Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1267: The devil shot

The latest website: As soon as he heard the four elephants subduing the demons, the expression of the demon master who released the black robe changed.

It has been some years since the Demon Race invaded the Qianyuan Realm.

The human race and the demon race have also fought countless **** battles with the demon race, and both sides have a lot of understanding of the opponent's strength.

The Four Elephants Conquering Demons Array is formed with the help of the power of the Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four divine beasts.

Divine beasts are born with the power of heaven and earth, and when their own blood is developed, they can exert a strong power of heaven.

It is a pity that the number of pure-bred divine beasts is too small to resist the army of demons, and they cannot afford to lose.

The current major mythical beast races can only gather the mixed-blood descendants of each family and guard the important resources near their ancestral land.

And dare not be like the human race, all over the entire Qianyuan world, and the devil race is completely dead.

Among the mythical beasts, only the dragon clan can show mercy everywhere by virtue of their own family members. There are many dragon species, and they dare to compete with the demon clan in various sea areas.

However, among the human race, there are also many people who have the vision of divine beasts and can exert the power of divine beasts.

The four elephants subduing the demons, the restraint effect on the demons, can be said to be extremely strong.

After a few roars of the divine beast, the black robe covering the surroundings turned into pieces.

The four great powers stood on the four sides of the small mountain, and their bodies were shrouded in the shadows of divine beasts.

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "Four friends, let's take action, this place is not far from the battlefield of humans and demons.

If it is delayed for too long, I am afraid there will be variables. "

The four great powers responded in unison, and for a while, the phantoms of the four elephants and mythical beasts scurried around the entire mountain.

As long as those demons are rubbed by the phantom of the beast, they will have more deep wounds.

Even Mahayana monks are vulnerable under the shadows of these divine beasts.

On the contrary, there are two great powers, and they can resist one or two.

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "You two demons are powerful, but you don't lose face to the realm of power, and you still have some strength.

It seems that the Four Elephants Conquering Demons Array will not be able to take you down for a while, so let me send you on the road in person. "

After that, he said to Wang Daoyuan: "Boy, let you see the ability of my Five Thunder God Venerable."

The hands were covered with a layer of khaki light, and they slammed out.

A khaki-colored paw print hit the great power who released the black robe before.

The great power of the demon race sacrificed a large pitch-black bell, and the khaki-colored paw prints were printed on the bell, and there was no sound.

The paw prints shattered at the touch of a touch, and countless khaki smoke enveloped the bell.


The big bell fell, and the Demon Race master wanted to control the big bell, but there was nothing he could do.

"Boy, the Five Elements Divine Thunder can't be rigid, it always sends out thunderballs.

Those are all things that the Yuanying Jindan realm does, and they are all at the peak of the gods, and they still play such superficial things.

The power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder can be transformed into various means.

Even if you major in Kendo, you can incorporate the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder into your sword.

Even, it can be integrated with the field.

According to outside rumors, among the Five Elements Divine Thunder, the fire and earth thunder methods are the weakest.

In fact, that is not the essence of learning.

Really learned the essence, each of the Five Elements Divine Thunder has its own uniqueness. "

After that, a long flame sword was condensed.

The flaming long knife struck the big bell again. The bell, which had already been sealed by the Wutu Shenlei, was unable to dodge at all.

The flaming long knife fell, and the big bell shattered into countless pieces.

"I haven't used the magic weapon since I shattered the baby pill.

With a single blow, I can destroy the magic weapon of a monk of the same level.

Whatever magic weapon you want to use, you can condense it with the Five Elements Divine Thunder at any time.

Not to mention the realm of power, even if it is Earth Immortal, no one can beat me. "

The Demon Race Great Expert spit out black smoke, trying to break through the siege of the Four Elephants' Demon Subduing Array.

The Five Thunder Gods said with a smile: "There are a lot of ideas, but unfortunately your skills are not enough."

Afterwards, a cloud of water-blue power condensed in his palm.

With a flick of the palm, the aqua blue power flew into the air and turned into a dark cloud.

In the dark clouds hundreds of miles around, there was a rumbling thunder.

Then, raindrops fell from the cloud.

These raindrops contain the power of Guishui Shenlei.

The raindrops are getting denser and denser, and the whole world seems to be covered with a layer of rain.

A group of demons did not dare to touch the raindrops at all, and they all held up their Astral Qi to protect their bodies.

But this raindrop has the power to penetrate the five elements of the gods and thunder, and the ordinary qi can't stop it at all, and there are continuous screams of pain in the field.

After more than ten breaths, the dark clouds dissipated.

Among the dozen or so demon races, there are only two great powers left.

More than a dozen other Mahayana Demons didn't even have scum left.

These two demons are very powerful, and their breaths are extremely heavy, as if they are going to fall down at any time.

It can be seen that they are not lightly injured.

The Five Thunder God Venerable sighed: "Unfortunately, this dark cloud can only last for a dozen breaths.

If I have the magical power of the Five Elements like you, I can make it rain for a year.

No matter how many demons there are, they are not enough to be struck by lightning.

There are still two great powers left. I will show you the power of Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei. How much you can comprehend depends on your ability. "

Wang Daoyuan focused all his attention on the Five Thunder Gods.

The Five Thunder Gods put out both hands together, golden light flickering in the right hand, and a group of green energy appeared in the left and right.

The golden light shone towards the demon power who had used the black robe before, and the green energy turned into a tender bud and landed next to another weaker demon power.

The black robe might use various magical weapons to block it, but this golden light has extremely strong penetrating power.

A seventh-order high-grade magic weapon was pierced by golden light, which could not hold even a breath.

The green sprout was even more bizarre. It fell next to another Demon Race and began to devour the Demon Race's spirit.

The Demon Race Great Master also used various means to attack, but the more he attacked, the faster the buds grew.

Soon, the tender sprout grew into a long vine, entangling towards the Demon Race.

The power of the Demon Race lost faster and faster, and he wanted to dodge, but was blocked by the Four Elephants Demon Demon Array.

It only takes ten breaths of time, and the two demons will die under the hands of the Five Thunder Gods.

Wang Daoyuan has been staring at these two spells attentively, although there is no inheritance of Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei.

But there are already three kinds of thunder techniques. Now that I have seen the five thunder gods perform with my own eyes, and realize the mysteriousness of them, I can try to deduce them.

With the blessing of the time flow rate of the Lingzhu space nearly 200 times, there is still some hope to deduce the available Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei.

At this moment, a thunder light fell from the sky.

There is no Lei Fa's majestic power in this thunder light, but it has an evil spirit, which is obviously not the Lei Fa of the human race.

The four great powers who set up the Four Elephants to Conquer the Demons on the periphery can't take care of the two great powers of the demon race below.

Gather all the power and cast out four phantoms of divine beasts, affecting the thunder light falling from the sky.


After a muffled sound, the thunder light was exhausted, and the phantoms of the four divine beasts collapsed.

Wu Lei Shen Zun's face was gloomy and cold: "Good guy, there are fishing people, and even the demon gods of the demon race have come out."

Valley Indica

A blue-robed youth who looked no different from a human race descended from the sky and landed on a hill not far away.

"The formation of the human race is really unique, and the four juniors who have just entered the realm of power can easily take a full blow from me.

This time the plan failed, and it was the Terran who had the upper hand.

But since this seat is here, these two demons must be taken away. "

The Five Thunder God Venerable sneered: "You are also a lightning repairer, it is not your turn to be arrogant here in this seat.

If you want to take away these two wastes, it depends on whether you have the ability. "

The blue-robed youth chuckled: "This should be the Five Thunder God Venerable, your strength is indeed one of the best among the almighty.

Although this seat is a Demon God, I am not sure to take you down.

But this seat wants to take away two subordinates, and you can't keep me. "

After all, two thunder lights fell.

The golden light in the hands of the Five Thunder Gods collapsed, and even the vines transformed by Yimu Shenlei collapsed under the thunder light.

With a single blow, it can destroy Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei, which is indeed unusual.

As the lowest cultivation base among the monks present, Wang Daoyuan has always been frightened.

The earth immortal and the top powerhouse fight, and any aftermath can blow him to the ground.

The brand Guiyuan Jianxian gave it contained a sword energy that could hurt the devil.

He has been holding it in his hand and can release it at any time.

Five light groups of blue, red, gold, blue, and yellow appeared around the body of the Five Thunder Gods, and the light groups gathered together to form a light group.

"I have always wanted to use the Five Elements Divine Thunder to imitate the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

Although it has not been successful, there have been some achievements.

If you want to take people away from me, it depends on your strength.

Four fellow Daoists, you will continue to maintain the Four Elephants Conquering Demons Formation. We will kill these two demons, and we must not let them run away. "

The four of them once again condensed the phantom of the beast and covered the hill.

The blue-robed youth's face became serious, and small blue thunder lights began to appear on his body.

The thunder light became more and more prosperous, and finally the whole person became a ball of thunder light.

The lightning ball condensed by the Five Elements Divine Thunder turned white.

Also, there is a hint of purple-grey in it.

This purple-gray kingly way is far too familiar. The purple-gray liquid absorbed by the Spirit Orb space, and the scene at the beginning of the formation of the world seen by breaking through the realm of the gods and breaking the illusion, have this kind of breath.

It's just that the purple-gray energy condensed by the Five Thunder Gods is too low-level, and there is no such mysterious feeling.

But being able to create this kind of energy artificially makes Wang Daoyuan very excited.

If you can learn this skill yourself, you will not have to worry about the growth of the small world in the future.

The lightning ball flew out rapidly and smashed towards the demon **** who had turned into a thunder light.


The earth was shaking violently, and the dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes.

After a while, the light dissipated.

The blue robe on the Demon God shattered, and the corners of his mouth bleed.

"The fusion of the five elements, there is a hint of rebellious innate signs, it really is a master.

If you don't get rid of you, I'm afraid you will become a formidable enemy in the future. "

The deity of the Five Thunder Gods was in the Four Elephants Conquering Demons Formation, and most of the aftermath of the fight was blocked by the Four Elephants Conquering Demons Formation.

The four great powers in the formation were under a lot of pressure, but Wu Lei Shenzun himself was not injured.

It's just that the consumption of spiritual power is too large and the state is not very good.

"Hahaha...cough..." Wu Lei Shenzun gasped and laughed, "You should be the lightning commander of the demon clan, right? The strongest person in the lineage of all magic thunder demons, can have a few tricks with you, and also be lucky.

You are stronger than me, but I have four fellow Daoists to help you.

If you want to leave, I won't be able to stay, but if you want to take away these two demon powers, it is also wishful thinking. "

At this moment, a ball of fire fell from the sky.

This fireball looks unremarkable, but its power is not much worse than the previous Leiguang's full-strength strike.

Wu Lei Shen Zun raised his spiritual power and shot out an aqua blue giant python.

The python opened its mouth wide and swallowed the fireball.


The flames went out, and the giant python was turned into a white mist.

"Leiguang, your reputation is ruined.

The strongest demon **** in the Thunder Demon lineage was wounded by a small power from the human race.

It looks like you haven't got the upper hand yet. "

Lei Guang snorted coldly: "Mo Yan, don't speak rude words.

The spiritual power of this human race has been consumed by me, so isn't your full blow still broken?

It's too close to the town of Demon Town, so we can't delay any longer.

I am entangled with these human race powers, you take these two wastes away. "

At this moment, a phantom of a transparent long sword came from the north and slashed towards the two demon gods.

The two demon gods turned pale with fright, and hurriedly used the escape technique to withdraw thousands of miles.

Although this sword slashed the air, the phantom of the long sword did not dissipate, but instead condensed together and turned into a human form. This was the method of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

"Since the two fellow Daoists know that this place is very close to the town of Demon Town, they still dare to come here to be presumptuous, and pretend that this seat does not exist?

These two demons are left behind. If you want to take them away, be prepared to pay the price of four or five demon gods. "

At this time, a dark cloud in the sky condensed into a human face.

The man smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Guiyuan, why bother with these juniors."

Guiyuan Jianxian sneered: "Playing such a small trick under my nose, if they let them run away, I will lose the adults.

To beat them is to bully the younger generation, otherwise you will come here, and we have played against each other. "

The human face in the cloud sighed: "Leiguang, Moyan, come back.

Fellow Daoist Guiyuan came forward in person, and these two idiots could not be taken away. "

Then he said to the two seriously injured great masters: "You two should know what to do, right?"

The faces of the two injured demons were ashen, but they still said respectfully: "This subordinate understands."

Then, two roars sounded, and the two demons disappeared instantly, leaving no trace.

Fortunately, there are four elephants to suppress the demons, otherwise the aftermath of the explosion will be enough to make Wang Daoyuan's life in danger.

The thunder light and the magic flame retreated, and the dark cloud in the sky also dissipated.

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "This time the harvest is good, we have solved thirteen Mahayana and two great powers, and none of us died in the battle.

Hurry back to the town of Magic City, I want to reward you for your merits and deeds. "

The Five Thunder Gods sighed: "I originally wanted to show my strength well, so that this **** regrets not taking me as his teacher.

Unexpectedly, so many masters were drawn all at once, and I was almost taken down.

In the end, it's up to you to save the game, which is really a shame.

The gap between the great power and the earth immortal is really big enough, and the top great power is still not the opponent of the earth immortal.

All the means of pressing the bottom of the box were used, and his spiritual power was exhausted, but he failed to seriously damage the lightning. "

Guiyuan Jianxian comforted: "You are thinking too much, you really want to break through the earth immortal, and now you can break through, but you don't want to go to the fairy world.

You created a path yourself, and even if you reach the Immortal Realm, you are the one who founded the sect, so there is nothing to worry about. "


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