Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1100: The first shipment

Wang Daoyuan's art of drawing cakes is good, the cakes are big, round, and thick.

Xuan Chen wasn't an idiot, and he understood the meaning of these words as soon as he heard them.

If you want to join the Xuan Family, you must have a higher cultivation base, at least it must be a **** transformation.

But on the side of the Minglong organization, it hasn't been able to produce a **** for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the headquarters had the opportunity to break through to transform the gods, it was also a matter for Minglong and the elders.

Being a person of exile, the great benefits will not fall to him.

But if he took refuge in Wang Daoyuan, he promised to do himself a favor.

It may not be enough for him to help himself break through the realm of transforming gods.

But if you pay some other price and add this promise, you might have a chance.

However, this is not the time to speak.

It is indeed not a wise move to make such a request just after getting to know him.

"Senior, this junior will go back and send a letter to the headquarters so that they can send the first batch of spiritual objects as soon as possible.

I don't know what else seniors have ordered? "

"Let you send some live plants of Yujingchun tea from the Dark Dragon organization. I have some accomplishments with Lingzhifu. I want to try if I can grow Yujingchun tea on Tianfu Island."

"Senior don't worry, the younger generation will definitely report the matter to Master Minglong.

Although this Yujingchun tea is rare, it is also because there are too few places suitable for planting.

The precious thing is the earth, not the tea tree.

Presumably, it is not a problem to even out a live tea tree. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded and said nothing.

Xuan Chen arched his hands and said: "The younger generation retire, if the older generation has any needs, please feel free to send a letter to the younger generation."

Afterwards, walked out of the cave and returned to Xingming Pavilion.

Wang Daoyuan opened the formation of Dongfu, muttering to himself: "I am not a fool if I want to ask others and know how to lower my body.

If this person is brought under his command, he will not only be able to seize the power of the Dark Dragon organization.

In the future, we can get one more bargaining chip to win the support of Yin and Yang Array. "

At this time, Xuan Chen, who had returned to Xingming Pavilion, also had a happy expression on his face.

Not only because the business was reached, but also because it found a way out.

Continue to stay in the Dark Dragon organization, and at best it will be the pinnacle of Nascent Soul.

Being squeezed out at the headquarters, there is no hope at all if you want to go to the top.

Said to be a cultivator of medium power, to put it bluntly, it is a star and a half better than San Xiu.

The resources for cultivation are all on your own.

It's better than San Xiu, that is, it can use the name of the Dark Dragon Organization to scare ordinary San Xiu.

And from the headquarters, some less important information was obtained and sold to scattered repairs for spirit stones.

After thinking for a long time, he said softly: "The Dark Dragon Organization has no future. If you continue to stay in the Dark Dragon Organization, it is better to seek refuge in the Seven Star Alliance or the Blood Shark Thief.

But they are fighting, an outsider may be considered a spy.

Even if it is trusted, it will become cannon fodder.

The royal family of the Diyan Islands has just been established, and it is precisely when it needs manpower to expand its sphere of influence.

If you can take refuge at this time, you will definitely be reused.

Coupled with the favor of the ancestors, even if you can't exchange for a spiritual thing that breaks through the gods, you can at least be a guest in the Wang family.

In any case, it is better than staying in the hopeless organization of Underworld Dragon. "

After making up his mind, he was ready to send a letter to Master Minglong.

He hesitated for a moment: "Doesn't it seem that negotiations are too simple now to send a letter?

To make people at the headquarters feel that Wang Daoyuan is particularly good at talking, don't you want to send someone to take my place?

Forget it, wait a few days.

When Master Minglong asks, he won't be too late to reply. "

Five days later, Xuan Chen really received a letter from Minglong.

The content is not surprising, just ask him how he talked.

In the past few days, Xuan Chen has already come up with a set of rhetoric.

After receiving the message, he waited half an hour before replying to Minglong.

At this time, the elders gathered in the headquarters of Minglong.

After Minglong received the letter, he immediately forwarded it to others.

Yanlong said angrily: "This Wang Daoyuan is really defiant. He doesn't want to see Chen Jiao for a few days, and wants Master Minglong to come and talk in person."

Minglong waved his hand: "If it is normal, if I go to talk to him for business, I have to visit him personally.

This is a cultivator in the middle stage of transforming a god, Wang Jiaming's face strength is still higher than that of Shen Danzong and Kaiyangzong, a little arrogant is also appropriate.

Fortunately, Chen Jiao finally settled on the business.

A 20% increase in the price of raw materials can be considered commendable.

He said that only by looking at the quality of our materials can we set a 20% higher price.

This is the first time I do business, I have to put some good things.

There is also Yujingchun tea tree, just give him one.

This tea tree is nothing precious, as long as the ground is still there, a few tea trees are just a small matter.

The elders, the second elders, the branches and the black market in each place are the two of you in charge.

Three elders, you are in charge of the warehouse and transportation.

You talk about how to mobilize supplies. "

A black-robed monk with a blood-colored dragon pattern on his mask stood up: "Master Dark Dragon, the seven large islands and some nearby medium-sized islands are all controlled by the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates.

It is very difficult to transfer materials from these places.

In the opinion of subordinates, it is possible to mobilize materials from branches on some small islands and send them to Xingming Pavilion on Lone Star Island.

The Ten Thousand Demons Islands has not been developed by major forces, and various resources are relatively abundant. We also have some mineral veins over there.

It would not take much effort to mobilize some refining materials from there.

Moreover, there are very few high-level crafting masters in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

The magical artifacts over there are valuable, but the price of the refining materials is not high.

Even if it crosses millions of miles, there is a lot of profit. "

A black robe monk with a light red dragon pattern on his mask said: "The Great Elder is right. The black market on the Big Island is basically in a stagnant state.

It is very difficult to ship out the materials.

It is better for us to mobilize small islands off the sea and the black market resources of the Ten Thousand Devil Islands. "

The black-robed monk with a white dragon pattern on the mask also said: "I am in charge of warehouses and transportation. There are really not many good things left in the black market on the Big Island.

There are still some sixth-order spiritual artifacts on the headquarters side. Wang Daoyuan needs to see the quality of the spiritual artifacts before agreeing to increase the price.

This shipment is mainly based on things from the small island and the Ten Thousand Devil Islands.

We also need to bring some spiritual objects from the headquarters, and send Yujingchun tea trees by the way.

The defense on Tianquan Island is relatively lax. There is a monk under me who works at Cangsongmen.

Now he has become a small leader among the guards of Tianquan Island. With his help, he should be able to send things out.

As long as you don't send them too frequently, there will be no big troubles. "

Minglong nodded: "Then do as you said, and transfer all the supplies."

At this time, the second elder stood up and said, "Master Minglong, it takes a lot of power to mobilize materials from multiple black markets and branches.

This kind of position cannot be left to the ungrateful villain Xuan Chen. "

The first elder and the third elder also agreed, Minglong sighed and asked: "Then who do you think is suitable?"

The elder replied: "Yin Jiao is not bad. He has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm at a young age and is worthy of vigorous training."

"Then it's him, but my ugly words are ahead.

The business is done well, and all the credit is made.

If it is because of personal enmity, this matter is messed up, let Yin Jiao raise his head to see you. "

The second long tiger's body was shaken, and he discussed with the first elder and third elder in private.

I wanted my son to grab some merits in the past and take over his position in the future.

If you can't get it, you can mess up the transaction.

Unexpectedly, Minglong would speak cruelly. If this is really pornographic, his son's life would be gone. This is a real son.

The Minglong words are already here, and now it's too late to retreat.

Can only bite the bullet and answer: "Master Minglong, don't worry, Yin Jiao will definitely fulfill his mission."

Three months later, a Tier 5 high-grade flying warship disguised as an ordinary flying boat came to Lone Star Island from the west.

Feizhou fell in front of Xingming Pavilion, and a young man walked out with a dozen people in black robes.

This young man also wears a black robe, with a silver hair crown on his head, and looks defiant.

After receiving the takeoff boat, he shouted at Xingming Pavilion: "The shopkeeper will come out to greet you."

Xuan Chen didn't show up, and walked directly out of the Xingming Pavilion.

Seeing this young man wearing a silver crown, he smiled and said, "It turns out that it is Daoyou Zhang, please come inside."

This young man also knew the severity, so he didn't want to force Xuan Chen's side and brought everyone into the house.

The two came to a cabin on the second floor, and a dozen other people in black robes waited on the first floor.

After entering the house, Xuan Chen opened all the formations.

"Did you bring something?"

"I brought it all, and now the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates fight, a lot of things have been delayed.

Transporting some things from the headquarters is very troublesome.

Most of this shipment was mobilized from the small island and the Ten Thousand Devil Islands.

And I am in charge of the mobilization and transportation of all goods.

After you change the medicine and magical artifacts, I will also transport them everywhere. "

The young man wearing a silver crown showed off his authority to Xuan Chen with a defiant look.

It looks like a child who has gotten a novel toy, showing off to his peers.

Xuan Chen said coldly: "Have you finished talking about the nonsense? Hand in the list of goods when you are finished, and I have to check the accounts."

The young man was furious: "Chen Jiao, you are too arrogant.

Back then, you wounded the young master and abolished the son of the elder, which was already a capital crime.

Master Minglong loves talents, saves you a life, and sends you to this bitter cold land.

Don't even want to return to the headquarters in your life, and I will be the second elder in the future.

Dare to talk to me like this, don't you want to live anymore?

Obediently listen to me in the future, be loyal to me, and maybe there will be a chance to return to the headquarters in the future.

Otherwise, just wait and die here. "

Xuan Chen looked at him coldly, "Have you finished talking about the nonsense? You asked me to listen to you, and take out Master Minglong's warrant.

If there is no order from Master Dark Dragon, would your Yin Jiao be a fart?

Don't say it's you or your father, dare not say that he has absolute certainty to beat me.

Are you here to yell at me with the trash downstairs? "

After all, Yuan Ying's momentum in the later stage was released.

Yin Jiao, a person who had never experienced life and death, couldn't stand this, and his face turned pale with fright.

He just listened to him vaguely and said: "Chen Jiao, if you dare to kill me, my father and Master Minglong will definitely kill you."

Chen Jiao restrained his momentum: "It doesn't make any sense to kill you.

Doing business with the royal family of the Diyan Islands is related to the entire Dark Dragon organization.

I just hope that you idiot don't mix things up. If the business fails, I won't have any problems. You will definitely die.

If you want to disrupt the situation, I don't care, see who dies first.

I took out the list and things, and I checked it and sent it to Senior Wang. This business has made him wait for too long. "

Yin Jiao was a little frightened, so he took out a dozen Universe Rings from his clothes, and also took out a piece of animal skin paper and a jade slip.

Xuan Chen took the things and compared the contents in the animal skin paper with those in the Qiankun Ring one by one.

After confirming that it was correct, checked the jade slip again.

The content in the jade slip is some requirements of Minglong.

I want him to inquire to see if Wang Daoyuan can help refine Jie Jin Dan.

If it can, Dark Dragon prevents it from being able to provide raw materials, and uses other spiritual objects as rewards.

After reading it, I took my things and walked out.

Yin Jiao said: "I want to go together too. In order to transport this batch of goods, I personally traveled to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands and detoured several million miles from the west of the Seven Star Sea.

It takes such a lot of effort to make a trip in vain. "

Xuan Chen glanced at him, disdainfully said: "What are you going to do? Are you embarrassing?

Even the aura of my late Nascent Soul can scare you. If the cultivator in the middle stage of transforming into a **** ignites, you will not be scared to pee on your pants?

If you are incompetent, don't mix things up. When I come back, you will take away the magical artifacts and medicine. "

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