Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1098: See also Star War Body

At this time, the monk in white was also meditating.

He could see the situation clearly before, and he also knew that the person here was Wang Daoyuan from the royal family of the Diyan Islands.

He was very tempted by Wang Jiayuan's plan.

Although the Dark Dragon organization had sent someone to assassinate him, a monk who transformed into a **** would not have such a small mind.

Moreover, he really wants to make trouble, his own ability is not enough for others to slap him in the face.

If you dare to refuse, you have to die here today.

Xingming Pavilion is also an organization that collects intelligence, and its value is there, but it is not very high.

The headquarters can't commit a deadly fight with the king's family in the Diyan Islands for such a small branch.

As an intelligence officer, his understanding of the Wang family is far better than ordinary casual cultivation.

Although the Wang family has just been established, there are two transcendent monks.

Most people may not know what the Diyan Islands is, but Xingming Pavilion is quite clear.

On every big island, there is a Tier 6 monster beast, and even Tier 6 middle-rank monster beasts have more than one.

The strength of these monsters made the literary family quite jealous.

Otherwise, the Diyan Islands will not be occupied for so many years.

The Wang Clan can easily occupy the Diyan Islands, and it must have the ability to slay a Tier 6 middle-grade monster.

In addition, the Wen family and the Wang family pledged to marry a young lady from the early Yuan Ying period.

The literary family values ​​the Wang family so much, Minglong dare to break the wrist with the Wang family?

If you disagree, you will undoubtedly die. If you agree, you may still be a great achievement.

Xingming Pavilion here is regarded as a Qingshui government, and the headquarters does not pay attention to it, and the activity funds are all on their own.

If you can get on the boat of the royal family, the value of Xingming Pavilion on Lone Star Island may become one of the best among the divisions of Dark Dragon.

One's own status will also rise, and it will not be a problem to become a senior in the Dark Dragon headquarters in the future.

Thinking of this, the brother in white made up his mind to take a risk.

Success has unlimited prospects, failure is nothing but a bad life.

"Senior Wang, I have no problem with the cooperation between Xingming Pavilion and Wang Family.

It's just that I'm light-hearted and dare not decide without authorization.

This matter needs to be reported to the headquarters, and the decision is made by the head of the headquarters. "

Wang Daoyuan was secretly delighted in his heart, wanting to subdue a big power, but it is by no means a simple matter.

This monk in white was moved by his own conditions. This was a good start.

Through the Xingming Pavilion, find out more about the internal affairs of the Underworld Dragon organization.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

"You go to contact me, my Wang's shop is next door.

Recently, I will stay on Lone Star Island, and I hope your headquarter can move faster.

I don't need to pursue the matter of the Dark Dragon assassinating me back then.

But it also depends on your sincerity. If there is no sincerity, you should know the consequences.

Some time ago, the Seven Star Alliance sent True Monarch Lianfeng to invite my Wang family to join.

The conditions put forward were very high, and I was very excited, but I still refused. "

The white-clothed monk was a little shocked, the god-transforming monk traveled to various places and cast a small spell at random to hide from the Nascent Soul monk.

There was no need to say this kind of thing.

But now that it is said, the meaning of the threat is very obvious.

If Wang Daoyuan really wants to clean up the Dark Dragon, there is no way out.

The Seven Star Alliance invites the Wang Family to join, and as long as the Wang Family agrees, it is reasonable for the Seven Star Alliance to meet some of the Wang Family's requirements.

What if the Wang family's request was to destroy the Dark Dragon organization?

Even if all the branches cannot be uprooted, it is really not difficult to level the headquarters and important strongholds.

The Seven Star Alliance may agree or disagree.

But no matter what the outcome was, the Wang family did not suffer any losses.

But what Minglong has to face may be the disaster of extinction.

The white-clothed monk felt miserable in his heart, and the life of the weak was just a negligible bargaining chip in the eyes of the strong.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely convey your meaning to the headquarters."

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "I will wait for your headquarters' reply in Lone Star Island. By the way, what is your name?"

The white-clothed monk arched his hands and said, "If you go back to the senior, the junior's name is Chen Jiao."

"I didn't ask your code name, it was your real name."

"Junior Xuan Chen."

Wang Daoyuan was taken aback: "I have a good friend who is very close to your physique.

As it happens, he is also surnamed Xuan. "

After all, there was a hint of purple light in his eyes.

I saw an auspicious cloud with a radius of ten feet above Xuan Chen's head, which was half golden and half purple.

This Qi Luck is only at the level of an ordinary Nascent Soul Cultivator. Looking at Qi Luck alone, there is no hope of breaking through the gods.

However, in this auspicious cloud, there is a stellar power, and there are two qi of yin and yang.

This is exactly what Wang Daoyuan saw when he applied the vision technique. If the ancestor had a monk above the Mahayana period, his own fortune would leave traces of the ancestor's path.

The ancestor of Wan Ling saw that he was a descendant of the **** of purple thunder, and also in his luck and auspicious clouds, he saw the traces of the great road of **** of purple thunder.

Even if the ancestors had a Mahayana or above monk, the blood of the younger generation was too thin, and the traces of the avenue might disappear.

If you have the blood of multiple Mahayana or above cultivators, there may be multiple traces of avenues.

Of course, only the strongest one may be displayed.

The Xuan Chen in front of him, the traces of the great road among the auspicious clouds, are no different from the breath of Yin and Yang array immortals.

There is no doubt that this Xuan Chen is also a descendant of Yin Yang Formation Immortal.

The Star War Body is extremely rare, even in the Tianji Sect, it is rare to see it for tens of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, in this era, two appear at the same time.

"You are really a descendant of that predecessor, and my friend is also of the same race, but I don't know why you ended up here.

Cultivate hard, your physique has a boundless future.

Although the aptitude is much worse than that of my friend, the future may not only be in the realm of transforming gods. "

The monks who have traces of the Great Dao will provide more guidance when they want to enlighten the Dao in the future.

Especially for people of this kind of awakened ancestral physique, it is much easier than ordinary people to break through the Mahayana realm in the future.

If there is a seventh-order spiritual vein on the Seven Star Sea, it is not impossible for him to cultivate to great power.

Xuan Chen was still a little dazed. He didn't know anything about his ancestors.

He was from a casual cultivator, his mother was just a mortal, and his father was said to be a casual cultivator.

His mother only knows his father's surname, Xuan, and she doesn't know anything else.

And the cultivator of God transforming in front of him could actually see who his ancestor was.

Xuan Chen was a little excited, but didn't dare to ask questions easily.

For fear of offending this senior, he slapped himself to death.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Your ancestor is still alive, and he gave me some benefits some time ago.

Although you are not his direct descendant, you are also the blood of his old man after all. "

Take out a jade pendant and hand it to Xuan Chen: "If you encounter difficult difficulties in the future, you can crush this jade pendant.

If I can help you solve your difficulties, I will try my best to help. "

Xuan Chen was still in a daze, he felt that his outlook on life had been subverted.

I thought I was just a helpless casual cultivator, but I didn't expect to have an ancestor with a strong identity.

His ancestors are still alive, and he knows exactly what this means.

My father, who doesn't know where he is, shouldn't be a decent person either.

People with the surname Xuan are very rare, and in the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, I have never heard of any master or force with the surname Xuan.

This shows that my branch has long since fallen, and the ancestor who is still alive may be a distant ancestor tens of thousands of years ago.

People who can live for tens of thousands of years can also become powerful.

The ancestors are powerful, and they have inherited the physique of their ancestors.

As long as you can contact your ancestors, you will definitely be respected.

He took the jade pendant blankly: "Thank you, senior."

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, then left Xingming Pavilion and returned to his store.

Seeing Xuan Chen's appearance, Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed. He will be an important **** to control the Minglong organization in the future.

A Nascent Soul monk with a special physique must have magical powers.

Moreover, the star battle body is not ordinary, the strength of the same rank is not inferior to the sword body, and it is much stronger than the general battle body.

This kind of very talented person should have a high status among any power in the Seven Star Sea.

Leaving aside other things, trying to help him break through and transform his gods is the most basic thing.

But Minglong actually put Xuanchen on Lone Star Island. Although the cultivation environment is not bad, it is not the key area of ​​Minglong's business.

Putting a promising late-stage Yuan Ying monk in this place is no different from exile.

Wang Daoyuan speculated that there must be someone inside Minglong suppressing Xuan Chen.

Whether Xuan Chen made a mistake, or said that he had offended any powerful person, he must be in a state of oppression.

And such a talented monk, can he have no grievances when he receives such treatment?

As long as it is an individual, it is impossible to be without the slightest grievance in this situation.

It's hard to say whether there are any cultivators in the Dark Dragon organization.

But after all, this organization has existed for tens of thousands of years, and Xuan Chen may not be able to fight them personally.

But now Wang Daoyuan appeared, letting him know that he had a powerful ancestor.

Moreover, it also inherited the physique of the ancestors.

Under normal circumstances, such a person should be fully cultivated by Da Meng and even Dixian.

After knowing this, the grievance in his heart will only be greater.

And he chose to owe favor to his ancestors, and gave him a jade pendant, willing to help him.

Unless Xuan Chen is really desperate for Minglong and voluntarily abandons his path, she will definitely have other ideas.

When he couldn't help but want to help himself, he could also put forward some conditions.

Wang Daoyuan suddenly felt that he did it like this, a bit like a demon that aroused the desires of others.

Originally intending to support a person to seize power after understanding the Dark Dragon organization, this Xuan Chen was the best choice.

After Wang Daoyuan returned to his store, he didn't care about Xingming Pavilion anymore, and directly found a cave mansion to meditate.

At this time, Xuan Chen's heart was mixed.

My mind is in a mess, I don't know what to do.

After a full hour of stunned, he remembered the message to the headquarters.

Take out a jade token and enter all the things that Wang Daoyuan wants to cooperate with Minglong.

Then the token was urged, and the light flashed on the token, and the news spread.

Of course, there was no mention of his own content in the letter.

The seven big islands in the Qixing Sea are distributed in the shape of a spoon, and the handle of the spoon is in the north.

Tianquan Island is the largest island in the middle of the seven big islands.

There are so many forces on this island that no one can occupy the core position.

There is a lake with a radius of hundreds of miles in the south of the central part of Tianquan Island.

This is the famous Yujing Lake, and it can also be regarded as a famous and beautiful place in the Qixinghaixian realm.

At this time, deep underground in the southeast of Yujing Lake.

Several monks wearing black robes and masks gathered in a large hall.

The monk sitting in the first place wears a black dragon mask on his face.

He took the token and said: "Lone Star Island Chenjiao returns ~ Today, Wang Daoyuan came to him for the story of the king's family of the Diyan Islands, and wants to discuss a business with us Minglong."

After speaking, forward the news you have received to others.

Everyone checked the content of the letter, and a rather burly monk stood up and said: "Master Minglong, this king's way is so rampant, he even dared to threaten us.

Although our Dark Dragon can't compare to those big powers, we still have more than 30,000 years of foundation.

I don't believe that we can still be defeated by the newly established Wang Family.

Don't be subdued at this time, otherwise we won't have a foothold in the future. "

Another monk with a rather flimsy figure stood up: "Master Minglong, in fact, it doesn't hurt that we cooperate with the Wang family.

Our Dark Dragon organization controls a large number of black markets. Once the battle begins, there is a serious shortage of goods in the black market.

Now with the participation of the Wang family, anyhow it can alleviate the urgent need. "

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