Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1282: Peeping the mysterious turtle

This prophecy is the text on the Taiji jade plate at the base of the sun and the moon. The whole prophecy is "the origin of the sun and the moon, the battle between the gods and the demons, the catastrophe of the heaven and the earth, and the real people come from the northern wasteland."

Those words were written in ancient characters. If it wasn't for Guiyuan Sword Immortal, Wang Daoyuan only knew the origin of the sun and the moon.

When he built the small world, Sun Moon Yuanyuan also made great efforts.

In the end, the gossip jade plate collapsed and merged into the small world.

Wang Daoyuan was very puzzled. The only people who knew the content of this sentence were himself and his master.

If anyone else knew about this, it would only be the person who made the jade plate.

This tortoise lives in the fragments of the fairyland, but it is really strange that it can say the prophecy that "the real person came from the northern wasteland".

However, if you want to find out about this, you still have to rescue the tortoise.

"Lian Shen, go and suppress that dragon-headed eagle.

Let's work together to rescue the tortoise. If we can keep the dragon-headed eagle, we will give it to you to refine it. "

As soon as he heard this, the spirit of Lian Shen came to him.

"Master, don't worry, although my rank is not high now, it was also made by the old master himself.

Even if he can't take down the dragon-headed monster alone, he can't use half of his strength. "

After all, the entire God Refining Gourd swelled to a height of several thousand feet.

The huge gourd mouth is aimed at the dragon-headed monster eagle, and it is a sharp suction.

This dragon-headed eagle and the three middle-stage Mahayana monks tossed for a long time, the spiritual power was greatly depleted, and he suffered a lot of injuries.

Now it is closer to the tortoise, and the consumption is not small.

The sudden attack of the God Refining Gourd made him almost lose his balance.

In the face of sudden danger, he could only give up the tortoise and concentrate on dealing with the god-refining gourd.

A pair of sharp claws like black iron loosened the tortoise and grabbed it towards the divine gourd.

The pair of sharp claws of the dragon-headed monster eagle was more than a hundred miles away from the divine refining gourd, but the divine refining gourd suddenly stopped swallowing spiritual energy.

Refining God shouted: "Clan, this guy's claws restrain me.

Now I can't move, and if I let him grab it, I will be severely damaged if not destroyed. "

The supernatural powers of Wang Dao Yuan's realm unfolded, and from the claws of this strange eagle, the laws of space and the laws of suppressing spiritual bodies were sensed.

Anything that has a soul or something similar to a soul will be restrained by him to a certain extent.

Although the God Refining Gourd does not have a soul, the tool spirit itself is very similar to the soul.

Under the claws of this strange eagle, it was also restrained to death.

It's no wonder that Longyuan Wuxiong can't take down this strange eagle. With this kind of method, it is really difficult to beat him without restraint and cultivation.

Seeing this strange eagle's means, Wang Daoyuan did not hesitate.

The supernatural power of the domain mobilized the power of the law of space and counter-pressured the dragon-headed monster.

Lian Shen suddenly felt that the power to suppress himself had weakened by more than half, and quickly shrank the Lian Shen gourd and fled to Wang Daoyuan's side.

The strange eagle saw Wang Daoyuan rescued the Lianshen gourd, and a pair of dragon eyes stared at him.

Then he raised his claws and grabbed at Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan felt like a person who couldn't swim and fell into deep water.

There was so much pressure all around the body that it seemed like it was going to crush myself.

At the same time, the soul has also been obviously suppressed, and even the thinking is a little unsmooth.

Fortunately, the supernatural power of the domain has been deployed, resisting most of the power of the eagle's claw.

Otherwise, under this claw, you may be planted in this guy's hands.

A long sword flew out from Wang Daoyuan's eyebrows and pointed directly at the neck of the dragon-headed monster.

This sword is the Soul Sealing Sword, forged by a number of great experts.

Even if the seventh-order has not been restored yet, the power should not be underestimated.

Wei Ying immediately gave up Wang Daoyuan and turned to entanglement with Fengshunjian.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "The monsters in the fragments of the fairy world can't be underestimated, a small dragon-headed eagle almost took me down.

Refining God, that strange eagle doesn't care about dealing with you now, so go to suppress him. "

Before Lian Shen was almost smashed by a claw, how could he not avenge this great revenge?

Immediately flew over, towards the strange eagle released bursts of suction, suppressing its strength.

The Soul Sealing Sword collided with the pair of sharp claws of the strange eagle a few times, but it didn't hurt him in the slightest.

Suddenly, five sword shadows flew out of the Soul Sealing Sword.

As soon as the sword shadow came out, flames began to ignite, and the surrounding spiritual energy surged, forming five cyclones that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The five sword shadows grew rapidly, forming the Five Elements Sword Region, enclosing the dragon-headed eagle in the middle.

In every sword shadow, sword energy is constantly released.

But these sword qi hit the dragon-headed eagle, and even a single feather was shaved off.

The dragon-headed eagle gave a sharp and strange smile: "Human boy, with your ability, you dare to come to trouble me.

If you delay Lao Tzu eating the tortoise, you will never run away today.

Seeing that you are in good shape, it is enough to be a side dish. "

After all, with one wing, the Five Elements Sword Region was distorted, almost being breached.

Wei Ying sneered: "This spell is a bit interesting, it can be used as a toy."

Wang Daoyuan sighed in his heart: I just broke through the Mahayana realm, and I haven't had time to improve my exercises and spells.

Otherwise, why bother with this.

It is impossible to hurt this strange eagle in the Five Elements Sword Region.

In the metallic sword shadow, a silver ball of spiritual power was released and smashed at the dragon-headed monster eagle.

The strange eagle's wings flicked lightly, and the spiritual power ball was shattered.

A piece of down feathers was cut off and fell from his wings.

"It's kind of interesting, this method actually carries the power of thunder, which is much stronger than your sword energy.

It's a pity that it's still a long way from hurting me. "

Seeing that this blow could hurt him, Wang Daoyuan sneered: "This is just the beginning, the good show is yet to come."

Immediately afterwards, a large number of spiritual power **** were instantly released from the five sword shadows.



The muffled thunder continued to sound, and colorful firelights would envelope the entire Five Elements Sword Region.

This round of offensive lasted for a full quarter of an hour, the firelight dissipated, and the dragon-headed monster eagle was scorched black.

Most of the feathers were scorched, and on the dark skin, only a few pieces of down feathers were swaying in the wind, as if they would fall off at any time.

The dragon-headed eagle has long since lost a trace of vitality, and Wang Daoyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "This turtle grandson can really carry it, eating thousands of the Five Elements Divine Thunder."

There was a dull voice in the distance: "I don't have such a grandson, peep at the Xuanyuan of the Xuangui family, see the real person."

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment: "Qianyuan Realm doesn't have a glimpse of such a monster as the Tianxuan Turtle. Are you a monster born and raised in this fragment of the Immortal Realm?"

Xuan Yuan's body shrank and turned into a human form, but he still had a turtle shell on his back.

Coming to Wang Daoyuan, he bowed and saluted: "If you return to the real person, our family was originally a famous race in the Immortal Realm.

It's just that my ancestors encountered the battle between the fairy and the devil, which completely shattered a space in the fairyland, and we all ended up here.

Among the fragments of the Immortal Realm, the number of my clan was too small, and it was beheaded by many monsters and humans.

So far, I'm the only one left. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, I made too much noise in order to kill this evil obstacle.

Soon, someone will come to investigate.

Let's get out of here first, so as not to be taken advantage of. "

The Xuantian Turtle nodded: "Before this immortal fragment left this place, our Xuantian Turtle family lived here.

There are many places to hide in the vicinity. If the real person is at ease with me, he will come with me and ensure that no one will find us. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then it's up to you to lead the way, refine the gods, and clean up the traces around."

Lian Shen had just put away the corpse of the dragon-headed monster and was savoring the smell of the monsters in the fairy world.

Hearing Wang Daoyuan's order, he immediately began to swallow the surrounding spiritual energy.

After a while, the aura in a radius of hundreds of miles was replaced.

Wang Daoyuan followed Xuan Yuan and went southeast.

After half an hour, several cultivators came to the battlefield.

One of the old men fell to the ground and carefully sensed the surrounding situation.

A middle-aged cultivator next to him asked, "Friend Void Spirit, did you find anything?"

The old man shook his head: "The fight was in the air and didn't land.

When the man left, he also specially dealt with the surrounding spiritual energy, and there was not a trace of aura left. "

The middle-aged cultivator sighed: "This man is really cautious, even the two of us have a hard time catching up with him."

The old man was a little puzzled: "There was a lot of movement before, the spells being cast have the meaning of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, and the sword repair spell.

Fellow Taoist Tianer, you are well-informed. Does the Wulei Sect have any direct disciples who have gone all the way to Jianxiu? "

The middle-aged cultivator shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, but the Five Thunder Gods have already trained the Five Elements Divine Thunder to the Transformation Realm.

Lei Fa can be integrated into all spells, and he has many methods of his own.

Among the descendants of the direct line, it is not impossible that there is a talented person who integrates Lei Fa into kendo. "

"Forget it, this kid's cultivation base is not high, but the beginning and the end are too clean.

Don't bother chasing him, there are big things to do on this trip. "

On the other side, Wang Daoyuan followed Xuan Yuan to a mountain valley.

Seen from above, here is a very ordinary small valley.

But after passing through a layer of illusion, there is a lake with a radius of hundreds of miles below.

There is a small island in the lake, and there is a sandy beach on the island.

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised: "Fellow Daoist's formation skills are high enough, I can't see the clue from the outside."

Xuan Yuan smiled and said: "The real person is joking, this is all left by the ancestors.

With my seventh-order low-grade cultivation, I cannot set up such a powerful formation. "

The two landed on the island in the heart of the lake, and Wang Daoyuan asked: "The real person came from the Northern Wilderness, and there should be fewer people who know this prophecy.

You have been living in this fairyland fragment, how did you find out about it?

Besides, when you see me, you say I'm real, what's going on? "

Xuan Yuan hurriedly explained: "We have a glimpse of the mysterious tortoise clan, which is extremely poor in fighting, and can only rely on this natural tortoise shell for defense.

It can continue to this day, and it is still very prosperous in the fairy world, relying on the divine ability to see the sky.

Our family is born with the ability to spy on the past and future, but we have to pay a huge price.

This is where the name 'peeping the sky' comes from.

A real person has a lot of luck against the sky, even if the human race cultivates some spells in this area, it can be seen.

What's more, I have a glimpse of the Tianxuan turtle family, and I am naturally sensitive to these things. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "Fellow Daoist is not honest, you know my identity very well.

If you spy on things related to me, no one below the demon can withstand the backlash.

Others related to this prophecy are not something you, a seventh-order monster, can spy on.

If this is really what you got from spying on the heavens, if you are lucky, your soul should go to the reincarnation tunnel at this time.

If you're unlucky, reincarnation is a bit of a luxury for you. "

Then he pointed at the God Refining Gourd: "You should have seen the strength of this gourd. A monster like you will not even have bones left."

Refining God showed his figure from the gourd: "Master, that dragon-headed eagle tastes good, and my rank has improved a lot.

If you can eat a few more seventh-order monsters, maybe you will be able to recover to the seventh-order middle grade soon.

This old turtle is dishonest, I swallowed him too, right? "

Xuan Yuan hurriedly begged for forgiveness: "Really forgive me, I didn't tell the truth before.

About you, it is indeed obtained from prying into heaven.

It's just that it's not my divination, but my father's credit. "

Before Wang Daoyuan said anything, Lian Shen scolded: "Dare to deceive the master, there is no reasonable explanation, be careful of your head."

Xuan Yuan said tremblingly, "About 10,000 years ago, my mother died unexpectedly when she was out of town.

My father and I were the only members of the Profound Tortoise Clan in the Fragments of the Immortal Realm.

Although we have endless lifespan, it is inevitable that there will be accidents.

In order to avoid genocide, my father spied on the future of our family.

The prospect of discovery is slim, but there is still a silver lining.

Father, he continued to explore this chance of life, and as a result, your situation was involved, and he was attacked.

His old man was a top power at the time, and he couldn't withstand the backlash.

In the way of prophecy, he told me the secrets that he spied on, let me wait for the real person, and then passed away.

Some time ago, I suddenly sensed a change in the way of heaven in the Fragments of the Immortal Realm, and I knew it was the real person.

I was afraid to spy on the secrets of the sky, and if I was attacked again, I didn't dare to spy again, I went out to find you, and I came across the Soul Destroyer Dragon Eagle.

That thing is also a well-known fierce bird in the fairy world.

If it wasn't for a real person to save me, my little life would be on it. "

"What is the complete prophecy left by your father?"

"Apart from the fact that the real person came from the Northern Wilderness, there is also something about your background.

Son of Heaven, Younger Brother of Yinglong, I don't dare to say the rest. "

Wang Daoyuan was amazed in his heart, this peeping tortoise family is not small, and they really figured out their own life experience.

But this tortoise is still aware of current affairs and knows what to say and what not to say.

"I saved your life this time, you can't let me help you find a way in vain?"

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's offer, Xuan Yuan was very excited, and being able to make an offer showed that he was willing to negotiate.

"Of course I can't let you do it in vain, a character like you needs to be busy with too many things, how can you help me find a way in vain.

Our family has stayed here for hundreds of thousands of years, and we still have some savings.

It's just that the clansmen have withered away, and it is useless to ask for more treasures.

I am willing to dedicate all my family property to the real person, and I only hope that the real person can help me see the continuation of the Tianxuangui family. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "I'll just charge you for your life, and UU reading will help you to keep peeping at the mysterious turtle, I don't have that ability.

Qianyuan Realm does not have your same clan, and wants you to reproduce, unless you go to Immortal Realm.

Now that the ascension channel has collapsed, I have no ability to go to the fairyland.

If you want to find a spirit turtle of another race, I can help you, and you can also find the Xuanwu bloodline. "

Xuan Yuan accompanied him with a smile: "The real person is joking, as you are, it is not a piece of cake to go to the fairyland?

The little one has no other ability. In terms of spying on heaven's secrets, seeking good luck and avoiding evil, even the earth immortals of the human race will never be able to beat me.

I can also predict the future for the real person. If the real person takes me by his side, it will not be easy to encounter major dangers in the future. "

"As for the spiritual turtles of other races, once the bloodlines of the mysterious tortoise clan are mixed, the supernatural ability to spy on the secrets will be useless.

I won't go this route unless I have to. "

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