Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1261: old turtle

The latest website: The evil dragon who set up a formation on Longting Island back then was a true dragon.

The real beasts can also practice the arts of immortality.

Moreover, the talent is not much worse than the human race.

The Panshan Lake Dragon Palace on the other side of Beiyuan has been abandoned for many years.

But the formation left inside is still very clever.

The Dragon Palace on Longting Island has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and there is still a Dragon King, so the formation should be better preserved.

The formation left by the real dragon, I dare not slam into it.

However, this little dragon species has to deal with it.

Wang Daoyuan asked with a smile: "I heard from the elders in the early years that there is a real dragon on this Longting Island that is quite extraordinary, and the Dragon Palace is built here.

Dare to ask your friend, who is the current Dragon King? "

Hearing Wang Daoyuan's compliments, Xiao Longzhong smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist is really well-informed, it was my great-grandfather who built the Dragon Palace here.

After Jue Tian Yuan was formed, the concentration of spiritual energy here continued to decline.

The great-grandfather was worried that in the future, the spiritual energy here would drop to the seventh level, so that the younger generation would not even be able to transform into a real dragon.

He took a group of children and grandchildren to live in the south of Jue Tian Yuan.

My grandfather didn't want to leave, so he stayed here as the Dragon King.

It is a pity that the old man never broke through the seventh rank and became a real dragon.

My father took over as the Dragon King and became the third Dragon King of Longting Island. "

After hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was relieved.

The second generation of dragon kings failed to break through the Mahayana realm, and the third generation of dragon kings was even more useless.

The sixth-order peak dragon race, even if the bloodline is pure, can not exert the power of the real dragon, at most, it is stronger than the dragon species like Molong.

Against such a dragon race, it is still possible to win.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Juetianyuan has delayed how many invaluable talents! My father is similar to Lingzu. Although his talent is unparalleled, he failed to break through the seventh rank and finally sat down."

In order to fool this little dragon species, Wang Daoyuan also spoke nonsense.

Hearing that Wang Daoyuan's elders are similar to his own elders, this little dragon species suddenly feels close.

"It turned out to be the case, then we really have a fate, and we have to invite fellow Daoists to come to the Dragon Palace."

Wang Daoyuan showed a look of regret: "I really want to have a good time here, but I really have something important to do.

It was my uncle who invited me to Longyuan this time. His old man and my grandfather were brothers.

When my father was alive, his old man had not yet established a firm foothold in Longyuan and could not help.

Now he also has a foundation in Longyuan.

When my father passed away, he was very remorseful, and he wanted to make amends on me.

This time I was recruited to help me break through.

Therefore, do not dare to waste time. "

This time, the little dragons don't know what to do. They want to build a relationship, but the other party has important things.

If you insist on keeping others now, you will delay your journey.

To delay the path of those who practice cultivation is a great hatred that cannot be shared.

"Since that's the case, I don't dare to leave a Daoist friend."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I am a half-demon with dragon blood, so naturally I can't live in Longyuan.

But when you return, you must prepare a generous gift, visit the Dragon Palace on Longting Island, and stay for a while. "

The dragon seed smiled and said, "It's easy to say, in Xia Mohai, I'm waiting for the visit of Daoist friends."

Wang Daoyuan also cupped his hands and said: "When you get down the golden scales and return, you must come to visit the Dragon Palace."

After a few words of courtesy with Mo Hai, Wang Daoyuan returned to the cabin and continued to go east.

After flying tens of thousands of miles away from Longting Island, Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, this little dragon was restrained by the tiger's skin. If it is entangled with the Dragon Palace on Longting Island, the trouble will be big."

Lian Shen smiled and said, "This first-generation Dragon King of Longting Island is a dog-skin plaster.

At the beginning, the old master's idea was fought, and the two sides fought for a long time.

In the end, the old master tore apart the space and escaped.

If the same is true for his descendants, it would be really troublesome.

Fortunately, you have practiced the True Dragon Bodybuilding Exercise, and you know about Long Yuan, and you have restrained the little dragon seed. "

Wang Daoyuan couldn't be happy: "There is no seventh-order spiritual meridian here, and there is already a Dragon Palace blocking the way.

If you continue to go deeper and encounter a place with a strong seventh-order aura, there may be a seventh-order dragon.

I'm not sure that I can fool every guy who gets in the way.

Lian Shen, where there are high-level dragons on the way, let's avoid it. "

Lian Shen nodded: "From here to the east, there are no large-scale high-level spiritual veins within a million miles, and naturally there will not be a large number of dragon species gathering."

"Then go east first, and now you can sense a trace of the seventh-order aura. If the seventh-order aura in front is strong enough, there is no need to go further."

The warship continued eastward, and the distance of a million miles was about a day's effort for the sixth-rank top-grade Lei Peng warship.

A day later, the seventh-order aura contained in the aura of heaven and earth was much stronger than before.

The Refining God Gourd took a breath of spiritual energy, and then smiled: "The seventh-order spiritual energy here is much more than that on Longting Island.

Unfortunately, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to break through the Mahayana realm here.

This is the master of your talent. If your talent is a little bit worse, you won't be able to break through without a few hundred years. "

Wang Daoyuan also sensed the seventh-order spiritual energy, refining a large amount of spiritual energy and integrating it into the small world.

But this seventh-order spiritual power has an extremely limited impact on the small world.

After tossing for a long time, the small world has not changed significantly.

Seeing him closing his eyes and meditating, Lian Shen asked, "Master, are you refining seventh-order spiritual power and integrating into the small world?"

Wang Daoyuan woke up and nodded.

Refining God smiled and said: "This method is useless, you haven't broken through the Mahayana realm, you can't refine the trace of the power of heaven contained in the seventh-order aura.

After the seventh-order spiritual power is integrated into the small world, the small world cannot be used.

The effect is not as good as the power of your own laws. "

Wang Daoyuan looked into the distance, and there was a small black spot in the far east.

He pointed to the black spot and asked, "That direction should be Xuan Turtle Island, right? I remember there are a lot of turtles and monsters there.

A long time ago, there were basalt divine beasts there. "

Lian Shen nodded: "About 80,000 years ago, I accompanied the old master there.

At that time, there was an old Xuanwu on the island.

Xuangui Island is the dividing line between the edge of Canglong Ruins and the core area. There were seventh-order high-grade spiritual veins on this island.

There are still some seventh-order spiritual qi here, but I don't know if the spiritual veins have degenerated.

Turtle monsters are generally lazy and not very aggressive.

We can check the situation near Xuangui Island. Even if there is no seventh-order spiritual vein, we can inquire about the news from the spiritual turtle over there.

They are all good at talking. Back then, the old master was still discussing with the Xuanwu divine beast. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then go to Xuangui Island for a walk, the turtle spirit beasts will live longer, maybe you can find out a lot of news."

The warship continued to move eastward, and the black spot far in the east was getting bigger and bigger.

After flying for more than 10,000 miles, Xuan Turtle Island is already in sight.

The shape of this island has nothing to do with turtles.

The entire island is thousands of miles in radius, and at the center of the island is a tall mountain.

The little black spot that Wang Daoyuan saw thousands of miles away was this mountain.

Unfortunately, the spiritual veins on this island have not reached the seventh-order level, only the sixth-order peak.

Compared with the Lingmai of Longting Island, the rank is higher.

On the edge of the island is a large beach, and now there are a large number of turtles and monsters of different grades, active on the beach.

As soon as the Lei Peng warship approached, a low roar was heard.

This roar is somewhat similar to that of his own mysterious ice turtle clone.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly came out of the cabin, stood on the back of Lei Peng's warship, and shouted loudly, "I'm passing by here, and I want to ask fellow Daoists to inquire about something, there is no malice."

A low voice came: "In this case, go to the island to rest, don't hurt my descendants."

Wang Daoyuan put away Lei Peng's flying boat, and flew to the place where the sound came from with Zhou Luan, Lian Shen and Forging Immortal.

This is a small valley in the middle of the island. There is a small lake in the valley. Half of the cave is exposed by the lake. The sound comes from this cave.

Not long after, an old man walked on the water and slowly walked out of the cave.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, he smiled and said, "I have seen two fellow Daoists."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan also bowed their hands in return.

The old man glanced at the God Refining Gourd and asked, "Is this Gourd Refining God Gourd?"

Lian Shen showed his figure: "How do you know me, little turtle?"

This old tortoise has gray hair, and he has his children and grandchildren all over the island. He is very old.

Lian Shen called him a little turtle, which was a bit too much.

Wang Daoyuan scolded: "Don't be rude."

The old man waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, Senior Lian Shen called me that at the beginning.

More than 80,000 years ago, Duxian Shenzun came here to discuss Taoism with my grandfather, and I had the honor to attend.

At that time, Senior Refining God was beside Divine Immortal Divine Venerable. "

After thinking about it for a long time, Lian Shen said, "I remember there were a few small turtles next to me at the time. I didn't expect you to live to this day."

The old man smiled and said, "Most of those little turtles are my brothers from the same clan, and because of their talent, they are qualified to listen.

I still have a fresh memory of the scene at the beginning.

If I hadn't had the opportunity to hear the sermon, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to cultivate to the point where I am now. "

Wang Daoyuan asked, "If fellow Daoists were there, I'm afraid they would be at least 80,000 to 90,000 years old, right?

The demon clan who did not break through the seventh-order, I am afraid they would not be able to live so old. "

The old man shook his head: "The old man is nearly 90,000 years old, although my grandfather is a pure blood Xuanwu, but my blood is not pure.

If it is only a sixth-order cultivation base, it is indeed impossible to live for so long.

In fact, the old man had also broken through the seventh rank in the past. Presumably, fellow Daoists also know that divine beasts with impure bloodline need to go through the last calamity to purify their bloodline before they can become real divine beasts.

It was when I was crossing the bloodline that something went wrong, and I was attacked by an evil dragon and almost lost my life.

In the end, although he saved his life, his cultivation has also fallen, and now he can only barely keep his sixth-order high-grade cultivation.

However, the lifespan is far longer than that of the sixth-order semi-divine beast. As for how long the lifespan is, I can't say.

My Xuanwu lineage is a divine beast recognized by the Tao of Heaven, and it is not like the human race that suffers from three calamities, so it is possible to survive to this day.

Although the injury has basically recovered, the foundation is damaged, and in this environment lacking the seventh-order spiritual energy, it has not been able to fully recover. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, the Xuanwu bloodline concentration was high, and he had broken through the seventh rank, and it was not surprising that he could live eighty or ninety thousand years old.

"Senior has stayed here for 80,000 to 90,000 years, and he must have some understanding of the situation in the depths of Canglong Ruins.

To be honest, the younger generation came here to find a place with seventh-order spiritual meridians and break through the Mahayana realm. I wonder where there are still seventh-order spiritual meridians? "

The old man stared at Wang Daoyuan for a long time: "Daoyou's strength is extraordinary, plus Senior Refining God, I am afraid that when I am in my prime, I am not sure to beat you.

But I still want to persuade you not to go deeper into the Canglong Ruins.

I also have a rare seventh-order spiritual energy on Mysterious Turtle Island. It is better to cultivate here for a hundred years and break through the Mahayana realm. "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and I also have my difficulties.

If I really have 100 years, I don't have to go deep into this place, I can find a place to stay near Longting Island, and then I can cultivate.

Not to mention a hundred years, there may not be twenty or thirty years.

In the depths of Canglong Ruins, where there are still seventh-order spiritual veins, I also ask the seniors for advice. "

The old man also shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, since the little friend is in trouble, I will tell all the news I know.

However, I can't guarantee accuracy.

Since my cultivation base has fallen, I have not dared to leave Mysterious Tortoise Island again.

There are things left by my grandfather on this island, and no one dares to trouble me here.

The news I know is also obtained by my children and grandchildren traveling around. "

"Senior, but it doesn't matter, even if the news is inaccurate, it's no big deal.

Be careful, and you probably won't have any problems. "

The old man nodded: "According to my children and grandchildren who have traveled abroad, the entire Canglong Market currently only has the seventh-order spiritual veins in Longyuan.

Senior Lian Shen should know where Long Yuan is, so I don't need to say more.

Even now, there are many real dragons hidden in Longyuan.

Although the little friend has an extremely pure dragon energy, it is naturally not a problem to deter ordinary dragon species, but after all, it is not a dragon family.

Rushing into Longyuan, not only can't deter those true dragons, but it is easier to expose.

In the deep sea, being besieged by a group of real dragons, even the Forging Immortal God Venerable of the year, I am afraid it is difficult to protect themselves.

Considering the love of Forging Immortal Divine Venerable, I still want to persuade my little friend that it is not worth taking this risk in order to save a hundred years of time. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan felt a chill in his heart.

With his current strength, it should not be a problem to deal with some monsters that have just broken through the seventh rank.

But a real dragon is not an ordinary monster, even if it is a seventh-order low-grade, its strength is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Even if he encounters only one real dragon, he has no hope of winning. UU reading www.

If you encounter a group of real dragons, you will surely die.

"Since there can be a thin seventh-order aura here, there must be a place where the seventh-order aura is more concentrated near Longyuan.

If the junior finds such a place, he may be able to break through the Mahayana realm within a few years. "

The old turtle smiled and said, "There is naturally such a place, but fellow Daoist thinks that such a place will be safe and sound?

The spiritual veins of the entire Canglong Ruins are depleted, and even Longyuan's spiritual energy is far from what it used to be.

A group of monsters and divine beasts all want to cultivate in Longyuan, and the competition is naturally more intense than before.

Most of the seventh-order demon clan who cannot enter Longyuan find a place to stay near Longyuan.

Xiaoyou thinks, how is your strength compared to those of the demon clan? "


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