Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1259: scary snake

The latest website: Corpse refining is indeed the nemesis of monsters, especially Wannian Corpse Puppets, whose bodies are extremely powerful, and monsters of the same rank cannot be defeated at all.

In addition to the thunder and fire attribute monsters that can restrain the corpse refining, ordinary monsters are completely crushed when they see the ten thousand year corpse puppet.

What's more, the strongest thing of the Hanxing Divine Sovereign is not the physical body, but the ghost cultivation method.

Wang Daoyuan chatted with Hanxing Divine Sovereign for a long time before leaving Baicao Secret Realm.

At this time, at the entrance of Baicao Secret Realm, there are many loose cultivators peeping.

As soon as Wang Daoyuan left the secret realm, many scattered cultivators were immediately frightened.

If they want to escape, they are afraid that Wang Daoyuan will take care of them.

I had to bow respectfully: "Junior has seen Senior Wang."

Wang Daoyuan didn't bother to get along with this group of loose cultivators, but said solemnly: "This Hundred Herbs Secret Realm is reserved by the Shenlian Sect, outsiders are not allowed to enter, and those who violate the order will be killed."

Although these people coveted the resources in the Mysterious Realm of Baicao, they also knew that the major forces in the Seven Star Seas were exploring the Mysterious Realm of Baicao.

Even the late-stage cultivators of God Transformation had only the power to protect themselves.

These loose cultivators have the highest cultivation level, and they are only in the late Nascent Soul, how dare they venture into it?

After listening to Wang Daoyuan's ban, they all responded, "Junior must obey the senior's ban."

Wang Daoyuan just nodded and took the Lei Peng flying boat to the north.

After more than a day of trekking, we came to Tianquan Island.

Enter the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters, and invite Zhenjun Lei Yan, Wang Shouye, and his clone Jia Qi in the council hall.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's serious look, Wang Shouye asked, "Are you going to Canglong Ruins?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yeah, if you continue to stay in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation World, there will be no progress.

It is hard to say when the battle of luck will break out.

Although the power of our Wang family is already very large, it is still not enough to see compared to those forces on Qianyuan Continent.

My main advantage is that I was born earlier than other children of luck, and my cultivation base should be the highest.

If you can't grasp this advantage, you won't have the slightest chance of winning in the future. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan sighed: "You were born in the north of Jue Tian Yuan, and you have to suffer a lot more than those sons of luck on Qianyuan Continent.

I heard that monsters are rampant in the Canglong Ruins, are you sure? "

"I have a little bit of control, and I have also done a lot of preparation.

What I am most worried about is not the Canglong Ruins, the son of dignified luck, who is blessed by heaven and will not be easily killed by monsters.

The Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is what worries me the most.

From the endless ice sea to the north shore of Jutianyuan, how many monsters are hidden in the sea area of ​​more than 10,000 miles?

After I leave, the Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World will be in its weakest state in tens of thousands of years.

In the event of a beast tide, it is not easy to protect oneself. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter, after the Purple Gold Exquisite Pagoda is restored to the sixth rank, its power has greatly improved.

With my current strength and with the Zijin Linglong Pagoda, even if I encounter a sixth-rank high-rank semi-divine beast, I can still defeat it.

You still left so many puppets, a few sixth-rank high-rank demon kings, and they can't shake our foundation at all. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "Indeed, there is no need to worry about the small beast tide, but the big beast tide has to be guarded against.

I also prepared some back-ups, which should be able to deal with the big beast tide. "

After that, he took Xu Chenhai out of the Lingzhu space.

"This is also my avatar, and it is the late stage of God Transformation.

His own cultivation talent is second only to mine, stronger than Mingxian and Mingchen.

Even if you encounter a beast of the same rank, you can still win.

Twelfth Uncle, I will stay on Tianquan Island as my clone and leave it to you to dispatch. "

Wang Shouye looked surprised: "You have prepared a lot of methods. With such a master here, no amount of monsters will be enough to kill."

Wang Daoyuan took out two jade pendants, one red and the other white: "These two jade pendants are both child and mother pendants, one is broken, and the other is bound to be broken.

The other piece of the white jade pendant is in the hands of the God of Cold Stars.

Divine Sovereign Hanxing was the eldest disciple of Forging Immortal Divine Venerable, and was also a Mahayana monk back then.

It's a pity that he died in the calamity of three declines, and now his body has turned into a corpse puppet of ten thousand years, and his soul has turned into a ghost repairer.

The strength that can be exerted should not be much worse than that of the original reclamation god.

He is hiding in the Mysterious Herbs in the southern part of Qizhen Island, and I have greeted him before.

If there is a beast tide that cannot be dealt with, just crush the white jade pendant, and he will come to help.

This red jade pendant is in my hand.

If Hanxing Divine Sovereign can't handle it, just crush it, and I will rush back from Canglong Ruins as soon as possible. "

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "You have done so much preparation, so I have nothing to worry about."

"I will announce the retreat to the clan to break through the peak of God Transformation, and then start from Tianfu Island and go to Canglong Ruins through the endless ice sea."

"It's business as usual here, and the backhand I left behind is enough to deal with all kinds of situations other than the large-scale beast horde.

There is no need to condone other forces, and those who are disobedient should be cleaned up.

On the Wan Mo Sect's side, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack the industry of our Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, don't pay attention to them.

With the Ten Thousand Demons Cult, other forces are willing to hug our thighs. "

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "Don't worry, the strength in your hand is enough, and managing these forces is just a piece of cake."

Wang Daoyuan discussed some matters with Wang Shouye and Zhenjun Lei Yan, and left Tianquan Island and headed north.

After returning to Tianfu Island, after Wang Daoyuan announced his retreat, he returned to the cave.

After staying in the cave for a few days, he hid his figure, left the cave, and entered the Fire Dragon Mountain Fire Room.

Pass through the underground lava and go due north.

In the depths of the endless ice sea, I found a small crater.

Quietly came out of the crater, and only then did the sixth-order high-grade flying warship go to the due east.

The captain of this flying battle is only over fifty feet, and its shape imitates Lei Peng's flying boat, which is roughly like a Peng bird.

Considering that they will face seventh-order monsters in the future, the sixth-order Lei Peng warship has relatively small wings.

In battle, it is not easy to be destroyed.

The speed of the sixth-order warship is not comparable to the fifth-order Lei Peng flying boat.

With a little push, the speed reached more than 80,000 miles in an hour.

Wang Daoyuan also opened the hidden restriction on the warship, and the entire warship was completely invisible.

Because of the existence of the breaking wind restriction, there was not much noise during the flight of the warship.

He invited Zhou Luan out of the Lingzhu space: "His Royal Highness, we are about to leave the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm."

Zhou Luan sighed: "The future is uncertain, and I couldn't look at Mingren again before I left."

"Don't worry, with me here, don't be afraid of any monsters.

When we break through the Mahayana realm, come back and take a good look at the Ming Blade.

Then go back to Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie to see Mingchen and Mingxian. "

At this time, the man who was controlling the warship was the God of Reclamation. Wang Daoyuan sensed his avatar through the panoramic view, and controlled him to increase the speed of the warship to the highest level.

Soon, the speed of the warship exceeded 100,000 miles in an hour.

At this time, the warship was hiding its figure, and it was difficult to borrow Jinpeng's spiritual power.

If the power of Jinpeng is displayed, the speed can be improved a lot.

It only took one day for the Lei Peng warship to fly out of the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

After continuing to fly eastward for a few days, Wang Daoyuan ordered the clone to fill the sea and close the hidden restrictions on the warship.

To hide a warship that is more than 50 feet long, the loss of spiritual power is too great.

This place is already millions of miles away from the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

There are few monsters on the ice field, and each has its own territory.

Even if they are discovered by these monsters, there is no need to worry that they will collide with the monsters in the Seven Star Seas.

Afterwards, the Lei Peng warship changed direction and went southeast.

Soon, the scene in front of him changed from a vast snow field to an endless sea.

The large and small islands that can often be seen in the Seven Star Seas are very rare here.

Flying millions of miles at sea, you may not see an island.

After two years of trekking at sea, a huge island suddenly appeared in front of me.

The island has a strange shape, like a giant python crawling south.

The body of the python is curved, and there are two tall peaks on the python's head, which look like two dragon horns.

When Wang Daoyuan first went to Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie, he participated in the auction and took a copy of "The Travels of Kunlun Sanren".

That senior came up from Blue Star, and had traveled to the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm and Canglong Ruins.

According to the records, the island is called Jiao Snake Island, which is the westernmost island of Canglong Ruins.

Jiao Snake Island has this name, not only because the island is shaped like a snake, but also because there are a large number of snakes living on the island.

According to the records in the book, there was a seventh-order low-grade spiritual vein on this island.

A large amount of dragon qi is produced in the spiritual veins, and dragon qi is extremely attractive to most dragon species.

Therefore, a large number of snakes with dragon blood gathered here.

"We have arrived at the Canglong Ruins. The island in front is called Jiao Snake Island, which is the western border of the Canglong Ruins.

Back then, there were also seventh-order spiritual veins here, but unfortunately they are gone now. "

The concentration of spiritual energy on Jiao Snake Island is slightly higher than that on Tianquan Island in Qixinghai.

There is still a long way to go from the seventh-order spiritual veins.

For the past two years, Zhou Luan has been a little tired of sailing on the vast sea.

Hearing about the Canglong Ruins, he quickly came out of the cabin.

He breathed a long sigh of relief: "I finally arrived at the Canglong Ruins. I have been wandering at sea for the past two years, and I haven't even seen a decent island.

Even the monsters don't know where they died, and there is no one who dares to come to trouble. It's really boring.

This island is not small, do we want to go to the island to find spiritual things? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "There are many snakes living on the Serpent Island. If they are entangled, it will be a big trouble."

The so-called Jiao Snake is a snake transformed into a Jiao Jia.

These kinds of dragons are usually not very good in appearance, and their supernatural powers are not strong.

But the fighting method is extremely strong and very difficult to deal with.

Dragons, as divine beasts, have both divine and animal nature.

The purer the blood, the stronger the divinity.

These things like serpents are very weak in divinity and very strong in beasts.

In particular, the dragon that the poisonous snake transformed into is simply a lunatic, attacking passersby for no reason.

Some snakes are even more fierce and not afraid of death.

Even if the opponent's strength is far superior to himself, he has to work hard. If he can't beat him, he still needs help. It's just a dog-skin plaster.

Back then, when the Kunlun scattered people passed through this place, they were helplessly entangled by a group of snakes.

In the end, I can only tear apart the space and escape from here.

One of Zhou Luan's hobbies is to read the classics, and she is also very clear about the virtues of the snake.

"Then let's go around and find a place with seventh-order spiritual veins as soon as possible to break through the Mahayana realm."

Lei Peng's warship turned around and headed due south, wanting to go around from the south of Jiao Snake Island and continue to go deep into Canglong Ruins.

But Wang Daoyuan didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble came to him.

When the warship flew thousands of miles south of Jiao Snake Island, a huge wave suddenly turned up in the sea.


A strange roar came from the huge waves. This roar was a bit like the roar of a dragon, but more like the sound of a python spitting out a letter.

If it can make this strange sound, it is 80% that it is a snake-like Jiao dragon with mixed blood.

Soon, a pitch-black serpent flew out of the huge waves.

This guy looks really weird.

With a single horn on its head, the head looks like a dragon's head, but it is somewhat flat.

The body is naked, not even a dragon claw, but the tail has a mane.

The tail has a long mane, which is a characteristic of the pure-blooded Jiaolong.

A dragon-like snake with not many dragons on its body has actually grown a mane.

Once this serpent is beheaded, many serpents will come to pester him. This snake Jiao is more than ten feet long, and its cultivation base is the top grade of the sixth rank.

Ordinary dragon species with mixed bloodlines naturally cannot grow to this level.

This Flood Snake Dragon's blood is thin, and if he can cultivate to such a degree, 80% of it has some kind of high-grade spirit snake bloodline.

Not all spirit snakes are descendants of the dragon race, and many are of the bloodline of ancient alien beasts.

These spirit snakes may not be as powerful as real dragons, but they should not be taken lightly.

The pitch-black serpent flew toward the warship, and these things were all dog-skin plaster.

Wang Daoyuan immediately ordered the reclamation **** to turn the bow to the southeast to get rid of the pursuit of the snake.

The Lei Peng warship can fly more than 100,000 miles in an hour without using Jin Peng's escape spell.

The speed of the snake is impossible to catch up.

Seeing that the pitch-black Jiao Snake could not catch up, it roared angrily and spit out a pitch-black arrow from its mouth.

Wang Daoyuan's consciousness swept over and felt a little dizzy.

I was shocked: "What a powerful poison, it can actually affect the soul through spiritual consciousness.

If he was hit by this poisonous arrow, his soul would be lost. "

With a slight wave of his hand, a waterspout immediately rolled up in the sea below, blocking the poisonous arrow.

The poisoned arrow rushed into the waterspout and disappeared.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "After all, it is a sixth-order high-grade monster. Even if there are some special methods, hard power is the same."

Zhou Luan exclaimed: "Be careful!"

At this moment, the entire waterspout turned black, and Wang Daoyuan felt that the waterspout was gradually losing control.

"The poison of this snake can erode the power of consciousness. The power of consciousness I attached to the spell is eroded by the poison, and the spell is out of control."

Although the spell was out of control, it did not disappear directly. Instead, it flew towards the warship quickly.

Moreover, the waterspout is slowly changing.

After a few breaths, it turned into the appearance of the pitch-black snake.

The waterspout is a spell, and the speed is extremely fast. The speed in a short period of time is even faster than that of the Lei Peng warship.

The serpent and the dragon that the waterspout had transformed into opened its **** mouth and bit the warship.

Wang Daoyuan immediately ordered the clone to reclaim the sea **** and cast Jinpeng's spell.

The entire warship was covered with a layer of golden light, and then the golden light turned into a huge Peng bird phantom.

The speed of the warship soared, and it got rid of the **** mouth.

The snake and flood dragon transformed by the waterspout failed to strike, and quickly shattered into clumps of black water.

Wang Daoyuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and the **** of black water turned into pitch-black poisonous arrows, chasing after Wang Daoyuan again.

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