enhance her control over her own power, she has been staying in the Lingzhu space to refine alchemy and refining tools.


   After returning to the cave, Wang Daoyuan Yuanshen entered the Lingzhu space.


   At this time, Zhou Luan was watching the Five Elements Gathering Stove nervously.


   This pill furnace was built on the Huolian Island when I visited the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm last time.


   Soon after, Zhou Luan carefully lifted the stove lid.


   There was a burst of medicinal fragrance, which contained three longan-sized pills and a pile of black medicine dregs.


   Zhou Luan looked excited: "I succeeded, the kid surnamed Wang, I am now a Tier 4 alchemist."


  Wang Daoyuan’s primordial spirit also praised something against his will: "His Royal Highness is ice and snow smart, and alchemy is a trivial matter in your hands?"


   Zhou Luan is quite useful: "You have the foresight, this princess is now a refining tool, and all her alchemy skills are inferior to Tier 4.


   Seeing you look so respectful, is there anything difficult for this princess to take care of? "


   Wang Daoyuan looked humble: "That's it, Daoyin wants to marry Wen Chengtian's sister.


   Before, we humiliated the Wen family and made them feel that the Wang family is a great power with a very long heritage.


   As far as such a big power is concerned, etiquette is very particular.


  The Wen family is also a big family for tens of thousands of years. The Wang family's etiquette is a bit ridiculous and generous.


   Therefore, I would like to ask Her Royal Highness to put together a set of wedding etiquette.


   Etiquette shouldn’t be too complicated, after all, there is only half a year of preparation time to avoid any mistakes.


  The simpler, the more pompous the better.


   not only has the deterrent effect, but also makes the writer feel that we are simplifying etiquette in order to take care of them. "


   Zhou Luan is full of confidence: "Just such a small matter, give me some time, I will go and sort it out.


  The etiquette of Zhou Dynasty originated from the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and it has a history of more than 200,000 years.


   In the Lingzhu space these years, I have also read a lot of the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, and I know these things very well, so I just take the time to sort them out. "


  Wang Daoyuan didn't know much about etiquette, so let Zhou Luan do it.


   Zhou Luan's movements were also very fast, and it only took a few days to prepare all the wedding etiquette.


   She handed a thin animal skin book to Wang Daoyuan: "The etiquette from welcoming the relatives to the bridal chamber is here."


   Wang Daoyuan fooled Zhou Luan a few words, and the soul returned to his body.


   took out the animal skin book and handed it to the twelve uncle Wang Shouye.


   After all, he is the only elder, and this matter is best left to him.


   Half a year passed quickly, and it was the day to go to greet relatives.


   Because the distance between the two sides is a bit far, Zhou Luan's arrangement of etiquette has also been saved a lot.


   The etiquette of asking for names, etc., is omitted, and the betrothal gifts are also sent along with the welcoming team.


   In the welcoming team, apart from Wang Daoyin and Wang Daoyuan, they are all juniors.


   There are three Tier 5 high-grade flying warships in the welcoming team, and Wang Daoyin takes one by himself.


   a boat for the bride price, a boat for the welcoming tribe, and the three dragon species also accompanied.


  The welcoming of relatives is usually done by the juniors.


  Wang Daoyuan and Wang Shouye were not suitable for this matter, so they didn't go.


   In order to prevent encountering unconscious things on the road, Wang Daoyuan also specially placed the sword puppet ground armor in the welcoming team.


   I really encountered a killer, and it wasn't enough to cut it with a single sword.


   The speed of this flying warship was relatively slow, and the welcoming team flew for a whole day before reaching Xuan Iceland.


   Xiu Xianjie is far away from marriage, and the next day is also common.


   Arriving near Xuan Iceland, Molong, Wang Minglong and Wang Xuanlong were released.


   Wang Xuanlong is still a Tier 4 top grade, still a dragon head fish body.


   Wang Minglong's changes have been greater, the body has become slender, and the dorsal fin has become the mane that the Jiaolong has.


  Molong still looks like that, except that each claw loses one finger, which is no different from a real dragon.


   The three dragon species each lead a flying warship. The Molong is the best in appearance and flies in front of Wang Daoyin's warship.


   Wen's house was also lit up with lights, and the patriarchs of the surrounding families came to congratulate him.


   After only three dragon chants sounded, all the guests of the Wen family were quite surprised, and they all got up to check.


   Flying warships and dragon seeds appeared in front of everyone.


   The guests were all whispering, talking about Molong's appearance.


   "What is the origin of the king's family in the Yan Islands? The black dragon in front of his head has four claws and four fingers, far better than the Jiaolong.


   If it can break through the seventh rank, I am afraid it will directly become a real dragon.


   Such a beast, but the future is boundless. "


   "I only know that the Wen family and the Wang family formed an alliance a few years ago. As for the background, I really don't know."


   The battleship landed slowly, and the three dragon species were all transformed into human forms, all of which looked similar, and they all wore black fish-scale robes.


  Wang Daoyin stepped off the battleship, and the other tribesmen followed behind, some carrying the betrothal gift, and some carrying the welcoming flag.


   A member of the Jindan mid-term tribe said loudly: "Diyan Wang Family Wang Daoyin, marry Miss Wen Jia.


  We offer a bride price today: two low-grade magical instruments of the sixth order, a thousand catties of spring water of the sixth-order spirit, 20 altars of stuffed fruits with various fruits, and eight high-grade magical instruments of the fifth order..."


   The sixth-order magical weapon was refined by Wang Daoyuan with dragon scales. The sixth-order spiritual spring water comes from the spiritual bead space, but it is not casually installed.


   These spiritual spring waters just came out of immeasurable real water, and the spiritual power in them is extremely pure and valuable.


   The voice of welcoming the envoy has not yet finished, and the guests have begun to discuss in a low voice.


   Sixth-order magical artifacts can be used as treasures of the town for those forces that do not have a god-shifting cultivator.


   The King's family in the Yan Islands actually took this thing as a betrothal gift, and even the Wen family was a little surprised.


   After welcoming the envoy, dozens of Wang’s children walked off the battleship carrying the bride price.


   Under the guidance of Wen Zhong, he entered a partial hall.


   Wen Chengtian reacted quickly, and said quickly: "Go and ask Miss."


   There weren't too many meetings, a bride in a red wedding dress with a hijab on her head, supported by two pretty Jindan sisters, walked out.


   These two women are concubines, or, to put it bluntly, the dowry girls of higher rank.


   They are also women from the literary family. After they marry, they are Wang Daoyin's concubine.


   This is also the old rule for big forces to marry, after all, it is common for big forces to open the harem.


   If the regular wife is almost by means, she may not be able to suppress it.


   These two concubines are helpers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The status is above the average concubines.


   If the wife dies, the concubine can directly become the wife, or it can be regarded as adding two insurances, which will not end the in-law relationship between the two families.


   The two sisters of Jindan also walked out of the Wang family, and went to greet the bride.


   Under the leadership of Wang Daoyin, the bride boarded the warship.


   Greeting the envoy and the Wen family for a few words, they also boarded the warship.


   Molong and the three of them showed their true bodies, leading the way.


   Three warships took off and headed southeast.



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