Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 842: Reach an agreement

Wang Daoyuan guessed that it should be the gift of taking away Yanhui's world before, and killing a large number of Tier 4 demon races, frightening these great demon kings.

After all, ordinary people and monsters simply can't do it to capture the heaven and earth gifts of the robbers.

If it is not restricted, the Yaozu will not dare to cross the robbery in the future.

Otherwise, the demon clan will not restrain themselves, restricting the fifth-order demon clan and the Nascent Soul monk to make moves.

Wang Daoyuan replied: "I can accept this condition of your monster race, but there are still some special things.

Linhai Prefecture has always been the territory of my human race. Although it is east of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, my human race will never let it out.

The Wanchuan River communicates with Linhai Prefecture, and the monks of our human race pass through the Wanchuan River, and the demons must not stop it.

In addition, what should be done with the remaining demons west of the Tianzhan Mountain Range? "

Huofeng thought for a while, then replied: "It's okay to give Linhai Prefecture to the human race. As for the Wanchuan River Valley, the demons are relatively loose, and we big demons are not sure to control them all.

I can only guarantee that Tier 5 monsters will not make a move.

We will take all the monsters west of the Tianzhan Mountain Range if they are willing to follow us.

We will not take care of those who are unwilling to follow us. "

This condition is quite good. To the west of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, some monsters need to be left behind.

If it is killed, where will the human race hunt the monster beast in the future?

Ice Jiao asked: "The matter on the Tianzhan Mountain Range has been negotiated. How should the mountain north territory be allocated?"

The Demon Race of the Sky Slash Mountain Range has already made a big concession, absolutely holding a grudge.

At this time, if the Shanbei Demon Race was overly oppressed, the two sides joined forces, it would be even more difficult for the Human Race.

It's better to give Shanbei Demon Race a little more concession, and let the Demon Race of Tianzhan Mountain Range become the only hapless.

When the mind is not balanced, the monster races on both sides will have conflicts themselves.

Shanbei is really not so good, it is difficult for mortals to survive in the bitter cold land.

From Huiyan Mountain to the southernmost tip of the Arctic Icefield, there are hundreds of thousands of miles, close to 200,000 miles.

There are not many places that are really suitable for the human race to multiply, that is, within thousands of miles north of Huiyan Mountain, you can establish a family like Shannan.

It is almost impossible for mortals to survive on the riverside of Hades where several families such as Zhong Zhenyang are located.

There must be formation protection, and the space for activity is also very small.

If mortals do not have enough space for activities, they cannot get enough food, and the population will be greatly affected.

Thousands of miles north of Huiyan Mountain, the desert is dominated.

It's not a big deal to let a few out of such a place.

"It is said that Shanbei is the land shared by the Human Race, the Monster Race, and the Half Monster. It should be divided into three parts, and the Monster Race will take one third.

But the half-demon belonged to my human race, and we didn't want to be too domineering.

In the northern part of the mountain, the original site of the Fengxue Shrine remains unchanged.

In other places, the two races are divided equally, with the middle line between the Tianzhan Mountain Range and the extremely cold ice field as the boundary.

Shanbei and Tianzhan Mountains also overlap. The territory south of the boundary and west of the Tianzhan Mountains belongs to my human race.

The territory north of the dividing line has nothing to do with our human race.

The restrictions of the Yuan Ying monk and the fifth-order monster race are based on the statement of Daoist Huofeng.

This is also the final concession of my human race. If you are not satisfied, you can only do it. "

The Tianzhan Mountain Range extends to the depths of the extremely cold ice field, and there is a large overlap between the mountain north and the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

The monster races on both sides have also been fighting for the overlapping part.

Wang Daoyuan's words were also burying nails for the monster races on both sides, letting them fight slowly.

Ice Jiao didn't dare to think so much in the first place, and it would be good to have a little bit. He didn't expect Wang Daoyuan to directly give nearly half of the Shanbei territory.

"Fellow Daoist is really refreshing, and we divide it according to this boundary. My Shanbei Demon Race has no objection."

Huo Feng looked at Bing Jiao's smug look, very unhappy in her heart, but she couldn't say anything.

It was the Tier 5 middle-grade sea turtle who spoke: "How do I divide the territories of the human race and my East Sea Monster Race?"

Wang Daoyuan replied: "With the land edge of Linhai State as the boundary, it extends five thousand miles into the sea, which is my human territory."

There is still a bit of careful thinking here. Linhai Prefecture is the Wanchuan River Delta, which will continue to extend into the sea and the territory will continue to expand.

Both the Tianzhan Mountain Range and the Shanbei Demon Race sent the Great Demon King.

Only the East Sea Monster Race, only the fifth-tier middle-grade turtles came.

It seems that the Tier 5 monster race in the East China Sea doesn't pay much attention to the human race.

After all, the East China Sea is vast, and the Human Race has only one Linhai prefecture that can border the East China Sea, and the impact is still too small.

No matter how strong the human race is, it is impossible to move people to live in the sea.

The turtle didn't care about it: "Just do what the fellow Taoists say, and we will follow the agreement between the two races in the future."

A consensus has been reached on the major event, and some details have been discussed, and the two parties will disperse separately.

Wang Daoyuan drove the flying boat and returned to Qingli City with everyone.

Entering the palace, opening the soundproof formation, everyone dared to laugh.

Moral Mo Lin smiled and said: "I didn't expect the monsters to be so foolish. Daoyuan planted a nail between the monsters and let them fight themselves.

As long as we can fight for hundreds of years, our human race will have an absolute advantage.

At that time, it won't be a problem to take down the entire Sky Slash Mountain Range.

We can also focus our energy on the side of the West Sea to prevent that group of Primordial Beasts from landing again. "

The real Gale, who has always been stern and unsmiling, also has an unconcealable smile on his face.

"This time we have temporarily settled the monster races in the east and north directions, and we can also catch our breath."

Real person Xuanshuang asked, "Senior Nephew Daoyuan, half of Shanbei's territory is in the hands of our human race. What do you plan to do with it?"

Tianzhan Mountain Range and Shanbei have won a lot of territory, and the other three top forces can't control Shanbei.

Only Yan Kingdom and Fengxue Shrine have a large number of sites in the north of the mountain.

How to divide the sphere of influence must be agreed in advance.

Wang Daoyuan replied: "It's better to keep it simple and divide it from the middle.

Xing State, a small country in the north of Zhou State, is probably in the northeast of Xing State from the west coast to the middle of the Tianzhan Mountains.

The east of Xing State is guarded by our country, Yan State, and Xing State and its western part are guarded by Fengxue Shrine.

I don't know what Uncle Xuanshuang said? "

Real person Xuan Shuang nodded: "From your point of view, it doesn't matter if it is more or less.

We don't know who should take care of it to prevent the monsters from invading again later.

I stayed here soon, and the details of this negotiation were not clear in the letter.

I still return to the Wind and Snow Shrine as soon as possible and report the matter to the palace lord. "

After saying goodbye, leave Qingli City.

Others also left one after another. After all, it is a major matter of the two races. After such a big change has taken place, it is still necessary to go back as soon as possible to change the deployment of their own forces.

True person Mo Lin is the most happy, although the Shanbei area near Qin State is under the jurisdiction of Fengxue Shrine.

However, the Fengxue Shrine did not manage mundane affairs very much, and the State of Qin itself occupies a lot of territory in Shanbei.

Now that the Yaozu has withdrawn for nearly 100,000 miles, the expansion space of Qin Kingdom has immediately increased.

After everyone dispersed, Wang Daoyuan also thought about how to manage the affairs of Shanbei and Tianzhan Mountain.

Shanbei is better managed, and one or two counties are set up closer to Huiyan Mountain.

The barren land in the great desert is managed by the half-monster.

All half-monsters can cultivate, as long as they have spiritual veins, they can survive, and they are not afraid of the harsh environment.

Let them serve as a buffer zone between the human race and the monster race.

Once the Yaozu got involved, they could also resist it.

These half-monsters have already belonged to the country of Yan, and allowing them to develop those bitter and cold places will also bring a lot of benefits to the country of Yan.

As for the site west of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, it is not easy to deal with.

The north of Wanchuan River is natural and simple, and it is directly merged into Qingli County.

In the part north of Huiyan Mountain, a county can also be managed.

But the Tianzhan Mountain Range extends to Juetianyuan. In name, these sites are under the jurisdiction of Yan Kingdom.

The Wang family's wealth is beyond control.

Give it to neighboring countries in vain, and it's too bad.

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