Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1208: Fallen God

Remember [New] for a second,! The plan that Wang Daoyuan and Wen Jia discussed before was to let the major forces lose both, and then take action to wipe out these forces.

This was the purpose of provoking Tianji Palace to attack Yuheng Jianzong before.

Now that the three sects have been formed into a group, the decision of life and death is only in an instant.

If the two enter the field now, it may allow Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect to win.

At that time, the Wang family and the Wen family will have to deal with these two cases.

Continuing the war will really delay development.

Moreover, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect on the other side of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands has become a climate.

If the seven-star sea area cannot be integrated as soon as possible, and after Wan Mojiao resolves the internal contradictions, and then suppresses Zhenhaizong, it is time to reach out to the seven-star sea area.

Wen Xuanhai sent a letter and asked, "Fellow Daoist Wang, what should we do?

The old ghost Jin Yan shouted out the words. If we don't take action, it will be difficult to stay out of it.

If we take action, Yuheng Jianzong will quickly perish, and Tianji Palace and Tianshu Zong will become bigger, and we will not be able to handle it in the future. "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled, and the sound transmission responded: "Of course we have to take action, but it's not our fault that we can't do anything after taking action."

Wen Xuanhai's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood the meaning of those words.

"Then let's help Tianshu Zong and Tianji Palace."

After all, put away the windbreaker.

The four fell from the Gangfeng layer, removed their hidden means, and revealed themselves in front of everyone.

Divine Sovereign's expression changed slightly: "Fellow Daoist Wen, our previous promise is still valid.

As long as the Wen family and the Wang family can stand by and watch, Tianquan Island is yours. "

Lord Jin Yan hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Wen, don't listen to their nonsense.

Before the battle of Qingmu Island, they wanted to kill the Wen family and the Wang family cultivator.

If both of you help Yuheng Sword Sect, our two sects will surely perish.

By then, neither of you will be spared.

Who should help, you can think clearly. "

Wen Xuanhai said with a smile: "I naturally know that, the Taoist friend of Yuheng Sword Sect is really not very authentic, and I can only help Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace."

After that, a fan-shaped magic weapon appeared in his hand.

This fan is colorless and transparent, exuding a strong cold air.

Obviously, this magic weapon is made of ice-type materials.

At this time, the rain cloud that calls the wind and summons the rain is about to take shape.

Once the magical power is displayed, the power that erupts will be extremely terrifying.

Back then, the golden furnace was hit hard by this magical power.

Now the golden furnace was smashed by the corpse puppet of Wannian, and the injuries were further injured.

Even if it is not abolished, the power is probably not one in ten, and it can no longer play any substantive role.

Without the golden furnace to resist, I am afraid there is no means to resist the magical powers that call for wind and rain.

Wen Xuanhai calmly waved the fan in his hand, and a violent cold wind shot straight into the sky.

The previously violently surging cloud layer immediately quieted down.

Moreover, snowflakes slowly floated from the clouds.

However, the coverage area of ​​rain clouds is still slowly increasing.

It's just that the growth rate has slowed down a lot.

Wen Xuanhai, the fan artifact, really has a suppressing effect on the magical power of calling for wind and rain.

As for how much effort he has now exerted, it is really hard to say.

However, at this time, the rain cloud summoned by the Magical Power of Wind and Rain has expanded to a radius of 500 miles.

When the fan is suppressed, it cannot directly draw away the spiritual power in the rain cloud like the golden furnace.

Among this magical power, there are only falling snowflakes, which consume some spiritual power.

There is no need to add a lot of spiritual power to maintain the expansion of Nimbus.

If it continues to develop like this, sooner or later the magical powers will be displayed.

Moreover, the consumption of Divine Consciousness and Spiritual Power of the Divine Sovereign of the Sea Broken Sea will not be too great.

Wen Xuanhai's shot only delayed the time to use the magical powers to call the wind and call the rain.

Divine Sovereign Jin Yan is in a hurry, and if he continues to consume like this, his own side will definitely be unlucky.

"Wang Daoyuan, you and your wife join forces with me to kill the old ghost Duanhai as soon as possible.

As long as he dies, the magical power of calling for wind and rain will be self-defeating.

His strength is comparable to mine, and now his heart is divided into two, and he has fallen into the disadvantage.

The two fellow Daoists shot together and would definitely be able to kill him. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't watch the show either, so watching the fun at this time is likely to be the first to be targeted.

"Fellow Daoist Jin Yan, don't worry, although my husband and wife are not very cultivated.

But it is not a problem to join forces to deal with the old ghost of the sea. "

A silver long sword appeared in Wang Daoyuan's hand, with a white tiger embossed on the sword.

He brushed the sword with his hand, and a silver streamer swam on the sword body.

Swinging the long sword lightly, the streamer suddenly flew out, directly catching the Sea God Monarch.

These silver streamers did not have too much power, and the Sea God Monarch then waved his sword and faced the streamer.

ding ding…

After more than ten crisp sounds, more than ten silver streamers were all annihilated.

As for the long sword in Broken Sea God Sovereign's hand, several cracks had already appeared at this time.

The breath it exudes is not as good as the severely damaged golden furnace.

Duanhai Shenjun's face changed greatly, and he shouted: "Junior brother, this kid's swordsmanship is profound, far beyond the inheritance of our Jade Heng Sword Sect.

If I resolutely take his sword move, injury is inevitable, let Wannian Corpse Puppet block the sword for me. "

The Wannian Corpse Puppet was repelled by the Heavenly Bow Divine Sovereign with an arrow, and at this time it has also slowed down.

He turned into a puff of black smoke and rushed towards Duanhai Divine Sovereign.

Suddenly, a column of blue water went straight into the black smoke.


After a muffled sound, the black smoke dissipated, and a black figure was sent flying for more than 30 miles.

God Sovereign Tiangong wiped the blood on his face and shouted, "Young Daoyou Wang just concentrate on dealing with the old ghost Duanhai. I can barely delay this ten thousand year corpse puppet."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then there is Laotiangong Daoist friend."

At this moment, the Soul Breaker Divine Sovereign, who had been hiding behind the five sword puppets, turned into a gray mist and then disappeared.

After a while, a gray fog suddenly appeared behind Tiangong Shenjun.

The gray mist turned into a long sword and slashed at the back of the neck of the Heavenly Bow God.

The head of the Heavenly Bow God fell to the ground, and the body fell to the ground weakly.

Broken Soul Divine Sovereign laughed: "After all, Tiangong child is too young, without the protection of the golden furnace, he is vulnerable."

Everyone turned pale, but Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously.

No matter how bad the Heavenly Bow Divine Sovereign is, he is also a late-stage cultivator.

Moreover, as soon as he broke through the realm of God Transformation, he killed the same-level Flood Dragon.

How could such a character be easily beheaded by a monk of the same rank?

Soon, the body of Tiangong Shenjun fell to the ground and turned into a pool of water.

At the same time, a blue light struck.

Divine Soul Broken Soul turned into gray fog again, and the blue light passed through the gray fog, only annihilating a small amount of gray fog.

The remaining gray fog condensed into a human form again, and the Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul appeared again, but his face was paler.

He looked at the God of Heavenly Bow and said, "I've been hunting wild goose all day long, but I was almost pecked in the eye by a goose."

At this moment, Duanhai God Sovereign was surrounded by golden flames, and Wang Daoyuan kept slashing his sword beams, making him exhausted.

"Junior brother, don't worry about that kid Tiangong.

The Old Earth Splitter is not a fool and will not entrust Tianshu Sect to an idiot.

Tiangong is not weak, don't think about killing him instantly.

No matter what means you use, help me hold back Wang Daoyuan.

When the Wind and Rain magical powers are fully used, everything will be fine. "

Divine Sovereign's body once again turned into gray fog and disappeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Then, a gray fog appeared behind Zhou Luan.

Before the gray fog took shape, a red-gold flame flew out of Wang Daoyuan's hand, and the gray fog was instantly burned.

"Luan'er, be careful.

The method of the soul-broken old ghost is too strange, so be careful. "

Zhou Luan nodded, a lot of crimson flames poured out from his eyebrows, and the whole person was wrapped in flames.

The flame turned into the appearance of a red luan bird, with a radius of hundreds of meters, and it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

A gray fog appeared on the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, but as soon as it appeared, it was completely burned.

The Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul showed his figure again, and did not dare to take another shot at Zhou Luan.

Wen Xuanyan has always been by Wen Xuanhai's side, lest he be attacked by someone when he suppresses the divine power of Calling Wind and Calling Rain.

The divine power of the Divine Sovereign was once cracked by Wen Xuanhai, and he did not dare to go to court for death.

The red luan divine bird that Zhou Luan transformed into spewed flames from his mouth and rushed towards Duanhai Divine Sovereign.

At this time, the rain cloud has expanded to a radius of seven hundred miles.

The last time the wind and rain magical power was used, when the rain cloud reached a radius of thousands of miles, it erupted with great power.

At this speed, it only takes more than a hundred breaths to form the magical power.

For everyone's attack, Duanhai Divine Sovereign has given up dodging.

Five or six defensive magic weapons were sacrificed to withstand these attacks.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual power was injected into the rain cloud, in order to make the supernatural power take shape as soon as possible.

Jin Yan Shenjun was a little anxious, and shouted: "The old ghost of the sea is difficult to kill for a while, and this magical power of calling for wind and rain may not be able to stop it.

Daoyou Wang and brother Xuanyan, don't waste your energy on this side of Duanhai Old Ghost to deal with those five sword puppets.

As long as one can kill a sword puppet, the Five Elements Sword Region will be self-defeating.

The Hundred Treasures Warship has a very strong defense, and there is a phantom of Xuanwu.

If we can rescue the treasure ship, we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory. "

These five sword puppets, capable of displaying the Five Elements Sword Region, have long been targeted by Wang Daoyuan.

Naturally, he is reluctant to destroy his own things, but now he needs to make a appearance.

With a light swing of the long sword in his hand, he released several sword beams again, attacking the five sword puppets.

Wen Xuanyan condensed a few **** of fire in his hands and smashed them at Jian Puppet.

These sword puppets did not carry it hard, but each turned into an escape light and merged into the five giant swords.

The five sword puppets are integrated into the sword domain, and they cannot be injured without breaking the sword domain.

Even the golden furnace in its peak state needs to have two god-turning powers in the later stage of fighting to the death before they can barely escape.

If you want to break the sword domain, the difficulty can be imagined.

The face of Jin Yan Shenjun is ashes, this hundred treasures warship is completely trapped in the Five Elements Sword Domain, and the magical power of calling the wind and calling the rain is about to take shape.

It can be said that the battle has been lost.

Hundred-breath time is coming soon, and the magical powers are formed.



Lightning streaks fell from the dark clouds in the sky.

Under the guidance of Duanhai Divine Monarch, these lightnings continued to attack Wang Daoyuan and others.

Wen Xuanhai was already prepared, and the fan in his hand instantly became bigger, covering the space of more than ten feet.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan also flew over quickly and hid under the fan.

Cold air was continuously released from the fan, and the water vapor in the air was quickly condensed into ice.

Above the fan, a thick layer of ice armor was formed.

The thunder attracted by the magical power of calling for wind and rain, carrying majestic power and lethality is not comparable to ordinary thunder.

But one after another thunderbolt smashed on the fan, but it only smashed a lot of ice armor, but could not hurt the fan itself.

Jin Yan Shenjun and Tiangong Shenjun also wanted to come and hide, but they were far away and could not escape in an instant.

Duanhai Shenjun glanced at Wang Daoyuan and the others, and snorted coldly: "The Wen family is indeed a power that has been passed down for more than 50,000 years, and it really has some family background."

After all, the thunder that fell on the fan was greatly reduced.

After two or three breaths, a thunderbolt fell, making Wang Daoyuan and others dare not act rashly.

On the other side of Jinyan God and Tiangong God, it was very miserable.

Countless thunderbolts chased them to split, and the Heavenly Bow God repeated his old tricks and hid in the golden furnace, trying to escape.

Unfortunately, the power of the golden furnace is running out.

Several thunderbolts fell, and the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign was slashed into black.

In desperation, he had to sacrifice a khaki jar.

Put away the golden tripod and hide it in the jar.

Then, the khaki jar escaped into the ground, trying to avoid the attack.

Jinyan Divine Sovereign has Jinyan Bell, which is repaired from a broken seventh-order magic weapon.

Even if the power is not comparable to the golden furnace, it is much stronger than the ordinary sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon.

The flame golden crow was attached to the golden flame clock, and with the golden flame clock, fled south.

The speed of this flame golden crow is extremely fast, and it is really possible to escape the shrouded range of the magical power.

Escape quickly, and naturally it will be taken care of.

Several thunderbolts struck the golden flame clock, and the speed of the flame golden crow was significantly affected.

There are not only thunder, but also strong winds in the clouds.

Soon, the wind was blowing.

Under the suppression of the strong wind, the Flame Golden Crow was quickly dispersed for a hundred years.

A suction force appeared in the golden flame bell, gathering the scattered flames.

Afterwards, Jinyan Divine Sovereign urged Jinyan Bell to continue fleeing south.

It's just that the speed is already very slow, which is not the same as before.

More than 90% of the thunder and strong winds gathered around the Golden Flame Bell.

Among the clouds, countless raindrops fell.

The three forces of the wind, thunder and rain are fully encircling and suppressing Jin Yanzhong.

Countless raindrops fell on the golden flame clock, making a crackling sound.

After more than ten breaths, there was a sound of "clang", and the golden flame bell was broken into several pieces.

The Golden Flame God who was hiding in it, UU Reading was also burned to ashes by the thunder.

A golden villain appeared, turned into golden light and fled automatically, this was the primordial spirit of Jinyan God.

Unfortunately, several thunderbolts fell, the golden light quickly extinguished, and the Jinyan Divine Sovereign disappeared.

The golden flame he refined became extremely weak after his death.

Hidden under a fragment of a golden flame clock, it emits a faint golden light.

Duan Hai Shenjun smiled and said: "Junior brother, you are better at finding someone than me, don't let Tiangong kid escape.

Several Taoist friends from the Wen family and Wang family are here, and I will accompany them to have a good chat. "

The wind and rain continued to blow, and the ice layer condensed on Wen Xuanhai's fan was quickly exhausted.

Wen Xuanhai was also a little anxious: "Fellow Daoist Wang, do you have a way to deal with this magical power?

Now that the defeat of Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace has been decided, my Xuanbing fan can't last long.

If there is no way to counteract, we will break through as soon as possible. "

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