Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 796: Genocide

   Wang Daoyuan retired and went to the cave at the bottom of the Earth Fire Chamber.

   As soon as he walked into the cave, a fiery red shadow plunged into his arms, and Zhou Luan's cultivation level had already reached half a step.

   said nothing in his arms, just cried in a low voice.

   After a long time, Zhou Luan stopped crying: "If you haven't come back for more than sixty years, I thought you would marry a wife and have children on the Qixing Sea, and you won't come back."

   He hugged Zhou Luan and comforted: "There is such a beautiful beauty in the family, why am I not willing to come back?

   I brought back the soul creature of Jie Ying, you can also break through the Nasal Child now.

   I will take you with me next time I go on a tour. "

   After that, he took out the tonic fruit.

   Zhou Luan took a look and asked, "This seems to be Huayingguo. This is mentioned in the records of Blood Shadow.

   It’s just that the baby fruits are all one inch tall, how can they be five inches tall? "

   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "This is the tonic fruit, which grows out when all the essence of the Huaying fruit tree is dying.

   In addition to assisting in the formation of infants, it can also enhance the potential of the metaphysical and treat metaphysical injuries.

   But I killed a cultivator of Nascent Soul Peak Peak before I grabbed it. "

   Zhou Luan looked worried: "Is it badly hurt?"

   "I'm seriously injured, and I haven't healed yet. Let's go back to the house and heal slowly."

  "Three sentences are not correct, you should keep this baby fruit for use.

   You often walk outside, and 80% of Yuan Ying have hidden injuries.

  Looking at the current situation, it was only a hundred years since Beiyuan's spiritual energy recovered from the immortal world.

   When the time comes, I can naturally break through the realm, there is no need to waste this kind of good stuff. "

   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a lot of good things.

  Furthermore, even if the Nascent Soul has a hidden injury, as long as it is not particularly serious, it will not have much effect on breaking through the realm.

   This baby fruit can't be left forever, otherwise the essence will be lost, but it will be too wasteful.

   I snatched such a good thing for you. Would you like to treat me? "

   "Wait until I have a baby, and I will say it later, if I am pregnant now, and if I delay the baby, the child may not have spiritual roots. That would be too sorry for the child.

   After the baby is born, the child's spiritual root talent must be excellent, so why bother at this time. "

   Wang Daoyuan could only endure: "Do you have a suitable place for baby-making? If not, let's go to the Zijinchuan branch.

   There are fourth-order high-grade spiritual veins, and I have all the five element spiritual objects needed for birth, and you can get birth after you prepare. "

   Zhou Luan shook his head: "There is no need to expose the Zijinchuan River Valley. I have already found a place to give birth to babies, which is in the Fallen Star Plains in the Shanbei Desert.

   It turned out to be the territory of the monster clan and the half-demon, after the monster clan appeared the fifth-order monster.

   The demons on the Falling Star Plain slaughtered half demons and human races for casual cultivation.

   Now the family of the Fallen Star Demons is the only one, and I have babies over there, just hitting the face of Tier 5 monsters.

   The tortoise hidden in the extremely cold ice field will definitely come out to make trouble.

   When the time comes, whether you can clean up the tortoise depends on your ability. "

   Wang Daoyuan quickly objected: "This is too risky. If the monsters come too much, I am not sure to stop them all.

   Otherwise, the clone I caught on the Seven Star Sea has also been able to break through the Nascent Soul.

   I still have two Tier 5 Demon Pills in my hand, let him form babies first and attract demon beasts.

  After you solve the monster, you will have another baby.

   When the time comes, there will be two Nascent Soul cultivators and one Tier 5 puppet, so there will be no more monsters coming to die.

   The clone is here to carry the thunder, and it doesn't matter if the baby fails. "

   The clone Jia Qi was the Golden Core Peak cultivation base at the beginning, and his soul was not obviously damaged.

   Having stayed in the Lingzhu space for so many years, the Five Elements Rule has long been familiar to my heart.

   It’s just because the power of the celestial calamity is too great. If the baby is born in the space, all the spiritual plants that have been collected with hard work will be destroyed.

  On the way back from the Seven Star Sea, islands are very rare, and there are a large number of monsters entrenched.

   It’s too risky to have babies over there, and I didn’t expect it to come in handy now.

   Zhou Luan naturally had no opinion, so he returned to the house to adjust and prepare to give birth.

   After half a month, Zhou Luan was fully prepared.

   Wang Daoyuan talked to the real Lei Yan, and he took the flying boat and headed northwest.

   The current monster race is really courageous enough, seeing Tier 5 flying boat, there are even people who dare to come forward to **** it.

   Wang Daoyuan beheaded them and put the body away.

   Soon, Feizhou came to the Land of Falling Stars.

   The original area of ​​the falling star is not small, with a radius of thousands of miles, there are more than a dozen fourth-order spiritual veins, including one fourth-order high-grade non-attribute spiritual vein.

   Huge mountain peaks are located on this large flat oasis.

   Seen from high above, it does look like stars, scattered on the ground.

   It’s not far from the extremely cold ice field, only forty to fifty thousand miles.

  Walking the Jie Ying Tianjie here, if the fifth-order monster does not show up, it is really going to be a turtle.

   can also hit the self-confidence of the monster race to some extent, so that they dare not be so arrogant.

   Feizhou came to the highest mountain in the center of Falling Star Plain.

   This mountain is called Jinjiaofeng, and it looks a bit like horns. It is the territory of the Taurus family.

   The fourth-order high-grade non-attribute spirit veins are on this mountain.

  Wang Daoyuan’s flying boat stopped over the mountain, which naturally shocked the Yaozu.

   A guy wearing a golden robe and two huge horns on his head flew out of the Golden Horn.

   This guy is the fourth-order peak cultivation base, Wang Daoyuan has not restrained his aura, he naturally does not dare to be presumptuous.

   arched his hand to Wang Daoyuan: "This predecessor of the human race, this place is the territory of my Taurus clan.

   Moreover, the Xuanbing ancestor of my monster race has promised to protect this place.

   also asked fellow Daoists to show ancestor Xuanbing, don’t stay here. "

   Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "Ancestor Xuanbing? Isn't he just a miscellaneous bastard?

   When the demons invaded, it was a tortoise with its head shrunk.

   Now that the demons are calmed down, it dares to stick its head out of the turtle shell.

   still dare to encourage a group of beasts to attack my property.

   Now I'm also here to attack the Yaozu industry. I like this Golden Horn Peak, and I will give you two choices for the Golden Bull clan.

   Either pack things up now, or die. "

   The Taurus's heart was raging, but he didn't dare to make a move.

   Although his cultivation base is low, he can also sense the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations on Wang Daoyuan.

   This cultivation base is no less than the ancestor Xuanbing, and he can kill him at will.

   The Taurus had to suppress the anger, and pleaded: "My Taurus clan lives here for a long time, and there are some calves on the mountain. Please seniors to raise their hands."

   Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "This is just following the usual style of your monster race.

   When your demons were oppressing the Shanbei forces of my human race, the old and weak women and children did not stay. Did you raise your hands high at that time?

   Give you an hour's time, if you don't go, you don't have to go. "

   In the past few days, he has also learned about the situation in Qingli County.

  Many of the human forces in the north of the mountain were attacked by the monsters.

   Especially Zhong Zhenyang, the farthest from Shannan, has been besieged by monsters many times.

   Had it not been for Zhong Zhenyang's brilliant formation, he would have been slaughtered by the demon clan.

   He was already old, but now he often fights **** battles with the demons, and time is running out.

   Other small forces are even worse, they don't have the strength of Zhong Zhenyang.

   Qingli Junguo's rescue was not timely, and many small forces far away were slaughtered by the monsters.

Taurus’s temperament came up: “My Taurus clan would rather die than retreat. Although the strength of my predecessors is strong, my Taurus clan’s ancestral methods are not Xuanbing ancestor only takes a few hours to arrive. Here, it is not yet known who will die by then."

   After talking, return to the Golden Horn Peak.

   Then, the defense formation on the mountain opened, and the thick defensive mask wrapped the entire Jinniu Peak inside.

   This formation is really not simple, it means a fifth-order formation.

   should be the fifth-order formation left over ten thousand years ago. Now, without the support of the fifth-order spiritual power, it can only exert the strength of the fourth-order peak.

   If you add a few Tier 4 peak demon clan guards and stand up to the ordinary Nascent Soul monk for a few hours, it really won't be a problem.

   But the kingly way is far from the ordinary Yuan Ying monk, the Gui Yuan sword is in his hand, surrounded by countless silver streamers.

   After a while, the silver streamer condensed into a huge sword of hundreds of feet.

   Wang Daoyuan swung his sword towards Jinniu Peak. This formation was indeed unusual. Under the Demon Slashing Sword, he even held his breath for a while.

After a breath, the defensive mask shattered.

   The Demon Slashing Sword spread out, and the silver sword aura swept the entire Golden Bull Peak.

   The original lush Golden Horn, only two colors of blood red and earthy yellow are left, and there is no more creature.

   The Golden Horn and Taurus clan have been extinct since then.


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