Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1174: sneak attack

This middle-aged cultivator was only at the peak of Yuan Ying's cultivation base, and when he spoke to Zhenjun Xiaofeng, a cultivator in the early stages of divine transformation, he was not polite.

It seems that his status is not low.

His words were disrespectful, and Zhenjun Xiaofeng was not angry.

"Palace Master Zhang, although the steward couple this week are cultivators in your Item Refining Hall, but as the suzerain, it shouldn't be a problem to recruit people from each hall, right?"

This middle-aged cultivator is indeed the master of the Refining Hall and the brother of Liu Jingtao, the deputy master of the hall.

Their master is a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation, and his cultivation is higher than that of Zhenjun Xiaofeng.

Although I hadn't heard that the middle-stage cultivator surnamed Chen Huashen served in the sect, no one dared to underestimate him.

After all, in the world of immortal cultivation, strength is the right to speak.

Hall Master Zhang said with a smile: "If it is normal, it is not a problem to mobilize one or two stewards.

But now is wartime, and each hall is extremely short of manpower.

Zhou Guanshi's tool refining method is very clever, repairing the magic tool is very fast, one person can support three or five people.

The magic weapon he repaired, the Sect Master has seen before, and it is by no means a casual way to deal with it.

Such a talent, if he were to go to alchemy, the loss would be huge. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng still didn't give up: "Although the Item Refining Hall is short of manpower, the Medicine Hall also needs manpower.

Since Steward Zhou has this ability, he naturally has to use it. "

Hall Master Zhang confronted each other: "Sect Master should also know that in the war, the only medicines needed are healing and recovery.

If there is no large-scale battle, when the two sides are testing each other, the cultivator's spiritual power consumption is very small, and there are not many injuries, and the medicine pill is likely to be zero consumption.

But the magic weapon is different. As long as there is any battle between the two sides, no matter the scale, the loss of equipment is inevitable.

I am in charge of logistical supplies on this Golden Rock Island, and I know exactly how much medicine is left.

If the current situation is maintained, the stored medicinal pills will be enough for ten years.

Even in a decisive battle between the two sides, the consumption of medicinal pills increases, and it is impossible to maintain a battle of the level of a decisive battle for a long time.

As far as the White Bone Hall is concerned, if there is a showdown, how many days can they carry it?

It can be said that the existing medicinal pills can completely support the destruction of the White Bone Hall.

The magic tools have always been in short supply, and the damaged magic tools in the warehouse have piled up like a mountain.

If we don't hurry up to repair it, I'm afraid it won't be long before we have no magic weapon available.

I also asked the sect master to focus on the overall situation of the sect, and be careful to resolve it after the war. "

Although he was contradicting Zhenjun Xiaofeng, he was right.

The big forces are attacking each other, and the consumption speed of medicinal pills is indeed not as fast as magic weapons.

After some words, Zhenjun Xiaofeng was left speechless.

After being stunned for a long time, he snorted coldly and walked away.

Hall Master Zhang no longer had the arrogant and domineering look before, but said to Wang Daoyuan very kindly, "Come with me as Director Zhou."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan followed him to a cave. The cave was very spacious, and the entrance of the cave was a semicircle with a diameter of more than ten feet.

After entering the cave, the inside is more spacious.

Moreover, there are many forks in this cave.

Near the entrance of the cave, there are some tables and chairs.

Hall Master Zhang smiled and said, "The conditions are a little rough, which made the two stewards laugh."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hands again and again: "Dianzhu Zhang's body is not too simple, our husband and wife were born in loose cultivation, and there are many cases where there is no place to shelter, and there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and we are very satisfied.

It's just that the subordinates see this cave a bit strange, not like a cave, but a bit like a mine. "

Hall Master Zhang said with a smile: "Zhou Guanshi is worthy of being a master of refining, this cave was indeed a mine before.

In fact, the entire Jinshi Island is a huge mine.

The blue sea immersion gold produced here, as well as several other refining materials, are of good quality and high value.

Originally, this Golden Stone Island was the resource center of the White Bone Hall.

We played some tricks before to take this Golden Stone Island down.

The White Bone Hall did not give up, and counterattacked many times.

In the end, our Zhenhai Sect put the headquarters of the former enemy here, and more than 80% of the staff were also placed here.

If they dare to attack again, it will be a decisive battle.

The strength of the White Bone Hall is far inferior to that of our Zhenhai Sect, so we gave up on Jinshi Island.

The rock on the island is extremely hard, and it is particularly laborious to open up the cave.

Therefore, these mines were used to transform into cave houses and warehouses. "

Wang Daoyuan reminded: "Mines that have been mined for many years usually have a lot of forks.

If the White Bone Hall hides its people in the mine, wouldn't it be very dangerous to put our materials in the mine? "

Hall Master Zhang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, these mines have been searched before, and there is nothing unusual.

Moreover, there is also a major formation inside.

Even if there is a White Bone Hall cultivator hiding in it, there is no way to face the great formation. "

Seeing that he was very talkative, Wang Daoyuan also tried a few words.

"Lord Palace Master, our couple are just little stewards.

Although the refining method is not bad, it is not worth the sect master to compete with you, right?

Why did the Sect Master ask our couple to join the Medicine Hall in the public? "

It is said that such a sensitive topic will definitely involve the secrets of the top sects, but Hall Master Zhang doesn't care.

"It's not a secret either, if you and your wife had entered the sect earlier, you should have known about these things.

Now the highest status in the sect is the Supreme Elder, the Star Broken Lord. All major matters are decided by him, but his life span is not much.

When supporting the blood shark thieves earlier, he had been injured in a fight with a powerful enemy.

A cultivator whose longevity is nearing the end of his life, once injured, can easily lead to premature sitting.

Now it is necessary to take down the White Bone Palace again, and it is very likely that the injury will be added to the injury.

Therefore, he wanted to choose an heir.

Currently, only Zhenjun Xiaofeng and my master are capable of competing.

My master has a higher cultivation level, but Zhenjun Xiaofeng is a wind-type cultivator, and his strength is no less than that of his master.

The Broken Star Divine Sovereign may have died during this battle, or shortly after the battle.

Whichever faction has contributed more in this battle, the Broken Star Divine Sovereign will be more inclined to whom.

The two of you, the two of you, have very clever means of refining tools, and repairing the magical tools is much faster than me. Naturally, there are many merits made in this way.

You are a person from the Refining Hall, and you have made a lot of merits, and you are also helpful to the master.

If Zhenjun Xiaofeng pulls you to the Hall of Medicinal Pills, the credit of the Hall of Item Refining will be much less, and the credit of the Hall of Medicinal Medicine will be much more.

Otherwise, how could Zhenjun Xiaofeng bully the small, and fight me, the Nascent Soul cultivator, to get a blushing neck and a thick neck? "

Wang Daoyuan understood that at this time, it was not how valuable he and Zhou Luan were, but only the weights on the balance.

Originally, the balance was completely balanced. Although these two weights are small, they may have a huge impact on the balance.

Even if the final outcome cannot be decided, no one wants to give the opponent an extra weight.

The Artifact Refining Hall had already taken the lead, and Zhenjun Xiaofeng wanted to make amends, and this was the reason for the previous dispute.

From the words of Hall Master Zhang, Wang Daoyuan also gained a lot.

Especially in the state of the Broken Star Divine Sovereign, this guy was tough with the Yuheng Sword Sect's Broken Sea Divine Sovereign, and did not lose the slightest.

The strength he showed at that time was much stronger than the average Baibao God and Earth Splitting God.

Now that he knows that his life span is short, Wang Daoyuan is relieved a lot.

"If you can help Senior Chen gain the favor of the Broken Star Divine Sovereign, it will also be an honor for your subordinates."

Hall Master Zhang said with a smile: "You don't have to be so humble, the master values ​​you very much.

After this war, he should accept you as a named disciple.

At that time, we will be called brothers and sisters. "

Wang Daoyuan immediately began to show his loyalty and coaxed Dianzhu Zhang into laughing.

After chatting for a long time, Hall Master Zhang sent someone to arrange accommodation for the two of them.

Jinshi Island produces ores, and the scale itself is not small. Naturally, the island also has a fire room for smelting ores.

Now that the fire room has been transformed, it has become a place for alchemy and alchemy.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan did not wait for the order of the Lord Zhang, and took the remaining nine ordinary crafting disciples to find a relatively spacious crafting room, and began to repair the remaining broken magic tools.

Although one person was damaged, it was harmless.

Originally, the life of ordinary disciples is relatively easy, even if there are only two or three people, they can do well.

There are still nine people left, which is naturally not a problem.

Among these nine people, Feng Lin would not be able to work.

After he got here, he began to look around for his friends.

The frontline battle is tense, and the monks of Zhenhaizong have been tense and prone to problems.

Therefore, Jinshi Island also temporarily opened taverns and casinos.

The monks who are not on duty can go to drink and gamble.

A second-rate guy like Feng Lin naturally drinks and gambles with his friends every day.

However, he is not inactive all day long.

Every time I come back from drinking and gambling, I can bring back a lot of information.

After staying on Jinshi Island for more than half a year, Wang Daoyuan already had a general understanding of the war here.

So far, Zhenhaizong's side has advanced to more than 100,000 miles southwest of Jinshi Island.

The front line is less than 200,000 miles away from the gate of the White Bone Palace.

This distance, although far from being the army under the city, is not far away.

In the past six months, there have been many confrontations between the two sides.

The tens of thousands of years of Zhenhaizong's heritage still played an important role at this time.

Whether it is the number of Yuanying and Jindan cultivators, or the number of flying warships and puppets, they are far above the White Bone Hall.

The two sides fought a war of attrition, and the White Bone Hall was naturally at a disadvantage.

In the past half a year, the White Bone Hall seldom took the initiative to attack.

Just guarding his own island, relying on the island's defensive formation, and dealing with Zhenhaizong.

It's a pity that the inheritance of the formation of the White Bone Hall is very poor, and the defense is the same.

At least in front of Zhenhaizong, he was completely vulnerable.

An island can only last a few days in front of the Zhenhaizong army.

If it wasn't for Zhenhaizong's caution, I'm afraid he would have hit the gate of the White Bone Hall long ago.

The sect master has also left Jinshi Island with a large number of monks.

Now, although the Jinshi Island is still the former enemy headquarters, it is more of a logistics base.

The Broken Star Divine Sovereign and the Wannian Corpse Puppet never showed up.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to hide his identity, so naturally he didn't dare to let out his divine sense to probe around.

Now, whether the Broken Star Divine Sovereign is on Jinshi Island or not, he is really not sure.

During this period of time, Wang Daoyuan has more and more tasks for refining.

Every day, one or two damaged instruments are repaired, and sometimes they have to join hands with other artifact refiners to repair severely damaged flying warships.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan was working with Zhou Luan to repair a more complicated crossbow-like magic weapon.

Suddenly, there was a scream of killing outside, and even the spiritual energy surged violently.

Wang Daoyuan quickly expanded his consciousness to check the situation outside.

I saw that there were more than ten flying warships in the south of Jinshi Island, and the bows of the ships were all hung with white bone flags.

These warships are attacking the defensive formation of Jinshi Island, and the formation of Jinshi Island before is very clever.

It's just that when the two sides competed, the original formation was destroyed.

The current formations are all temporarily arranged by Zhenhaizong.

Zhenhaizong just regarded Jinshi Island as a temporary place to stay. will naturally not spend too much effort to arrange the formation.

Therefore, the formation here is very general.

Soon, a cultivator at the peak of Nascent Soul broke into Wang Daoyuan's refining room. This person was the master of the refining hall.

As soon as he came in, he said quickly: "The White Bone Palace is attacking Jinshi Island outside, and we have already guarded against them.

Since they dared to come, they would never be able to escape.

You don't have to panic, just keep doing what you're doing. "

At this moment, a loud bang came from the middle of Jinshi Island.

Hall Master Zhang's face changed at that time, where the warehouse of Jinshi Island was located.

Once there is a problem there, the stored materials may suffer heavy losses.

At this time, he couldn't care less to appease people.

The whole person turned into a huge fireball, flew out from the ground fire room, and flew towards the middle of Jinshi Island.

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