Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1271: heterospace

The latest website: The strength of the later demons is not weak. Wang Daoyuan just played against it, and he also found some depths.

This guy is much weaker than Lei Xiao, it may be in the early stage of Mahayana, or it may be in the middle stage of Mahayana, which is relatively weak.

According to what Gui Yun said, Yuan Hong could be tough on the Demon Race in the early days of Mahayana, and he wouldn't suffer much against this Demon Race.

Yuan Hong's giant sword with a big door was sent over, and the demons wanted to try his depth, so they didn't dodge.

It just condensed a group of gray-black shields to block in front of him.

Lei Xiao shouted from the side: "Mo Yun, don't underestimate the enemy."


Before Lei Xiao finished speaking, Yuan Hong's giant sword smashed over.


The shield condensed by Mo Yun was smashed, the giant sword slapped on his chest, and the entire demon was smashed into the air.

It didn't stop until it hit a hill.

The body slowly slides down the mountain.

There was a little blood oozing from the nose and mouth.

"Cough cough..." Mo Yun spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, "Lei Xiao, speak faster next time."

However, before he could finish his words, the ground shook.

A khaki giant dragon rose into the sky, the dragon's head was against his body, and the dragon's claws gave him a heart-warming punch.

A strong wind erupted from Mo Yun's body, breaking out of the control of the khaki dragon.

Before he could adjust it, the khaki dragon exploded in an instant.


After dozens of muffled sounds, the surrounding area of ​​Moyun was enveloped in khaki smoke for dozens of miles.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and a mound of dozens of feet high appeared in place.

At this time, Yuan Hong had already arrived.

The epee in his hand slammed out, and the epee like the door spun rapidly, like a big wheel.

Before the sword wheel smashed past, the mound cracked.

Mo Yun's robes were all corroded by Wutu Shenlei, and he was wearing jet-black chain mail at this time.

The sword wheel flew in front of him, Mo Yun with a dignified expression, offered a shield.


The sword wheel was bounced off, and Mo Yun quickly pulled the distance from the two with the help of the anti-shock force.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to continue besieging with spells, but unfortunately it was too far away, so the chance of spells hitting was not great.

Yuan Hong took the heavy sword and scolded: "This little devil has a lot of good things in his hand, and his chain mail is extremely extraordinary, and dozens of rounds of Wutu Divine Thunder have been smashed and strong, but they have not been able to seriously damage him.

This shield is not bad either. I hit it with all my strength, and I didn't even leave a trace. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "After all, it is the Mahayana Demon Race, how can it be easily won by our two Spirit Transformation cultivators?

Lei Xiao is the descendant of Lei Guang's commander. If Mo Yun can act with him, 80% of them are also the descendants of the commander of the Demon Race. How can there be no means to save his life? "

Lei Xiao was pressed and beaten by Gui Yun, and every few breaths passed, he would be hit with a sword.

However, his protective soft armor is really extraordinary, even Guiyun can't break the defense.

At this time, he took the time to shout: "Mo Yun, these two are also disciples of Guiyuan Jianxian, especially the one who makes the Five Elements Divine Thunder, is a direct disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian.

Although their cultivation level is not as good as you, they definitely have more means than you, and they must not underestimate the enemy. "


Before he finished speaking, Gui Yun slashed his chest with a sword, causing him to vomit blood.

Unfortunately, it still failed to break the soft armor.

Yuan Hong shouted from the side, "Second Senior Brother, can you do it?

The big brother slashed the demons with one sword, all of which divided the demons into eight segments.

Even if you can only divide your sword into seven sections, it doesn't matter if you cut so many swords from this devil, not even a single sword mark is left.

If it wasn't for the dozens of Binghuo Shenlei that the third senior brother had sent him before, maybe you wouldn't be able to fight him. "

Gui Yun's face turned black, this big mouth junior brother is really annoying.

"You know shit, fight the enemy well, and I'll clean you up after the fight is over."

At this time, Mo Yun was still staying thousands of miles away from the king's road, and did not dare to approach.

Yuan Hong was threatened by Gui Yun, and he didn't dare to say that it was not Gui Yun. His goal became Mo Yun.

"My good son, come quickly and let your father and third uncle take care of you."

Mo Yun's face was black with anger, but he was still a little tangled, not knowing whether to do it or not.

After a stalemate between the two sides for dozens of breaths, Lei Xiao took a few more swords.

Now Lei Xiao couldn't take it anymore, and scolded: "Mo Yun, if you have the guts to fight with them, get out of here, we two run away together.

If I delay any longer, if I don't get hacked to death, I will be shocked to death. "

Yuan Hong was also fanning the flames: "My good son, if you think your father and I are too powerful, how about a father who doesn't need a sword and fights with you with his bare hands?"

Yuan Hong has one son at a time, no matter how good his temper is, he can't bear this.

Mo Yun sacrificed a magic weapon like the Huang Luo umbrella, but the magic weapon was black.

As soon as the Heiro umbrella appeared, a thin layer of clouds appeared in the sky.

Covered by this layer of thin clouds, the blazing sunlight has become hazy.

Gui Yun shouted: "The two junior brothers must not underestimate the enemy, this is the wind and rain umbrella of the myriad magic rain magic lineage, and its power is extremely powerful.

Once hit, the body and spirit will be destroyed. "

Lei Xiao took advantage of his distraction and threw out a thunder ball.

Gui Yun's whole body turned into a streak of silver light, passing by Lei Zhu and then by Lei Xiao.

The thunderball was split into two halves, and the energy inside dissipated directly, failing to burst open.

On the contrary, it was Lei Xiao, who was choked up by this sword again.

Gui Yun showed his stature: "You want to attack me even if you have the ability?

Old Demon Leiguang is extremely powerful, how could he teach such a useless junior like you. "

Mo Yun injected a large amount of demonic spiritual power into the magic weapon, but the wind and rain umbrella did not change, but the clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker.

At this time, even Yuan Hong looked at the sky with some worry, and did not greet Mo Yun's elders again.

Instead, he wanted to ask Wang Daoyuan, "Third Senior Brother, are you sure you can deal with this magic weapon?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "I haven't seen this thing before, and I don't know how to deal with it.

I'll use some tricks first to see if it works. "

After saying that, a jet-black flame flew out of his hand.

This flame is like a small snake, climbing up an invisible pillar.

Soon, the black fire snake climbed into the clouds.

After entering the clouds, the flames expanded rapidly, and soon all the dark clouds were ignited.

A contemptuous smile appeared on Wang Daoyuan's face: "My nephew, your methods don't seem to be very good.

Junior Brother Yuan, your son still needs training. "

He looked down on Mo Yun's methods on the surface, but he was actually very flustered.

Although the dark clouds were ignited, the spiritual power of the demons was not the same as that of the human race. The speed of the Guishui Mingyan burning the spiritual power in the dark clouds was very slow.

The black flames seem scary, but it is still far from breaking the dark clouds completely.

Seeing his confident look, Mo Yun was also a little unsure.

"Hugh, the child of the human race, is going to be arrogant. I don't believe that you, a god-turning cultivator, can break my magic weapon."

He continued to inject spiritual power into the black umbrella, increasing the thickness of the dark cloud.

Now Wang Daoyuan is a little more relieved, Guishui Mingyan can continue to burn spiritual power, the longer it drags on, the better it will be for him.

As time passed, the flames in the cloud grew stronger and faster, burning the clouds faster and faster.

Soon, Mo Yun noticed something was wrong.

He has been injecting demonic spiritual power into Heluo Umbrella, but the rate of increase of spiritual power in the clouds is getting slower and slower.

Continuing to consume it is a complete waste of energy.

He no longer injected spiritual power into the Heluo umbrella, but raised the Heluo umbrella high, and then waved it violently.

The dark clouds in the sky were violently surging, the wind was blowing, and raindrops were pouring down.

Beneath the dark clouds, there was a heavy rain curtain, the raindrops were connected in a line, and the sound of hitting the soil and stones was a sound.

Wang Daoyuan used the khaki spiritual power to prop up the defensive cover again, but under the downpour, the spiritual power cover was quickly exhausted.

Gui Yun didn't dare to bear the rain, and with a sword, Lei Xiao was repelled and flew out of the range shrouded in dark clouds.

Yuan Hong performed the earth escape technique and escaped into the underground rock formation.

Before leaving, he shouted: "Third Senior Brother, a hero will not suffer from immediate losses. This guy's methods are too clever, don't take it hard."

Lei Xiao didn't dare to stay in the rain zone any longer, so he quickly retreated.

Wang Daoyuan looked up at Mo Yun, who was suspended in mid-air: "Nephew, your strength is still not enough."

After all, a large black flame gushed out from his body, wrapping his body layer by layer.

For several miles, it turned into a huge fireball.

The raindrops fell into the fireball and were quickly assimilated by the flames, causing no impact at all.

After more than 100 breaths, the rainstorm stopped, the strong wind gradually subsided, and the dark clouds dissipated.

The black flames around Wang Daoyuan kept surging, and finally turned into a black flame dragon.

He stepped on the dragon's head, flew into the air, and looked down at Mo Yun: "My nephew, how is your third uncle and my strength?"

Lei Xiao shouted: "Mo Yun, this human boy's methods restrain you, don't entangle with him anymore, run away quickly."

Mo Yun was a little unconvinced. The descendant of the dignified demon god, the genius in the demon race, was actually defeated by a human race with a higher realm.

He still wants to do it, and Wang Daoyuan is also full of fighting spirit.

The huge black flame dragon under his feet seemed to be alive, breathing slightly.

With every exhalation, a large jet of black flame spewed out.

The water aura in the aura of heaven and earth was constantly ignited by black flames, and then merged into the fire dragon's body.

Seeing this situation, Mo Yun did not dare to fight again, a black mist gushed out from his body, and then disappeared in front of Wang Daoyuan out of thin air.

Lei Xiao also had no intention of fighting again, and also disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Daoyuan was a little stunned, and asked Guiyun: "The field of supernatural powers did not sense spatial fluctuations, and these two guys disappeared out of thin air. What kind of power is this?"

Gui Yun shook his head: "This is the way to use the laws of space, there is a different space created by the devil, it can be said to be a special secret realm.

Don't say that you are only at the peak of God Transformation now, even if you break through the Mahayana realm, it is impossible to easily sense the devil's means.

To enter this different space, either get the consent of the demon **** who created the different space, or use force.

It seems that the demons plan to stay in the Ascension Valley for a long time and insert a knife in the back of the town of demons.

There is definitely a Demon God here, but the Master and the others should have been staring here at this time.

Even if the Demon God or the Demon Race might make a move, they won't be able to get a bargain.

On the contrary, the master and the others will see the flaws, so they sent two little guys out to solve us.

Evacuate here first, and leave the rest to Master and the others.

Next, there's going to be a big fight here. "

At this time, Yuan Hong got out of the ground.

"Third Senior Brother, your strength is too strong.

The supernatural powers of this rain demon lineage, even the second senior brother dare not carry it hard, but you carry it hard.

Your spiritual fire is too terrifying, you can easily refine the spiritual power of the demon race. "

Gui Yun's face turned black, and he wanted to reprimand him, but in the end he didn't speak.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Although my spiritual fire is strong, it cannot easily refine the spiritual power of the demons.

Before, burning the dark clouds was like burning a large pile of wet wood with ordinary fire, and it was difficult to play a big role.

But these raindrops fell into the fire around me, like throwing a few wet logs into the fire.

No matter how difficult this wet wood is, it must be burned to ashes.

The essence of the two has not changed, only the quantitative contrast has changed. "

The three of them didn't speak any more, they each received their spells and hurried to the town of Demon Town.

When they arrived in the town of Demon Town, the three came to the main hall in the center of the city to report the situation.

Gui Yunchao Guiyuan Jianxian cupped his hands and said, "Report to the great commander, the Ascension Valley may have been occupied by the demons, and a different space has been set up."

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "When you were fighting, we were staring at the Ascension Valley.

It's a pity that none of those demon gods and demon clan almighty took action, and I can't determine the situation in the other dimension. "

Wu Lei Shenzun said: "The position over the Ascension Valley is too terrible, if it is occupied by the demons, we will face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

Moreover, following the ascension passage, one can descend into the Yanhuang Ancient Realm.

If the demons can gain a firm foothold in the ancient Yanhuang realm and turn the ancient realm of Yanhuang into a demonic realm, they can pass through the ancient realm of Yanhuang and attack our Qianyuan realm at any time in the future.

Not to mention us, even if the immortal world takes action, it is impossible to eliminate the demons.

Seven Lights, you are proficient in the laws of space, can you break through that different space? "

Seven Luminaries Fuxian nodded: "Naturally there is no problem, as long as the demons who set up the alien space do not exceed the realm of the demon gods, they will never try to deceive me.

It's just that I don't dare to go there easily.

The demons set up a battle at the Ascension Valley, which is to force us to leave the town of demons and go to the Ascension Valley to fight the demons.

I guess there may be several demon gods hidden in the different dimension over the Ascension Valley.

Once I get past, I will definitely be besieged.

Even if the great commander of the demon clan can't take action, and several demon gods are besieged, I can't stand it. "

Guiyuan Jianxian nodded: "It's really tricky, the Ascension Valley must not be occupied by the demons.

But if we send someone here to look for a different dimension, we might be ambushed by a group of demon gods.

This trick of the demons can be said to be on our dead end.

Fellow Daoists, what do you think? "

A middle-aged cultivator wearing a white robe with a Taiji map on his robe stood up and said, "In my opinion, since I can't easily send someone there, it's better to move the town of Demon Town.

With the help of the town's defense, even if the demons wanted to ambush us, they didn't have the guts to settle the town. "

Wu Lei Shenzun shook his head: "I said Yin and Yang Shenzun, you said that moving the town to the town of demons can solve the problem of the ambush of the demons.

But the town of Demon City is connected to the deep leylines, and relies on these leylines to provide spiritual power.

Moving to the Ascension Valley and wanting to connect the leylines again is not that easy.

Without the ley lines to provide spiritual power, is it possible to rely on us people to provide energy for the formation? "


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