Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1292: Covenant 3

Wang Daoyuan left the Diyan Secret Realm and returned to the cave house in the Diyan Archipelago.

At this time, the cloned Sea Reclamation God Monarch also received the relevant battle report.

Since he killed the black dragon, the other monsters have lost the courage to continue fighting.

The three of them have been patrolling the main islands and dealing with the remaining monsters.

I have stayed in the Lingzhu space for more than a hundred years, and more than half a year has passed in the outside world.

In the past half a year, the monsters have basically been pacified, and the losses in various places are also being counted.

Uncle Twelve also released news as the chairman of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, inviting all the forces that surrendered to the Chamber of Commerce, and came to the headquarters of Tianquan Island to discuss matters half a year later.

I happened to be out of the customs by myself, and I can also show up in the past.

At his current speed, it would not take much effort to travel from the Diyan Islands to Tianquan Island.

It's better to continue to retreat here and wait for the meeting over there to start.

Half a year passed quickly, and Wang Shouye sent news to Wang Daoyuan that the powerful forces in the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie had sent people here.

Even the Zhenhai Sect, the White Bone Hall, and the Ten Thousand Demons Sect of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands sent important figures to come.

In the headquarters of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce on Tianquan Island, representatives of various forces came here.

There are powers that the cultivators of the gods are sitting in, and they all have their own seats.

Without the power of the god-turning monks, they stood at the corner of the council hall.

Wang Shouye stood up and said to the crowd, "This time, the demon clan swept the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, and the headquarters of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was besieged for many days, and the entire Tianquan Island was smashed to pieces.

All forces must have suffered heavy losses, and it is a great honor for all of you to come to discuss this matter. "

After that, he got up from the main seat and said to everyone: "Thank you for giving me the face of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce."

Everyone got up and returned their salutes, and Zhenjun Qingzhu of Yuheng Jianzong said quickly: "If Senior Wang slashed the black dragon with one sword, I am afraid that the inheritance of our families would not be able to be preserved.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is a big beneficiary to all parties, and it is only natural that we will come to join us. "

Wang Shouye pretended to be ignorant and asked, "No one should know about Daoyuan's beheading of the seventh-order black dragon. How did you know?"

A cultivator at the peak of Nascent Soul cupped his hands and said, "Returning to the president, there was a sanctuary who was in the nearby waters and recorded the situation of the monster besieging the vice president and them.

At that time, the black dragon used the magical power to call the wind and call the rain, and the entire sea area was shrouded in dark clouds.

Senior Wang arrived just in time, slashed through the dark clouds with a sword, and beheaded the black dragon.

In front of Senior Wang, the seventh-order black dragon had no resistance at all.

A group of sixth-order monsters were also stunned and could only wait to die.

The divine power of Senior Wang has made me yearn for it. "

The rest of the people in the hall also looked in admiration.

This matter was handled by Wang Daoyuan, and the clone Xu Chenhai scattered the photo beads through the channels of the Intelligence Hall.

All major forces have their own intelligence agencies, and it is impossible for them to fail to obtain any information circulating among the scattered cultivators.

In this way, Wang Daoyuan's purpose of standing out has been achieved.

Wen Xuanhai of the Wen family came in person, and he asked, "The Seven Star Sea Cultivation World has not had a Mahayana monk for tens of thousands of years, and originally we people have no hope.

Now that Senior Wang has broken through the Mahayana realm, I wonder if he can preach for us? "

This can only be said by the Wen family. After all, the Wen family is the earliest ally of the Wang family, and the two are in-laws. This relationship is incomparable to other forces.

Others also watched eagerly, wanting to let Wang Daoyuan preach, but considering their own status, it is not easy to ask.

Suddenly, a pitch-black space crack appeared at the entrance of the main hall.

Wang Daoyuan walked out of the crack, and the crack disappeared immediately.

There are many formations wrapped around the discussion hall, but none of these formations can stop Wang Daoyuan.

Everyone saluted: "See Senior Wang."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "No need to be too polite, many of you have fought side by side with me.

In terms of age, I'm just a junior, and we can talk about friendship in the future. "

The crowd dared not.

Wang Daoyuan went on to say: "As for preaching, of course it's not a problem, this is also an old rule in the world of cultivating immortals.

After a breakthrough, always preach for other monks.

You and I, Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce are all allies, and we have fought against the enemy many times. Naturally, we cannot treat you badly.

Many people come today, so let’s preach here. "

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and the Mahayana monk preached, which is a rare good thing that can be seen in ten thousand years.

When Shenlianzong ruled the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation World, it strictly controlled the inheritance of the Mahayana period.

Geniuses like Sword Prison Divine Sovereign failed to break through the Mahayana realm due to lack of inheritance.

At present, the local forces in the Seven Star Seas have very little understanding of the Mahayana realm.

Occasionally, there are some seventh-order inheritances, and they are all scraps from the ancient battlefield, and there is no complete inheritance.

Wang Shouye gave up the throne, and Wang Daoyuan sat up.

Before Wang Daoyuan could speak, a cultivator from Tianji Palace attacked the cultivator of Ten Thousand Demons.

"Our forces have fought side by side with the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce for many times, and now there are disciples who serve in the Chamber of Commerce.

Although Zhenhaizong is a remnant of Yulingzong and has hatred with many of our forces, it is still our righteous line.

Since they have been attached to Wanchuan merchants, they can also be counted as their own.

You demon cultivators are hostile to our righteous path.

This time I came to Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, even if we didn't take action against you, it would be good.

Now that Senior Wang is preaching, are you still delusional about listening to the Dao? "

The faces of the White Bone Hall and the Ten Thousand Demon Sect monks changed. When Wang Daoyuan established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it was under the banner of dealing with the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Now that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is here, it can be regarded as a show of softness.

But if you want to listen to the sermon with other monks, this makes other forces unhappy.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "You don't have to do this, fellow Daoists, although the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and the White Bone Hall are demon cultivators, the demon cultivators are human races after all.

When the demons invaded back then, in order to defend against the demons, the sages of the human race also studied many inheritances of the demons and learned from each other's strengths.

The existing magic cultivation methods may have been improved by the great masters and even the earth immortals tens of thousands of years ago.

In the inheritance of the Right Path, many have traces of the inheritance of the Demon Race.

Although the practice of magic cultivation is known as the inheritance of the demon race, it is actually a fusion of the inheritance of the human race and the inheritance of the demon race. "

The monks sent by the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and the White Bone Hall bowed and saluted: "Thank you, senior."

Wang Daoyuan continued: "I allow you to listen to the sermon, but I will also give you three chapters of the law.

First, the Wan Mo Cult was dissolved on the spot, and all the magic cultivators in the Wan Mo Archipelago would be branches of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in the future, under the jurisdiction of the headquarters.

Second, no matter what kind of magic cultivation method you are practicing, you must not slaughter innocent people.

If it is a personal hatred, I can ignore it, but I can only shoot at the enemy, and not all the friends and relatives of the enemy are involved.

Third, the power of magic cultivators is only allowed to develop in the Myriad Devils Islands, and all magic cultivators are not allowed to establish forces outside the Myriad Devils Islands.

If I can accept my conditions, I can treat the magic cultivators equally.

If you cannot accept my terms, please leave now.

Soon, I will lead people to crusade the Ten Thousand Demons Islands and wipe out the disobedient demonic cultivators. "

Several cultivators of the right way persuaded Wang Daoyuan: "Senior Wang must not do this, these demon cultivators are ambitious.

If you spare them, they will occupy the Myriad Demon Islands in the future and fight against our righteous path. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The Myriad Demons Islands are violent and unsuitable for righteous monks to build their power.

If there is no magic cultivator occupying it, it will become the domain of monsters.

Our Righteous Path and Demon Cultivators are both human races, no matter who wins or loses in the future, it will never lead to the demise of the human race.

If the monsters are made bigger, the human race is in danger of being destroyed.

The survival of the human race is more important than the struggle for Taoism. "

Several Ten Thousand Demon Sect cultivators hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Agreeing to Wang Daoyuan's conditions, Mo Xiu became a subordinate of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, with little autonomy.

If you don't agree to this condition, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will probably be wiped out.

It was the cultivator of the White Bone Hall who took the lead in stating: "The White Bone Hall is willing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and abide by the rules of Senior Wang."

The Hall of Bones had long since been surrendered, and his current position was just a passing scene.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Very good, in the future, the White Bone Hall will be the branch of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in White Bone Cliff.

If anyone dares to attack the White Bone Hall, they are attacking my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

As soon as this statement came out, several other demon cultivators from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were also a little moved.

A demon cultivator in the early stage of God Transformation cupped his hands and said, "Senior Wang, this junior also wants to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that I can't decide this matter alone. I need to ask the teacher for instructions, and I also ask the seniors to give the juniors some time. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Of course, it takes some time to preach, you can go and ask the people in the church for instructions."

Several demon cultivators immediately sent letters to the sect, passing on Wang Daoyuan's conditions.

Wang Daoyuan was not idle here, and began to preach.

What the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation World really lacks is the know-how to break through the Mahayana, and the practice of the Mahayana period.

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan would not be so kind and shake out the real good things.

The content of the sermon is also his own perception of the law. The core of the container of the heaven and the long river connecting the heaven is not mentioned at all.

The important but not core immortal essence, immortal power, and the power of heaven are also mentioned a little.

Even so, it opened the eyes of these local forces in the Seven Star Seas.

The sermon only lasted for a few days, and everyone wrote down everything Wang Daoyuan said.

Although I know that this thing will not be a very core content, it is also of great benefit to the cultivation of the Spirit Transformation Stage.

After everyone digested the gains from the sermon, a demon cultivator stepped forward: "Senior Wang, all the elders of our Wan Mo Sect have decided to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and abide by the rules you proposed."

Wang Daoyuan nodded with satisfaction: "Since everyone is willing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it will be his own family in the future.

The main business of your branches is to suppress the demon clan of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

Every time the beast tide, the cultivator suffered heavy losses, and I don't want the beast tide to appear again. "

The demon cultivator also saluted respectfully: "Senior, rest assured, our demon cultivator has always been unambiguous in dealing with monsters."

Later, Wang Shouye also arranged some tasks for everyone.

The people who came to the meeting dispersed one after another, and there were only a few core members of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce left in the council hall.

Wang Shouye said with a smile: "The Ten Thousand Demons Islands are too far away from the Seven Stars Sea, and pacifying the Ten Thousand Demons Islands is not something that can be achieved overnight.

In particular, many demonic powers are in a group, and they want to storm the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. The resource consumption is really terrifying.

Unexpectedly, after you said a few words, those demon cultivators would obey obediently. "

"Before I broke through the Mahayana realm, I couldn't hold them down at all.

In the past, I traveled to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands many times, and I could only contain the Ten Thousand Demons Sect through Zhenhaizong and the White Bone Hall.

Now that I have broken through the Mahayana realm, if I want to kill them, none of them want to live.

Between surrender and death, they can only choose surrender. "

True Monarch Lei Yan asked, "In the future, the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm will be dominated by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Daoyuan, why did you make a ruthless move to completely wipe out the Ten Thousand Demons Sect? "

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "Senior Lei Yan, think of the Southern Desolation in Beiyuan's Immortal Cultivation World.

There are also a lot of magic cultivators over there. Taiyi Sword Sect and Shenbing Pavilion are strong enough, don't you think about destroying them? "

"The situation in the Southern Wilderness is different, the spiritual power there has declined too much, and there are always demons who can escape from the abyss.

There must always be someone occupying the spiritual veins over there, lest the demons become bigger.

The role of those magic cultivators is to suppress the demons.

There is no problem with the formation on the side of the Seven Stars Sea Xiu Xianjie, the demons cannot escape, and there is no need for the demons to guard. "

"Although there are no demons to blame, the demons also have to guard against it.

Moreover, with that group of demon cultivators there, the righteous forces under the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce have goals.

The demon cultivator and the cultivator of the right way had a good time, and they had no time to think about anything else, so that we could hold the power in our hands.

If our subordinates are all in a group, we should be afraid. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan nodded: "When I was in the Shenbing Pavilion, I didn't care much about the affairs of the sect.

I don't know anything about these imperial ways.

Now that all the forces in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World have surrendered, what should we do next? "

Wang Daoyuan thought for a moment, and then replied: "The Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie has just passed through a beast tide, and the losses of all parties are not small, and now the main thing is to seek stability.

Don't make any big moves, and gradually strengthen the Wang family's children's control over all levels of the Chamber of Commerce.

Next, I will go back to Beiyuan.

The Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm is already surnamed Wang, but the various forces in the Beiyuan Immortal Cultivation Realm are still only allies of the Wang family.

If it's just allies, I won't be able to direct them in the This time I go back, I will let them express their stance.

Either become my subordinate force, or erase it.

Beiyuan and Qixinghai are my rear areas, and unstable factors will never be allowed to exist. "

True Monarch Lei Yan said with a heavy expression, "Taiyi Sword Sect and Fengxue Shrine should not be a problem, these two families have nothing to do with Jue Tian Yuan South, and there is a high possibility of supporting you.

Especially the Taiyi Sword Sect, which can be regarded as the inheritance of Guiyuan Sword Immortal. Their ancestors are still your nephews, and they will definitely support you.

I can be the master of the Baoding line of Shenbing Pavilion, but it is hard to say about the lineage of the suzerain.

There is also a Shenbing Pavilion in the south of Juetianyuan, which was founded by the master of the first-generation suzerain of Beiyuan Shenbing Pavilion. I don’t know if there is still any connection.

As for the Heavenly Secret Sect, it depends on the attitude of the Yin-Yang God Venerable.

These two also have a lot of friendship with you, try to leave them a way out. "

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