Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1181: 1 battle to decide the outcome

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The elders of the White Bone Hall sighed for a while, their strength was not good, and they were beaten by Zhenhaizong in a fancy way.

The first elder asked: "When Zhenhaizong has the upper hand, when he retreats, will he already know our plan?"

The meaning of these words is very obvious. The previous plan of the family was to fight a big battle, then abandon the White Bone Cliff and escape into the ancient battlefield.

This plan was negotiated by the seven cultivators present. If Zhenhaizong knew about it, it must have been a rebellion of the cultivators.

The high level of the sect rebelled, and all the secrets of the White Bone Hall were leaked out.

Originally, when the secret of the cultivation of cultivators in the White Bone Hall was leaked, some people suspected that there were traitors at the top.

If we were to sit tight now, the interior would have to be chaotic first.

The sect master shook his head: "It shouldn't be that there are traitors inside, the Broken Star God Sovereign is cunning and cunning, he should have withdrawn this time because he didn't know our plan.

At present, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect in the south and west of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands is very powerful, and the pressure on the Zhenhai Sect is very high.

This time, I came to attack our White Bone Hall, probably because I wanted to solve the troubles behind it in advance, so I could concentrate on dealing with the Ten Thousand Demon Sect in the future.

He can also think that if they continue to fight, they can certainly win.

But if we fight to the death, the Yuanying monks and flying warships of Zhenhaizong must also suffer heavy losses.

In the next few hundred years, there may be a situation of green and yellow in Zhenhaizong.

We lost a lot of warships and monks in this battle, but Zhenhaizong lost a lot.

It will not lose too many manpower, and it can also play the role of training troops.

Removing now is indeed the most cost-effective strategy for Zhenhaizong. "

The elders also felt that it was reasonable, and they no longer mentioned the spies.

The first elder asked: "Then what should we do next?"

The sect master sighed: "Step up your preparations, Zhenhai Sect has not lost much, and within half a year, they will definitely take action again.

Next time they will do the same as this time, causing us a certain amount of damage before retreating.

Also, the evacuation of elite disciples should also be arranged.

Arrange the elite disciples, let's smash all the family assets, and fight Zhenhaizong decisively.

Even if there is no hope of winning, Zhenhaizong will be hurt. "

On the other side, cultivator Zhenhaizong returned to Gujiao Island.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng was on the bow, shouting loudly: "This battle is a great victory, destroying five battleships in the Palace of Bones and killing dozens of enemies!"

The monks who stayed on the island also cheered loudly. Although they have repeatedly captured important sites controlled by the White Bone Hall, the losses have not been small.

In particular, there are many bone puppets in the White Bone Hall, and they may come out to attack at any time.

The sixth-order bone puppet is unfavorable in dealing with the fifth-order warship.

The warship was destroyed, and the monks could not escape.

Therefore, in the previous contest, Zhenhaizong's loss has always been greater than that of the White Bone Hall.

In this battle, Zhenhaizong lost very little, and the White Bone Hall suffered heavy losses, which is indeed something to celebrate.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan was still in the refining room.

After a few meetings, Hall Master Zhang came in with a warship.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said: "Senior brother, I heard that the front line was victorious. I don't know what the specific situation is?"

Zhang Yutang was also full of joy: "We used the wheel tactics here and consumed five warships in the White Bone Hall.

Most of the monks on these warships were beheaded.

We only damaged two warships on our side, and most of the monks on the ship were rescued.

Only a few Jindan cultivators were damaged, and one Yuanying cultivator was not damaged. "

During the war, Jindan cultivators are worthless, and it doesn't matter how many they lose.

As long as you can win, you can recruit more monks at any time.

The two warships are still a loss. Even if multiple fifth-order refiners and array masters work together, it will take a year or two to refine one.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "That's really a big win. The White Bone Palace is shallow, and if you spend a few more times, they will run out of oil and dry up."

Zhang Yutang handed over the warship to Wang Daoyuan: "In this war, we also have a lot of injured warships.

The ship was severely damaged, but was able to fly normally.

There are three months of repair time, and it will be handed over to the younger brother. "

Wang Daoyuan patted his chest and assured: "Brother, don't worry, this trivial matter is nothing to me."

After Zhang Yutang left, Wang Daoyuan immediately repaired the warship.

The damage to this warship is not serious, but the outer plate is more injured.

It took more than a month to completely repair it.

After three months, all the warships were repaired.

Zhang Yutang came to Wang Daoyuan's refining room again: "Junior Brother Zhou, this time we are going to expedition together.

Get ready, you will be leaving tomorrow for the White Bone Hall. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's going on? There shouldn't be a shortage of people in our Zhenhai Sect, right? Why should we send those refining tools?"

Zhang Yutang smiled and said, "Naturally there is no shortage, the Great Elder Taishang decides the outcome of the battle.

Let's give up Gujiao Island and settle on a small island in front of the White Bone Cliff.

Once the warships on the front line are damaged, repair them on the spot.

If this battle is won, the White Bone Hall will be destroyed.

If we lose this battle, we will retreat. "

Wang Daoyuan calculated in his heart, why is the broken star **** so anxious?

It is common for wars between major forces to be fought for decades or hundreds of years.

The battle between Zhenhaizong and the White Bone Hall has only lasted for more than ten years.

The White Bone Hall is so powerful, and it will not be able to turn a big wave in a short time.

A battle that has been won with certainty should now be fought with composure.

And the Broken Star Divine Sovereign even ordered a battle to decide the outcome, could it be that something changed?

He asked Zhang Yutang: "Before, our Zhenhaizong has always been steady and steady, making as few mistakes as possible, so as not to be overturned.

Why are you in such a hurry this time, is there something wrong? "

Zhang Yutang shook his head: "I don't know what's going on. We can only obey the orders of the Great Elder Taishang."

Wang Daoyuan didn't ask anymore, Zhang Yutang was also a high-level executive of Zhenhaizong.

Even he didn't know the specific situation, 80% of which was a major change.

It is a pity that the power of the Minglong Organization has not penetrated into the vicinity of the White Bone Hall.

Here, Wang Daoyuan was completely unable to know the situation outside.

Otherwise, through the intelligence system of the Minglong organization, you can learn about the changes in the entire Seven Stars Sea Cultivation World.

After Zhang Yutang left, Wang Daoyuan also prepared.

On the second day, in addition to the warships that originally participated in the war, there were more than ten warships and flying boats.

Used to load alchemists and alchemists, as well as many supplies.

After half a day, the White Bone Cliff was already in sight.

Around the Bone Cliff, there are many small islands.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng also picked an island with a diameter of about two hundred miles and ordered everyone to stay here.

On this island, there is a sixth-order low-grade non-attribute spiritual vein.

This island is called Rock Island, and the whole island looks like a big rock from a distance.

The island is also full of stones, except for the quarry pits, there is no trace of human habitation.

This place is good as a temporary camp. The fly in the ointment is that there is no fire eye here.

It is more difficult to concoct alchemy.

Of course, if there is no ground fire, it is not impossible to refine alchemy tools.

The fire attribute Nascent Soul cultivator can completely use his own spiritual power to condense flames.

It's just that the consumption of spiritual power will be very large, and the firepower is not enough, and it is very laborious to smelt the materials.

Fortunately, they were prepared before, and a lot of embryos have been forged.

If a part of the warship is damaged, these embryos can be used to inscribe at any time.

Once inscribed, damaged parts can be replaced.

After everyone settled on the island, a sixth-order low-grade corpse was released.

He patrolled the entire island to see if there was any hidden means for the Palace of Bones.

Corpse refining generally has the ability to find life, and there are hidden living creatures around, and their sensing ability is stronger than that of human monks.

As a combination of corpse refining and puppet, corpse puppet naturally also has the characteristics of corpse refining.

The corpse quickly walked around the entire island, but did not find any hidden monks in the White Bone Hall.

Wang Daoyuan and other logistics staff began to find their own stations.

After a while, more than 60 warships left Rock Island and headed to the White Bone Hall not far away.

Rock Island is not far from the White Bone Hall, less than two thousand miles away.

With the eyesight of the Yuanying cultivator, there are flying warships flying in and out of the White Bone Hall, and you can see it roughly.

Wang Daoyuan's actual cultivation base is higher, and at this distance, the details of the flying warship can be clearly seen.

You can even attack the gate of the White Bone Hall directly with spells with the help of the supernatural power field.

Just over a distance of nearly 2,000 miles, the attack power is running out.

A distance of two thousand miles is nothing to a flying warship.

It only took half an hour for Zhenhaizong's warship to come to a place about 500 miles away from Baigu Cliff, ready to attack Zhenhaizong's mountain protection formation at any time.

The monks at the White Bone Hall did not dare to neglect, and twelve warships flew out of the White Bone Hall.

On Zhenhaizong's side, twenty-one warships were assigned to besiege these twelve warships.

The rest of the warships, as before, watched the fun.

Among the warships, Zhenjun Xiaofeng saw the lineup of the White Bone Hall and said with a smile: "It seems that the few warships that were severely damaged last time have not been repaired until now.

At present, there are only twelve warships in the White Bone Hall. "

An old and hoarse voice came: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Although the bone puppets in the White Bone Hall are not as powerful as the Wannian Corpse Puppet, they should not be underestimated. We must guard against their ambush bone puppet sneak attacks."

"Cough cough..."

The Broken Star God Sovereign coughed for a long time before calming down.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng was a little worried: "Uncle Shi, your body..."

"It doesn't matter, I suffered too many injuries when I was young, leaving a lot of dark wounds.

At that time, the vitality was strong, and there was no problem.

Last time in the Seven Star Seas, in order to win, I spent too much real energy.

Originally, there was not much life essence, and now he has consumed too much real essence, and the dark wounds left in his early years could not be suppressed completely.

I won't be able to last long in this battle.

There is no value in continuing to live.

While there is still a fight, help Zongmen kill a few more powerful enemies.

I still have spare energy, you don't have to worry, just command the disciples to fight. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng bowed his hands and said yes, took out the message token, and sent a message to the stewards on each warship.

Soon, various warships began to move, besieging the warships in the Palace of Bones.

Last time, there were more than twenty warships in the Hall of Bones, and they were able to deal with them for one or two times.

This time, there are only twelve warships left in the White Bone Hall, and there is no ability to fight back.

After tossing for an hour, the warships on Zhenhaizong's side began to rotate.

After half a day, warships began to be severely damaged and crashed in the White Bone Hall.

On the Zhenhaizong side, there were also warships that were seriously damaged.

The damaged warship hurriedly flew back to Rock Island, which was more than a thousand miles away. UU reading The stewards of the Refining Hall, including Wang Daoyuan, hurriedly gathered around to check the damage of the warship.

Then, began to repair the warship.

More than a dozen Item Refining Hall stewards worked together, and the repair speed was naturally very fast.

In an hour or two, a warship can be repaired.

Zhenhaizong's warship was slightly damaged, so he ran back to repair it.

An intact warship is difficult to destroy when facing an opponent of the same rank.

On the other side of the White Bone Hall, the number of warships was too small.

Once a warship is damaged, several warship teams from Zhenhaizong will go up to besiege, and there is no chance to escape.

The war lasted for a day, and of the twelve warships in the Hall of Bones, only five remained.

Moreover, these five warships are also covered in bruises.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng looked like he was winning: "Uncle Shi, there are not enough warships in the White Bone Hall now.

Otherwise, we will put all the warships on top of them and defeat our opponents in one fell swoop. "

"Cough cough..." The Broken Star Divine Sovereign coughed for a while, "No, the trump card of the White Bone Hall is not these warships, but those bone puppets.

Once all the warships are within the attack range of the defensive formation, and the bone puppets rush out again, we will be attacked by the enemy. "

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