Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1170: Insider information

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Wang Daoyuan announced his subordinate Feng Lin, and everyone else was a little disappointed.

The so-called "like things gather people and divide them into groups", Wang Daoyuan knew that this guy was not a thing, and he accepted it.

Eighty percent of them are people who like to be slick, but disdain those who are down-to-earth and hardworking.

When it comes to slick tongues, no matter how great they are, they can't compare to the old fritters like Feng Lin.

Everyone's enthusiasm is no longer, but Wang Daoyuan still wants to accept a few ordinary disciples to help him.

Acting requires a full set of performances, and most of the people who are loose cultivators can make a name for themselves are not easy.

If you don't form gangs and cultivate your own small forces, it will be abnormal.

Wang Daoyuan glanced at Feng Lin: "Our husband and wife plan to select ten ordinary disciples, and the work to be done is very simple.

It is nothing more than helping to refine the materials, and to help take care of the refining vessel when cultivating the instruments.

You help me pick a few who are practical and hardworking, and have good craftsmanship.

If you can't do it, you're worthless. "

This guy Feng Lin is also a hob meat, and he can be happy for a while.

He knows that he can't be useful forever in management, and he can only play his role as much as possible when he is still useful and enjoy it for a while.

He pointed to the middle-aged cultivator who mocked him earlier: "This guy is called Shen Ming, although he has a bad temper, he is indeed a practical and capable person.

The means of purifying the materials are also very good. Among the ordinary disciples of the Refining Hall, few can compare to him.

Moreover, this guy has a good talent for refining, and he is already a third-order high-grade refining master by relying on some simple inheritance and self-exploration without anyone to teach him.

If he were to refine ordinary instruments, he could completely help forge the embryos.

It's just that his temper is too bad, and he often offends the previous manager.

If it weren't for the fact that the gatekeepers were forbidden to kill each other, he would have died many times.

If you can tolerate his temper, Steward Zhou, you will definitely not suffer if you accept him. "

During this month, Wang Daoyuan was not completely paddling.

At least he knew a lot about Zhenhaizong's sect rules.

According to the rules of the Refining Hall, fourth-order Refining Masters can be trained.

They don't need to do the rough work of purifying materials, but can follow the management to learn their skills.

This Shen Ming has a bad temper, and if he can stay here, he must have no background.

Such a person, even if the refining level reaches the fourth level, I am afraid that no one is willing to teach him.

A person with ability has a temper, which is called personality.

The ability is not enough, and the temper is still big, that is, people hate dogs.

This guy's future was ruined by his temper.

If he had a good temper and had a manager willing to point him, it is estimated that he would have already become a fourth-order craft refiner.

Only by showing one's own value can he get key training, and it is not impossible to break the pill.

Now it seems that he is not too young, at least six or seven hundred years old, and he is only a late Jindan cultivator.

Such monks have no training value anymore.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "In this way, it is indeed a talent.

Shen Ming, are you willing to follow me?

In my spare time, I can also give you pointers.

As long as your talent is not bad, it is not difficult to become a Tier 4 Item Refiner.

As for bad temper, I don't care.

As long as you are skilled enough, you can have any temper. "

Shen Ming was stunned: "Do you mean anything? Don't be upset, kick me back and deduct my salary."

Wang Daoyuan shook his head secretly, this guy really can't speak.

Your immediate boss has given you the opportunity to perform, and they have clearly stated that you want to be promoted.

People who know a little bit of the world, will bow without saying no, but also have to say a few words of gratitude.

But as soon as this guy opens his mouth, he is questioning, and he is asking for it if he is not welcome.

"It's not enough to deduct your salary, I just made a magic weapon, the remuneration given by the sect is enough for you to earn decades, there is no need to deduct your salary.

As for whether my words count, this is not something you can question.

Love will come or not, I am a steward, and I need to ask you for help? "

Shen Ming also reacted immediately: "I am willing to work under Zhou Guanshi."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "As long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly."

Then he said to Feng Lin, "Go ahead, there are eight people left."

Soon, Feng Lin pointed out eight cultivators in the late Jindan period.

However, the talents and abilities of these people are far inferior to Shen Ming.

After all, some people with talents and abilities were mostly taken away by other stewards, so would they still remain until now?

That's why Shen Ming was abandoned here because some people hate him.

After selecting the staff, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan took ten people to select the materials.

Afterwards, he led people to the small refining room in the fire room below.

Although it is a small refining room, it is also ten feet square. More than a dozen people stay here, and they don't feel crowded at all.

In this small refining room, all the tools needed for refining are readily available.

Wang Daoyuan instructed: "Our task this year is to refine two crossbow bows and ten crossbow arrows.

After completing this task, you will have nothing to do except look at the Refining Cauldron.

Shen Ming, I want to see how capable you are.

If you really have the ability and talent, I will give you some tips. "

Shen Ming was a little excited: "Although my ability is not as good as being in charge, it's not too bad, just watch it carefully."

After all, pick up a piece of crossbow material and start forging.

Wang Daoyuan shook his head secretly, this guy really can't speak.

However, looking at the way he purifies the material, there is indeed something.

Of course, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a Tier 3 Item Refiner, while Wang Daoyuan is a Tier 6 High-Grade Item Refiner.

The level of the refining tool can be ranked in the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

No matter how perfect he was, Wang Daoyuan could see the problem.

Just a few words casually, this guy became a little impatient, and even stubbornly talked to Wang Daoyuan.

With this arrogant temper, it's no wonder that no manager was willing to use him before.

However, he did as Wang Daoyuan said, and soon discovered the brilliance.

The other nine Jindan cultivators, including the **** Feng Lin, did the same.

This is the fifth-order high-grade Item Refiner personally instructing, such an opportunity does not come all the time.

After half a day, Shen Ming finished purifying the materials in his hand.

He has always been very confident in his craft.

Because the materials he purified are always better than those of other ordinary disciples.

But now Wang Daoyuan gave a few random pointers, and the extracted materials were far better than before.

To be able to reach such a level means that Wang Daoyuan's ability and knowledge are far superior to him.

Shen Ming obeyed: "Thank you for the guidance, sir, and Shen Ming is willing to let you drive in the future."

Seeing that he was convinced, Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. It turns out that this guy can say good things.

Afterwards, everyone began to refine crossbow bows and arrows.

In order to conceal his true level, Wang Daoyuan did not use all his level.

It took a month of tossing to refine the two crossbow bows and ten crossbow arrows.

During the refining process, Wang Daoyuan also gave Shen Ming some pointers.

Now, he is trying to refine a fourth-order magic weapon with some poor-quality materials.

With his late Jindan cultivation base, his talent is not bad, and Wang Daoyuan's guidance, refining the fourth-order magic weapon, it is only a matter of time.

After refining the magic tools within the scope of the task, they are all stored in the refining furnace.

The three ordinary disciples took turns looking at the stove, and Wang Daoyuan chatted with Feng Lin.

"Shen Ming, you claim to be well-informed, and you know a thing or two about the entire Zhenhai Sect.

I don't know which people in this sect can't offend, you tell me first, lest I offend someone who can't be offended without my knowledge. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't treat this guy badly. During the time he became his subordinate, Feng Lin's life was the least, and his treatment was no worse than others.

The salaries of ordinary disciples who follow the stewardship are also more than double that of those who do not have stewardship requirements.

Feng Lin is still grateful to Wang Daoyuan.

"Master Steward, I heard that you were brought by the Deputy Hall Master?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, our couple was recruited by the deputy hall master and one of his senior brothers."

Feng Lin's face immediately showed a respectful look: "Then you don't have to be afraid, the deputy and hall masters of our Item Refining Hall have a very high status within the sect.

The deputy hall master personally recruited you, that is, he values ​​you very much.

As long as you listen to the words of the deputy hall master and do not violate the rules of the house, no one can do anything to you. "

Wang Daoyuan pretended to be surprised: "Oh? The position of the deputy hall master in the sect should be under the elders and hall masters.

Even on the head of the hall master, there are the suzerain, the deputy suzerain, and the elders.

Why do the deputy hall master and the hall master have so much energy that they can make me not afraid of other elders? "

Feng Lin shook his head: "If there is a deeper reason, I don't know what it is.

I heard that it was the deputy hall master and the master of the hall master, who made great contributions to the sect, and never showed up again after that.

The last time the old palace master appeared, it would have been two hundred and sixty or seventy years ago.

Even if he did not show up, no one in the sect dared not to take the Refining Hall in his eyes. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and it seemed that Liu Jingtao's master, the middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation surnamed Chen, should be the hidden power of Zhenhaizong.

"Are the hall masters and elders of other halls so strong?"

Feng Lin shook his head: "The hall masters of other halls are not as special as our Refining Hall.

I just heard that there are about three factions at the top of our Zhenhaizong.

One is the faction of the sect master, the most powerful, even the elders belong to this faction.

In addition, there is the medicine hall, which is also related to the sect master faction.

There is also the faction that came from the Seven Star Seas, the deputy sect master and several elders, all of which belong to this faction.

The last faction is the Refining Hall.

As long as there are things related to refining, our hall master and deputy hall master can get involved. "

Zhenhaizong, as a branch of Yulingzong, the most important thing is to refine corpses, puppets, and imperial beasts.

Needless to say, a puppet is a very complicated magic weapon.

The growth of spirit beasts requires a lot of resources.

Therefore, there are not many beasts.

And the method of refining corpse is too simple. Simple corpse refining is very easy to be restrained to death. It is best to refine it into a corpse puppet.

In this way, it is still impossible to bypass the puppet.

As long as the work of refining tools, the refining hall can join hands.

That brother Liu Jingtao, and their master, naturally have a lot of things that they can intervene.

There are many things that can be managed, that is, the power is great, and the power will naturally have the status.

It seems that he is really lucky, and he hugged a thigh as soon as he entered Zhenhaizong.

"You still know those things, just say so.

I just came here, and I don't know a lot of things. It happened that you were well-informed, so I asked you to inquire.

As long as you tell me everything I want to know, you will be like this in the future, you won't have to do too much work, and you will still have a good salary. "

Feng Lin's eyes lit up: "What senior wants to I will definitely say it."

Wang Daoyuan directly transmitted his voice to him: "I have traveled abroad for many years, and the news is well-informed.

Knowing that our Zhenhai Sect has a close relationship with the blood shark thieves of Qixinghai, which faction of the vice suzerain may be the blood shark thieves originally.

A few years ago, the blood shark thief was wiped out, and we were defeated. At this time, we should cultivate our health. Why did we attack the White Bone Hall at this time? "

Feng Lin glanced at the other cultivators defensively, and then replied by voice transmission: "Everyone knows about the sect's deployment of troops.

As for who was fighting, not many people knew.

I have stayed here for hundreds of years, and I also have a few disciples with good relations who have become cultivators of Nascent Soul.

I had a drink with one of them over a year ago, and when the guy got drunk, he bragged to me.

Speaking of the White Bone Hall, within ten years of the White Bone Hall, three people broke through the realm of God Transformation. "

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