Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1236: Cloud Wing's home

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan knew in his heart that the guys from Wan Mojiao were hooked by the treasure that cultivated the cultivator.

But in the confrontation of the ancient battlefield, they always fall into the disadvantage.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect was originally a piece of scattered sand, and it was because of the threat of Zhenhai Sect that they reluctantly united.

The powerful strength of Zhenhaizong can certainly increase the cohesion within the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

However, when all the forces unite, they have been suppressed and beaten by Zhenhaizong, which will also dampen the confidence of the various forces of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

If the losses are heavy, some forces may retreat.

After all, the various forces are far and near from Zhenhaizong.

The forces that are close will directly face the threat of Zhenhaizong.

Naturally, he wanted the Ten Thousand Demons Sect to unite and deal with Zhenhai Sect together.

The forces that are far away will not directly face the threat of Zhenhaizong, and they are not willing to pay a huge price to deal with the enemy who cannot threaten them.

At this time, if you don't find some ground from Zhenhaizong's side, the hearts of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will be scattered.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect tossed Zhenhaizong just to find a way back.

When the two sides go to war, someone is bound to die.

Once a deadly feud is formed, those forces that have not made up their minds to deal with Zhenhaizong will have to join in.

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "It seems that there are capable people in the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and now they are fighting against Zhenhaizong, no matter whether they win or lose, they are guaranteed to win.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect took a big advantage, and it seemed that Zhenhaizong was only so powerful.

At that time, Zhenhaizong became a piece of fat, and all the forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect wanted to come and take a bite.

If they suffer a big loss, the two sides will have a blood feud.

Even if some forces don't want to fight with Zhenhaizong, they will be engulfed by hatred. "

Jiugui Zhenjun sighed: "I also know that this is not easy, but there is no way.

The ancient battlefield cannot give up. If you let it go, the treasures of cultivating the cultivators of the gods are likely to fall into the hands of the Ten Thousand Demons.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect has integrated all the magical powers of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands. If they are allowed to obtain this treasure again, it may be difficult to suppress in the future.

But if we continue to stalemate, we will definitely suffer a big loss here.

I was in a dilemma and thought about asking you for help.

But I heard that you established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and Kaiyang Sect also took refuge in the sect.

It must take a while to integrate the various forces within the chamber of commerce, and there is no opening. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "At the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, I have already arranged a few people to handle it.

Just want to draw out a lot of manpower, there are still some difficulties.

What is the current situation of the people sent to the ancient battlefield by the Ten Thousand Demons Sect? "

True Monarch Nine Ghosts replied: "As far as I know, there are seven god-turning forces in the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

The most powerful Wind and Thunder Demon Sect has four cultivators, two of which are in the middle stage.

The rise of the magic cultivator is too short, and it does not have a particularly brilliant inheritance. It is already very good to be able to cultivate to this stage.

Now there are five god-turning forces, all of which have sent god-turning cultivators over.

Ghost Swordsman and Peng Bird Corpse Puppet have played against them, and these people are not too strong.

With the strength of the ghost swordsman, he can suppress two or three early stage cultivators.

But their escape skills are really brilliant, and they were not able to leave them at the speed of the Peng Bird Corpse Puppet.

In the past two years, Ghost Swordsman and Peng Bird Corpse Puppet have encountered five god-turning cultivators.

These five people are all monks in the early stage of God Transformation, and they are not in the middle stage of God Transformation. "

Wang Daoyuan pondered in his heart, and with his own ability, he won the five early stage monks of God Transformation without any effort.

As for the means of escape, can they escape the supernatural powers of the domain? Can you escape the Blissful Ten Thousand Miles Talisman?

What's more, Wang Daoyuan also has a gourd of refining **** specially designed to capture the enemy alive.

"Although the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is not too strong, it has become a trend after all.

Various forces are scattered throughout the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, and it would take decades to destroy them one by one.

Moreover, we have a lot of losses here.

If these gods and demons have been staying in the various mountain gates, I really don't want to touch them.

But now they are far away from their own mountain gate, and they have reached the Wanmo Islands, which is to stick their heads under my knife.

I plan to go to the ancient battlefield and clean up these five cultivators.

Winning these five people, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect must also be severely damaged.

Without hundreds of years of recuperation, I would definitely not dare to take another shot.

I also have plenty of time to settle the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

Wang Daoyuan has long been concerned about the slogan established by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, which is to resist the Wan Demon Sect.

If the Wan Mo Sect is cleaned up now, without the enemy, the righteousness of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will also be gone.

If you want to give orders to other forces, you can only rely on strength to suppress them, and sooner or later, disasters will occur.

But if the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is kept, if these guys grow bigger, they will also pose a great threat to their own family.

This time, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect dispatched the cultivators to investigate the White Bone Hall, but it gave him the opportunity to weaken the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Killing these five gods and demons can prevent the Ten Thousand Demons from becoming bigger.

Indestructible Ten Thousand Demons Sect can continue to maintain the justice of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Daoyuan's decision, Jiugui Zhenjun didn't dare to say anything, just asked: "Then how should Zhenhaizong act?"

"Zhenhaizong shrinks its defense, as long as it doesn't suffer a big loss."

After all, take out tokens and seals and other items.

"This is the token and seal of the vice president of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and now there are Tianshu Sect, Tianji Palace and Yuheng Sword Sect on the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Zhenhaizong is a branch of Yulingzong, and it is a life-and-death feud with these three families.

Until these three companies are completely subdued, the fact that Zhenhaizong joined the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce cannot be announced.

However, I will arrange for people from the Chamber of Commerce to do business on Demon Slaying Island, and send some resources to Zhenhaizong by the way. "

Jiugui Zhenjun took the token and the seal: "Thank you, Lord."

Wang Daoyuan learned the basic situation on the ancient battlefield, so he did not stay in Zhenhaizong for a long time.

Together with Zhou Luan, he left Zhenhai Island in a flying boat and headed southeast.

At the beginning, he disguised himself as a cultivator of Nascent Soul, sneaked into Zhenhaizong, and participated in the battle of the White Bone Temple.

He is relatively familiar with the road from Zhenhaizong to the northern edge of the ancient battlefield.

The speed of Lei Peng's flying boat was also much faster than the previous warship.

It only took two days to arrive at the White Bone Cliff, where the gate of the White Bone Hall was located.

The flying boat fell on the White Bone Cliff, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan got off the flying boat.

Zhou Luan looked at the scene in front of him, and frowned slightly: "The suffocation of this ancient battlefield is too strong. Before we officially stepped into it, I felt uncomfortable."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The breath here is really uncomfortable, and the White Bone Hall can stand here, and it is really capable."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp cry came.

In this cry, there is an indescribable power.

Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to care for the big, and instantly opened the magical power field, covering thousands of miles in the field.

Through the field, he found a huge Peng bird.

It's just that most of the Pengbird's feathers have fallen off, and the body is pitch black. It is the Pengbird Corpse Puppet in Zhenhaizong.

On the back of the Peng Bird Corpse Puppet, there is also a middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

The Peng Bird Corpse Puppet fell not far in front of Wang Daoyuan, and the monks in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods hurriedly saluted: "Ghost swordsman, see the Lord.

The master has already sent me a letter, saying that the master will come here to search for the traces of the remnants of the White Bone Hall.

The subordinates have been searching for the remnants of the White Bone Hall for many years, and they have also found some clues.

If the Lord needs help, he can call me over at any time. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said: "Don't be too polite, now I'm not in a hurry to find the remnants of the White Bone Hall, I'm now looking for the bad luck of the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

I heard that you have encountered many times with the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons, and where did you meet them? "

The ghost swordsman replied respectfully: "Those demon cultivators are all hidden in the ancient battlefield, and rarely appear outside the ancient battlefield.

I have encountered them several times before, all on the battlefield.

Moreover, the locations where they encountered them were also different.

Every time they attacked me, I could only passively fight.

Maybe because they are magic cultivators, their flexibility in the ancient battlefield is far superior to their subordinates.

They fought many times but failed to keep them. "

Wang Daoyuan originally wanted the ghost swordsman to help him to get rid of the several Ten Thousand Demon Sect's Spirit Transformation cultivators as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, this guy has been being led by the nose.

However, the Ghost Swordsman is just a clone, and he is far from the main body of Jiugui Zhenjun, so he can't become a good climate.

There is no point in helping, and he can only be used as bait.

Wang Daoyuan took out a message token and a Yupei: "I will also be on the periphery of the ancient battlefield recently, if you encounter a magic cultivator, send me a message.

If the message is affected, crush this jade pendant, and I will rush over as soon as possible. "

After sending the ghost swordsman away, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "This ancient battlefield was the place where the real demons of the demon race and the real immortals of the immortal world confronted each other.

Later, many monks came to explore or take refuge, leaving behind a lot of good things.

The last time I came with cultivator Zhenhaizong, I couldn't go in and have a look. This time I will have a good experience.

I've always had good luck, and maybe I'll be able to find something left by the ancient monks. "

The entire ancient battlefield was shrouded in gray fog, which had a strong shielding effect on divine consciousness.

Not to mention going in, or staying outside, makes people uncomfortable.

The two walked into the area of ​​the ancient battlefield, and the gray fog inside was even more intense.

With Wang Daoyuan's cultivation base, his consciousness can only be spread out for less than ten miles.

With the naked eye, you can only see the situation within four or five miles ahead.

Zhou Luan was a little worried: "This ancient war is not a good place, we should be more careful.

I remember that in Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, we entered the soul realm and fought against the soul clan.

Yun Yi once said that he liked the breath of Soul Realm very much, as if he had gone home.

The breath of this ancient battlefield is really similar to that of Soul Realm.

Moreover, Yunyi has a strong restraint on these ghost repairs and the like.

It's better to let him out, we can also help more. "

Yun Yi broke through the sixth-order a few years ago, and has been practicing in the Lingzhu space since then.

Even if it is the bloodline of the divine beast, when it reaches the sixth rank, the speed of cultivation is greatly slowed down.

Hundreds of years have passed in the Lingzhu space, and Yunyi still has not been able to break through the middle stage of God Transformation.

However, this guy has always been able to perform exceptionally in such a ghostly place.

When he dealt with the soul clan in the soul domain, the strength he showed was not much worse.

Wang Daoyuan took Yunyi out of the Lingzhu space. This guy was lying under the tree of nourishing soul before, absorbing the silver mist to practice.

Suddenly being pulled out by Wang Daoyuan, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Master, you suddenly pulled me out, what..."

Before the words were finished, Yun Yi's big dark eyes were stunned.

"Master, did you take me to the underworld? I feel like my blood is boiling."

After that, he took a deep breath: "This gray fog is so delicious, if I stay here forever, I will not eat barbecue in the future."

According to the records of the Valley of Beasts, the Soul Eater Nether Tiger guards the gate of the underworld, can feed on the soul, and can also absorb energy such as Yin Qi and Death Qi.

Although the gray fog pervading this ancient battlefield is also of that kind of energy, Yun Yi has seen the world before, so he is not so excited.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Yunyi, what is the name of this gray fog that can make you so excited?"

Yun Yi didn't know how to say it, so he just replied, "I don't know why, as long as I inhale this gray mist, I will feel the blood boiling, and even the realm is a little loose."

Zhou Luan thought for a moment and said, "Yunyi is the bloodline of the Soul Eater Nether Tiger, although this Soul Eater Nether Tiger is special, it is still the bloodline of the White Tiger after all.

I remember that it is recorded in the ancient books of the Valley of Beasts that the dragon race can use the dragon energy generated by the special spiritual veins to increase the concentration of blood veins.

Phoenix Clan has Feng Qitong, which can help improve bloodline.

The White Tiger Clan can use the evil spirits to improve their bloodline.

This is an ancient battlefield, and there will be no shortage of evil spirits.

In addition, there is soul-like energy in this gray fog.

The effect of this gray fog on Yunyi should be comparable to the effect of dragon energy on dragon species.

If Yun Yi stayed here for a long time, he might be able to increase the bloodline concentration. "

Yun Yi also nodded his head wildly on the side: "Master, I absorb the feeling of this gray fog, a bit like eating those jelly beans before."

The jelly beans this idiot said were the bloodline pills that Wang Daoyuan refined for him.

It was made from the blood of the blood-eyed garuda. Any monster with the bloodline of the white tiger mythical beast can improve the purity of the bloodline as long as it takes the bloodline pill.

It's a pity that Yunyi's bloodline is not too far from that blood-eyed garuda.

The Bloodline Pill refined with the blood of the blood-eyed garuda has little effect.

"If you can really increase the bloodline concentration here and let you stay here in the future, it won't be a big deal.

By the way, my consciousness is limited by the gray fog, so I can't probe too far.

How far can your consciousness and eyes see? "

The cloud-like white hairs on Yunyi's shoulders stood up, instantly turning into two wings.

As the bloodline increases, these two wings become smaller and smaller, UU reading www. is now only three feet long.

Compared with Yun Yi's plump body, it is really not enough to look at.

Not enough, Yunyi's speed and flexibility in the air were not affected at all.

After a moment, he fell to the ground.

"Master, I only observe with the naked eye, and it is no different from looking at things outside.

If I use my divine sense to probe, everything within two thousand miles is within the range of my divine sense. "

Wang Daoyuan was surprised, this is the home field of Yunyi.

Spiritual beasts are inferior to humans in their spiritual sense. Generally, a sixth-level spiritual beast can probe for hundreds of miles at most.

Yunyi is at this level in the outside world.

After entering the ancient battlefield, not only was it unaffected, but the range of divine sense detection was doubled.

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