Wulei Shenzun, the founder of Wulei Sect, is also a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots.

Only a single Five Elements Spiritual Power is needed to display the Thunder Technique.

The Five Elements Divine Thunder is extremely powerful and famous for its speed.

With this method, the Five Thunder Gods rose to fame when they were in the Nascent Soul realm, becoming the top cultivator of an era.

Later, based on his supernatural powers, he created the Small Five Elements Lei Jue, which is also known as the Five Elements Lei Fa.

It was just based on rumors, and later generations directly became the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

When Wuleizong was first established, the mountain gate was north of Huiyan Mountain in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie.

Therefore, there are Wutu Shenlei and Binghuo Shenlei circulating in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie.

Later, the founder of the Five Thunder Sect broke through to the realm of great power, and was known as the "Five Thunder God".

He also left Huiyan Mountain and moved the mountain gate to the middle of Qianyuan Realm.

It has been nearly 200,000 years since he broke through the realm of power.

The talent of the Yin-Yang God Venerable of the Heavenly Secret Sect is not strong among the great powers.

The Five Thunder Gods should have long been in the realm of Earth Immortals, and the God of Reclamation is his disciple, and his talent is also very good.

Such a character, in order to find a piece of a magic weapon, even sent his attention to the ancient battlefield to take risks.

Even if it was an Earth Immortal's magic weapon, it wasn't a particularly precious thing in front of him, let alone a fragment?

This fragment also has a deep connection with the ancient battlefield. Eighty percent of the fragments he was looking for were Black Stone.

The ancient battlefields have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and there is no rush for a while.

Looking at it like this, the Five Thunder Sect may know some of Blackstone's secrets.

It seems that in the future, I really want to find a way to get in touch with the Five Thunder Sect.

This black stone can purify the soul body, it is by no means a simple thing.

If you can really collect all the core fragments, maybe you can repair this magic weapon.

This matter is still too far away, and right now I don't even know how to get to the south of Jue Tian Yuan.

The Five Thunder Sect is in the middle of Qianyuan Continent. If you want to go there, you don't know how much time it will take.

After Wang Daoyuan pondered for a long time, he said: "The physique of the Reclamation God is a thick earth spirit body, the same as one of my juniors.

I want to know how he cultivated.

The ancestor of your Tianshu Sect has spied on his remnant memory, and he must have some understanding of this aspect. "

Kaishan Shenjun quickly replied: "I do know some, but this inheritance is incomplete, and there is no way to cultivate.

My ancestors of Tianshu Sect have also thought about restoring this inheritance.

But the level of their own inheritance is too far from the inheritance of the God of Reclamation.

Moreover, in my Tianshu Sect, there has never been a genius with a thick earth spirit body.

Therefore, after tossing for more than 10,000 years, I have not played any tricks.

The senior is a master swordsman, so he must be able to repair this fragment.

The things in the memory of the reclamation gods were all passed down by word of mouth from the past sect masters, and they were not inscribed and written directly.

I also asked the seniors to release me first, so that I can burn the things in the record. "

Wang Daoyuan did not hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, the two jade plates were separated.

A little man several inches tall was revealed inside, with a jade sword stuck in his body.

This is in the Lingzhu space, and every ray of spiritual energy here is controlled by Wang Daoyuan.

It can be said that the Lingzhu space is an enhanced version of the field.

Here, Wang Daoyuan can easily suppress the God of Kaishan.

After the two jade plates were removed, the body of the Reclamation God Monarch quickly recovered.

However, the Soul Sealing Sword was still inserted into him.

Even if he wanted to make a move, he would not be able to exert one-tenth of his strength.

With this ability, even Yun Yi, whose cultivation base has been stuck at the peak of the fifth-order for many years, can rely on his own characteristics of restraining all ghosts and have a good fight with him.

Kaishan Shenjun glanced around, his face full of surprise: "This small secret realm has so many rare spirits."

Afterwards, he looked at Chiyuwu and Yunyi, as well as Mo Jiao and Wang Minglong who were enjoying themselves in the water.

The heart is even more shocking, these are all guys who have the potential to turn into real beasts.

To have so many spirit beasts must be very respected.

Clone Demon Prison stepped forward and handed a blank animal skin book to Kaishan Shenjun.

Wang Daoyuan said: "Write down all the information about the God of Reclamation, and then I will try to purify your soul before sending you to reincarnation."

Kaishan Shenjun looked at the Soul Sealing Sword inserted in his chest, and he didn't have the slightest desire to resist.

He had to take the animal skin book and start to inscribe messages in it with his divine sense.

After half a cup of tea, Kaishan Shenjun closed the animal skin book: "Everything I know is here."

Wang Daoyuan is now Yuanshen entering the Lingzhu space, and he has no physical body to protect him, so he should be careful.

The clone demon took over the animal skin book, and his divine sense penetrated into it to check the contents.

The content recorded in the animal skin book is very messy, including the cultivation experience of the **** of reclamation, the situation of going out to practice, and some affairs of the Five Thunder Sect.

Of course, there are also some aspects of inheritance.

If the information is complete, it can completely spy on the inheritance of the Five Thunder Sect.

Unfortunately, these messages are too cluttered to derive much useful information from them.

On the contrary, Wutu Shenlei has some effects. After all, the Wutu Shenlei mastered by Wang Daoyuan was also spread from the Wulei Sect.

Although they have changed their machines, they are all in the same vein.

In the memory of the **** of reclamation, the few words about the gods and thunder of Wutu have no small effect on Wang Daoyuan.

Previously, Kaishan Shenjun controlled the body of Reclamation Shenjun, and with one move of Wutu Shenlei, he directly sealed the Baibao warship.

The hundred treasure gods in the warship died directly in Huangquan.

This strength has already exceeded the limit of a god-turning cultivator.

Although it is the reason for the hard power of the **** of reclamation, the reason why he cultivated the **** of earth and thunder is also an important reason.

After identification, the content of Wutu Shenlei should be true.

It is almost impossible for Wang Daoyuan to think that it makes sense to forge the cultivation method of Wutu Shenlei based on the knowledge of the Tianshu cultivator.

The demon prison put away the animal skin book, and Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Now you tell me all the news about the reclamation of the sea god, and I can't go back on my word.

Come out of your soul from the corpse of the Reclamation God. I will use this black stone to purify your soul, and then use up the energy in your soul.

Without energy support, the soul will disperse on its own, and then enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck. "

After all, the Kaishan Divine Monarch and the Soul Sealing Sword will be collected into the God Refining Gourd together.

Only then did he take out the Soul Sealing Sword and let the Kaishan Divine Monarch recover his freedom.

After all, after taking out the Soul Sealing Sword, he can restore most of his previous strength.

Although Wang Daoyuan is confident to take him down again, but in this secret realm, those precious spiritual plants will inevitably be damaged.

In the refining gourd, there is no need to worry about these problems.

Kaishan Shenjun was a little hesitant, but Refining God was a little impatient: "What are you dawdling about here? If you don't come out of the corpse of the reclamation god, I will directly refine you.

Back then, I followed my master to fight everywhere, and there were quite a few seventh-order monsters that I refined, and now I don’t mind refining another Mahayana corpse. "

Kaishan Shenjun gritted his teeth, and then there was a black gas between his eyebrows.

The black qi gathered together and formed a human shape.

This person bowed and saluted Wang Daoyuan: "There is a senior Lao Wang."

Wang Daoyuan urged the prohibition in the black stone, and a powerful suction shrouded the soul body of the Kaishan God.

Kaishan Shenjun instinctively wanted to resist, but was unable to mobilize his own strength.

Soon, it was swallowed by the black stone.

After a while, a gray-white soul body emerged from the black stone.

The black qi that had been lingering all over his body had completely disappeared at this time.

At this time, Kaishan Shenjun also looked dumbfounded.

The soul at this time is almost no different from the soul body of ordinary people after death.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "Do you still know who you are?"

Kaishan Shenjun ignored him at all, as if he had forgotten to speak and be obedient.

Wang Daoyuan urged Black Stone again, wanting to refine his soul body again, lest this guy still have remnants of memory and expose the things in the Spirit Orb space.

However, the suction that the black stone is used for has no effect on the God of Kaishan anymore.

Duan Xian said with a smile: "It seems that this black stone is ineffective against the pure soul body.

The soul of the Kaishan Divine Sovereign has been purified by the essence. "

Wang Daoyuan also nodded: "Lian Shen, you absorb all the energy in his soul body, but don't devour his soul body.

I promised him that I would not break my promise to send his soul to reincarnation. "

Lian Shen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master."

After that, the soul of the Kaishan God was collected into the gourd, and energy was continuously extracted from it.

But within a few dozen breaths, the soul of Kaishan Shenjun has reached the brink of collapse.

Lian Shen released his soul, and Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen took his soul and left the Lingzhu space.

As soon as the soul returned to the outside world, it immediately disintegrated.

Turned into wisps of gray mist, floating in all directions.

After more than 100 breaths, these gray fogs completely disappeared.

Even Wang Daoyuan's divine sense has no shortage of capturing a shred of it.

Wang Daoyuan Yuanshen entered the Lingzhu space again, looked at the body of the Reclamation God, and asked: "Lian Shen, if you completely refine the body of the Reclamation God, can you restore it to the seventh rank."

The God Refining Gourd has always been placed in the Ziwei Hall, and it is nourished by a special formation.

Although it has become a sixth-order magic weapon, it is also the most peak existence among the sixth-order magic tools.

As long as there is a seventh-order spiritual power, he can quickly recover to the seventh-order after cultivating it for a period of time.

The divine refining gourd was restored, and Wang Daoyuan had a seventh-order magic weapon in his hands.

Even if you encounter a seventh-order monster, you can still win with the divine gourd.

The Refining God shook his head: "The body of the God of Sea Reclamation has lost too much spiritual power in the body.

Although there is still a little Dao accumulation of Mahayana monks left, there is not much left.

Something like this is of little help to me. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Since that's the case, let's keep the body of this Sea Reclamation God for the time being.

Sooner or later, I will go to the middle of Qianyuan Continent, which is the core of the entire Qianyuan Realm.

At that time, it is inevitable to deal with the Five Thunder Sect.

Keeping the body of the Reclamation God Monarch is a stepping stone.

Returning the corpse of the cultivator who died in the war is a kindness.

Maybe I can use this as an entry point to pull the Five Thunder Sect into my camp. "

For a while, Wang Daoyuan's Primordial Spirit stayed in the Lingzhu space.

With the help of the memory of the **** of reclamation, improve your own earth and thunder.

In addition, he also used the original soul body and a ray of divided soul to create a new soul and put it into the body of the reclamation god.

In this way, the God of Reclamation can be regarded as a clone.

Wang Daoyuan took out the cloned soul in Liao Yang's body, and the number of clones was still ten.

With the help of his physical instinct, try to restore Wutu Shenlei and his domain supernatural powers.

The hard power of reclaiming the corpse of the **** of the sea is still extremely strong. Before he subdued him, he also relied on the suppression of the domain and the help of refining the gourd and forging the immortal cauldron.

If it hits hard, it's really not his opponent.

After staying in the Lingzhu space for decades, the outside world has also passed for several months.

Wang Daoyuan's improvement on Wutu Shenlei also has some eyebrows.

The improved Wutu Shenlei is far inferior to the method of reclaiming the sea.

But there are still some opportunities to seal the late stage cultivator of God Transformation.

Just as he was about to continue improving, someone came to visit.

The primordial spirit of Wang Daoyuan returned to the physical body, left his cave, and came to the auditorium of the Baiquangu royal family.

At this time, a cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation was sitting in the auditorium.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming in, he quickly got up and saluted: "Junior Qingzhu, see Senior Wang."

This person is dressed in a green robe, and he is not very old. He is the True Monarch Green Bamboo.

He used to be a blood shark thief cultivator, and he was ordered to sit on Cyanwood Island before.

During the battle of Aoki Island, the blood puppet escaped into the island.

In order to save his life, Zhenjun Qingzhu had to rely on the Seven Star Alliance.

Later, this guy joined Yuheng Jianzong and was named the deputy suzerain, second only to the two supreme elders and the suzerain of Yuheng Jianzong.

Wang Daoyuan glanced at him: "It turns out to be friend Qingzhu Daoist, I don't know what your friend is doing here?"

Zhenjun Qingzhu said with a smile, "This junior is here to give some gifts to the senior.

This gift is very precious, and the seniors will definitely be interested in this thing. "

"Oh?" Wang Daoyuan was a little curious, "I don't know what gift it is?"

Zhenjun Qingzhu first took out a Qiankun ring, which is quite clever and a living ring.

"The gift that the junior gives to the senior is in this Qiankun ring, and the senior can see it at a glance."

The Clone Demon Prison took over the Qiankun Ring and checked it out.

The treasure in this Qiankun Ring is really too precious.

Even though Wang Daoyuan has seen a lot of good things, he is still very surprised.

Clone Demon Prison took out a scroll of jade from the Qiankun Ring, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com took a closer look and took another breath.

"Celebrate Daoyou's great handwriting, Qingming Zhenshui and the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region.

Anything that is released will lead to competition between large and small forces.

People must ask for something after the ceremony. Daoist Qingzhu sent such a big gift. If you want to ask me, just say it directly. "

Qingzhu Zhenjun bowed again and said: "In the battle of Tianquan Island a few months ago, the God of Soul and Sea God both died in battle, and the entire Yuheng Sword Sect was leaderless.

I take the position of deputy suzerain, and temporarily take the position of suzerain. "

Wang Daoyuan gave Qingzhu Zhenjun a meaningful look, this guy is really capable.

The three masters of the Yuheng Sword Sect have all died in battle, but there must be other god-turning cultivators within the Yuheng Sword Sect.

True Monarch Qingzhu, who was a half-way renunciation, could have used a lot of tricks to become the previous Sect Master.

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