Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1184: triumph

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The current state of the Broken Star God Sovereign is very poor, and he may be in a state of disintegration at any time.

At this time, Jinjian Zhenjun and Xiaofeng Zhenjun were called over. A clone of Jiugui Zhenjun was also here, and he must have to explain his funeral.

At this time, Zhenjun Xiaofeng still wanted to show it and make his last effort.

The Shattered Star Divine Sovereign waved his hand: "This is a man who is about to die. After this battle, he broke his arm and suffered heavy injuries.

Unless it is a legendary elixir that can be taken to immortals, it will have no effect.

Don't waste such spiritual things for a mortal person like me.

I called you here because I wanted to explain what happened next. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng waved his hand, and a warship appeared out of thin air.

The four entered the warship and activated all the formations.

Only then did the Broken Star God say, "I am also very aware of the factions within our Zhenhai Sect.

Jiugui, you are a true cultivator of Zhenhai Sect, and the ancestors of all dynasties are also cultivators of Zhenhai Sect.

Xiaofeng, your ancestors escaped more than 7,000 years ago.

Jin Jian, you just came here recently.

You all have your own cronies, representing the interests of the three factions.

I want to tell you that no matter which faction it is, it is the inheritance of the Royal Spirit Sect, and it is its own family.

No matter how you fight, you can't let outsiders take advantage.

Now the situation of Zhenhaizong is extremely severe, and it can't stand the internal struggle.

After I die, Chen Jiugui will inherit everything from me.

Xiaofeng, Jinjian, you must help the nine ghosts. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng refused to accept: "Uncle, I believe that my strength and talent are not inferior to Senior Brother Chen, why are you partial to him?"

True Lord Broken Star shook his head: "I really want to talk about factions, my ancestors and masters are also subordinates of Yufeng Shenjun.

You are the direct descendant of Yufeng Shenjun, how could I be partial to the nine ghosts? "

"Then why do you..."

The Star Broken Lord waved his hand and said, "Your temperament is too much like the God of Yufeng.

In terms of talent, he is not much worse than him.

At least, your talent is above the Nine Ghosts.

If it is a loose cultivator, naturally it mainly depends on strength and talent.

But Zhenhaizong is such a big stall, you can't just look at strength and talent.

Your temperament is too tough, and when dealing with hostile forces, you will only use your strength blindly.

If our Royal Spirit Sect is still there, you are naturally the best heir.

But now Zhenhaizong has made enemies everywhere, the strength of the hostile forces is too strong, and only relying on force, there is absolutely no hope of winning.

And your character flaws that you don't know how to adapt may send our Zhenhai Sect to a point of no return.

You are very talented, so you should focus all your energy on cultivation.

If you can reach the height of Yufeng Shenjun in the future, are you still worried that you will not have the right to speak? "

Then Zhenjun Xiaofeng stopped talking and bowed his hands to the broken star god.

The Star Broken Lord took out a Qiankun Ring and gave it to the Ghost Swordsman: "The confidential matters I want to explain are all here.

You return to Zhenhaizong as soon as possible and give these things to your master. "

Ghost Swordsman took the Qiankun Ring, bowed and saluted, "Don't worry, Uncle, I will definitely revive Zhenhaizong's former glory."

Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian also saluted, "Don't worry, Uncle, I will do my best to assist Senior Brother Chen."

The Star Broken Divine Sovereign showed a relaxed look on his face: "I have carried this burden for more than two thousand years, and now I have finally lifted it.

When the master handed this burden to me, I once said that I would revive the glory of Zhenhaizong.

More than 2,000 years have passed, and Zhenhaizong has not been revitalized, on the contrary, it has not been as good as before.

However, I did my best.

The decline of the Royal Spirit Sect is not something I can control, and the Master should also be able to forgive me.

The three of you must work together in the future to assist the son of luck.

Whether the Yuling Sect can revive or not depends entirely on him.

Also, the masters of the White Bone Hall have all died in battle, and the remaining manpower is no longer capable.

Be sure to cut down the grass and roots, and get them the means to control the mist and quickly cultivate the cultivators.

According to ancient books, the son of luck also has to face extremely strong opponents.

If there is no powerful force to back it up, it is very likely that he will be killed in the future.

This means of manipulating the strange fog and quickly cultivating the cultivator of the gods is the child of luck in the future. "

Ghost Swordsman replied, "Don't worry, uncle, we all know the importance of the child of luck."

The Star Broken Divine Sovereign showed a satisfied look on his face, and then his aura quickly declined.

After a few breaths, the vitality has completely dissipated.

The ghost swordsman wiped away the tears on his face and said, "Uncle Shi has passed away, we must fulfill his old man's will.

Junior Brother Xiaofeng, Junior Brother Jinjian, the White Bone Hall is at the end of the road.

Now contact our dark pile, destroy the White Bone Hall formation, completely destroy the White Bone Hall, and get the two secrets.

I will let Shi Peng protect you. Remember, you must minimize the casualties of the disciples in the sect. "

The two of them handed in hand and said yes, and then brought more than 60 warships to storm the White Bone Hall formation.

The ghost swordsman was seriously injured and returned to the Rock Island on a warship with the body of the Broken Star God.

A quarter of an hour later, the huge defensive formation covering the White Bone Cliff shattered.

More than sixty warships bombarded the White Bone Cliff.

After a long while, Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian landed on the White Bone Cliff under the guard of Shi Peng.

Soon, a peak Nascent Soul cultivator appeared in the corner.

After bowing to the two of them, he said, "Zhao Yi, the disciple of the Broken Star God, see Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master."

Zhenjun Xiaofeng helped him up: "Junior brother has been lurking in the White Bone Hall for hundreds of years, it's really hard work."

Zhao Yi asked, "Sect Master, my master seems to have been injured before, how is it now?"

Zhenjun Xiaofeng was silent for a long time, and finally Jinjian Zhenjun said: "Uncle Star Shattered is close to running out of oil, and he killed two middle-stage cultivators of God Transformation before, and he also took the decisive death of Wangu God. hit.

After explaining the funeral, he sat down. "

Hearing this, Zhao Yi was struck by lightning.

After being stunned for a long time, he asked, "My master is sitting down?"

Zhenjun Jinjian nodded: "Uncle Shi's body is on Rock Island."

Tears welled up in Zhao Yi's eyes. He wiped his tears and handed a Qiankun Ring to Zhenjun Xiaofeng.

"Sect Master, I have been in the White Bone Hall for many years, and all the information I have collected is here.

In addition, there are seven cultivators in the White Bone Hall.

In addition to the three who had died in battle, there were also four people who took the elite disciples of the White Bone Hall and fled into the ancient battlefield.

Their manipulation of the misty fog and the secret of cultivating three spiritual monks in ten years were all brought into the ancient battlefield.

That's all I know. I have to go to Panshi Island to see Master and say goodbye. "

Having said that, the whole person turned into a black light and headed towards the rocky island.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng also took out a message token and sent a message to the ghost swordsman, asking how to deal with the ancient battlefield.

Soon, there was a reply there.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng showed the token to Zhenjun Jinjian: "Senior brother is really cautious enough, if you want me to tell you, it's better to go in directly.

If the remnants of the White Bone Hall can enter, so can we. "

Jinjian Zhenjun arrived for the first time, he had no foundation, and he did not dare to say anything casually.

"It's an eventful time now, it's better to be cautious.

Then, according to Senior Brother Chen's intention, let's completely sweep the White Bone Cliff first.

Afterwards, they sent corpse refining into the ancient battlefield to find the hiding place of the monks in the White Bone Temple.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect is powerful, and we cannot hide the news of our conquest of the White Bone Hall.

If you don't go back all the time, I'm afraid the Church of Ten Thousand Demons will take advantage of it. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng nodded: "Okay, just do as Brother Chen said.

In the ten years or so we attacked the White Bone Hall, the losses were too great.

After decades of operation, it has recovered.

However, other things can be slowed down for a while, and the secret of cultivating spiritual monks cannot be slowed down.

If the White Bone Hall is given enough time, not only will our Zhenhai Sect be cleaned up by them, I am afraid that the entire Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World will not be enough for them to clean up. "

"Naturally, this is the case. Senior Brother Chen sent corpse refiners to investigate the situation in the ancient battlefield, just to get hold of the secret of cultivating the cultivator.

It's just that the ancient battlefield is strange and unpredictable. If you want to find the remnants of the White Bone Hall, you can't do it in a while.

We have been staying here all the time, the mountain gate is empty, and the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will probably have other ideas.

It is much better to let the corpse search here than to let us go in. "

Afterwards, the two of them commanded the flying warships and tossed against the White Bone Cliff.

On the White Bone Cliff, all traces related to human monks were completely erased.

The two were content and returned to Rock Island with more than 60 warships.

This battle completely destroyed the White Bone Hall, which was a rare victory.

It's a pity that Zhenjun Xiaofeng lost the chance to inherit the status of the Broken Star God, and he didn't have the heart to repay the victory.

It was Jinjian Zhenjun who stepped onto the bow of the boat and shouted, "This campaign has captured the gate of the White Bone Palace and completely swept the White Bone Cliff.

This crusade against the White Bone Hall took nearly ten years, and finally won a great victory. "

There were bursts of cheers from the island, and Wang Daoyuan also shouted a few times.

He could see clearly the situation on the battlefield.

The Broken Star Divine Sovereign was damaged here, so it could be regarded as a great victory.

However, seeing Zhenjun Xiaofeng's dejected look, Wang Daoyuan had already guessed the outcome of the power struggle between the two factions.

In the end, it must be the True Monarch Nine Ghosts who inherited the power and status of True Monarch Broken Star.

After staying in Zhenhaizong for several years, his status has finally improved tremendously.

The named disciple of Zhenhaizong's helmsman should be qualified to enter the secret realm of Zhenhai through normal channels.

It is not impossible to see that child of luck.

The Broken Star Divine Sovereign is dead, and the strength of the Nine Ghosts True Sovereign is far worse than his.

As long as he can see the son of luck, who can stop him?

Afterwards, the disciples who participated in the war trumpeted the results of this battle.

Regarding the situation of the Broken Star Divine Sovereign, it is only said that he was seriously injured.

After all, ordinary disciples can't figure out the situation of the Star Broken God Sovereign.

As the top expert of the entire Seven Star Seas, the God of Broken Stars, on the side of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, is even more of a person who is like a needle in the sea.

As long as he can't be sure that he will change, some people with ulterior motives will not dare to act easily.

The White Bone Hall has already been levelled, so there is no point in staying here.

On the second day after the White Bone Palace was settled, a group of more than seventy flying boats and warships set off for the northwest.

There is the direction of Zhenhai Island. If you win the White Bone Hall, this is a triumphant return.

Shortly after the warship set off, Zhang Yutang ran to the cabin where Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Why did you come here, Senior Brother?"

Zhang Yutang's face was full of joy: "The Lord of Broken Stars has already spoken, asking Shizun and his old man to take over the position of the helm of Zhenhaizong."

Wang Daoyuan had already guessed it, but he didn't feel any surprise at this time.

However, he still pretended to be overjoyed: "Really?"

Zhang Yutang nodded again and again: "Of course it's true, Master also said that God Lord Broken Star is willing to pass his position to him, and you also played a big role.

When your cultivation base breaks through to the late Nascent Soul, he will accept you as a direct disciple. "

Wang Daoyuan expressed his surprise again and exchanged a few words with Zhang Yutang.

Afterwards, he said tentatively, "True Monarch Xiaofeng's power is not small. If he doesn't obey the master, won't he cause trouble?"

Zhang Yutang said with a smile, "Junior and brother have been worrying too much, there is not only one person at the helm.

The 10,000-year-old corpse puppets of our Zhenhaizong's ancestors are all in the hands of the helmsman.

With this thing, who would dare to have an opinion?

Not to mention Zhenjun Xiaofeng is just a cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation, even if he is at the peak of God Transformation, he is not the opponent of Wannian Corpse Puppet. "

Wang Daoyuan secretly rejoiced in his heart, this guy's intelligence is really good.

This time, another important piece of information came out. At least it is now known who is in the hands of the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

After the death of the broken star god, the only thing worthy of his attention is this ten thousand year corpse puppet.

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