Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1241: treasure in hand

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan's divine consciousness unfolded, and he probed into the past where the wind came from, and there were indeed no traces of artificial carving in it.

"I believe you for the time being, what else is there, say it in advance.

If you play tricks again, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

True Monarch Withered Bones hurriedly said: "The junior was negligent for a while, and there are only some simple formations behind.

Let Yugu lead the way, there will be no problem. "

True Monarch Jade Bone is relatively young and lacks courage.

After being captured, he never dared to speak.

At this time, I got the order of True Monarch Withered Bones, so I had to lead the way.

Everyone walked to the depths of the stone room, and soon came to the entrance of a secret realm.

The environment on the ancient battlefield is extremely harsh, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can only barely survive.

Without the protection of the secret realm, it is impossible to settle down here.

True Monarch Jade Bone did not dare to go in directly, and entered the secret realm without Wang Daoyuan's order.

In case Wang Daoyuan misjudged and thought that he was going to escape, he would make a move, and his life would not be tied.

True Monarch Withered Bones smiled and said, "Senior, this is the hiding place of the remaining monks in the White Bone Hall.

Otherwise, let Yugu go in first, notify other disciples, and close the formation? "

Wang Daoyuan sacrificed the pathfinder puppet: "Alright, let this pathfinder puppet go in with fellow Taoist Jade Bone."

True Monarch Jade Bone took the pathfinder puppet and entered the secret realm, while Wang Daoyuan and others continued to wait outside.

After more than an hour, there was still no movement in the secret realm.

The Withered Bones True Monarch, who was waiting outside, was covered in cold sweat.

At this point of cultivation, unless the energy and spirit are consumed excessively, there will be no sweat.

But True Monarch Withered Bones even had his hair wet, and sweat ran down his cheeks.

If it weren't for the long whiskers under his jaw blocking it, I'm afraid the sweat would have flowed to the ground.

Wang Daoyuan glanced at him, and Lian Shen immediately understood: "Kid withered bones, it seems that you monks in the White Bone Temple are still immortal.

No matter if you don’t want to surrender, there are treasures in the White Bone Hall that produce pure yin and pure yang aura, and there must be a lot of cultivators.

Killing ten or eight early-stage cultivators of God Transformation would not take much effort for me.

Back then, I followed the old master and devoured many seventh-order monsters, and sixth-order monsters were no different from snacks.

It has been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years, and it has not been opened properly.

I don't know how many monks are left in your White Bone Hall, enough for me to stick between my teeth. "

True Monarch Withered Bones was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat, but now he was threatened by Lian Shen, and he was so scared that he was trembling all over.

"Senior, junior has no intention of resisting.

It's just that the elders who have broken through the realm of God Transformation in recent decades are somewhat young and vigorous.

When they were at war with Zhenhaizong, they shouted that the fish died and the net was broken.

When the old sect master was there, he could not completely subdue them.

I am the former Great Elder, and I was not welcome by them.

Now they have to take the White Bone Hall to join the seniors, and they will naturally not be happy. "

These new breakthrough elders, knowing that the White Bone Hall has a large number of means to cultivate the cultivators, are naturally full of confidence in the White Bone Hall.

With the current conditions of the White Bone Hall, after hiding for hundreds of years, he could become the overlord of the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

And these young spiritual cultivators will also become the real masters of the Seven Stars Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm in the future.

If you surrender now and hand over the treasure, all these bright futures will be gone.

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "Jiangshan's nature is easy to change, and I don't have the time to change them.

All the disobedient ones will be killed, and a batch of obedient ones will be replaced. "

After all, take out the Demon Prison of Clone and the Blood Spring from the Spirit Orb space.

"Come on, let's go in together.

I would like to see if the White Bone Hall has any means to stop me. "

Demon Prison and Blood Spring went straight to the entrance of the secret realm. Wang Daoyuan followed with Yunyi, Refining God Gourd, and Forging Immortal Cauldron, followed by Zhou Luan.

On the other hand, True Monarch Withered Bones, his face was ashes, and he froze in place.

He knew very well in his heart that the White Bone Palace would suffer heavy losses this time.

The god-turning monks who danced more happily, don't even think about surviving.

The remaining elite disciples in the White Bone Hall will be cleaned again.

It's hard to say how much the loss will be.

The strength in his hand is not strong, and he will no longer be valued if he joins Wang Daoyuan in the future.

As soon as Demon Prison and Blood Spring entered the secret realm, two bone spears attacked them.

The two demons smashed the spear with a single blow.

Afterwards, the whole body of Demon Prison was wrapped in thunder.

A dazzling blue-white light shrouded the area for dozens of miles.


Countless thunderbolts shot out from the prison.


After the thunder, the sound of gold and stone cracking sounded.

There is no complete stone within a hundred miles near the entrance to the secret realm.

The formation that originally shrouded this place also completely collapsed in the terrifying thunder attack.

The formation was broken, and the scene in the secret realm appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Daoyuan flew high into the sky and observed the situation of the entire secret realm.

The scale of this secret realm is not small, with a radius of more than 5,000 miles.

There is a secret barrier, and the gray fog and violent aura in the ancient battlefield have little impact on this place.

Even if there is no means of blocking the formation, low-level monks can still survive normally.

In terms of environment alone, it is much stronger than the White Bone Cliff.

With this secret realm in place, the White Bone Hall has been secretly developed for hundreds of years, and it can really become a trend.

There are probably four mountains, three waters and three plains in the secret realm, and there are still many places that can open up spiritual fields.

It's just that the development is seriously insufficient, and there are very few spiritual fields.

However, there are many spiritual plants in the mountains, rivers, and lakes, and it is not a problem to cultivate a few elites.

In the center of the secret realm, there is a tall and majestic mountain.

There are many buildings on the mountain, and Wang Daoyuan sensed that the Pathfinder puppet was in that building complex.

Come to think of it, there should be the center of the White Bone Hall here.

At this moment, a roar sounded: "Who trespassed on the gate of the White Bone Hall?"

This voice is extremely strange, there is no trace of the anger of a living person, and it gives a gloomy feeling.

Wang Daoyuan followed the sound and saw a human-shaped skeleton flying over from the side.

The grade of this skeleton is not low, and it is also the level of the sixth grade.

Wang Daoyuan was naturally not interested in talking to a skeleton: "Lian Shen, do you want to eat this?"

Lian Shen shook his head again and again: "The rotten bones of tens of thousands of years, the soup has no taste, why eat it?"

Yun Yi was very interested: "Master, I'll come."

Yunyi is very interested in everything related to ghouls, and bone puppets are also of this type.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then leave it to you."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Yi turned into a white shadow and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

When he appeared again, it was already in front of the bone puppet.

A huge tiger claw was shot down, and the bone puppet fell heavily to the ground.


Yunyi's plump body smashed down, pressing the bone puppet under him.


The sound of bones breaking sounded.

Yunyi opened his big mouth and sucked in, and waves of gray-white energy flew out of the bone puppet and fell into Yunyi's mouth.

After just over a hundred breaths, the gray-white energy in the bone puppet was completely exhausted.

The entire skeleton did not have a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, and the bones were torn apart.

On the contrary, the aura on Yun Yi's body was obviously enhanced a little.

The blood of the Soul Eater Underworld Tiger is like a duck to water in the environment of the ancient battlefield.

Just grab a bone puppet, you can endure several years of penance.

Yun Yi easily packed up the sixth-rank high-grade bone puppet, and the group continued onward.

Without obstacles, a distance of thousands of miles is nothing.

When everyone came to the tall mountain in the center of the secret realm, someone immediately shouted: "Who is the old man, register your name."

Wang Daoyuan said in a cold voice: "The White Bone Hall is so grand, and the four late stage cultivators of God Transformation come, you dare to close the door and see you.

Do you really think that with treasures, you can fight against this seat? "

At this moment, Jade Bone True Monarch walked out of a hall: "Senior is joking, the junior is discussing with the elders about taking refuge in you.

Some elders have different opinions, and the juniors are persuading them. "

Then, four more elders came out.

Among them was a young monk in a silver-gray robe, who was quite hostile to Wang Daoyuan.

He snorted coldly: "The surnamed Wang, where is our Sect Master? Was it beheaded by you?"

Lian Shen scolded angrily: "You don't know how to live or die, dare to disrespect your master.

When Lao Tzu was cultivating the Immortal Realm in the Seven Stars Sea, your eight hundred ancestors still wore open-crotch pants.

You little bastards, dare to disrespect the master of Lao Tzu, are you tired of living? "

After all, the young monk must be included in the gourd.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "You don't have to be as knowledgeable as this junior.

Your Sect Master is still outside the secret, and you should come in in a while. "

The young cultivator scolded angrily: "Fart, if the sect master is still alive, why wouldn't he come in.

It is clear that you harmed the sect master and also lied to us. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his right hand violently, and a huge palm phantom appeared out of thin air, swiping towards the young cultivator who was speaking wildly.

No one else responded, and the young cultivator was fanned out.

After flying more than a hundred miles, he fell heavily to the ground.

On the ground, it also slid out hundreds of feet.

At this point, the young cultivator had completely lost signs of life.

Everyone in the White Bone Hall was frightened, that was a cultivator.

Even if he is besieged by several monks of the same rank, Yuanshen can abandon his body and escape.

Without special treasures or clever means, it is difficult to keep the primordial spirit of a cultivator.

But a monk in the early stage of God Transformation was slapped to death like this.

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "I don't know how to cherish the chance to live for him.

A mere cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation, an ant that could be crushed to death at his fingertips, dared to question me.

Do I need to lie to you? "

Everyone in the White Bone Hall was silent, and now they believed Wang Daoyuan's words.

People who can be shot to death are not worth deceiving.

At this moment, True Monarch Withered Bones flew over from outside the secret.

He also shouted: "I have surrendered to Senior Wang, the elders must not be rude to Senior Wang."

Another young cultivator shouted: "Sect Master, the first sect master gave you the power to revitalize the White Bone Hall, not to make you surrender.

At the beginning, we and the second elder had to fight to the death, you must give up the White Bone Hall, save your strength, and make a comeback in the future.

Now you are being beaten at your door, but you have to give up the treasures of the sect and surrender on your knees.

The first suzerain was really blind, and he would let you be a scumbag in power. "

True Monarch Withered Bones is ashamed. In any case, he did not fulfill his promise to revitalize the White Bone Hall.

The young cultivator scolded True Monarch Withered Bones speechlessly, and then scolded Wang Daoyuan: "My son surnamed Wang, you are bullying my White Bone Hall with your strength.


Before he could finish speaking, he was grabbed by a huge palm.

The whole person was held in the palm of his hand, and he couldn't even make a sound.

Wang Daoyuan smiled contemptuously: "Well said, remember not to say it again in your next life."

Then, the big hand shook violently.


The sound of broken bones sounded one after another, and a god-turning cultivator died.

True Monarch Withered Bones closed his eyes, and two clear tears leaked from the corners of his eyes.

After a long time, he said: "Senior, I have promised to rely on you.

They just can't think of it for a while, I persuade them well, and I will definitely persuade them. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously: "I've seen people like them a lot, and they all rely on blood.

You can only use affection to win over, not force.

I don't have the spare time to cultivate feelings with them, and I can't subdue them with force.

It is better to solve the hidden danger as soon as possible than to leave the scourge.

You are a demon cultivator, and I am a cultivator of the righteous path.

Even if all the disciples of the White Bone Hall were beheaded, no one would say that I was wrong.

I'm not one of those old stubborn stubborn people either, and I don't have to kill a demon cultivator either.

As long as I don't kill the family to practice qigong, I can tolerate it.

Although the demons have different ways, they are all human after all.

It's better to have you occupy the Ten Thousand Demon Islands than to let the demons occupy it, but I don't want to leave a group of demons who want to kill me all the time.

The monks in the White Bone Hall, including all the demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, must either be loyal or die. "

The monks in the White Bone Hall did not dare to do it again, and even the monks who were very close to the previous two young cultivators did not dare to show a trace of dissatisfaction.

Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied: "Just be obedient, I'm not interested in killing people.

Can not kill, it is best not to kill.

Fellow Daoist Withered Bones, take out the treasures you got from the White Bone Hall.

I don't worry about leaving this kind of thing in the hands of the White Bone Hall. "

True Monarch Withered Bones bowed his hands and said yes, and then flew to the back mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, True Monarch Withered Bones returned to the front of the mountain with a small metal box in his hand.

He presented the box to Wang Daoyuan: "Senior, the two beads and the jade plate containing the beads are all here, please take a look."

Wang Daoyuan took the box, and after opening it, he saw a jade plate with a diameter of about one foot in This jade plate is a taiji picture, black and white two Yin and Yang fish are integrated.

As an artifact refiner, Wang Daoyuan didn't even see any traces of artificial carving on this jade plate.

In the fisheye position of the Yin-Yang fish, there are two beads, one black and one white.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to pick up the black bead, but as soon as he touched the black bead, his hand seemed to be in the ice cellar.

Even though his body is strong, he still feels the bone-chilling cold.

He tried to touch the white beads again, this time as if his hands were in a furnace.

True Monarch Withered Bones reminded: "Senior, be careful, these two beads are extraordinary.

If you touch it rashly, you may injure yourself.

It is usually placed on the jade plate and cannot be removed at will. "

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