Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1177: named disciple

Wang Daoyuan has done a lot of work in refining flying warships.

At the beginning, in order to improve the flying boat, there were too many refining times.

Even if it is completely on one's own, it is possible to actually refine a fifth-order high-grade flying warship within half a year.

Repairing a warship that can still fly is a piece of cake.

"Don't worry, the palace master, within two months, you will be able to return an intact flying warship."

Hall Master Zhang nodded with satisfaction: "Do it well, you have repaired a lot of instruments on Jinshi Island before, and you have made a lot of credit.

Now I and the Hall Master Wu of the Medicine Hall are both carrying the Sect Master's punishment.

But my punishment is a joke, and the punishment of Hall Master Wu is to hurt the bones.

At this time, if our Item Refining Hall makes a big splash, we will be able to completely suppress the Medicine Hall.

The Great Elder Taishang can watch it on this Gujiao Island. If you have any ability, just take it out.

With a dazzling performance, his benefits are indispensable to the old man. "

Wang Daoyuan also knew in his heart that he had only seen a tie against an ordinary sixth-rank high-grade bone puppet when he saw the broken star god.

With the strength he showed during the decisive battle on Cyanwood Island, winning a bone puppet with a single means within a hundred breaths was not a problem at all.

To be able to win a God Transformation battle power, but not to take action, this shows that he has scruples.

Combined with his advanced age, it can be seen that this person's life is not long.

If you go all out, you will waste your energy.

He wanted to recharge his energy and put his last energy on killing the master of the White Bone Hall.

When the end of life, I most hope that someone with outstanding ability will take over.

As the helm of a major force, the most important ability to employ people.

As a talent recruited by the Item Refining Hall faction, the better his performance, the more it appears that the Item Refining Hall faction can employ people.

If the Broken Star Divine Sovereign still has several hundred years of lifespan, then his role will not be too great.

But he may be close to running out of fuel now, eager to arrange an heir.

As the banner of the Refining Hall recruiting talents, it will naturally attract more attention.

"Don't worry, Hall Master, I will definitely repair this flying warship within two months."

Hall Master Zhang nodded with satisfaction: "At present, there are many damaged flying warships in the sect, as long as you can repair a few more flying warships before the decisive battle, you will definitely get the attention of the Broken Star God.

Master has already sent me a letter, as long as you can show some limelight in this matter, let me accept the apprentice on behalf of the master, and accept you as a named disciple for the old man. "

Wang Daoyuan weighed the pros and cons in his heart, although the master of Hall Master Zhang was also something that he could kill at will.

But after the death of the Broken Star Divine Sovereign, this person was one of the most important figures in Zhenhai Sect.

With his own help, it is very likely that he will take over the position of the broken star **** and become the actual helm of Zhenhaizong.

Mixed into Zhenhaizong, there are two purposes.

One is to win the son of luck, and the other is to find the soul tree.

Of course, if you can easily take away all the inheritance of Zhenhaizong, it is not impossible.

I stayed at Zongshan Gate in Zhenhai for a few years before, and secretly used the Qi technique to look around.

Although some people with abnormal luck were found, the children of luck were not found directly.

That guy is now a Golden Core cultivator at best. With such a cultivation, going out in the Ten Thousand Demons Islands is death.

Therefore, he must still be on Zhenhai Island.

Only the secret realm can be completely isolated from the exploration of the qi technique.

Zhenhai Secret Realm is the foundation of Zhenhai Sect. As a half-way monk, he cannot gain the trust of high-level officials in a short period of time, and it is difficult to enter the secret realm by normal means.

Tough measures are not impossible, but the risks are too great.

After all, Zhenhaizong has a foundation of thousands of years. In the past, there was support from Yulingzong, so the formation must not be weak.

With his own strength, coupled with the God Refinement Gourd, beheading all the monks of the God Refinement Sect is an easy task.

The thing he fears has always been Zhenhaizong's formation.

In other people's lair, there are definitely a lot of various formations, and it is not impossible to trap oneself.

Since you can't use force, you can only outsmart it.

Before asking Feng Lin to inquire about the monks with abnormal luck, he learned that those people were either escaped from the blood shark thief, or disciples of the broken star god.

The powerful luck of the son of luck can affect the people around him.

Those with abnormal luck should have frequent contact with the children of luck.

If he helped the middle-stage cultivator surnamed Chen to obtain the position of helm, and then became his named disciple, he would be able to easily contact the Child of Luck in the future.

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a long time, and then asked very excitedly: "Is this the truth of the hall master?"

Seeing his excited look, Hall Master Zhang was very satisfied: "Of course, could Master still lie to you?

In fact, I also came from a loose cultivator, and my parents were both loose cultivators who lived on the Demon Slaying Island.

Later, when the master saw that my talent was good, he accepted me as a direct disciple and inherited the position of the master of the refining hall.

Your talent is still above mine, and you may not be able to sit in this position in the future. "

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "This subordinate is originally a loose cultivator, and he is already satisfied that he can get a post of steward, and I dare not expect the position of the palace master."

Hall Master Zhang nodded slightly: "Don't worry, Master will not treat you badly in the future."

After he finished speaking, he left, and Wang Daoyuan immediately started to repair the flying warship.

The damage to this flying warship is not light. Although the few pieces of the ship have blocked the blow of the bone puppet, there is also damage inside the warship.

After inspection, it was found that several parts inside were shattered, and several core parts were damaged.

But it's not a big problem. These flying warships are made of metal materials, and it is very simple to repair.

Smelting the same material, filling the cracks, and then repairing the pattern, there is no problem.

Hallmaster Zhang has already sent a lot of the same refining materials as the hull of the flying warship.

It only took half a month to repair the flying warship.

Of course, you can't be too showy.

Wang Daoyuan still delayed for some time and brought a big health care to the flying warship.

Repaired all the small problems inside and outside the warship.

After more than a month of tossing, I found Zhang Hall Master to communicate with each other.

After receiving the news, Hall Master Zhang rushed over immediately.

Seeing the brand new warship, I was very shocked: "Why did you clean up the warship so clean?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "The problem with this warship is not serious, I fixed it in half a month.

But if it is done so easily, it will make people feel that it is no big deal.

So I cleaned up the hull and replaced a few more parts by the way, and it looked like it was overhauled. "

It is acceptable for a person to stay in a group and be a little bit smarter than most.

But if you are too clever, you will be squeezed out by the entire group.

Hall Master Zhang is very satisfied: "It is true, if you repair the warship in half a month, someone will definitely jump out and deny your contribution.

If you spend more than a month, it is more reasonable.

As expected, none of the loose cultivators who can break through the Nascent Soul are simple. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Loose cultivators are fighting their way out with their lives, and this is something that can't be helped."

"I took this warship first, and went out to help you spread the word, and try to get some rewards from the sect master.

During this period of time, the battle was not very smooth. It was too close to the gate of the White Bone Hall. It used to be the back garden of the White Bone Hall.

They left a lot of means here and took advantage of the geographical advantage.

The two sides sent flying warships to test each other, and it was always our side that suffered.

In the past month or so, five flying warships were seriously damaged, and more than ten were slightly damaged.

Your method of repairing the warship is superb, and you will definitely get the attention of the great elder at this time.

I will find you a few more damaged flying warships. If they can be repaired, the matter of Master inheriting the power of the helm is estimated to be stable. "

Wang Daoyuan intends to use the line of the Refining Hall to get in touch with the son of luck.

Helping the master of Hall Master Zhang to come to the top is of great benefit to his plan.

"Don't worry, the hall master, as long as the flying warship still has the possibility of repair, I will try my best to repair it."

Hall Master Zhang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, I'll bring more flying warships over, whether Master can take the position, your role is very big.

I can assure you that as long as you can repair another flying warship, I will accept you as a disciple on behalf of the master. "

After saying that, he left with a big smile.

After only an hour, Hall Master Zhang came over with a flying warship.

The front part of the side of the warship was opened with a large hole, and it was through.

This flying warship has exactly the same shape as the one repaired before, and the internal core and formation distribution should also be the same.

Then this position is very bad, and the core will definitely be affected.

Fortunately, this position should not hurt the spiritual power conversion device and the keel.

Once these two things are injured, the ordinary fifth-order refiner will not be finished without tossing for two or three years.

Although the core of the warship is also very laborious, the core is composed of multiple components.

Even if it is damaged, generally only some parts are damaged, and it is enough to replace it.

Hall Master Zhang asked, "Are you sure you can fix it in half a year?"

"It depends on the specific circumstances of the injury, this position must have hurt the core.

If only one or two parts are damaged, it can be resolved within a month.

If the damage is extremely serious, it is estimated that it will take a year or two. "

"It's not that serious, the warship flew back by itself, and it can start normally even now.

It's just that the flow of spiritual power is incoherent, the flight speed is extremely slow, and it is no longer possible to participate in the battle. "

"The damage should not be serious, and half a year is more than enough."

After Hall Master Zhang left, Wang Daoyuan checked the flying warship.

The damage is really not serious, just a few small parts were completely destroyed.

Although the warship can still fly, it is no longer fully functional.

Not to mention combat, it is unreliable even to hurry.

Re-refining a few small parts is not too difficult, and it only took a few days to complete.

The real hard work was plugging the holes on both sides of the ship's side, which required refining a lot of ship boards.

There is almost no difficulty, but it is too time consuming.

It took more than a month to completely repair the flying warship.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Hall Master Zhang, and the guy ran over immediately.

Seeing the repaired warship, his eyes lit up: "Mr. Zhou is really good at repairing a flying warship in less than two months.

By the way, it's time to call you Junior Brother Zhou in the future. Junior Brother, please come with me. "

Afterwards, he took Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan out of the fire room and came to a cave.

The furnishings in the cave are very simple, just a few tables and chairs.

Hall Master Zhang took out a silver mirror and placed it on the table respectfully.

After inputting spiritual power, a figure appeared in the mirror.

This figure is the master of Hall Master Zhang, the middle-stage monk surnamed Chen Huashen.

This silver mirror left not only images, but also the imprint of divine consciousness.

The image in the mirror said, "Zhou Lin, although you have not entered the Item Refining Hall for a long time, your talent is excellent, and your Item Refining techniques are also very good. UU Reading

I accept you as a named disciple today, are you willing? "

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Disciple is willing, disciple sees Master."

Fortunately, it is more casual to accept registered disciples, and there is generally no need to pay homage to them.

With Wang Daoyuan's current status, it's a bit awkward to kneel on a weakling who has no kindness to himself and can be pinched to death.

The image in the mirror nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you will be my named disciple from now on.

In front of you, I also accepted five disciples, and now only three are still alive.

Let Yutang tell you about our faction. "

Hall Master Zhang said yes, and then put away the silver mirror.

Afterwards, he said to Wang Daoyuan, "Congratulations to Junior Brother Zhou, we are also Senior Brothers now.

It's a pity that Master has never accepted female apprentices, otherwise, with the ability of younger brothers and sisters, they can also worship Master. "

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