Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1156: Remnant fusion

Wang Daoyuan covered the entire dart with his divine sense and explored the texture of its surface.

The material of this magic weapon is general, and the refining method is also relatively rough.

The person who refines this magic weapon should be a sixth-order weapon refiner with an average level.

However, this thing is a sixth-order magic weapon after all.

Even if the crack almost split the entire dart in half, most of the prohibitions had been invalidated.

However, it is not a problem to still be able to exert the power of some sixth-order low-grade instruments and break the protective jade pendants on Xuan Chen and Ming Jiao.

Unfortunately, the dart was damaged too badly.

Look at it like this, if you use it two or three more times, it will completely crash, and there is no value in repairing it.

Besides, even if this magic weapon is intact, it has little value in front of him.

Repairing a magic weapon is more labor-intensive than re-forging a magic weapon, but it only saves some materials.

Now I have a lot of refining materials in my hand, and it is not a problem to throw a piece of high-grade sixth-grade material.

This broken dart is worthless in his opinion.

Wang Daoyuan handed the dart back to Ming Jiao: "This dart is just an ordinary thing, and now it is seriously damaged and has no repair value.

It can be used two or three times at most, you keep it for your own protection.

By the way, are your two bodyguards still intact? "

Ming Jiao took the dart and replied: "The jade pendant is intact, but the dart broke through the defensive cover at the beginning, and it has not recovered for several days.

Now, the jade pendant has returned to function. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, although this jade pendant was made by hand, the material is still good.

A dart that is close to being scrapped will not completely destroy it.

Xuanchen took out the dragon scale shield: "Senior, all the branches have been subdued, and this magic weapon is no longer available for the time being, so I will return it to the senior."

Wang Daoyuan didn't have the Dragon Scale Shield: "This magic weapon is nothing to me, you keep it for self-defense.

The headquarters of the Minglong Organization has not yet been resolved, and they will have to deal with those elders in the future. There are no powerful means in hand, so it is not reliable. "

Xuan Chen was overjoyed, this was giving himself the dragon scale shield.

Although it is a sixth-grade low-grade magic weapon, as long as it is sixth-grade, it is a rare treasure.

"Thank you for the generous gift of the seniors, the juniors are determined to repay the great kindness of the seniors."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be like this, you are a buildable talent that deserves to be cultivated well.

Both of you are injured, and you don't have to shoot again for a short time.

Yuheng Sword Sect, Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace, the peace between these three families cannot be maintained for too long.

In a few years, there will still be a war.

The Minglong Organization also tries its best to hide itself, and don't do anything at will, so as not to be hit.

The Eastern Sea, the Western Sea, and the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, these places don't need to worry too much.

The big island and the various branches in the southern waters can just hold on to their territory, don't assassinate anyone, sacrifice their manpower in vain.

In addition, dangerous intelligence work should also be stopped.

Everything is based on survival, as long as it can block the infiltration of the headquarters. "

The importance of the Minglong headquarters is naturally not low.

But there is no need to take the risk now to clean up the gang at headquarters.

Hearing that Wang Daoyuan didn't have too many demands on them, Ming Jiao finally felt relieved.

The elder dared to hand over the broken sixth-order magic weapon to others, and there may be other good things in his hand.

If Wang Daoyuan forced him to go to Tianquan Island to win the headquarters, he really didn't have the courage.

"Senior, over the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, I sent a large number of people to investigate the situation of Zhenhaizong.

Now, several Jindan cultivators have joined Zhenhai Sect. "

This makes Wang Daoyuan very interested, although Jindan cultivator's status is not high, it is difficult to get in-depth information.

But at least I can find out some things on the bright side. For example, there are relatively big moves in Zhenhaizong, which is absolutely impossible to hide from the cultivator of Jindan in the sect.

Being able to grasp the major trends of Zhenhaizong, combined with the confidential information in his possession, he can also gain a lot from deductions.

"It has been half a year since Jade Phoenix Island was captured and the remnants of the blood shark thieves fled to Zhenhai Sect.

During this time, have there been any changes in the personnel of Zhenhaizong? "

Ming Jiao cupped his hands and said, "Since the Broken Star Divine Sovereign escaped from the Seven Star Seas, he has not appeared in the sect.

There are two cultivators in Zhenhai Zong now, one is Zhenjun Xiaofeng, who usually presides over affairs, and the other is Zhenjun Jinjian who escaped from the blood shark thief.

Both of them are early stage cultivators of God Transformation, and they are not very old.

The blood shark thieves fled to Zhenhaizong's monks, and there were several Nascent Soul monks who were more active and held some important positions on Zhenhaizong's side. "

Wang Daoyuan pondered in his heart, Zhenhaizong had a little intention to hide it.

The people who escaped the blood shark thieves are all arranged on the bright side.

The purpose is also obvious, to let outsiders focus on these people in important positions, and hide the real key person - the son of luck.

"It seems that the relationship between Zhenhaizong and the blood shark thief is really good enough.

Just a few people who escaped can become a high-level person.

By the way, is there any major change in Zhenhaizong's foreign policy? "

Ming Jiao replied: "There is no big move, before the decisive battle between the Seven Star Alliance and the blood shark thieves, Zhenhai Zong used to slaughter monsters and demons.

When the decisive battle was about to start, it converged.

At present, there is not much action, but Zhenhaizong has begun to recruit loose cultivators.

But blood shark thieves have always liked to refine clones, and not many people are willing to be recruited.

I arranged a few people, and after joining Zhenhaizong, they all received preferential treatment. "

Wang Daoyuan was also a little worried. If these people were refined into clones by Zhenhai Sect, the secret of the Minglong Organization would be exposed.

Although Zhenhaizong is already the last remaining force of Yulingzong, it is still the leading force in the Ten Thousand Demons Islands.

If the Minglong Organization is targeted by Zhenhaizong, the seven branches of the Ten Thousand Demons Archipelago may not even want to stay.

"Will the personnel of the Minglong Organization you sent be refined into clones by the Zhenhaizong cultivator?

If there is a problem with these people, there may be a problem with the Minglong organization branch. "

Ming Jiao smiled and said: "Senior, don't worry, this is not a problem.

These people are all peripheral cultivators of the Minglong Organization and know very little about the internal affairs.

Also, their talents are not that great.

If Zhenhaizong used them to refine their clones, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough to waste resources. "

Having said that, Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

Zhenhaizong cultivates clones to fight enemies, or to help with alchemy and weapon refining.

A monk with poor talent and no skill is useless if he wants to come.

This group of people joined Zhenhaizong, and most likely they were just chores, and they would not receive much attention.

"Let those people be careful, except to pass on news, just treat yourself as a cultivator of Zhenhaizong."

Ming Jiao cupped his hands and said, "Senior, don't worry, that's what I told them. In addition..."

He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

"Since you have become my subordinate, if you have something to say, just say it without hesitation."

"Yes, senior. In a short period of time, the headquarters cannot be recovered, and Guchen Island is not a peaceful place.

Staying there all the time, it is not convenient to control each branch, I want to move the temporary headquarters to Yinyuan Island. "

"Of course it's no problem, Yinyuan Island is very large, and it's not too bad.

After finding a suitable place, just say hello to my 12th uncle and show your identity. "

Ming Jiao was overjoyed, and Wang Daoyuan was willing to let the Minglong Organization set up its headquarters in Yinyuan Island, which is to regard the Minglong Organization as a direct line.

"Thank you senior, Junior Brother Xuanchen and I will prepare now."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Get ready as soon as possible, if you have any questions, just contact me."

He had obtained the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect before, and the Divine Refinement Sect was much more brilliant than the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts in terms of formation.

Especially in the transmission of messages, it is much stronger than the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The transmission range of the Wen family's transmission formation method is about 600,000 to 700,000 miles.

The Shenlianzong's message transmission method has a transmission range of nearly one million miles.

Although this formation is already a sixth-order formation, it is extremely difficult to refine, and the requirements for materials are also very high.

But to Wang Daoyuan, this is nothing.

When he came out of the Seven Stars Secret Realm, Wang Daoyuan left the Clone Demon Prison on Yinyuan Island, and also left him some refining materials.

With his formation level, refining the formation base of the transmission formation is not a problem.

Give him a year and a half to set up a formation.

Yinyuan Island is only more than one million miles away from Tianfu Island. As long as a messenger formation is arranged in the middle, Tianfu Island and Yinyuan Island can normally transmit messages.

Just leave it to the clone to do it, and I still have to focus on refining the treasure iron box.

After Xuan Chen and Ming Jiao left, Wang Daoyuan returned to his cave.

The materials for refining the Hundred Treasures Iron Box are still being cultivated, and there is no rush to refine them for the time being.

Wang Daoyuan took out a black stone, which was exchanged from Tianji Palace when the spoils were divided on Qizhen Island.

There is a mutilated prohibition on the stone, but the mutilation is not serious.

Wang Daoyuan fuses his sword intent and spirit together to form a prototype of immortal power and inject it into the black stone.

Sure enough, just like the four forbidden black stones, it began to quickly absorb the prototype of Wang Daoyuan's immortal power.

Wang Daoyuan did not suppress the black stone this time, but continued to input the prototype of immortal power.

It may be because this black stone has fewer restrictions, and the absorption rate is much slower.

With the input of the prototype of immortal power, the ban on the black stone was quickly restored.

There are more and more parts that can operate spiritual power.

Wang Daoyuan opened the field, sacrificed a wisp of five elements of spiritual fire, gathered a large amount of spiritual energy, used the spiritual fire to refine these spiritual energy, and then integrated it into the body.

At this time, a whirlwind of spiritual energy was blowing across the entire Tianfu Island.

All the spiritual energy was finally gathered into Wang Daoyuan's cave.

When the clansmen on the island saw this situation, they naturally knew that Wang Daoyuan was cultivating or refining treasures, and did not feel afraid.

After half an hour, Blackstone no longer continued to absorb the embryonic form of immortal power.

Wang Daoyuan's consciousness and qi and blood consumed a lot. He meditated and ran the exercises. After practicing for a quarter of an hour, most of his consciousness and qi and blood recovered.

Only then did he carefully examine the black stone in his hand. The restriction on the black stone has been safely restored, and it is now shining with black light.

This restraint aura is compelling, stronger than the restraint that has just been refined.

Wang Daoyuan injected a trace of spiritual power into it, and black rays of light immediately radiated from the black stone.

Although this light is weak, its power cannot be underestimated.

It irradiated the rock wall in the cave, leaving a small hole half a foot deep.

Wang Daoyuan was amazed in his heart, the power of the ban is strong enough.

Then, he took out the four forbidden black stones.

At the same time, a very small amount of spiritual power is injected into the two black stones, and the restriction in the two black stones creates a strong suction force between them.

Wang Daoyuan put the two black stones together, and they fit tightly together.

The fractures of the two black stones could not be combined at all, but they stuck together abruptly.

After half an hour, the two stones were separated again.

There is only one black stone that is banned, and the ban on UU reading is obviously much dim.

And the four banned black stones, the ban is even brighter.

Moreover, Wang Daoyuan could clearly perceive that among the four forbidden black stones, there was an obvious fluctuation of consciousness, which was similar to the newly formed artifact spirit.

Although there were mood swings in Black Stone before, this kind of fluctuation would appear in some high-level elixir, and it could only be regarded as the most basic spirituality.

Now, this thing has completely the appearance of the artifact.

In this forbidden black stone, there should be incomplete artifact spirits.

When two black stones meet, the residual spirit in the single forbidden black stone is absorbed by the residual spirit in the four forbidden black stones, and the two merge together.

There has been some progress in the Four Bans Remnant Spirits in the Black Stone.

It seems that collecting more black stone fragments can help the artifact spirits in the four forbidden black stones to grow.

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