Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1251: knock down and start over

The latest website: The method of the talisman, mentioned in the inheritance of the talisman of the Baoding line of the Shenbing Pavilion.

But it is only a casual mention, there is no real inheritance method, and it takes unimaginable time and energy to deduce it by yourself.

How much power it can actually exert is unknown.

Therefore, Wang Daoyuan has never worked hard in this regard.

Especially after having the supernatural powers in the domain, there is no need for magic talismans to make up for their lack of strength, even magic talismans are rarely used, and they will not spend a lot of money to study the talisman array.

Lian Shen was still not convinced: "I have heard of the Seven Lights Talisman, but what's the use of hearing about it?

Can you tell me how people understand their own way? "

Duan Xian glanced at Lian Shen with contempt: "You are a reckless man, you can't use your brain.

The dignified artifact spirit derived from a seventh-order middle-grade magic weapon, whose intelligence is not inferior to that of the human race, is used as a decoration.

How the Seven Lights Fuxian understands his own way, I am afraid that his close people do not know, let alone we know.

But through his means, he can guess which laws his own way consists of.

I ask you, what is the best method of Seven Luminaries Talisman? "

Lian Shen thought for a while, and then replied: "I heard the old master mention it, it should be Qi Yao Town Yuan Talisman.

It is said that this Seven Lights Town Yuan Talisman is not a magic talisman, but a set of talismans.

The people who have seen this talisman are all from the realm of earth immortals. We only know one name, what is it? "

Duan Xian's expression of caring for the mentally retarded: "Do you know what the Seven Lights are?"

"Who do you look down on? The Seven Lights are the five elements plus the sun and the moon, which are the basic knowledge of cultivation.

Although I am an artifact spirit, I have instructed the disciples of the Divine Refinement Sect many times. How can I not know this? "

Wang Daoyuan suddenly realized: "I understand."

Duan Xian smiled, and Lian Shen was a little confused: "Master, what do you understand?"

"Hey!" Duan Xian sighed heavily, "Without learning and no skills, you will lose all the face of Shenlianzong."

Lian Shen was a little impatient: "Stop talking nonsense, just say it directly."

"Seven Luminaries Array Immortal's best means must be in line with his own way.

Since the Seven Lights Town Yuan Talisman is called this name, the law used must be the Seven Lights Law.

The Tao of the Seven Luminaries Immortals should also be the Five Elements and the Sun and Moon.

The master uses the five elements to build a small world, but it has never been completed, presumably because of the lack of the sun and the moon.

Just relying on the five elements cannot build a complete world.

If you can make up for the sun and the moon, it is possible to make the small world take shape. "

Only then did Lian Shen suddenly realize: "It turns out that there are so many twists and turns, I didn't think so much.

The sun and the moon are yin and yang, so the master needs to comprehend the law of yin and yang.

It takes a lot of time to come and go. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It's okay to spend some time, the more you invest now, the stronger your future strength will be.

My Scarlet Yang True Fire and Gui Shui Mingyan can produce pure yin and pure yang energy.

The Law of Destruction that I comprehended has the characteristics of Scarlet Yang True Fire, not to mention the Law of Yin Water.

Moreover, I obtained the source of the sun and the moon in the ancient battlefield before, and after the hands of the master, it has become less violent.

With the source of the sun and the moon, it is much easier to understand the law of yin and yang. "

After all, pull out the power of law and the power of consciousness in the small world, and slowly dismantle it.

The small world this time is much more perfect than before. If it is allowed to self-destruct, it is likely to injure itself.

Then, the source of the sun and the moon was taken out from the Lingzhu space.

In Jue Tian Yuan before, these two beads were poured into a huge amount of spiritual power by Guiyuan Sword Immortal, but they did not absorb any more spiritual power.

In the Lingzhu space, he has been obediently staying beside the Linghuo.

At this time, the white beads were slightly warm, exuding wisps of pure yang energy.

The black beads have a cold feeling, exuding a small amount of pure yin.

Wang Daoyuan probed his divine sense into the black beads, and with the help of the law of yin and water, he realized the Taoism in it.

With the law of yin and water as an introduction, I quickly felt the Taoism in the black beads.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan was covered with a layer of milky white light.

After a while, the light subsided, and Wang Daoyuan opened his eyes: "The law of the moon is indeed more profound than the law of the five elements, if there is no law of yin and water as an introduction, even if there is the origin of this moon, it will be difficult to comprehend.

In the entire Qianyuan world, there are very few monks who can use the source of the moon to enlighten the Tao. "

A cloud of milky white light was condensed in his hand, and the light was collected into the Spirit Orb space and placed beside the Soul Raising Wood.

In an instant, this mass of milky white light was absorbed by the soul tree, and it even seemed a little impatient.

The soul tree needs nourishment from the moon to grow normally.

Previously, they used to rely on the moon pot to absorb yin to imitate Yuehua, but it was also able to maintain the growth of the soul tree.

Now Wang Daoyuan's energy condensed by the law of the moon is instantly absorbed by the soul tree, indicating that this energy is very close to Yuehua.

After perceiving the memory of the avatar Reclamation God Monarch, I realized that it took two years to comprehend the law of the moon.

There is the origin of the moon and the law of yin water, and it takes so long.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be difficult to comprehend it for hundreds or thousands of years.

Afterwards, Wang Daoyuan put away the black beads and poured his consciousness into the white beads.

With the help of the Destruction Method, spy on the Taoism in it.

The law of yin and water is closer to the origin of the moon, while the law of destruction is mainly the power of fire attribute, and the power of yang attribute is relatively less.

It takes a little more effort than before to spy on the Dao aggregates in the source of the sun.

After tossing for four or five years, I finally got some results.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan was full of dazzling golden rays of light.

The Reclamation God Monarch, who was protecting the law on the side, instinctively showed fear.

He is the corpse of a Mahayana monk, and he is about to be refined into a corpse.

For things of the yang attribute, there is an instinctive repulsion.

The golden light emanating from Wang Daoyuan has a strong yang attribute, making it feel threatened.

Soon, the golden light on Wang Daoyuan completely converged.

Opening his eyes, he let out a long sigh of relief: "It's finally done. In order to build a small world, too much effort was wasted."

Afterwards, he took out the Forging Immortal Cauldron and the God Refining Gourd.

As soon as Lian Shen came out, he shouted, "Master, what's the matter with you letting the two of us come out?"

"I have understood the law of the sun and the moon, and I can try to build a small world of seven laws.

The more rules there are, the more difficult it is to build a small world, and I'm not entirely sure.

After all, you have seen other god-turning cultivators understand their own way, so you can give me some pointers. "

Duan Xian smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, we can still do this little thing."

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and immediately began to build a small world.

This time, he did not build in the sea of ​​consciousness, but directly built a small world outside.

Du Xian said quickly: "Master, it is much more difficult for you to build a small world like this than in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness is also greater.

You are still building in the sea of ​​knowledge, if you have any questions, just ask us. "Guliao

"It doesn't matter, if there is no problem in the construction process, it will be harmless to me to consume more power of divine consciousness.

You watch me build a small world, if there is any problem, it is convenient for you to correct me. "

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan insisted on this, Du Xian had to agree.

Wang Daoyuan has built a small world twice before. Although both failed, he has also accumulated a lot of experience.

The third build is also a familiar one.

The small world built is exactly the same as the second build.

The earth is divided into five regions, and each region belongs to five elements.

The only difference is that the sun and the moon appear in the sky.

The power of divine consciousness condensed the prototype, and then the power of the law was injected.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and there were no mistakes.

Duxian and Lian Shen stared at the small world, trying to find out the omissions, but they didn't find it.

After half a year, Wang Daoyuan stopped injecting the power of divine consciousness into the small world.

The small world has not collapsed, and the power within it is still functioning normally.

The Refining God shouted: "Finally successful, Master, you can try to break through the Mahayana realm.

When you break through the Mahayana realm, give me some spiritual power, and I will be able to recover to the seventh level.

When the old master fell, most of the elite disciples of the Divine Refinement Sect left the Qianyuan Continent, and the Divine Refinement Sect declined.

Those monsters who have been suppressed for many years do not know whether to live or die, and have repeatedly attacked the industry of our God Refinement Sect.

Several disciples of the old master died at the hands of monsters, and I want to avenge them.

Even if those monsters are dead, I will slaughter their descendants and let out this vicious anger. "

Duan Xian also nodded slightly: "Congratulations, master, there is no problem with the small world you built.

The more perfect the small world is, the stronger the improvement of domain power will be.

After breaking through the Mahayana realm, the Dao that can be mastered will be stronger. "

Looking at the small world he built himself, Wang Daoyuan frowned.

Afterwards, he began to extract the power of consciousness and laws from this small world, and the small world that was already stable quickly collapsed.

Lian Shen hurriedly asked: "Master, why did you destroy this small world? This is the foundation of your future cultivation!"

Duan Xian also looked suspicious, not understanding why Wang Daoyuan destroyed such a near-perfect small world.

Wang Daoyuan chuckled: "This small world is too weak."

Lian Shen said in surprise: "This is still weak? Back then, the Shen Lian Zong had a disciple of divine powers in the water attribute domain, and the small world he built was far worse than yours."

"My small world is much stronger than the small world built by the average god-turning peak cultivator, but I am the son of luck, and the enemy in the future is at least the real devil.

But the small world I built was only slightly stronger than the small world recorded in Frost God Venerable Experience.

The small world constructed at this time is related to the path after the Mahayana realm, and it should not be so rash.

Right now I'm not in a crisis and have plenty of time to start all over again.

To build a small world is to build the foundation of the great road, and it is worth how much time it takes. "

Duan Xian also nodded: "It's good that the master has this ambition, but there is no record of building a small world in the Five Elements field in the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect and the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The introduction of the law of the sun and the moon in the small world is something we guessed.

We don't know what to do next. "

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a long time before he said: "Only relying on the records of some predecessors is still a bit meaningless.

I will go to Jue Tian Yuan again. It is better for the master to check this kind of thing related to the road. "

"Also, Immortal Forging and I have little knowledge, and we are not qualified to participate in the battle against the Demon Race.

Over the years, the only powerful person I have come into contact with is my own family.

Qixinghai Xiuxian Realm is considered a remote area in Qianyuan Realm, and there is less communication with Qianyuan Continent. We know too little.

Guiyuan Jianxian was the leader of the human race back then, and all the great powers and earth immortals in the entire Qianyuan world served under him.

His knowledge is not comparable to us.

It's better to have his guidance than just guessing here. "

Wang Daoyuan put the Forging Immortal Cauldron and the God Refining Gourd into the Lingzhu space and walked out of the retreat.

At this time, Wang Shouye had also left the customs.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan leaving the customs, he hurriedly flew over to say hello: "You have finally come out, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wang Daoyuan used his divine sense to investigate Wang Shouye and found that his cultivation had reached the peak of Yuan Ying.

Moreover, the breath is very strong, which shows that its foundation is very solid.

"Uncle Twelve is planning to break through the realm of God Transformation?"

Wang Shouye nodded: "I have now cultivated to the peak of Nascent Soul, and the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is just when it needs to employ people. I want to break through the transformation as soon as possible, so as to handle the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce."

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Uncle Twelfth, it's too bad for you to break through now.

If you can make breakthroughs after your spirit is complete, your future achievements will be much higher. "

Wang Shouye waved his hands again and again: "I know what my talent is.

Being able to cultivate to the realm of God Transformation is already the limit.

Who can break through the Mahayana realm, which one is not gifted?

My talent of the two spiritual roots, if I want to break through the Mahayana realm, I don’t know how much resources I have to spend.

The juniors in the clan have grown up slowly, and there are many who are more talented than me.

Even Mingren and Delin, the two Heavenly Spiritual Roots, came out to do things, so how could I be embarrassed to keep retreating.

You should keep those resources to cultivate them, I will not waste them. "

Wang Daoyuan took out two bottles of Blood Soul Pill and said with a smile, "Uncle Twelve, you are really too modest.

The vice suzerain of the Shenlian Sect, the Lord Hanxing, is also a talent of Erlinggen, and he still breaks through the Mahayana realm.

Divine Immortal Divine Venerable once said that if Divine Sovereign Hanxing had a great chance, he might cultivate to the realm of great power.

Your talent is no worse than Hanxing Divine Sovereign, and it is a pity not to try to break through the Mahayana realm.

You don't have to worry about resources.

Just cultivate well, manage the family business for me, and cultivate more outstanding children.

This is the blood soul pill, which can improve blood and spiritual consciousness.

With the help of this elixir, it will take a few years for you to reach fullness of spirit, energy and spirit. UU reading

When the time comes to break through the realm of the gods, the power of the primordial spirit will far exceed that of ordinary monks.

The foundation is deep, and when I break through the Mahayana realm in the future, it will save me more resources. "

Wang Shouye hesitated for a long time before taking the Blood Soul Pill.

He let out a long sigh: "Our Wang family was just a lingering foundation-building family back then, and it has grown to where it is today in a few hundred years.

My goal in the early years was to form a golden elixir and restore the glory of my ancestors.

Unexpectedly, now we are all starting to talk about whether we can break through the Mahayana realm.

That's all, then I'll listen to you, cultivate well, and help you look after your backyard.

I also want to live a few more years, and take a good look at how far our Wang family can develop. "


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