Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 810: Tianji Tower

As soon as the voice fell, a figure about one foot tall appeared on the Yin-Yang compass.

This person was wearing a black and white robe, and he looked like a man, but his face was extremely delicate and he looked like a woman.

The voice is also neutral, and it is impossible to distinguish between men and women.

Master Xuantian hurriedly said, "Xuan Tianming, the 48th generation descendant of the **** of Yin and Yang, has seen the ancestor of Yin and Yang."

The ancestor of Yin and Yang glanced at him: "Half a step into the Nascent Soul Realm, the aura of Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm has not recovered?

Ten thousand years ago, I calculated and learned that it would take more than 20 years to wake up. How did it advance? "

After that, he looked at Wang Daoyuan again: "Where did this junior in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul come from? The pure yin and pure yang energy that awakened me seemed to come from you.

In my calculations, there is no such person as you.

It is impossible for a Yuanying monk to escape my calculations. "

True person Xuan Tian replied: "If you go back to the ancestor, this little friend is a named disciple of the line of Shenbingge Baoding.

He traveled overseas before and got the chance to break through the realm of Yuan Ying.

Now the fifth-order aura is about to appear in the Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm, and the Xihai Monster Race continues to land and harass.

In order to enhance the strength, the ancestors were awakened. "

After listening to this, the ancestor of Yin and Yang carefully looked at Wang Daoyuan: "People of Baoding's line, this breath has nothing to do with Baoding's line.

There is a breath of spiritual fire. Although this method of using spiritual fire is not very clever, it is extremely peculiar and has great potential in the future.

There is the breath of Ten Thousand Beast Valley True Dragon forging body art, and the sword intent of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

There is also an extremely powerful aura of a divine beast, which is related to the five-element divine beast, but is stronger than them.

In the ancient times, I followed the first generation of masters to see more mythical beasts, and I have never seen such a strange mythical beast, wait for me to calculate your origin. "

True person Xuan Tian hurriedly persuaded: "In the early days of Master Daoyuan's Zi Mansion, my younger brother saw that he had the luck of the Yuan Ying monk, and he received some backlash.

Later, I broke through the golden core and got stronger luck, so I didn't dare to look at it.

Now that he has cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, if you estimate his affairs, I am afraid that he will suffer a serious backlash. "

The ancestor of Yin and Yang did not believe in evil: "It's okay, ancestor, I am the spirit of the compass of Yin and Yang.

Although the Yin-Yang Compass has been reduced to the fifth-order inferior grade, its foundation is still the seventh-order.

Looking at the origin of a Yuanying junior, it doesn't matter if some backlashes are made. "

After all, the eyes of the ancestor of Yin and Yang turned purple and gold.

At this moment, a sudden gust of heavenly power came and enveloped him.

In panic, the ancestor of Yin and Yang quickly put away the secret technique, his purple and gold eyes receded, and the heavenly power disappeared.

After staring at Wang Daoyuan for a long time, he said: "It seems to be a powerful junior in the ancient times, and it is not as simple as the master-disciple inheritance, it may be a blood inheritance.

Calculating your origins, you were almost struck by lightning.

It seems that this piece of heaven and earth wanted to save themselves, only then came out such a person. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't know the origins of his ancestors, but it didn't matter, and powerful descendants were not rare.

Some powerful younger generations with poor talents will allow them to open up their harem and leave more descendants.

The status of these descendants will not be too high, except for the good talents that can be reused, the others will gradually disperse everywhere.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and how many offspring have been reproduced indefinitely.

Maybe any mortal has the blood of a certain earth immortal on his body.

Generations are mortals, it is difficult to survive all the time.

The existing human race, whose ancestors have not been rich yet?

The ancestor Yin and Yang thought for a while before he said, "Xuan Tianming, let this junior go to the Heavenly Secret Tower for a while, there is the sword intent left by the sword immortal, maybe it can be of some benefit to him.

Our Tianjizong pays attention to walking in the sky, since it is a person who came out of the way of heaven, no matter what the outcome is, we have to help. "

Master Xuantian replied: "Ancestor, don't worry, I have promised Master Daoyuan that I can go to the Tianji Tower at any time."

"That's good, you can handle your own affairs.

I sensed Linglong's breath. I have known each other for more than 100,000 years, so I went to talk to him. "

After that, he flew away with the yin and yang compass.

True Person Xuan Tian asked, "Does Master Daoyuan need to prepare before entering the Heavenly Secret Tower?"

"There is nothing to prepare, you can enter at any time.

It's just that I'm worried that when I enter the Heavenly Mystery Tower, the Yaozu will invade on a large scale.

I'll be trapped inside by then, but it will be in trouble. "

True person Xuan Tian smiled and said, "It's okay, there hasn't been much change in the Yaozu over the past two months.

Generally, the Jindan Peak monk enters the Heavenly Mystery Tower, and it is not bad that it can last an hour.

Even the Yuan Ying monk can hardly exceed one day.

Moreover, I can control the Tianji Tower through the formation.

If the monsters invade on a large scale, I will wake you up. "

"If that's the case, then enter the Heavenly Secret Tower now, it can improve some strength."

Master Xuan Tian led Wang Dao far away from the refining room and walked towards the center of the Tianjizong Mountain Gate.

Here is a small hill about a hundred meters high. The top of the hill is very flat, as if it had been cut out by a sword.

On the top of the mountain is a flat land with a radius of about ten miles, with a white stone pagoda in the center.

This tower is not small, the first floor is more than a hundred feet in diameter.

There is also a plaque hanging on the gate of the White Stone Pagoda with the words "Tianji Tower" written on it.

The Tianji Pagoda can be said to be one of the best treasures in the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, but there is not a trace of spiritual power fluctuation on the White Stone Pagoda in front of him.

It looks inconspicuous, no different from the pagoda built by mortals.

When the two came to the gate of the White Stone Pagoda, True Person Xuan Tian took out a white jade token.

After injecting spiritual power, the token glowed with a jade color, still on the plaque, and the door opened quickly.

True person Xuan Tian smiled and said, "Presumably you also know something about the situation in the tower of heaven this day.

The first to fourth layers are the pill slabs, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh layers are spells, exercises, and supernatural powers.

Since you want to quickly improve your strength, the main thing is the three levels of five, six, and seven.

The inheritance of the sword immortal that the ancestors of Yin and Yang said is also on the fifth and sixth floors.

Enter the tower, find a suitable inheritance, only need to explore the spiritual sense, you will automatically fall into the illusion.

The flow of time in the illusion is much faster than the outside world. One day outside is one year inside, so you don't have to worry about it taking too long.

In these inheritances, there is the imprint of the ancient powerful soul, which puts a lot of pressure on the cultivator's soul.

Without a strong enough spiritual consciousness cultivation base, it may also hurt the soul.

If you feel unbearable, come out as soon as possible, don't take it hard. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded and walked into the White Stone Pagoda.

On the ground of the first floor, there are more than a hundred futons.

Each futon corresponds to a spar like a black jade, with complicated engravings around it.

Although Wang Daoyuan had never seen this thing, he didn't feel unfamiliar.

This thing has been mentioned many times in the puppet technique. This is the soul crystal that refines the core of the puppet.

It can be used to save the soul and use it to record any information. As long as the spiritual power in it is not exhausted, the information will not be lost.

Next to the soul crystal, there are also some words written in ancient words. Looking carefully, these words are the title of ancient power and basic information.

Wang Daoyuan is going to deal with the It is inevitable to fight in the sea. It is better to increase the power of supernatural powers first.

No longer looking at these alchemy inheritances, he walked straight to the stairs at the edge, climbed up the stairs, and quickly reached the seventh floor.

There are much fewer futons here, only forty or fifty, and the furnishings are not significantly different from the first floor.

Wang Daoyuan carefully checked the introductory text on the wall, and quickly found a domain-like supernatural power.

The name of the master of this inheritance is "Feng Devil God", according to the introduction in the text, this person is also a Wulinggen monk.

Moreover, supernatural powers are also the realm of the five elements.

Unless it is the inheritance of blood, the supernatural powers realized by oneself are almost not exactly the same.

The power is not necessarily the same for the domains of the same attributes.

The magical power domain of the demon-sealing **** is mainly to take the road of sealing.

But this is already the closest supernatural power, and it is still very useful for reference.

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