Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1269: ancestors

The latest website: The two of them sang together, and Qi Yao Fu Xian didn't know what to do.

Wanting to ask other Earth Immortals for help, the Earth Immortals present instantly became calm, and they were all comprehending the Dao.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian looked around, but none of the other Earth Immortals opened their eyes.

Guiyuan Jianxian is the leader of the human race, and the Five Thunder Gods are top-notch powers, and they have just made great contributions, and no one wants to be pulled into the water by them.

Seven Lights Fuxian looked embarrassed: "Although my method is powerful, it is also very suitable for Daoyuan's nephew.

But this talisman method is a tricky method, unlike Guiyuan Sword Intent and Five Elements Divine Thunder, it is a real hard power.

As long as someone knows the trick, any great power can break my rune formation.

Over the years, I have accepted a few direct disciples.

Commander, you once had several named disciples, but I never accept named disciples. "

Everyone knows the strength of the Seven Luminaries Talisman.

However, there are not many people who know the mystery of the Fu array.

Many exercises and secret techniques actually have fatal weaknesses.

As long as it can be covered, it is extremely powerful.

Since it involves the flaws of the Seven Luminaries Talisman Immortal Technique secret technique, it is really hard to ask.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Senior Master Seven Lights, this disciple already has the inheritance of Master Wulei and Master Wulei, and the method of the talisman formation, the disciple dare not expect too much.

It's just that the disciple's vessel of heaven is like your master, it's a small world with all the five elements.

Master is a pure sword cultivator, and he can't help me much in terms of growing up in a small world.

The disciple just wanted to ask you about the growth of the small world. "

Wu Lei Shenzun also helped: "Qi Yao, this will not involve the defects of your inheritance, right?"

Seven Luminaries Fuxian shook his head: "Of course not, but for monks with domain supernatural powers, most of the heavenly vessels are small worlds.

Moreover, the small world grows in much the same way.

Even if it is unique, it is not top secret.

When facing the enemy, he will not directly use the small world, and he is not afraid of leaking it out. "

After that, I took out a golden book: "This is my experience on the growth of a small world, from building a small world to growing up to my current situation, the entire growth process is in this experience.

Although we all have the five elements domain, but different people, the heavenly container cannot be exactly the same.

You can just use this experience as a reference. Completely imitating it will only ruin your future. "

Wang Daoyuan took the golden book, bowed and saluted, "Thank you, Master Seven Lights, for his teaching."

After fighting for so many benefits for his direct disciples, Guiyuan Jianxian smiled: "This time, in the extermination of the demons, Guiyun killed a Mahayana demon and rewarded 10,000 meritorious deeds.

Daoyuan found the place where the demons were hiding, and was rewarded with 20,000 merits. "

Wang Daoyuan and Gui Yun bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Commander."

Then, the two walked out of the hall.

Gui Yun smiled and said, "I made a lot of money this time. Ten thousand merits are enough for me to buy a lot of good things."

Wang Daoyuan was a little puzzled: "Is ten thousand merits a lot?"

Gui Yun nodded: "Of course, do you know how much merit it takes to exchange a seventh-order low-grade magic weapon?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head. This was the first time he had won meritorious deeds, and he had been comprehending the law before, and had never exchanged treasures.

Gui Yun stretched out a finger: "A relatively common seventh-order low-grade magic weapon can be exchanged for only one hundred meritorious deeds.

Even the carefully refined seventh-order low-grade instruments cost less than 500 meritorious deeds.

The long sword I used before was a mid-level seventh-grade sword, but it was forged by an almighty who was good at refining. "

Rao is that Wang Daoyuan has no shortage of good things in his hands, and he was also stunned by the 20,000 meritorious deeds in his own hands.

The Guiyuan Sword in Guiyun's hand, he had seen before, its power was no worse than the Forging Immortal Cauldron and the Divine Refining Gourd.

The only downside is that no high-intelligence artifact has been born yet.

Such a magic weapon actually only requires two thousand merits.

The 20,000 meritorious deeds in his hand are equivalent to ten magical instruments at the level of the God-refining gourd. I really can't believe it.

"Suddenly there are so many merits in my hand, I really don't know how to spend it."

Gui Yun said with a smile: "There are quite a few good things in the treasure house, there are quite a lot of seventh-order medicinal pills, magic weapons, secret techniques, and life-saving amulets.

Why don't you come and see it with me now? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "This matter is not in a hurry, I just got the experience of the Five Thunder God Venerable and the Seven Luminaries Talisman, and I am about to comprehend it.

Anyway, within a month, there is no need to go out for patrol, and it will not be too late to exchange it in a few days. "

In fact, Wang Daoyuan was worried that he would leave this fantasy world at some point.

What is the situation of the inheritance of the two people's experience, it is difficult to say now.

This illusion is constructed based on the memory of the master, and it should not be able to get the inheritance of the two.

But the Five Elements Divine Thunder displayed by the Five Thunder Gods before is definitely in the same line as the Wutu Divine Thunder of the Reclamation God, and it is impossible for the master to imitate it.

Therefore, in this illusion, it is very likely that the real inheritance will be obtained.

These two golden books certainly cannot be brought to reality.

If there is a real inheritance in it, it must be written down now.

Even if there is no real inheritance in it, you can ask Wu Lei Shen Zun and Qi Lui Fu Xian slowly for advice.

Guiyun didn't force it either: "Yes, you still focus on cultivation now.

As for things like exchanging instruments, you can put them back.

I'm going to the treasure house first. I've been greedy for that soft armor for a long time, and I haven't been willing to buy it. "

Gui Yun ran to the west of the city in a flash, while Wang Daoyuan returned to the small courtyard in the north of the city alone.

Now the growth of the small world has reached the limit of the spiritual cultivator.

Before breaking through Mahayana, there is no hope of progress.

Looking at the experience of the Seven Lights Fuxian now, it will not be of much help.

Wang Daoyuan took out the experience of the Five Thunder Gods and glanced over it roughly.

This golden book has forty or fifty pages, and the first half is the basic version of the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

Wutu Shenlei, Binghuo Shenlei, and Guishui Shenlei have all been learned before.

The content recorded in this golden book is not much different from what I have learned before.

However, there are still small differences, and it may be a fallacy in the inheritance process.

It can also be seen from these three thunder methods that the inheritance in the golden book is true.

Wang Daoyuan carefully checked Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei. Gengjin Shenlei was fierce and had a strong ability to break defenses.

This defense breaking ability is different from Guishui Shenlei, which is pervasive and penetrates through defense weaknesses.

On the other hand, Gengjin Shenlei is frontal and tough, forcibly breaking through the opponent's defense.

Yimu Shenlei is to extract the vitality of the opponent's vitality to strengthen itself.

The other four kinds of divine thunder erupted instantaneously, but Ottomu divine thunder was different and could last for a long time.

Unless the opponent exhausts the energy in the Ottomu Shenlei, this trick cannot be broken.

Yimu is a flower and grass, and this Yimu Shenlei is as tough as a weed.

This characteristic is complementary to his own life spirit fire.

With the blessing of spiritual fire, the energy of Yimu Shenlei is more difficult to exhaust.

He has practiced three of the five elements of Divine Thunder before, and has also deduced the three types of Divine Thunder to the peak of the sixth-order, with a very solid foundation.

It is really simple to practice the magic of this golden core realm now.

After carefully reading the contents of Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei, two thunder **** were condensed at random.

A silver Gengjin Shenlei, a green Ottomu Shenlei.

Then, hit two thunderballs.


After two muffled sounds, the Gengjin Divine Thunder exploded and turned into silver light all over the sky.

Ottomu Shenlei did not dissipate immediately, but absorbed spiritual power and continued to maintain it.

The walls and floor tiles in this small courtyard are not ordinary things, and there are also formations to protect them.

Even if Wang Daoyuan tried his best, he couldn't cause too much damage to the small courtyard.

What's more, what is being cast now is only a spell at the level of Jindan.

After refining two kinds of thunder methods, Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart: No matter what the effect of entering the secret realm is, these two thunder methods alone will definitely make money.

I just don't know why there is a magic of the Five Elements Divine Thunder in the illusion of the master.

It may take decades to deduce Gengjin Shenlei and Yimu Shenlei to the sixth-rank high-grade, or even the seventh-rank.

In the illusion, there is no way to use the power of the Spirit Orb space, and it can only be put on hold temporarily.

Wang Daoyuan continued to look at the follow-up content of Wu Lei Shenzun's experience, and carefully comprehend it, it can also play a reference role in future deductions.

When Wu Lei Shen Zun first created the Five Elements Divine Thunder, it was indeed just like Wang Daoyuan's display, all of which smashed thunder balls.

Only when facing a master, this method seems too simple.

Wu Lei Shen Zun has no supernatural powers in the domain. The number of the five elements of divine thunder that can be displayed at one time is very limited, and the power is also very general.

Later, he carried out a major transformation of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, removing its shape and keeping its spirit.

Integrate the characteristics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder into your own spiritual power.

No matter what spell you cast, you can make it possess the power of the Five Elements Divine Lightning.

Just like when the Five Thunder Gods dealt with the demons before, they used spells similar to calling the wind and calling the rain, and they could have the power of Guishui Shenlei and instantly kill more than a dozen Mahayana demons.

In order to enhance these powers, Wu Lei Shen Zun even integrated his own practice into the characteristics of the Five Elements Shen Lei.

His own spiritual power has the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

Wang Daoyuan can naturally learn from this. The spiritual power itself has the characteristics of the Five Elements Spiritual Fire, plus the characteristics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, it is not a big deal.

Wang Daoyuan's current practice is based on the Five Spirit Transformation Immortal Art, adding the True Dragon Body Exercise, Guiyuan Sword Immortal Inheritance, Blood Spirit God Venerable Inheritance, and Divine Refinement Art to transform divine consciousness with spiritual power. Features.

The current Five Spirit Transformation Techniques can only be cultivated to the pinnacle of God Transformation.

After breaking through the Mahayana realm, you need to deduce the exercises.

At that time, the characteristics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder will be added by the way.

At the end of this golden book, it also mentioned the fusion of the Five Elements and Gods and Thunders, and there was a hint of chaotic purple energy, and even the Five Thunder Gods did not understand how it came about.

Primordial Violet Qi is the transitional energy between Chaos Qi and Yin-Yang Qi. Among the laws understood by the Five Thunder Gods, there is no Yin-Yang Law.

As for how it came about, he didn't understand it himself, it was impossible for him to learn.

When the Five Thunder Gods broke through the Mahayana realm back then, they had already realized the law of thunder attributes.

In the Heavenly Dao container, in addition to the five elements attribute, it also brought the thunder attribute.

Wang Daoyuan's idea is to integrate the characteristics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder into his sword repair spells.

In this way, the power of Guiyuan Sword Intent and the Five Elements Divine Thunder can be balanced.

Before breaking through, you still need to find a way to understand the law of thunder attributes.

After breaking through the Mahayana realm, of course, you can also comprehend new laws.

But by then, the difficulty of comprehension will be greatly increased.

A monk like Wu Lei Shen Zun has plenty of time to comprehend.

And his mission is to resist the catastrophe, it is impossible to have enough time to understand the law.

It's better to comprehend it as soon as possible while you have the opportunity now.

Especially now that he is in a fantasy world, surrounded by a group of powerful and earth immortals.

It would be stupid not to have this resource.

After reading the experience of the Five Thunder Gods, I hurried out and went to visit the Five Thunder Gods.

The residences of Da Neng and Earth Immortals are not in the same place as other monks. They usually live scattered around the city and can guard some important resources nearby.

At the same time, it is also for safety reasons, lest the demons sneak in and attack suddenly, and take the earth immortal and the great power into one pot.

Wu Lei Shen Zun lived in the west of the city, not far from the treasure house, and was one of the masters guarding the treasure house.

Wang Daoyuan came to the door of a luxurious compound, and there were two cultivators at the peak of God Transformation guarding the door.

Wang Daoyuan stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Wang Daoyuan, the third disciple of Guiyuan Sword Immortal, has come to visit the Five Thunder Gods.

At this time, the rich voice of the Five Thunder Gods came: "Don't bother, Senior Nephew Daoyuan come in."

When the five thunder gods spoke, the two monks who guarded the door also opened the door.

Wang Daoyuan walked into the courtyard, followed the voice of the Five Thunder Gods, and came to the depths of the courtyard.

At this time, the Five Thunder God Venerable and another great power were discussing in a pavilion.

The other was a burly man, wearing a purple-golden robe, and his body faintly revealed some masculine and violent energy. This energy also carried the majesty of the righteous path. He should be a monk who majored in the thunder attribute.

The Five Thunder God Venerable took a different approach. With the spiritual roots of the five elements, he cultivated the method of thunder, and he could be regarded as a half thunder-attribute cultivator.

If you want to improve the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, it is best to communicate with the thunder attribute monks.

Wang Daoyuan stepped forward, bowed and saluted, "See Uncle Wulei."

And salute another great master: "I have seen senior."

Wu Lei Shen Zun smiled and said: "This is Zi Lei Shen Zun, and he is also a veteran powerhouse, whose strength is not inferior to me.

You came to me to ask about the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

It just so happens that the Purple Thunder God Venerable is also known for his powerful thunder, and his advice will also have a great effect on you. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, he seemed to have heard this name before.

After thinking about it carefully for a long time, I realized that the Myriad Spirit Pagoda Artifact Spirit looked at his own luck and said that he was a descendant of the Purple Thunder God.

Purple Thunder God Venerable's magical power is a purple thunder attribute flame.

The physique of his master Lei Yan Zhenjun and his younger brother Wang Daoyin were inherited from Zi Lei Shen Zun.

Although he failed to inherit his special physique, he was also influenced by the bloodline of the Purple Thunder God Venerable.

Zi Lei Shen Zun is not weak, and has a great influence. He is a big thigh.

Especially now, if you want to comprehend the law of thunder attributes, you have to embrace this repulsion.

Thinking of this, I respectfully saluted again: "Junior Wang Daoyuan, see the ancestors."

Both of them were a little puzzled, Zi Lei Shenzun asked: "You are the disciple of the great commander, and this seat is much older than the great commander.

You should call me my uncle, why call me my ancestor. "

Wang Daoyuan did not speak, but only mobilized the power of the whole body law.

The top of his head instantly emits light of different colors, among which the light representing yin and yang and the law of the five elements is extremely dazzling.

Under the cover of these seven dazzling rays of light, there is also a dim purple-golden light.

This is the trace left by the blood of the ancestors. As long as there are Mahayana monks in the ancestors, and the blood of the younger generation is not so thin that it almost does not exist, there will be such traces.

When the peak of Zifu breaks through the golden core realm, it is necessary to imitate the power of the law.

There is a prototype of the law, and the power of imitating the law is at hand.

In the late stage of the transformation of the gods, it is time to understand the way of oneself.

Generally, cultivators need to slowly understand, and if conditions permit, they can ask their elders to perform.

The cultivator with traces of the ancestral law can activate the traces of the law through perception, and break through the peak of God Transformation in a very short time.

Zi Lei Shenzun sensed the purple-golden light, and then his face was full of joy: "This is the breath of Zi Lei Shenyan, and it is really my descendant."

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "Zilei, you have married countless wives and concubines, and you have given birth to countless descendants.

It's a pity that among your descendants, there are only a few talents that are good enough.

There is no one who can become a great one.

Unexpectedly, among the descendants who have long been scattered, there is also a peerless genius.

It's a pity that we were too slow to start, and the great commander took the lead. Now Daoyuan has become the third disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian.

Although your distant ancestor has a blood origin, he is not as close to a direct master. "

Zi Lei Shenzun can see it openly: "It doesn't matter, no matter who he learns, he is the descendant of my blood.

After learning Guiyuan Sword Intent, can you still become the descendant of the great commander?

I also passed on more of my own skills to him, and the contribution of the master, the great commander, was not so great. "

Wu Lei Shenzun's eyes lit up: "This makes sense! Senior nephew Daoyuan's skills are extremely complex, but not all of it is the inheritance of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

If we teach him more than the commander-in-chief.

That great commander is just Daoyuan's nominal master. Although we don't have the title of master, but there are times when we are preaching, does this count as a big commander that we have teamed up with? "

Zi Lei Shenzun nodded again and again: "That's what I mean, Daoyuan is my bloodline descendant, how can I let the commander monopolize it?"

Wang Daoyuan is also speechless, a group of top human race masters, but behind their backs, they are like a group of old children, trying their best to fight.

Zi Lei Shenzun asked: "Little guy, which of my descendants are you?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Back to the old ancestors, the younger generation was born in the north of the Wanchuan River, and has no relatives, so I don't know anything about the ancestors.

I know my life experience, and it is because after I comprehend the laws, I realize that I have a trace of the laws that I have inherited.

After inquiring, I learned that the source of this law is your old man. "

Zi Lei Shen Zun sighed: "From a loose cultivation background, it is still in the wild land north of the Wanchuan River. It is really hard for you to cultivate to such a degree."

Hearing this, the Five Thunder Gods were a little unhappy: "How do you talk? Why is the north of the Wanchuan River a barren land?

I am also a monk from the north of Wanchuan River. When the Five Thunder Sect was established, I was still north of Huiyan Mountain. "

"It's not a barren land, why don't your Five Thunder Sect continue to stay north of Huiyan Mountain and go to the center of Qianyuan Continent?"

These words made Wu Lei Shenzun speechless and had to remain silent.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Being able to cultivate to today's realm is much better than those who failed to break through the realm and died when their lifespan was exhausted.

The ancestors don't have to worry, I have always run away when I am in danger, and I have not suffered much. "

Zilei Shenzun nodded: "Unfortunately, you have now worshiped the great commander as your teacher, otherwise I will definitely take you back to Zilei Mountain.

With your talent, you will definitely become the Lord of Purple Thunder Mountain in the future.

Among my other juniors, there are also some talented ones.

It is a pity that they have not experienced the test of life and death. Although their cultivation base is good, their combat power is worrying. So far, none of them can provoke a leading role. "

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "Now this kid is in the hands of the great commander, the great commander is notorious for taking advantage and not suffering, and it is wishful thinking if you want to take him away.

Zi Lei, don't be so eager to take Dao Yuan away.

Daoyuan came here this time, is there any difficulty in the cultivation of the Five Elements Divine Thunder? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "The disciple has already cultivated the basics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, and I have also read your experience, Master.

In the past, Wutu Shenlei and Binghuo Shenlei who practiced in the past focused on the shape and not the meaning. It can be said that the training of the Five Elements Shenlei was crooked.

After reading your experience, Master, the disciple wants to incorporate the characteristics of the Five Elements Divine Thunder into the spiritual power in the future.

No matter what spell you cast in the future, you can have the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

Especially when casting sword repair spells, it can have the power of returning to the original sword and the five elements of divine thunder at the same time.

According to what you have said, in order to achieve this step, it is best to comprehend the law of thunder attributes and integrate this law into the container of heaven.

The disciple just wanted to ask you how to comprehend the law of thunder attributes. "

Zi Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "Is it still necessary to ask Wu Lei Taoist friends for advice? My major is the law of thunder attributes.

You inherited my bloodline, and you have a prototype of the law, but this law is innate, not something you cultivated yourself, and cannot be used directly.

With just a little touch, you can comprehend the complete law of thunder attributes. "

There is a strong ancestor, which is good.

Innate with the prototype of the law, starting from breaking through the realm of Jindan, there is an innate advantage.

This advantage will not be exhausted until one breaks through the Mahayana realm.

The time saved in the middle is too much.

For most monks, saving time means that they can reach a higher level in the future.

"Then there is Lao Ancestor."

Zi Lei Shenzun waved his hand: "What is it that is laborious or not, there is a genius like you among the descendants, and I, the ancestor, also have a bright face.

Even if I can't take you back to Zilei Mountain, I should provide you with some help.

You have the prototype of my laws, and if you play the Dao, it's just taking off your pants and farting. "

After saying that, the right hand pointed with the sword, and a small purple-gold flame appeared on the fingertip.

"This is my Purple Thunder God Flame, you can directly feel the power in it.

With the power of Purple Thunder God Flame, stimulate the prototype of the Purple Thunder Law in your body.

It doesn't take long to fully grasp the law.

This rootless fire, you keep it. "

Wang Daoyuan condensed the spiritual power of wood fire in his hands, and took over the rootless fire of this purple thunder **** flame.

As soon as he came into contact with this flame, Wang Daoyuan felt that a hidden energy in his body was about to move.

Naturally, this change could not be concealed from the two great powers.

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "It seems that the law of purple thunder that Master Daoyuan inherited from you is quite strong. As soon as he came into contact with the purple thunder **** flame, there was movement."

Zi Lei Shen Zun stroked his long beard and nodded again and again: "It's really good, looking at this posture, you can understand the law of Zi Lei within a year."

Wang Daoyuan bowed and saluted: "Thank you, ancestors, I will go back to retreat, and strive to understand the law of purple thunder as soon as possible.

Uncle Wulei, the disciple will go back now. "

The Five Thunder God Venerable nodded: "Go, be careful with your practice.

Break through to the realm of power as soon as possible and add a pillar to the human race.

If you have any questions about the cultivation of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, you can ask me at any time. "

Wang Daoyuan left the mansion of Wu Lei Shenzun and returned to his small courtyard. During this period, he had been suppressing the rootless fire with his spiritual sense.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is too high, if it is not suppressed, this rootless fire can cause a catastrophe.

Fortunately, Zi Lei Shenzun had already considered his strength before, and the energy of this rootless fire was not strong.

With Wang Daoyuan as a cultivation base, it can be completely suppressed.

With the prototype of the Purple Thunder Law, and the Purple Thunder God Flame, a spiritual fire that matches the law, it has become easier to understand the law.

What Wang Daoyuan needs to do is to penetrate the power of consciousness into the flame and feel the breath of the flame.

Moreover, some spiritual power is drawn from the flame and refined into one's own body, thereby comprehending the law.

Half a month passed quickly. At this time, Wang Daoyuan was far away, and his body was wrapped in a layer of purple-golden flames.

Constantly releasing a violent aura, as if a sleeping humanoid beast might choose to devour someone at any time.

Suddenly, Wang Daoyuan opened his eyes.

Two purple-gold rays of light shot out from his eyes.

Afterwards, the flame of funds subsided, and Wang Daoyuan's violent aura was almost undetectable.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Having a good ancestor is indeed a great advantage.

It took at least two years to comprehend the seven laws before.

Inherited the Law of Purple Thunder from the ancestors, and with the help of Purple Thunder Shenyan, it only took half a month to successfully understand the law.

Incorporating the Law of Purple Thunder into the small world will complete the merits. "

Divine consciousness enters the sea of ​​consciousness, and the vessel of heaven can stay in the sea of ​​consciousness, or it can be integrated into the primordial spirit.

When Yuanshen entered the secret realm before, he brought the small world with him.

The idea at that time was that in the fantasy world, after having some insights, I could improve the small world at any time.

There is a small world, the magical powers in the field are also stronger, and one's own strength can also be improved.

The experience gained from the Seven Lights Fuxian also came in handy at this time.

Seven Luminaries Talisman's experience in building a small world and cultivating a small world is not fundamentally different from the experience left by the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Divine Refinement Sect.

Find the spiritual objects corresponding to the laws in the small world, and integrate them into the small world after being processed by secret techniques, which can promote the growth of the small world.

For example, it will take a long time to integrate the Law of Purple Thunder into the small world, relying only on the power and spirit of the law.

But if there is Purple Thunder God Flame, it will be much simpler.

Using the power of one's own laws as an introduction, after processing the spiritual power in the Purple Thunder God Flame, inject it into the small world together.

Soon, there was a change in the small world.

This change is not near the spring at the core of the small world, but two clouds in the sky.

After the power of heaven and the gift of heaven and earth was integrated into the small world, there were two more clouds in the small world, one black and one white.

No matter how tossed these two clouds, they have remained the same.

Now that after incorporating the Law of Purple Thunder, there is movement.

After the Law of Purple Thunder was injected, both clouds began to surge.

As more and more power of law was injected and more and more purple thunder flames were processed, the two clouds swelled more and more.

Before I knew it, half a month passed.

The two clouds continued to expand, from the size of a palm to a radius of several feet.

There were faint purple lightning flashes in the clouds, and it seemed that thunder would fall from the clouds at any time.

At this time, no matter how Wang Daoyuan injected the power of the law, the two clouds did not change significantly.

Clearly, the small world is reaching its limits again.

A month passed before and after, and it was time for Wang Daoyuan to go out on patrol again.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a long sigh of relief, took a Qiankun ring, put a piece of thunder attribute material in it, and then put the purple thunder **** flame in it.

When entering the illusion, there is no way to carry the Spirit Orb.

Without the Lingzhu space, it is a bit troublesome to put things.

At this moment, the voice of the second senior brother Guiyun came from outside the gate: "Little junior brother, it's time for us to go out on patrol.

If you don't have time to retreat, I'll take a leave of absence for you. "

Wang Daoyuan came to this fantasy world for the purpose of improving his state of mind.

Walking on the edge of life and death is the fastest way to improve your mood.

Going out on patrol and fighting against the demons is a rare opportunity, and Wang Daoyuan will naturally not miss it.

"Second Senior Brother, wait a moment, I'll be right here."

After that, I packed up my clothes and walked outside the door.

Gui Yun glanced at him and exclaimed: "Junior Brother, it's only been a month since you saw him, so you have an extra rule.

The speed of comprehending the law is also terrifying.

In the past, the master always said that my understanding was not good, and I was still not convinced. When I first understood the law at the peak of Spirit Transformation, I was able to understand a law in ten years.

Junior and brother can comprehend a law in a month, and I finally know how poor my understanding is. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "It took years for me to understand the law before.

This time, I was able to comprehend the new law in a month, mainly because of the legacy left by my ancestors.

I am a distant descendant of Zilei Shenzun, and there is a prototype of his old man's Zilei Law in his blood.

I went to visit Uncle Wulei before and happened to meet him.

After the old man learned that I was his descendant, UU read www. gave me a wisp of Purple Thunder God's Rootless Fire and helped me realize the Tao.

There is a prototype of the law of blood inheritance, and with the help of Zi Lei Shenyan, it is naturally easier to understand the law. "

Gui Yun nodded: "Even Junior Brother, you need years of work to understand the law, so I'm not too stupid.

Now I feel a lot better, at least the gap between us is not that big. "

In fact, Guiyun's talent is not bad. If he can cultivate to the middle stage of Mahayana, and still hope to break through the realm of great power, there is no fool.

It's just that Shizun is the son of luck, and his talent is far beyond ordinary people. The elder brother is also a rare genius, so he looks stupid.

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