Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 812: Invasion

The spiritual power contained in this water dragon is the level of a full blow by the monks in the early days of foundation construction.

Coupled with the power of the law, at most, it will be able to severely damage the middle-term cultivator of the Purple Mansion.

For Wang Daoyuan now, this power is negligible.

But after all, the spiritual energy has not been refined, and it uses magical powers to directly cast spells.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, after passing the test from scratch, the rest is simple.

In this illusion, only one day will pass by the outside world.

There was still plenty of time, so he calmed down and cultivated slowly.

Feng Mo Shenzun also gave careful guidance and pointed out his omissions in time.

With the ancient masters teaching hand in hand, the speed of progress is naturally extremely fast.

Unknowingly, two years later, Wang Daoyuan's control over spiritual power has greatly increased, and his understanding of supernatural powers has also greatly improved.

Now that the magical powers are unfolded, they have been able to cover a radius of five hundred miles.

With a thought, the aura in a radius of five hundred miles gathered into twenty aura clusters, which quickly turned into water dragons.

This water dragon is relatively small, less than ten feet long.

But the spiritual power contained is no less than the fire dragon that was hundreds of feet long before.

The entire process only took about half a breath of time, omitting the process of refining the spirit fire, and the speed was much faster.

Feng Mo Shenzun smiled and said: "Yes, try to attack me with a water dragon."

Without saying a word, Wang Daoyuan controlled 20 water dragons and surrounded him.

Feng Mo Shenjun condensed 20 fist-sized water balls, easily blocking the water dragon.

Wang Daoyuan was a little discouraged, and after two years of work, he was still not worth mentioning in front of Feng Mo Shenjun.

Feng Mo Shenjun was full of approval: "Yes, the ability to control spiritual power has improved a lot.

My water ball wants to swallow the spiritual power in the water dragon, it is already a little difficult.

You use that black spiritual fire to refine these spiritual powers again and try their power. "

Wang Daoyuan released Guishui Mingyan according to his words, and the twenty water dragons instantly turned into black fire dragons.

Spiritual power fluctuations increased by a large amount in an instant, and the water ball condensed by Feng Mo Shenjun also began to tremble slightly.

Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed in his heart. After two years of work, he was finally able to shake the spell of Feng Mo Shenjun.

Feng Mo Shenjun also smiled with joy: "The Nascent Soul Peak monk who has no magical powers is generally not your opponent.

Even the Nascent Soul Peak cultivator with the supernatural powers of water may be able to overwhelm you, but it is difficult to win quickly.

Domain magic does not consume its own spiritual power, as long as the opponent can't win quickly, it will be defeated if it drags on.

After all, you are only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and your domain's supernatural power to protect water is difficult to improve in a short time.

However, domain magical powers have almost no limits.

With the improvement of the realm, the ability to protect water will become stronger and stronger in the future. "

Wang Daoyuan had fought against Master Huang before, if now he meets an opponent with the same combat power.

Relying solely on supernatural powers may be at a disadvantage, but it will never lose quickly.

Continue to fight for consumption, that is also the winning ticket.

He bowed and said: "Thank you seniors for your advice, the juniors have indeed made great progress in their supernatural powers."

Feng Mo Shenjun smiled and said: "Not only has the magical powers improved, but the control of spiritual power has increased, and the power of all spells will increase. Now your overall strength should have increased by a large margin.

Monks with supernatural powers in the Five Elements domain are extremely rare. With your talent, it should not be difficult to cultivate to the Mahayana realm in the future, and I will give you more guidance.

Don't worry about the spell, you have also practiced the sword qi transforming technique.

You can create whatever spells you want, and it will take you a few years to figure it out.

Put time in the control of spiritual power and law, as long as these two can be done well, a drop of water can kill a powerful enemy.

Just like the method I used before, it was just condensed at random without casting any spells. "

After hearing these words, Wang Daoyuan condensed another sword shadow, and it was indeed more powerful than before.

Feng Mozheng then said: "Although you are not on a sealed path, the magical powers of the domain will ultimately lead to the same goal by different routes.

You can also learn from my understanding of the supernatural powers of the domain.

The realm of supernatural powers itself has the laws of space, and the highest form of its development is that it will become a small world.

In this world, you are the Dao of Heaven, and all power is under your control.

Keep your opponent in your world and use the power of the whole world to deal with him.

Even if the hard power is not as good as the opponent, it can easily win.

How to grow to this point, everyone has a different path.

If I say too much, it will have a negative impact on you.

Give you a goal, and explore it yourself.

After spending two years in the illusion, it is estimated that the consumption of your spirit consciousness is not small, so it is better to quit as soon as possible, so as not to hurt your soul. "

Wang Daoyuan once again arched his hands and said, "Thank you, senior."

Then, woke up from the illusion.

Divine consciousness did consume about half, and there was still a lot left, and there was no obvious discomfort in the body.

From the Lingzhu space, he took out some of the flower dew of the horse chestnut ghost face flower, and drank a few sips.

After only half a cup of tea, the power of divine consciousness was almost restored.

Just as he was about to enter the illusion again, suddenly the Heavenly Mystery Tower closed, and he also received a letter from Master Xuantian.

The letter said that the Yaozu would make a big move and let him leave the customs as soon as possible.

Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to delay, and quickly left the Tianji Tower.

Xuan Jiuxiao waited outside the Tianji Tower. Seeing him come out, he hurriedly said, "Brother, the ancestors of Yin and Yang deduced the secrets of heaven. The demon clan will invade on a large scale in the near future.

Moreover, there are a lot of Tier 5 monsters, and there may be Tier 5 high-grade monsters, which should not be taken lightly.

Father ordered me to ask you to leave the customs in advance, adjust your state, and deal with Tier 5 high-grade monsters. "

Wang Daoyuan naturally didn't dare to neglect the monster beast's actions.

Following Xuan Jiuxiao, came to a large hall near the Tianji Tower, where the master and the half-step Yuanying monks were already waiting here.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming in, True Person Xuantian quickly said, "Master Daoyuan is here, I wonder if there are any gains in the Tianji Tower?"

Wang Daoyuan replied: "Small gains, dealing with Tier 5 high-grade monsters is not a problem."

"That's good, the ancestors of Yin and Yang calculated that monsters and beasts would attack in two days.

It may be that when the old ancestors woke up, they alarmed the Yaozu side and made them dare not wait any longer. "

The figure of the ancestor of Yin and Yang appeared out of thin air: "The West Sea is at the end of the heaven and the earth.

It's just that if there are a lot of Tier 5 monsters, there may be monsters with strength above me.

My strength can deal with the fifth-tier middle-rank monster beasts with supernatural powers. Among the monster beasts, there is likely to be a fifth-tier high-rank monster beast, and more than one.

I feel that your strength seems to be much stronger than mine, and it seems that you have gained a lot from the Heavenly Mystery Tower. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "There has been a little improvement in supernatural powers. Now, when encountering monsters with the strength of Xuanbing Turtle and weak defensive power, they should be able to kill instantly."

After hearing this, everyone was extremely surprised.

The strength of Xuanbing Turtle is already unattainable to them, even Linglong and Yin Yang Patriarch can barely beat it.

Master Xuan Tian asked, "From your point of view, how should we deal with monsters?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "I came here for the first time, and I don't know much about the situation in Xihai.

How to fight, UU reading, you can decide, and leave the powerful enemy to me. "

True Person Xuan Tian nodded and said, "We are not sure how many Tier 5 monsters there are.

Going out to fight is too risky.

This battle was fought at this mountain gate, protected by the Heavenly Chrysanthemum Tower, and a stable rear.

As for the properties on the west side, they are all things outside of the body, so it doesn't matter if you abandon them.

All the manpower is withdrawn, and all the resources that can be taken are brought over. "

I have to say that this real Xuan Tian is really a bit courageous.

Tianjizong is willing to sacrifice, and other people naturally have no objection.

Wang Daoyuan's Xuanbing Turtle clone has been lurking near the sea, and needs to be recruited. By the way, a large number of Soulchaser bees are released to patrol the coast.

The stamina of the spirit worm is not strong, and it can fly for 20,000 to 30,000 miles. It is enough to monitor the coast.

Two days later, he learned through the queen bee that a large number of Tier 4 monsters had landed ashore, and began to sweep all industries along the coast.

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