Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1274: Expedition Fortress

The latest website: Seven Luminaries Fuxian is the strongest in the Fu array. In the entire Qianyuan world, except for Guiyuan Sword Immortal, no one can beat him.

His small means are enough for the weaker demon gods in the demon clan to drink a pot.

Before Xun Feng Shenjun could finish his words, the seven talisman swords in front of Qi Yao Fu Xian dragged colorful lights and shadows and shot out.

The four demon gods did not dare to neglect, and each offered a magic weapon to resist.

The devil in the armor, the devil flames soared, and the light above the armor flickered.

The talisman sword swept past him, splashing thousands of sparks.

After counting the breaths, the seven swords returned.

"Hahaha..." The armor-clad demons laughed loudly, "The name of the Seven Luminaries Talisman is like thunder among my saints.

The great commander once said that he uses all his means to defeat you, but you are proficient in the way of the realm, and you can easily create a space similar to the secret realm.

If you want to take you down, unless you turn the entire Qianyuan Realm into a Demon Realm, so that you have nowhere to hide.

He also told me to wait and run away when I see you.

Looking at it now, the great commander looks down on you too much.

The famous Seven Lights Town Yuan Talisman can't even break my armor. "

"Hahahaha..." The four demon gods laughed together.

The Seven Luminaries Talisman's face did not change, his right hand pointed with the sword, and the seven talisman swords were surrounded by his fingertips.

The flying speed of the talisman sword is getting faster and faster, and the naked eye can no longer see that it is the seven talisman swords.

After a while, the seven talisman swords merged into a single gray talisman sword that was more than five inches long.

The Seven Luminaries Talisman sword pointed at the armored demon god, and the gray sword shot out swiftly.


With two consecutive soft sounds, the Demon God flew out backwards, and strands of blood oozing from the gaps in the visor.

On the chest, there is also a gray sword.

The body of the sword has been completely submerged in the armor, and only the hilt is still outside.

The shield held in his hand was pierced by the sword, leaving a small hole the size of the index finger.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian retracted the talisman sword: "Although he is a little arrogant, he is not stupid and knows to use a shield to block it.

Otherwise, this sword can take your life. "

The talisman sword was pulled out, and a **** arrow gushed out from the wound.

The armor-clad Demon God shouted, "Withdraw!"

"Cough cough..." After shouting, a lot of blood gushed out from the gaps in the armor.

The other three demon gods did not dare to fight against Qi Yao Fuxian again, and fled back to the jade plate magic weapon with the injured demon gods.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian looked at the jade plate with a dignified expression.

Then the right sword finger pointed to the jade plate, and the Fu sword shot away.


The talisman sword hit the edge of the jade plate, making a crisp sound.

The jade plate was unscathed, and the Fu Jian collapsed directly.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian sighed: "The magic weapon of the Demon Race is very powerful."

After all, go back to Feicheng.

Then he shouted: "The great power without a task has come to discuss the matter."

Not too many meetings, more than a dozen great experts came to the discussion hall.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian sat on the main seat and looked at the great powers: "I am afraid we will be dragged here this time."

The Five Thunder God Venerable asked: "How do you say this? The one you hit hard before should be the one with the highest status of the Demon Race here.

He was all injured, and the other demon gods were even weaker, so they didn't dare to fight to the death.

No matter how powerful a magic weapon is, it will always be broken. "

Seven Luminaries Fuxian shook his head: "It's not that simple, I tried that magic weapon before.

My Seven Lights Talisman Sword is a small method derived from the Seven Lights Town Yuan Talisman. Although it is not as powerful as the Seven Lights Town Yuan Talisman, it also has the ability to kill weaker demon gods.

I hit it with all my strength and hit the jade plate, but not even a trace was left.

This jade plate is by no means an ordinary eighth-order magic weapon, and it is likely to be one of the family of the demons. "

Everyone fell into silence. The top master of the Seven Lights Talisman Xianqianyuan Realm, he struck with all his strength, but he couldn't shake the magic weapon.

Other people besieged, it will not have much effect.

With such a powerful magic weapon, it is still unknown if Feicheng can block it if it has the ability to attack again.

Zi Lei Shen Zun sighed: "In this way, we can't rely on storms to win."

Seven Lights Fuxian nodded: "It is also fortunate that this Feicheng is here, if it is a field battle, we will suffer a big loss today.

It's a pity that I don't know the heels of this jade plate. It's not easy to clean up this thing. "

At this time, an almighty said: "I know a little about the origin of this jade plate."

Qi Yao Fu Xian hurriedly asked, "Fellow Daoist Jade, is this true?"

Jade Divine Venerable nodded: "Everyone knows that my grandfather was an Earth Immortal, and he had already ascended to the Immortal Realm as early as tens of thousands of years ago.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, our younger generations have sacrificed and communicated with our grandfather every year, and we have also learned a lot of things in the immortal world. "

"When the demons invaded the immortal world, some demons had similar jade plates.

The Immortal Realm and the Demon Race have been at war for many years, and some have also been captured.

That jade plate is a high-level magic weapon, and the lowest-level is also the eighth-level middle-high-level.

The function of these jade plates is very similar to that of our flying city, and it has the functions of residence and attack and defense at the same time.

It's just that our Feicheng is composed of many magical implements, while the jade plate of the Demon Race is a single huge magical implement.

There is a space similar to the secret realm in this magic weapon, which can accommodate a large number of low-level demons to thrive in it.

This is the vehicle used for the expedition of the demons. The immortal world calls it the expedition fortress. It is unknown how the demons call it.

The demons traveled through the endless void and attacked different worlds, relying on this thing. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was silent.

The demons used to traverse the void and attack the treasures of various worlds. It is too difficult to break them.

There are various buildings above the expedition fortress, and there are naturally many offensive and defensive formations.

Such a magic weapon with a secret realm and a rank of at least the middle and upper ranks of the eighth rank, it is too difficult to break through him.

"Is there any news about the attack capabilities of the Expeditionary Fortress?"

Jade God Zun shook his head: "The demons invaded the immortal world. When the two sides fought, all the demons masters personally came out to fight against the humans. I have never heard of the demons using this thing as an attack weapon.

Moreover, the speed of this thing is not fast, and it can only be used for thousands of miles in an hour.

If you want to transfer quickly, you can only rely on tearing the space. "

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief. If such an eighth-order middle-high-grade magic weapon had a stronger attack power, it would be a big trouble.

Seven Lights Fuxian smiled and said: "It seems that it is not completely bad news.

Although this expedition fortress is of high rank, it is only a defensive weapon.

There is no extreme attack power, nor extreme speed.

We can think that this is an extremely powerful flying city.

For the time being, we have no way to destroy this jade plate, we can only use Feicheng to deal with them slowly.

I will notify the commander and tell him the situation here.

Let Zhenmocheng refine Feicheng again, and in the future, multiple Feicheng will take turns staring at the expedition fortress.

I believe that there are not many things on the Demon Race side, and it will not pose a fatal threat to us.

As for tearing apart the space, with me there, they don't have the guts to measure it. "

After saying this, everyone felt a lot more at ease.

Although it can't break through the expedition fortress of the demons, the attack power of this thing is not strong, at least it will not have a huge impact on the strength of the two sides.

Wu Lei Shenzun asked: "Then, should we harass the demons from time to time now? In case they have nothing to do, they will go to toss the ascension channel."

Seven Luminaries Fuxian nodded: "Well, we often send some monks here to harass the demons.

As long as they dare to leave the expedition fortress, we will toss them.

Our purpose is not to kill many demons, as long as we can keep the ascension channel, that's fine.

The cultivator with the supernatural power of the domain patrols the city wall every day, staring at the Ascension Valley ascension passage.

Once the Demon Race has any movement, report it at any time. "

Everyone claimed that they were, and they dispersed.

Several powerful array mages joined forces, and Feicheng was quickly connected to the underground spiritual veins.

With the spiritual veins providing spiritual power to Feicheng, Wang Daoyuan didn't have to maintain the domain all the time, and started patrolling the city wall instead.

The flying city of the human race is in the northeast of the Ascension Valley, while the demons are huddled in the expedition fortress in the southwest of the Ascension Valley.

The ascension passage of Ascension Valley is right in the middle of the two.

When the human race arrives here, it is difficult for the demon race to quietly toss the ascension channel.

Wang Daoyuan possesses domain supernatural powers, and his sensitivity to spatial fluctuations is still higher than that of ordinary Mahayana monks.

Therefore, he also got a task, that is, to stay on the corner of the city wall in the southwest of the flying city, and pay attention to the spatial fluctuations of the ascension passage at any time.

Once there is an abnormality, immediately report to the Seven Lights Fuxian.

The other monks who alternated with Wang Daoyuan also all possessed domains.

However, the others are single-attribute fields.

Although the sense of space is also more sensitive than that of ordinary monks, there is still a gap compared to the five elements domain.

These people are all Mahayana monks, and their cultivation is far higher than the king's way.

Even if the Mahayana monks do not master the laws of space, their ability to sense space is stronger than the spiritual monks.

In general, these people's ability to sense spatial fluctuations is no worse than Wang Dao.

Xun Fengshenjun, the disciple of Seven Lights Fuxian, is also one of the monks monitoring the ascension passage.

He also has domain supernatural powers, but his supernatural powers are of the wind attribute.

The two sides have been stalemate in the Ascension Valley for several months.

The human race sent a powerful provocation, and the demon almighty did not make any movement.

One day more than four months later, Wang Daoyuan was on duty in the southwest corner of Feicheng.

Suddenly, there was an imperceptible abnormal fluctuation in the Ascension Valley.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly asked Xunfeng who was on duty here together, "Senior Brother Xunfeng, have you noticed any movement over the ascension passage?"

Hearing this, Lord Xunfeng will immediately focus on investigating the situation over the ascension passage.

After a while, he nodded solemnly: "There is indeed a movement, it seems that the ascension channel has been impacted.

It's just that the spatial fluctuations here are strong, and the induction is not very accurate.

It may be that the demons sneaked into the ascension channel and did things in it. "

After that, I will report the matter to Qiyi Fuxian's voice transmission.

After more than ten breaths, Qi Yao Fu Xian and several great experts came to the southwest corner of Feicheng.

Seven Luminaries Fuxian closed his eyes and sensed it, then sneered: "The demons are really willing to pay, and use two demons to enter the center of the Ascension Valley, trying to get through the ascension channel.

We can't let go of this great gift.

Fellow Daoist Wulei and Fellow Daoist Zilei, there are two demon powers hidden in the ascension passage, both of which belong to the soul eater, so I will leave it to the two of you. "

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal to clean up two demons."

Seven Luminaries Fuxian nodded: "Be careful, this ascension channel is not strong, and it may not be able to carry the power of great power.

The Yanhuang Ancient Realm is still relatively important to the Qianyuan Realm.

When it is not a last resort, try not to hurt the ascension channel. "

The two handed over and said yes, and then flew out of the Feicheng area and went southwest.

Falling on the stone platform at the very center of Ascension Valley, the Five Thunder Gods placed one hand on the center of the stone platform.

A green light flashed in his hand, and there was also a faint power of thunder in it.

Obviously, this is using Ottomu Shenlei.

Yimu Shenlei is the softest among the five elements, and it does not have violent fluctuations in spiritual power, but only extracts the spirit and energy of surrounding living creatures.

After dozens of breaths, the ascension passage under the stone platform became uneasy.

After a violent space fluctuation, two black shadows drilled out from under the stone platform.

Zi Lei Shen Zun waited for his work, and as soon as the shadow came out, two purple-golden fire tornadoes swept past.

Before the two shadows could dodge, they were both entangled by the purple-gold fire dragon.

Each turned into a black smoke and got rid of the entanglement of the purple-gold fire dragon.

The Five Thunder God Venerable released two golden lights and shone towards the black smoke.

The black smoke immediately dissipated more than 30%, and two strands of black smoke escaped for more than a hundred miles before turning back into human form.

These two guys were less than five feet tall, and their bodies were pitch black. They were the Soul Eaters of the Demon Race.

At this time, the auras of the two demons were disordered, and they were obviously seriously injured.

Wu Lei Shenzun smiled and said: "This credit is taken to the hand, Zi Lei Taoist friend, we two each one, but we don't eat too much."

Zi Lei Shenzun was not very happy: "The last time you killed two demons alone, are you embarrassed to fight with me now? Let's do our best."

After that, a long flaming snake emerged from his hand, turning into a purple-gold whip.

He waved the purple-gold long whip and pulled it towards the two demons.

Not to be outdone, Wu Lei Shenzun condensed two flaming long knives and slashed towards the demons.

In front of the two top powers of the human race, Wu Lei Shenzun and Zi Lei Shenzun, the two demons have no resistance at all, and can only support them.

Seeing that the two demons were about to die here, a jet-black spear flew out from the expedition fortress of the demons in the distance.

The Five Thunder Gods looked at the long spear with a disdainful smile on his face.

He waved his hand and shot out two golden lights, the pitch-black spear was directly broken into three pieces, and the golden light completely dissipated.

The Five Thunder Gods sneered: "Although this seat is a powerful, UU reading, but it is not something that any turkey dog ​​from the Demon Race can suppress.

If you want to save these two wastes, a devil will come out.

I want to try, can I kill the devil. "

Soon, a figure with a long gun came out of the expedition fortress.

This guy is tall, especially with unusually thick bones.

But there was no flesh on his body, almost skin and bones.

This is the Bone Demon of the Yang Demon lineage of the Demon Race, which can be cultivated with the help of the bones of the Human Race or Monster Race, and is known for its strong physical body.

The bone demon glanced at Wu Lei Shenzun: "As expected of the top power, he can easily break my attack.

With such a powerful strength, your bones must be of great help to me. "


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