Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 838: Wang Daoxing's request

   Chapter 839 Wang Daoxing's Request

When Xuanbing Turtle was in the Lingzhu space, this was his site, and Yunyi only dared to stay in the corner.

  Now that Xuanbing Turtle is not there, Yunyi has become the overlord of the lake.

  At this time, Yunyi is lying on his back on the curved surface, with two front paws holding a lotus.

  A thief came, and he didn’t know how to worship the dock. Yun Yi instantly felt that the lotus seeds in his mouth were not fragrant.

  Wang Daoyuan knows exactly what virtue Yunyi is, and he is standard bullying and fearing hardship.

  In the early years, he was domineering in the spirit orb space. Later, there was a stronger spirit beast in the spirit orb space, and it became obedient.

   "This dragon fish is also my spirit beast, don't bully it.

  Otherwise, I will take you to Chiyang True Fire. "

   Hearing these words, Yunyi stopped at that time.

  Since it broke through the third tier and awakened the blood of the soul-eater, it only likes to stay in the northern part of the spirit orb space.

  The southern part of the space where the True Fire of Red Sun is located, it dare not approach it at all.

  Naturally, Da Hei never bullies other spirit beasts.

  At this time, it was eating the demon soul grass at the edge of the spirit orb space.

  When the Demon Race was suppressed, the Demon Soul Grass obtained can increase the intelligence of the Demon Beast.

  In the past few years, both Dahei and Yunyi's wits are much higher. They can fully understand what people say, and there are no obstacles to the exchange of spiritual knowledge, but they can’t speak directly.

  Even Soulchaser bees like to come here to collect honey.

  When communicating with Queen Bee’s spirit, it is also much smoother.

  Yunyi, Dahei, and the Queen of Soulchaser, all of them are stuck at the third-tier peak.

  In the past, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley had vigorously cultivated the Cloud Wing Tiger, and invested a lot of resources, but failed to advance the Cloud Wing Tiger.

  I want it to break through Tier 4, but the difficulty is not small.

  Daihei, not to mention, it was originally out of grade.

   has been stuck at the peak of Tier 2 for many years. Now that I want to break through Tier 3 again, the bloodline is also a big problem.

  Wang Dao is far from a means to help Da Hei ascend. He killed a lot of monsters on the side of Xihai, and many of them have blood of ancient alien beasts.

  In the depths of the West Sea, there are auras similar to the ancient times. There must be special auras in the blood and golden core of these alien beasts.

  Using the essence and blood of these alien beasts to refine alchemy, such as the beast blood Zhuangfu Pill, may be able to activate the blood of the Tengu in the dark body.

  This king of life is far too lazy to do it. When Hui Peng is patrolling around, he will bring the blood and auxiliary medicine of the demon beast to Wanchuanfang City.

  Jia Qi's alchemy and refining skills are all Tier 4 top grades, so let him exercise more.

  After refining the pill, let Gray Peng bring it back.

  Dahei The three of them are stuck at the third-order peak, and the star-patterned sea cucumbers in the seawall grow very fast.

  A fourth-order low-grade sea cucumber has now appeared, with three star patterns on its body.

Although   star-patterned sea cucumber is not big, it is also a monster, and it also has a monster pill in its body.

  With this star-patterned sea cucumber, you don’t need to hunt monsters everywhere, you can continuously obtain monster pills.

  Of course, killing Tier 4 sea cucumbers is really a pity.

  One year later, nearly eighty years have passed in the Lingzhu space.

  The cultivation base of the mutant dragon fish has also been upgraded to a third-tier low-grade. After it broke through, a golden inverted scale appeared under the jaw.

The scales on   's body are no longer red, but pitch black, and he still carries a strong yin.

  There are many types of dragons, and there are not a few who carry Yin Qi on their bodies.

  It is hard to say which dragon species this black dragon fish belongs to.

  It was Da Hei who had been constantly taking the pill made from the essence of a different animal during these times, and there had been obvious changes.

  There is a significant increase in size, but it can shrink the body shape, but it does not have much effect.

  The talented spell of Devouring Aura has been significantly improved, and the devouring speed has doubled.

  Look at this, the beast-blood-strengthening pill made from the essence of ancient alien beasts has some effect on it.

The   Beast Blood Zhuangfu Pill is only used to strengthen its physical body and activate its bloodline. This has little effect on his breakthrough in cultivation.

   is not like the Blood Vessel Pill, it can directly help it improve.

  If you want to refine the bloodline pill, you must directly find the alien beast with the bloodline of the tengu.

  This is too difficult, and there is basically no hope.

The   Beast Blood Zhuangfu Pill is useful, and it will gradually improve, and it will always be able to break through with time.

  At this time, the second brother Wang Daoxing sent a letter and asked to see him if he had something to do.

  The second brother did not awaken the vision of the Purple Mansion because of the poor cultivation technique.

   has not been intensively trained, and has been working in the palace.

  Later, more and more Zifu was opened by family children, and he gradually became marginalized.

  However, his spiritual root talent is not bad, comparable to Wu Shugong, Wang Daoyuan, and Wang Mingshan.

  Even if he didn’t get a key training, after so many years, he still cultivated to the late period of the Purple Mansion.

   Brother asked to meet, Wang Daoyuan naturally wanted to meet.

  He came to the cave on the ground, and soon Wang Daoxing came with a young monk.

   As soon as he came in, the young monk would kneel down and salute, and Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "Your family is welcome."

  Wang Daoxing’s face was a little embarrassed: "Seventh brother, this is Mingfeng’s son De Gong. He is now in his seventies and is already at the base of the seven-layer cultivation base.

  He is a monk with two spiritual roots, and the main spiritual root is the eight-inch three-pointed golden spiritual root.

  Because of the poor cultivation technique, there was no Zifu vision when I opened the Zifu, which delayed the way.

  Now there are a lot of metallic exercises in the family, but there are not many really clever ones.

  This kid is practicing the Guiyuan Sword Classic, but the technique is not perfect.

  I just want to beg you to pass on a more complete inheritance of swordsmanship, lest he go the same way. "

  Wang Mingfeng is the eldest son of Wang Daoxing, with medium talent. He has also opened up the Zi Mansion and worked in the court of Yan Kingdom.

  Wang Degong’s eight-inch three-pointed golden spirit root, he was still a monk with two spirit roots, and he was also a rare genius.

  Even though the Wang family now has a large number of monks, there are many geniuses.

  Wang Degong’s talent can also be ranked in the top ten.

  Such children should naturally be cultivated well.

  Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "De Gong, just use a few sword repair spells to attack me."

  Wang Degong said, "Grandson is offended."

   After all, using the Wan Jian Jue, more than 30 sword shadows are condensed.

  Wang Daoyuan stretched out his hand to block these sword shadows, his divine sense leaned in and found it a little strange.

  He didn't have much intention to kill in this sword shadow, on the contrary, it was a little strange.

   is not suitable for frontal confrontation, but suitable for sneak attack.

  Wang Dao has gained the inheritance of the sword immortal. To learn more about the way of sword repair, it is natural to know that sword repair requires more than just being stunned.

  As long as there is a belief in victory, anyone can follow the path of sword cultivation.

  This grand-nephew will be able to comprehend the Sword Intent of Deception and is suitable for being an assassin.

  Wang Daoyuan talked with him for a while, and found that his personality was completely different from that of the second brother.

  Second elder brother is recognized by the whole family as a lack of heart, but this little guy is full of twists and turns.

  This kind of personality is very suitable for joining the blood shadow.

  With this talent, coupled with family support, it will not be a problem to break into the senior blood shadow in the future.

  He asked the clone in the Lingzhu space to burn a jade slip, and then handed it to Wang Degong.

  "You go to Qingli City to find your twenty-seventh uncle, and learn how to cultivate swordsmanship from him.

  You can join the blood shadow in the future. There is your seven grandma to take care of it. As long as you can break through the golden core realm, it is not a problem for UU reading to become a high-level blood shadow. "

  Wang Degong was full of joy, and took the jade slip to thank you again and again before leaving.

  Wang Daoxing also wanted to leave, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Second brother, our brothers have not had a good chat for many years."

  He sighed: “The path is hopeless, the difference in cultivation level is too big, and I don’t know what to talk about.”

  Wang Daoyuan took out more than a dozen jade bottles: "You have a good talent, and the absence of the Purple Mansion does not affect the speed of cultivation.

  I'm only about 360 years old now, and there is still great hope for the formation of alchemy.

  I have saved a lot of Tier 4 Demon Pills over the years, and there is no shortage of you, a golden pill.

  Practice as soon as possible to form a pill as soon as possible.

  I don’t ask you to stand alone for the family. I just ask that a few hundred years later, I will have one more brother drinking and chatting by my side. "

  Wang Daoxing smiled and nodded: "Seventh brother, you forgot that I can't drink. When we were still qi training cultivators, we went to Guiyan Valley to destroy monsters.

  I was drunk by the twelve uncles in Jinyan City. He made fun of me for more than 300 years. "

  (End of this chapter)

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