Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1190: submit

The hard power of Wannian Corpse Puppet is already the peak under the Mahayana realm.

At most, the cultivator can deal with the Wannian Corpse Puppet, but cannot win quickly.

Wang Daoyuan's strength is far superior to the average God Transformation cultivator, and it is not difficult to kill a God Transformation cultivator of the level of the Broken Star God.

But relying on his own strength, if you want to win a ten thousand year corpse puppet, it really takes a lot of trouble.

However, the Wannian Corpse Puppet also has flaws.

Although it is a combination of corpse refining and puppet, it can use many spells, but the weakness of corpse puppet is also obvious.

There is no complete soul, and there is no living body that can complement the soul.

When casting spells, it is easy to reveal flaws.

Moreover, its spiritual power is also very weak.

Without the traction of spiritual consciousness, when fighting with others, the spell is likely to fail.

Therefore, when the Wannian Corpse Puppet is fighting against people, unless the opponent's cultivation base is too weak, it will be difficult to gain the upper hand in a short period of time.

If the opponent has any means of escape, it will be difficult for the Wannian Corpse Puppet to leave people behind.

However, the Wannian Corpse Puppet's fighting method consumes corpse energy and death energy, which is too much in the Wannian Corpse Puppet's body.

In terms of consumption, Wang Daoyuan is not an opponent.

Jiugui Zhenjun sacrificed two corpses at once, and with Wang Daoyuan's own strength, I am afraid that even self-preservation is a problem.

"Wannian corpse puppets are indeed extraordinary, but there are only two corpse puppets who want to take me down, which is a bit meaningless.

Well, I'm in a hurry, so I won't waste time with you. "

After all, a black gourd over a foot long appeared out of thin air.

Under the impetus of Wang Daoyuan's spiritual power, strong suction spewed out of the gourd's mouth.

The two corpse puppets seemed to have encountered their nemesis, and their strength was suppressed by this suction, and they were completely unable to move.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiugui Zhenjun took out a silver bell.

He injected spiritual power into the bell, and a harsh sound came out.

With Wang Daoyuan's spiritual cultivation, he also felt dizzy.

Even the suction of the divine refining gourd has been significantly affected.

But the two thousand-year-old corpse puppets are a hundred times more spiritual.

After struggling for a while, he broke free from the shackles and attacked the king's way.

It's just that they were still suppressed by the God Refining Gourd, and the speed was very slow.

Refining God emerged from the gourd: "Master, the strength of these two corpse puppets is really too strong.

I am only a sixth-order peak magic weapon now, and suppressing a corpse is not a problem.

To deal with two at the same time, it is really overwhelmed.

You might as well ask that old fellow Duxian to come out to help. Although he is not good at fighting enemies, his suppression is not weak.

Suppressing a corpse puppet should not be a problem. "

Wang Daoyuan immediately sacrificed the Forging Immortal Cauldron, and the Refining God Gourd also separated a corpse puppet and handed it over to the Forging Immortal Cauldron to deal with, and he concentrated on dealing with a corpse puppet.

Forging Immortal Cauldron released a powerful suppressing force, pressing it towards a ten thousand year corpse puppet.

Soon, the 10,000-year-old corpse would be difficult to move.

On the other hand, the God Refining Gourd only dealt with a corpse puppet, which was also a lot easier.

The corpse puppet was covered in black smoke, and with all his strength, he could only ensure that he would not be sucked away by the God Refining Gourd.

It is absolutely impossible to escape.

The figure of Duxian also emerged from the tripod: "Lien Shen child, at a critical time, I have to take action myself.

With your little ability, you can only bully some monsters with average strength.

When encountering a ruthless character like Wannian Corpse Puppet, he could only obediently admit defeat. "

Lian Shen was not to be outdone: "You fart, this corpse puppet has the characteristics of a puppet, and it is also a kind of magic weapon.

You broken iron pot, you just restrained the corpse puppet, what is there to be proud of? "

True Monarch Jiugui was stunned, and the two magical tools that Wang Daoyuan casually sacrificed had such a high level of spiritual wisdom.

Zhenhaizong has dominated the Ten Thousand Demons Archipelago for tens of thousands of years, and naturally there are also many magical artifacts with artifact spirits.

But the spirits of those magic tools are very low in intelligence.

The effect it can play is very limited.

At best, it only increases some of the power of the magic weapon, and it can't even spit out human words.

And the artifact spirits in these two instruments, not only can speak people's words, but also bicker like normal people, undermining each other and competing for favor.

Moreover, they can also control their own body and fight on their own.

The essence of such a tool spirit is not much different from the soul of a human race cultivator.

With such a powerful tool spirit, the magic tool itself must not be simple.

He also heard about the broken star **** about the situation of the golden furnace.

Among them, the spirits only have the effect of enhancing strength, with a little bit of wisdom, and can barely express some simple emotions.

It's too far to communicate with people.

In this way, the two magical instruments in front of you should have a background far above the golden furnace.

He pondered for a long time before asking, "Who the **** are you to possess two such brilliant instruments.

Even when the Royal Spirit Sect was at its peak, it couldn't be compared with you.

With such means, it is better to assist the son of luck with my Zhenhaizong.

In the future, when the son of luck grows up, my Zhenhaizong and Wang's family can also flourish. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Your Zhenhaizong knows too little about the Son of Luck, you only know the benefits brought by the Son of Luck, but you don't know the horror of the Battle of Luck.

If you knew, I'm afraid you would have killed Xu Chenhai long ago.

The child of luck will only appear when the whole world will have a catastrophe.

Moreover, there will be more than one child of luck.

These sons of luck fight each other, and in the end only one of the strongest remains.

And this final winner will be the one who will pacify the catastrophe.

The monks and forces who assisted the ultimate victor will also benefit greatly.

And the failed son of luck can only die without a place to be buried.

The forces supporting this loser will naturally be purged.

On the Qianyuan Continent, there are many Earth Immortal forces.

The mighty forces are even more numerous.

Where does the small Seven Star Sea Cultivation World come from to compete with those earth immortal forces and powerful forces? Just relying on the straw bag of Xu Chenhai?

Even if Xu Chenhai is really a rare leader, it will be difficult to turn things around.

What's more, he's just a **** who only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun. "

When Jiugui Zhenjun heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If what Wang Daoyuan said is true, then Zhenhaizong was just playing with fire before.

The Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie has such a little family background, and all of it is given to Xu Chenhai, and it is impossible to compete with those forces with great powers and even Earth Immortals.

"Even if what you said is true, this Xu Chenhai is a disciple of my Zhenhai Sect, and it's not your turn to deal with you as an outsider.

Fellow Daoist broke into the secret realm of my Zhenhaizong. Chen, as the helm of Zhenhaizong, will fight you to the death even if he loses. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "When the Broken Star Divine Sovereign was alive, he might be able to make a few moves with me.

After he died, only Wannian Corpse Puppet could entangle me.

Now, the Wannian Corpse Puppet has been suppressed.

With your strength, do you want to fight with me? "

Before he finished speaking, Jiugui Zhenjun felt as if he was being wrapped by something.

Under his fierce struggle, the power that trapped him was scattered.

He hurriedly cast an escape technique, trying to escape from here.

Soon, he found himself escaping very slowly.

Wang Daoyuan let out a rope and tied it up.

This rope is not an ordinary thing, but a sixth-order high-grade magic weapon.

It is made from the tendons of the sixth-grade high-grade monsters, together with the dragon vine.

Before refining, it took a long time to cultivate.

In terms of power, it is also an unusual existence among the sixth-order high-grade instruments.

Even if the sixth-order high-grade Jiaolong is bound, it is difficult to break free.

And Jiugui Zhenjun is only a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation, and his physical strength cannot be compared with Jiaolong.

Jiugui Zhenjun was suppressed, and Wang Daoyuan used the supernatural power domain to suppress two thousand-year-old corpse puppets.

These two guys were already difficult to move, but now they were suppressed by the domain, and they no longer had the strength to resist, and they were collected into the God Refining Gourd and Forging Immortal Cauldron respectively.

These two instruments are not ordinary, once they are included in them, the combat power below Mahayana will not be able to escape at all.

Wang Daoyuan asked with a smile: "Master, do you still want to fight with me now?"

Jiugui Zhenjun's face was ashen, and the life-saving method passed down by Zhenhai Zong's ancestors was vulnerable in front of Wang Daoyuan.

Now that he has also been captured, the token of the helm will also fall into his hands.

All the formations of Zhenhaizong will be mastered by Wang Daoyuan.

As long as Wang Daoyuan is willing, today is the day when Zhenhaizong is destroyed.

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Uncle Broken Star, this disciple is sorry for you.

You entrusted the Zhenhai Sect to me, but I led the wolf into the house and destroyed the foundation accumulated by the ancestors of all dynasties for tens of thousands of years. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Why does Shizun do this, I don't want to destroy Zhenhaizong.

All I want is the Child of Fortune and Soul Tree.

Without these two things, Zhenhaizong wouldn't be able to survive, right? "

In the eyes of True Monarch Jiugui, the fire of hope ignited again.

"Is this true?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Of course it's true, but Zhenhaizong will listen to me in the future.

Although my Wang family is also a member of the Seven Star Alliance, it is a half-way monk.

Unlike Yuheng Jianzong and other forces, they have a **** feud with Yulingzong.

It doesn't matter to me whether the remnants of the Yuling Sect perish or not.

If Zhenhaizong can become a subsidiary force of the Wang family, it will not hurt me.

If I don't agree, I don't mind destroying Zhenhaizong and taking away all the family property that Zhenhaizong has accumulated for tens of thousands of years.

Presumably, the background of Zhenhaizong also has some benefits for the development of my royal family. "

Wang Daoyuan had no plans to destroy Zhenhaizong, and the situation on the Wanmo Islands was too complicated.

Zhenhaizong pretended to be a grandson for thousands of years, and the magic cultivator took the opportunity to rise.

Now, the number of cultivators of gods and demons may have exceeded the number of cultivators of the right way.

If it weren't for the numerous internal conflicts, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect would have unified the Ten Thousand Demon Islands and invaded the Seven Star Seas.

If the Ten Thousand Demons Islands are not suppressed, and when the Ten Thousand Demons Sect expands, the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm may become the domain of the Demon Cultivator.

Now that the Wang family has established a foothold in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, things in the Seven-Star Sea Sea have not been settled, and they have no energy to suppress the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

If Zhenhai Sect continued to exist, at least it would be able to compete with the magic cultivators for the resources of the Ten Thousand Devils Islands, delaying the rise of the magic cultivators.

Jiugui Zhenjun pondered for a long time: "The matter is very important, I can't make decisions arbitrarily, and I need to discuss with other spiritual monks in the sect first.

Why don't fellow Daoists let me go first and let me discuss with Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Do you think I'm a fool? Let you go, you can start the formation again and trap me in the secret realm of Zhenhai.

Zhenhaizong's tens of thousands of years of heritage must have a lot of successors.

Abandoning Zhenhai Island may not have a place to stay.

I didn't want to destroy Zhenhaizong. If fellow Daoists don't have any sincerity, I don't mind letting Zhenhaizong disappear. "

After all, I searched out all the space magic tools hidden on Jiugui Zhenjun's body.

From these space instruments, many tokens were also found.

Among them is a token, similar to his own token for entering and leaving the secret realm.

"Now hand over the Soul Cultivation Wood, I can let you go out and discuss with Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian.

If you agree to join my royal family, UU reading www. 10,000-year-old corpse puppet can be returned to you. "

The tokens all fell into the hands of Wang Daoyuan, and the control of the entire Zhenhai Zongshan Gate was already in Wang Daoyuan's hands.

Now, Jiugui Zhenjun is no longer qualified to say no.

"Under the hill you mentioned earlier, there is an underground space.

My token for entering and leaving the secret realm of Zhenhai can close all the formations on the hill, allowing you to enter the underground space smoothly. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "That's right, I'll go get the Soul Cultivation Wood first.

In order to prevent you from playing any tricks, I will aggrieve you first.

Refine God, put him away.

Remember, don't hurt him. "

A burst of suction was released from the God Refining Gourd, and Jiugui Zhenjun was collected into the gourd.

"Master, don't worry, this guy has entered the belly of my god, and he will never try to escape."

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