Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1215: clean up the battlefield

Remember [New] for a second,! Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, having exhausted the corpse and death energy in the body of the Reclamation God Monarch.

If he still can't break the defense of his corpse, then he really can't help him.

"After all, it has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Although it has not yet become a corpse, it is very similar to a corpse.

Now that the corpse qi and death qi have been exhausted, the physical strength has also decreased. "

The body of the Reclamation God Sovereign has been dead for tens of thousands of years.

Being pierced by a sword will not cause too serious damage.

Kaishan Shenjun is just a little surprised, and his own strength has not been greatly affected.

Although all the means that he is good at have been broken, he still doesn't want to sit still.

He once again condensed the earthy yellow spiritual power ball in his hand, and wanted to use Wutu Shenlei to deal with Wang Daoyuan.

Unfortunately, the Soul Sealing Sword had already pierced into his body.

Although the Soul Sealing Sword is sharp, it is powerful.

But its original function was only used for sealing.

Above the Kaishan God, there is also the Forging Immortal Cauldron, which is constantly releasing the power of repression.

The speed of his spiritual power was greatly restricted.

At this time, it is already very laborious to cast Wutu Shenlei.

The Five Elements Divine Thunder is a spell that is known for its speed. Kaishan Shenjun has tossed for four or five breaths, but he has not released the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

With the victory in hand, Wang Daoyuan naturally did not have the time to grumble with him.

Two streams of light, one black and one white, flew out of his hands.

Flying to the side of Kaishan Shenjun, it turned into two large grinding discs, one black and one white. These are the two gossip jade discs that suppressed the blood puppet before.

The two gossip jade plates themselves have no lethal power, and their function is to cooperate with the Soul Sealing Sword.

As long as the Soul Sealing Sword is pinned to the target, the two gossip jade plates can explode with great sealing power, completely sealing the target.

This set of instruments was jointly refined by several great experts. Even if there is only a sixth-order peak, it is not a problem to seal the corpse of a middle-stage Mahayana monk.

The God of Kaishan controlled the body of the God of Reclamation, and fully resisted the two large grinding discs.

Unfortunately, with the Soul Sealing Sword on him, the two jade plates can exert extremely strong power.

There is also the field of Wang Daoyuan, and the suppression of Forging Immortal Cauldron.

His resistance could only be in vain.

The whole body was suppressed by the jade plate and became smaller and smaller. In the end, the two jade plates became the size of a palm, and the Soul Sealing Sword was only three inches long.

The body of the Reclamation God Monarch was also sandwiched between two jade plates at this time.

Kaishan Shenjun let out an unwilling roar, but Wang Daoyuan was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He handed the two jade plates to Lian Shen: "Put this thing away, it will be of great use to me to fill up the body of the **** of the sea.

Don't refine it for the time being, just seal it up. "

Lian Shen smiled and said: "Leave this to me, you can rest assured."

After all, put the jade plate, the sword of sealing the soul, and the body of the **** of the sea, and put them into the gourd of refining gods.

Wang Daoyuan put away the divine refining gourd and the forging immortal cauldron, dispersed the field of supernatural powers, and began to collect treasures.

The treasure warship of Tianji Palace can mobilize the power of divine beasts, and it does not require human control, and it is also a rare treasure.

Although the outer layer of the instrument was severely damaged and was completely sealed by Wutu Shenlei, it should still have research value.

Wang Daoyuan came to the mound where the Hundred Treasures Warship was sealed, and sacrificed a wisp of flames of returning dust to set the mound on fire.

After a few breaths, the outer soil and stones were all cleared away, revealing a dilapidated warship.

The cabin has been completely shattered, and the shields on the broadside have all shattered at this time.

Almost all the instruments on the hull are broken, and they are not even worth repairing.

Wang Daoyuan released his divine sense to investigate the situation inside the warship.

The keel is also full of cracks, and even the power core has many parts damaged.

However, the damage inside is much lighter and still has repair value.

Although Tianji Palace is good at refining weapons, it is impossible to create a new warship magic weapon out of thin air.

The foundation of this treasure warship should be similar to that of an ordinary warship, but it has been improved in terms of control.

Now that there are real objects in hand, it is still possible to imitate one.

The entire warship, together with the surrounding broken pieces of the magic weapon, were collected into the Spirit Orb space.

Then he left the mound and began to look for the five long swords of the Five Elements Sword Formation.

The real inheritance of the sword formation should still be in the hands of Yuheng Sword Sect.

At present, almost all the senior members of the Yuheng Sword Sect were killed in battle, and the one with the highest status should be the True Monarch Green Bamboo.

This guy is a person who knows current affairs. The blood shark thief has cultivated him for more than a thousand years and helped him cultivate to the realm of God Transformation.

When the blood shark thief fell, he naturally betrayed the blood shark thief and went to the Seven Star Alliance.

It has only been more than ten years to belong to Yuheng Jianzong, and there is no sense of belonging at all.

Wang Daoyuan is a matter of the direct disciple of Jianxian, and it will soon be spread.

Such a big tree is much more reliable than Yuheng Jianzong.

As long as you show a little kindness, it is not difficult to bring Yuheng Jianzong under his command.

After putting away the five long swords and the broken puppet, Wang Daoyuan came to the coffin that contained the body of the reclaimed sea god.

When the corpse was reclaimed, the coffin was shattered, and now there are only wooden boards that shatter very quickly.

He summoned a gust of wind and blew the sawdust away.

A sixth-order high-grade Qiankun ring appeared in front of him.

Before Tiangong Shenjun sacrificed himself, his instruments and personal belongings should be scattered nearby.

Divine consciousness penetrated into it, and a satisfied smile appeared on Wang Daoyuan's face.

The golden furnace that was beaten and lost its power was placed in this Qiankun ring.

In addition to the golden furnace, there are also the blue sea glazed bow and five arrows of life, all lying well inside.

No matter how bad the Golden Furnace was, it was also a seventh-order magic weapon back then, and it was extremely powerful against opponents below Mahayana.

As for the serious damage, if you keep it in the Lingzhu space for a period of time, it will be able to recover almost.

The Bihai Liuli Bow is the natal magic weapon of the Heavenly Bow God. Now that people are dead, the power of the natal magic weapon will be greatly reduced.

However, this magical tool has spent more than two thousand years of hard work of the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign, and it is quite extraordinary.

In the future, if you want to imitate the Bihai Liuli Bow, you can also use this thing as a sample.

If you re-sacrifice this thing, you can keep the level of the sixth-order high-grade.

The Twelfth Uncle is also a water-attribute cultivator. The cultivation technique has been improved, and there are also some functions to enhance the physical body.

In addition, supernatural powers are also water-resistant, so it is naturally more appropriate to use the blue sea glass bow.

In the end, he also put away the Fang Tianhua halberd who reclaimed the sea god.

This Fang Tianhua halberd was cut off by him, and the broken magic weapon is generally of little value.

However, the metal smelting tools can be re-smelted, and some of the smelting materials can be extracted from them.

It’s just that doing this is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there are not many materials extracted.

But after all, Fang Tianhuaji was a seventh-rank middle-grade magic weapon, and a lot of seventh-rank middle-grade crafting materials were smelted.

As long as a little can be extracted, it is a rare good thing.

It is not unacceptable that this kind of time-consuming and laborious work is carried out in the Spirit Orb space.

Afterwards, he also released the Demon Prison and Blood Spring, and put away all the other people's Qiankun Rings and legacy instruments.

Seeing that he had finished picking up the benefits, the Wen brothers dared to approach.

Wen Xuanhai bowed to Wang Daoyuan and said, "Senior Wang, what should we do next?"

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought that this guy was stunned by the words of Lian Shen.

Kaishan Shenjun has been dead for more than 2,000 years and is much higher than Wen Xuanhai.

In the mouth of Lian Shen, the God of Kaishan is not even qualified to be the grandson of the king.

Wen Xuanhai, who was even lower in seniority, naturally did not dare to call Wang Daoyuan a fellow Daoist.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "You don't have to be like this, fellow Daoist Wen, the Lian Shen guy has always been open-mouthed.

Although I am the direct descendant of Sword Immortal, the inheritance of the Wen family has nothing to do with my division. There is no need to discuss my seniority with me. We are still equal. "

After all, he took out the Qiankun Rings of Duanhai Shenjun and Jinyan Shenjun and handed them over to Wen Xuanhai.

"In this battle, Yuheng Sword Sect, Tianshu Sect, and Tianji Palace were all defeated, and our two became the biggest winners.

Some things are of great importance, and it is inconvenient to hand over to fellow Daoist Wen. These things should be regarded as the weapons of the Wen family. "

There is nothing good about the Sea God Monarch.

He did not bring the most precious Qingming True Water with him. Eighty percent of it was stored in a place with abundant water spiritual power.

The most valuable thing on Jinyan Divine Sovereign is the golden flame.

After his death, Jin Yan was also extremely weak, and now he has been nourished by Wang Daoyuan in the Lingzhu space.

The rest, although they have some value, are dispensable to Wang Daoyuan.

It is naturally extremely suitable to use it to win over allies.

Wen Xuanhai waved his hands again and again: "Young Daoyou Wang is joking, although our two families are allied, our brothers have to settle accounts.

This battle can get so many benefits, it is all relying on the Taoist friends to use the means of reaching the sky to win the Kaishan Divine Sovereign.

No merit and no reward, our brothers did not contribute, and dared not ask for this thing. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Wen is too modest. Before, when we were dealing with two courtships, we discussed a plan together.

When the war started, fellow Daoists also participated.

There is no credit, there is also some hard work, and it is also necessary to get something. "

Zhou Luan also persuaded: "Our two families are both allies and in-laws, so there is no need to separate them so clearly.

Our Wang family has also harvested a lot of treasures, and the Wen family has been busy for a long time, so there is no benefit at all. "

The two persuaded together that Wen Xuanhai could only take over the Qiankun Ring.

Afterwards, he bowed and saluted: "Then I will accept it shamelessly. When I joined forces with the Wang family, I just wanted to have a little more self-protection in the future catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, the background of fellow Daoists is so profound.

From then on, the Wen family worshipped Taoist friends as the mainstay.

As long as a Taoist friend says a word, he will never refuse. "

This is naked to hug his thighs, and Wang Daoyuan will naturally not refuse.

In the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, there is no strong enemy that can threaten you on the bright side, but who knows how much trouble there is in the dark?

Although this battle was a great victory, it also offended Tianshu Sect and Yuheng Sword Sect.

The Wang family wants to secure the throne of the Seven Star Sea Overlord as soon as possible, and it is indispensable to have someone support.

The Wen family was the first to form an alliance with the Wang family, and it was natural to reuse it.

Wang Daoyuan helped brothers Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan, and said with a smile: "Friend Wen Dao is serious, I want to do a lot of great things, and I need to control the entire Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm.

But it will not make other forces unable to survive. The Wen family used to be an ally of my Wang family, and now it is also an ally.

As long as you don't betray your alliance, you will be an ally in the future.

In the future, my Wang family will open the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce everywhere.

The president is my eldest son, and the president of Qixinghai will also be an important person in my royal family.

As for Wenjia, I will keep a vice-chairman position.

In the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm, the status of the Wen family is only that of the Wang family.

If the Shenlianzong rises again in the future, its status will not overwhelm the Wen family. "

Wen Xuanhai's eyes lit up after hearing Wang Daoyuan's assurance.

This is the guarantee of Sword Immortal's direct disciple. Even if there is another big disaster in the future, who would dare to use the Wen family as cannon fodder by hugging the thigh of Sword Immortal's direct disciple?

Wen Xuanhai was so excited that he almost gave a big gift.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly stopped him: "Friend Wen Dao, don't be polite, now the three major forces such as Yuheng Jianzong, but the high-level combat power has been completely lost.

But for each faction, there are at least one or two cultivators in the early stage of God Transformation.

Yuheng Jianzong and Tianji Palace don't have much enmity with our two families.

I personally cleaned up the old ghost who opened the mountain, and I have an inextricable revenge with Tianshu Sect.

Taking advantage of the fact that the top leaders of Tianshu Sect are dead, and there are three or two big cats and kittens left, it is impossible to integrate the power of the entire Tianshu Sect.

If we wait for them to relax and transfer the elite disciples and treasures in the door, we will wait for the whole world to play hide-and-seek with them in the future. "

Wen Xuanhai nodded: "Fellow Daoist said very well, now is the time to strike while the iron is hot and completely destroy the Tianshu Sect.

Exactly, you can also kill chickens to warn monkeys.

With lightning speed, he quickly won the Tianshu Sect.

Tianji Palace, Yuheng Sword Sect, Kaiyang Sect and Shendan Sect did not dare to think any more.

As long as fellow Daoists release some kindness, I'm not afraid that they won't take the initiative to seek refuge.

If these four major forces are integrated into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce system, there will be no major troubles in the Seven Star Seas.

The Seven-Star Sea Area is the core area of ​​the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World. As long as you control the Seven-Star Sea Area and develop it well for a few years, it will not be a problem at all to pacify the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. "

Afterwards, Wen Xuanhai sacrificed the wind-breaking boat, carrying Wang Daoyuan, Zhou Luan, and Wen Xuanyan, and headed towards the south.

On the boat, UU read www. Zhou Luan asked worriedly: "Before you had a head-to-head fight with the old ghost Kaishan, you suffered a lot of injuries, how is your injury now?"

Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan were on the side, and Wang Daoyuan was not good at joking.

He just said casually: "It's just some skin injuries, it's not a big deal.

It has been treated with the Canglong Huitian Technique, and now it is basically healed. "

The speed of the sixth-rank top-grade windbreaker is extremely terrifying. It can easily fly more than 70,000 miles in an hour, and it can maintain this speed for a long time.

Tianquan Island is in the center of the entire Seven Star Seas, less than a million miles away from Tianshu Island.

It took only a little more than a day for the windbreaker boat to come to the sky above Tianshu Island.

Looking around, Tianshu Island was already in a mess at this time.

Some sanctuaries were burning and looting everywhere, and monks could be seen fighting everywhere.

But Tianshu Sect, as the master of Tianshu Sect, did not come out to maintain order at this time.

The cultivators in the sect closed the mountain gates tightly and did not dare to show their faces at all.

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