Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1115: Make a move

Xuan Chen is very good, he was originally engaged in intelligence.

Such people generally know a lot of secrets, and he knows the relationship between the blood shark thief and Zhenhai Sect better than anyone else.

The Blood Shark Thief and Seven Star Sea are fighting, and it is impossible for Zhenhai Sect to be quiet.

Although the Wang family has just been established, as a power of transforming gods, it is impossible not to pay attention to the entire battle.

Wang Daoyuan asked casually, and Xuan Chen revealed all the information of Zhenhaizong.

Either he had written down all the information about the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, or he had guessed what kind of information Wang Daoyuan needed.

In either case, this person is a rare talent in an intelligence system.

Wang Daoyuan cast a glance of approval at Xuan Chen: "Xuan Chen deserves to be doing intelligence work, and he is able to understand Zhenhaizong's affairs so clearly.

This news is very important to me, so you can prepare for the temporary headquarters of the Underworld Dragon Organization. "

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen left the shop of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and returned to the Xingming Pavilion next door.

When the two came to a secret room, Ming Jiao blamed: "You guessed what information Senior wants, why don't you remind me?"

Xuan Chen looked innocent: "Who can guess this? I have been selling intelligence in this Star Ming Pavilion for hundreds of years, and I did this myself.

As long as I have spare time, I will specially memorize some information.

You are dignified in command and need to deal with other affairs, but I also specifically pull you to see if the information is not successful?

Also, speak carefully.

The fifth-order formation can't stop the prying eyes of the cultivator of God. "

Ming Jiao carefully glanced at Wang Daoyuan's cave, and then nodded.

Wang Daoyuan was not interested in spying on the two of them, he was thinking about Zhenhaizong's change.

The outbreak of a battle between the Blood Shark Thief and the Seven Star Alliance was also caused by an unexpected cause.

If it weren't for the son of Qiyun to open up the Purple Mansion and be discovered, the Blood Shark Thief would not be in danger.

According to the information Xuan Chen said, not long after the Blood Shark Pirates captured Qizhen Island, the Zhenhai Sect changed the image of the only one in the past and quickly destroyed the Demon Flame Sect.

As the back of the blood shark thief, Zhenhaizong made some response when he was desperate, and it was normal.

When I joined the Jinsha Sect, I also paid attention to the Demon Flame Sect.

Although this sect does not have a long history, it still occupies a lot of spiritual veins and mineral veins.

Zhenhai Sect should also get a lot of benefits by destroying Demon Flame Sect.

Coupled with hunting monsters, you can also get a lot of resources.

According to the news from the Wen family, there have been high-intensity operations on Qizhen Island in recent years.

The number of flying warships on the battlefield has never been less than fifty.

There are also famous Nascent Soul monks in the battleship, who occasionally attack their opponents.

There are many situations in which the Nascent Souls of the two sides fought against each other, but the famous Nasal Souls were already the backbone of the parties.

I feel distressed when I die, and no one is willing to leave it behind.

Therefore, both sides are restrained in the late Nascent Soul stage and the peak monk's fight.

Once lost, he hid in his own flying warship.

Brother Yuanying has few casualties, and flying warships is the main force in the confrontation.

Flying warships and urging offensive and defensive magic weapons require massive amounts of spiritual power.

The Seven Star Alliance has a solid family base, and there are a lot of Jindan cultivators.

Using their spiritual power to spur the flying warship, there is no need to consume a lot of spiritual stones.

There are few cultivators on the blood shark thief, and there are not enough Jindan cultivators.

To ensure the combat effectiveness of flying warships, more spirit stones must be consumed.

After the battleship is damaged, it needs to be repaired, and the magic weapons equipped on the battleship are worn out, and a large amount of resources are needed to supplement it.

In recent years, Zhenhai Sect has shown great power and slaughtered all the monsters around Demon Slashing Island. In addition to raising corpses, there should be an idea of ​​providing various resources for this side.

In addition to being the back of the blood shark thieves, Zhenhaizong is also a strong place for storing resources.

Combined with Zhenhaizong's behavior of pretending to be grandson before, it was obvious that he was guarding something that needed to be hidden.

Moreover, pretending to be grandchildren is not conducive to collecting resources.

But they still did this, it means that there is a large-scale secret realm in Zhenhaizong's territory.

The output in the secret realm can fully meet the needs of accumulating resources.

The longer the forbearance, the more fierce the outbreak will be.

Zhenhaizong no longer forbeared at all now, and smoothed the nearby demonic cultivators and demon clan forces, which was already preparing for the Jedi counterattack.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyuan didn't worry anymore.

Anyway, the target of Blood Shark Pirates Jedi's counterattack is not your own home, so why do you care about it?

He doesn't know how many families there are in the blood shark thief, but he will definitely not be better than the Seven Star Alliance.

Otherwise, there is no need to hide for so many years.

Conspiracy and trickery also need strength support, blood shark thief playing yin, may give the Seven Star Alliance a cruel, but it is impossible to completely destroy the Seven Star Alliance.

The Blood Shark Thief has hidden strength, and the Seven Star Alliance will not have it.

The blood shark thief really needs to do it, which is within a few years.

The longer the battle on Qizhen Island drags on, the more disadvantaged they are.

Give the Seven Star Alliance the whole hard work as soon as possible, so that the Seven Star Alliance dare not attack Qizhen Island again.

The blood shark thief can delay more time by reducing the intensity of the war.

It has been more than fifty years since the blood shark thief, the son of luck, opened the Purple Mansion.

With the resource conditions of the blood shark thief, it should have been formed by now.

With the cultivation speed of the children of Qiyun, babies should be born within a hundred years.

It is more difficult to grow to the realm of transforming gods.

After all, this is the Sea of ​​Seven Stars, and its inheritance is far worse than Beiyuan.

He has the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and he has the brand of the mighty divine consciousness in the Heavenly Secret Tower to help him change the technique, and he has no shortage of resources.

And the blood shark thief, the son of luck, at best, is not lacking in training resources.

However, the higher the cultivation base of the son of Qi Luck, the stronger the Qi Luck.

When he grows up to the realm of Nascent Soul, his luck should be able to have a significant impact on the situation.

Anyway, the goal of the blood shark thief is not oneself, so there is no need to worry.

It didn't make much sense to stay on this Lone Star Island, it was better to return to Tianfu Island to help Zhou Luan practice.

She breaks through the middle stage of the **** transformation, and will be able to have a helper in future wars.

Zhou Luan practiced the core inheritance of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley Suzaku Hall, and he also asked Da Neng to help improve the technique.

Now he has successfully condensed the prototype of Xianli, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Although the actual combat experience is not enough, it is not a problem to deal with the monks of the same rank in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

After all, the cultivators here are half-hearted who don't even know what the prototype of Xianli is.

Xuan Chen is a smart person, he asked Zhenhaizong specifically before.

He should pay special attention to Zhenhaizong's situation. If there is any change, he will send a letter to report it.

Wang Daoyuan returned to Tianfu Island and didn't want to do anything else, so he worked with Zhou Luan in the cave to practice well.

Two years later, news came from Xuan Chen.

There has been a big change in Zhenhaizong. In the past few years, they have been sweeping monsters everywhere.

In the past two years, it has become more and more convergent.

In the beginning, the intelligence personnel of the Devil Killing Island branch of the Dark Dragon organization hadn't paid much attention.

When Xuan Chen compared the changes before and after the Zhenhai Sect in the past two years, he found that the Zhenhai Sect cultivator went out to wipe out monsters and demons gradually decreasing.

It is almost impossible to go out now, and the entire sect has returned to the condition of pretending to be grandson many years ago.

The only difference is that the extremely arrogant Demon Flame Sect is gone.

This did not arouse other people's suspicion, they didn't know the inside story, they just felt that the Demon Flame Sect and the monster beast were too much, and Zhenhai Sect was pressed into anxiousness.

Out of helplessness, Zhenhaizong could only take out the means of pressing the bottom of the box to smooth out the enemy.

Now Mo Xiu didn't dare to approach Devil Slashing Island, and no monsters appeared within tens of thousands of miles.

Once the goal is reached, it should be restored.

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan wouldn't think so. Zhenhaizong did so, obviously he wanted to transfer the master to the southern part of the Seven Star Sea to give the Seven Star Alliance a cruel gesture.

Seeing him sitting on the side of the bed, looking at the pass token, Zhou Luan asked lazily, "What are you looking at?"

"The Blood Shark Pirates will have a showdown against the Seven Star Alliance. It is estimated that the Seven Star Alliance will suffer heavy losses."

"Then what shall we do?"

"What else can I do? Look at the excitement.

I hope that the Seven Star Alliance will die a few more cultivators, so that they are willing to pay a high price to invite us and the Wen family to come out.

You have now broken through the middle stage of the transformation of God, and you have the embryonic form of immortal power, and it will not be a problem to deal with a cultivator of the same rank.

My Xianli prototype has also reached the point where it can be sent and received freely. It shouldn't be a problem to behead the late stage of transforming the gods.

On the Wen family's side, Wen Xuanhai should be able to break through the late stage of God Transformation, and Wen Xuanyan is also coming soon.

It is a battle power in the middle and late stages of the transformation of God, depending on how much the Seven Star Alliance can pay. "

At this time, dozens of flying warships on both sides were fighting each other on Qizhen Island, more than three million miles southeast of Tianfu Island.

The battle between flying warships is more like a naval battle in Wang Daoyuan's previous life.

The two sides kept a distance of more than a hundred miles and attacked each other with the help of offensive and defensive weapons on the flying boat.

This distance is far out of reach for mortals, but to the Golden Core monks who control the warship, it is really nothing.

Dogfights like air combat in previous lives only happen when one party retreats and the other party chases.

The Seven Star Alliance dispatched more than 40 Tier 5 mid-to-high grade flying warships, and Blood Shark Pirates dispatched only more than 20 ships.

The place where the two sides fought was more than 500 miles north of Qizhen Island.

This distance, Qizhen Island's defense formation can help a lot.

I saw rays of light flew out from time to time in the defensive mask of the formation.

When this light left the defensive mask, it was powerful enough to severely injure the middle-stage cultivator of the **** of transformation.

However, as the distance increased, even five hundred miles away, it could barely threaten a Tier 5 medium-grade flying warship.

Otherwise, the flying warships of the Seven Star Alliance would not dare to get so close.

The flying warships of both sides are also in groups of three or five, gathered together.

Shooting crossbow arrows at a target, and other magical weapons on the ship, from time to time release flames, sword lights and the like.

In the past seven or eight years, the two sides have been fighting like this.

In the power cabin of each warship, there are more than a dozen Jindan monks infusing the flying warship with spiritual power.

Outside the power cabin, there are dozens of Jindan cultivators waiting.

Once these people's spiritual power is exhausted, others will immediately take over.

On some fifth-tier high-grade flying warships, there are also Yuan Ying late or peak monks sitting in town.

Focus on the opportunity and use the strongest means to attack an enemy flying warship.

If you have enough strength, you can completely injure or directly destroy the target.

On the side of Blood Shark Pirates, an unremarkable Tier 5 mid-grade flying warship was more than 20 miles away from the two warships of the same group.

This is a common mistake on the battlefield, after all, flying warships are constantly maneuvering to avoid attacks.

It is very common to escape from the group while avoiding.

And such a single flying warship was the main target of the Yuan Ying Brothers.

In the Seven Star Alliance camp, a Tier 5 high-grade warship approached.

When the distance between the double reverses was only more than fifty miles, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk flew out of the battleship.

Holding a long sword in his hand, he slashed towards the lone warship of the blood shark thief.

A silver sword light flew out, approaching the single battleship.

At this moment, a middle-aged monk flew out of the lone warship.

I saw him wave his hand gently, and a three-inch long golden sword flew out.

The silver sword light shattered directly, and the power of the golden sword remained undiminished.

The golden light flashed, and the mid-primary cultivator of the Seven Star Alliance died instantly.

Even the flying warship under his feet was not spared was directly cut off.

A cold snort came from the sky far away: "Golden Sword, you are also a monk of the godly transformation.

It's really shameless to attack and assassinate the Yuan Ying junior of my Seven Star Alliance. "

Before the words fell, a water-blue arrow more than ten feet long came from the direction of true north.

The arrow flew over the sea, setting off waves.

Instead of becoming an obstacle, these waves merged into the arrow.

Soon, the arrow grew rapidly.

When he arrived near the blood shark thief camp, the arrow shot up from the sea like a true blue dragon.

Three flying warships were torn to pieces in an instant, and a monk of the late Nascent Soul was killed.


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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