Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 822: At risk

With a cry of Hui Peng, the monster beasts within a radius of thousands of miles all fled.

It only took more than a quarter of an hour to cross the Wanchuan River Valley, which is more than 10,000 miles away.

After arriving in Linhai Prefecture, Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Gu Chengfeng asking about the monsters on the sea.

Gu Chengfeng was on an island outside the estuary, and Wang Daoyuan directly drove Hui Peng to fly over.

Before arriving on the island, Gu Chengfeng greeted him.

Hui Peng raised his eyes and looked around, but found no trace of a large number of monsters.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "How is the animal herd gathered on the sea now?"

When Gu Chengfeng saw this huge bird with a wingspan of nearly one hundred feet, he felt a little frightened in his heart.

He returned tremblingly: "If you go back to the predecessors, the monster beasts had gathered at the edge of the deep sea more than 3,000 miles east of the river mouth.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, these monsters began to disperse.

I don't know what happened, so I just watched nearby. "

Near the mouth of the Wanchuan River, more than 3,000 miles from the estuary, the seabed suddenly dropped, and the depth of the sea also increased from about one thousand feet to four or five thousand feet.

If the monster enters the deep sea, Wang Daoyuan does not dare to rush into the sea to investigate.

The old tortoise of Tier 5 middle grade dared to haunt the shallow sea last time and was killed directly by him.

This time the demon beast learned its lesson and hid on the edge of the deep sea.

Once attacked, they can quickly escape into the deep sea.

Soon after the Gu eagle was killed in Wanchuanfang City, the monster beasts here strayed away.

It seems that the monster beast on the Wanchuan River side is somewhat related to the monster beast here.

"Where did these monsters escape?"

Gu Chengfeng replied: "All the monster beasts fled along the edge of the deep sea all the way to the true north.

I am low-powered, and I dare not provoke them, I just watched from a distance. "

Wang Daoyuan's heart sank, and it seems that moths are coming out of the sea again.

If this group of monster beasts were obedient to Gu eagles, when the Gu eagles died, the trees would fall down and scattered.

Tier 4 monsters usually fight with each other very fiercely. If there is no Tier 5 monster beast pressed down, even if there is no serious internal fighting, they must be scattered and fleeing.

Now the monster beasts are walking in the direction of True North, and there are definitely other Tier 5 monsters behind.

Wang Daoyuan thought for a moment: "You go back first, I'll go and explore in the sea."

After all, head to the northwest.

The speed of Hui Peng is far higher than the monsters of the same rank, and it is impossible for the Tier 4 monster beasts in the sea to escape under the hands of Hui Peng.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Daoyuan found the trace of the monster beast.

As soon as he found the group of monsters and beasts, these guys immediately changed their directions and dashed into the deep sea in the east.

Wang Dao is close to two thousand miles away from them, and they can't shoot them.

Looking toward the true north, there is an endless cloud of mist that obscures the sky and the sun in the distance, which is exactly the sea of ​​mirage.

The monster group headed north, and 80% wanted to escape into the sea of ​​mirage.

After all, Wang Daoyuan had also traveled far to the sea, and there was only a sea of ​​mirage near Beiyuan, which was a bit peculiar.

The guy who controls these fourth-order monsters is likely to come from the sea of ​​mirage.

When Long Yuntian was killed at the Zijinchuan branch before, it was speculated that the nest of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley was hidden in this sea of ​​mirage.

Then this Tier 5 monster is probably the descendant of the spirit beast raised in Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

The spirit beasts raised in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts are so strange and weird, many of them are divine beasts.

The descendants of this group of guys have appeared Tier 5 monsters, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Nothing is known about the dangers hidden on the sea of ​​mirage.

Now there are many places where there are traces of Tier 5 monsters, and he does not dare to easily explore the sea of ​​mirage.

Just in time for this spiritual energy recovery, the monster beast awakened.

In the event of being trapped inside, and a new monster beast, the family side will be in danger.

The monsters fled into the deep sea, and there was no point in continuing to pursue them, so he gave up the pursuit and returned to Linhai Prefecture.

After talking to Gu Chengfeng, he left Linhai Prefecture.

Wang Mingchen also took many officials from the Yan Kingdom to greet him in Qingli City.

After all, he left this time to go to the West Sea to defend against the demon clan, beheading eight Tier 5 demon beasts, and still capture one alive, this is also a victorious return.

Wang Daoyuan also fell outside the south gate of Qingli City, and Wang Mingchen had already taken all his officials to greet him outside the city gate.

As soon as he landed, everyone saluted: "Gracefully welcome the Taishang's triumphant victory."

Later, there was a special musician playing music, accompanied by Luan driving.

This set of things has the flavor of Zhou Guo, and 80% of them are learned from Zhou Guo.

However, this system is also good.

Since Jianguo proclaimed his emperor and his status was recognized by the four top powers, some rules still had to be established.

Surrounded by the crowd, Wang Daoyuan entered Miyagi all the way to the Imperial Palace in the very center of Miyagi and received congratulations from the officials.

After tossing for a long time, the ministers dispersed.

Wang Daoyuan followed Wang Mingchen to take a look at the spirit veins of Qingli City. Before heading to Xihai, it was already a third-order high-grade spirit vein.

Now that a few months have passed, the concentration of spiritual energy has further increased, and it is not far from the fourth-order low-grade.

After checking here, he left Qingli City and returned to Yuquan Peak.

After returning to the underground cave, Zhou Luan didn't feel much joy, but was full of sadness.

Wang Daoyuan quickly asked, "My Hall Master, what's wrong with this?"

"There is news from the blood shadow headquarters that Tier 5 monsters are haunting the headquarters, now ask me for help."

Upon hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was delighted: "Isn't this a good thing? We have always wanted to conquer the blood shadow, but we didn't free our hands and didn't have a good opportunity.

Now that the blood shadow is asking for help, we can just take advantage of the danger.

I'll say hello to Master again and tell them to ignore Blood Shadow's cry for help.

When Blood Shadow is dead, they will agree to whatever price we offer. "

Zhou Luan glanced at him: "My father also had a few friends in the blood shadow, and one of them was Zhang Yue, who is now at the Golden Core Peak cultivation base.

Within the blood shadow, the status is not low.

I was able to become the master of the first-level branch, and I can appoint the master of the second-level branch at will. Uncle Zhang has also made a lot of effort.

Although he has good talents, he was promoted from the middle level after all, and he didn't have much foundation in the upper level of Blood Shadow.

Now Elder Xu and a group of senior blood shadows are putting pressure on him, forcing him to come to us for help.

If we watch the excitement, Elder Xu and the others may be against Zhang Yue. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little curious, and asked, "Why, Elder Xu is not dead yet?"

Long before I went to the Sea of ​​Seven Stars, I heard that Elder Xu didn't have a long life.

Decades have passed, and the old guy is still alive.

"His old fate is not a few years old, but his ambition is not small.

I also want to hold on for a sigh of relief, until the fifth-order aura appears, and try again to try to break through the Nascent Soul. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "This old thing thinks so much. My old husband died in the pit, but he still wants to break through Yuan Ying.

If it weren't for the rampant monsters, I couldn't spare my hands, I would have slapped this old boy to death. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If he is a smart person, he should dictate himself as soon as possible when he knows the relationship between the two of us, and hide all the talented children of the Xu family, so as to leave incense.

Now I dare to turn around and disgust us. This is because I think his neck is harder than my sword. "

After all, take out the token of the deputy hall master of the Shanbei branch and send a letter to Elder Xu.

The content is also very simple: killed my old husband, and now dare to threaten my wife, is the Xu family ready to distribute the whole family to Xihai?

With Blood Shadow's intelligence capabilities, Xihai's situation naturally couldn't hide them.

The aura near the sea is a bit violent, and ordinary people and low-level monks can't survive at all.

In addition to the Shanghai amount of Tier 4 monsters and some Tier 5 monsters, the Xu family has no Yuan Ying cultivator, and there is absolutely no hope of passing on.

He read the content of the letter to Zhou Luan once, and Zhou Luan said: "You are sending the letter, I am afraid that you are not going to scare Elder Xu to death.

Even if there is still a breath, I have to run over to beg for mercy. "

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