Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 845: Guishui God Lei got it

   Chapter 846

  After Zhao Guo experienced a national subjugation, the people in power were especially able to do things.

  The strength of the State of Zhao is not enough to threaten the State of Yan, and there is no contradiction between the two countries.

  Continuing to leave the origin of the spiritual veins in the territory of Yan State in the seal of mountains and rivers will only make the monarchs and ministers of the State of Yan a thorn in their hearts.

   Eliminate the origin of these spiritual veins in time, and the seal of the mountain and river will not have much power.

  Wang Daoyuan nodded and said: "I don't have any hurry right now, I can do it anytime.

  But let me tell you in advance that the fifth-order magical artifacts need to be forged to form the internal texture.

  So, this seal of mountains and rivers needs to be re-forged, and the results previously accumulated may suffer a little loss.

  Shanheyin's materials, it is better to restore the fifth order first.

When    is re-forged, the origin of the spiritual veins inside, as well as the spiritual power of the material itself, will not be affected too much. "

  Zhao Jingguo said: "Thank you, Taishang, for the land of Linhai Prefecture, Yan Guo can send someone to hand over with Linhai King at any time.

  The foreign minister will then go back to report to Emperor Zhao and leave. "

   After that, leaving the hall, Wang Shouye and Wang Daochang sent him outside the palace gate.

After the two returned, the excitement on Wang Daochang's face could not be concealed.

   "Seventh brother, you are really far-sighted. The cunning rabbit and three caves of the year are now really realized."

  Wang Daoyuan shook his head: “Now there is no difference between Cave Three and Cave Thirty. Everyone knows where our property is and there is no place to hide.

  To stay behind, it has to be from Zijinchuan.

  Not long after reaching an agreement with the Yaozu, it is not suitable to move Zijinchuan now, so let's wait.

  As long as I am still in Beiyuan Cultivating Immortal Realm, no one will dare to attack our king's idea.

  However, with Linhai Prefecture, our Wang family will have unlimited room for expansion in the future.

  Although there are few islands in the depths of the East China Sea, there are always some places to stay. "

  Wang Shouye also looked happy: "Zhao Kingdom's Guishui God Thunder is also good. If you can learn it, our family's sea-covering art can also be an additional means of confronting the enemy."

  Wang Mingchen thought for a while and asked: "Father, who will guard Linhai Prefecture?

  Such a large site has extremely high value and needs to be managed by a highly respected person.

  Furthermore, Linhai State is east of the Tianzhan Mountains and near the sea, and there are a lot of monsters.

  If there is no Yuan Ying's combat power, I am afraid that monster harassment is indispensable. "

  This is a problem. The Nascent Soul is not lacking in combat power. Both puppets and clones can be used.

  But there is always someone to take care of the affairs of Linhai Prefecture, otherwise, what about governance? In this regard, avatars and puppets are not suitable.

   "I will call the Xuanbing Turtle back first and guard Linhai Prefecture.

  After the handover is over, think about who will be in charge of Linhai State affairs.

  Hand over the matter of Linhaizhou, you go to deal with it. "

  At this moment, Wang Zhian walked in from the outside, he was already the Jin Dan mid-term cultivation base at this time.

  Moreover, the fluctuation of spiritual power is not very stable yet, it should have just broken through.

   "As soon as I came out of the retreat, I heard that the family has now expanded a lot of territory, and there should be a shortage of manpower.

  I have been the head of the patriarch for hundreds of years anyhow, and the management of affairs is not a problem.

  There are quite a few people in the Lvliuzhou area who are cultivating, and they don’t need me to manage them.

  Is there any place on your side that needs manpower, please arrange it for me. "

  Wang Shouye said: “Since Linhai State needs someone to manage daily affairs, it’s better to let Wushu go.

  With the guard of Xuanbing Turtle, I am not afraid of being messed up. "

   Hearing this, he was a little dazed: "Aren’t the Tianzhan Mountains and Shanbei the only sites of our king’s family? Why is Linhai Prefecture also owned by us?"

  Wang Mingchen explained the matter, and Wang Zhian immediately became interested: "This is not bad, let me give it to Linhai Prefecture.

  We just had a peace talk with the monster clan, the fifth-order monsters won't come to look for things now.

  There is a fifth-tier middle-grade mysterious ice turtle sitting in the town, and there is no need to be afraid of the fourth-tier monsters that are hunting for death. Linhai Prefecture is nothing terrible. "

  Wang Daoyuan also took out a Tier 5 low-grade melee puppet: "Uncle Wu, with this puppet, even if there is a Tier 4 monster clan who does not live or die, it can be easily solved."

  After discussing these matters, Wang Daoyuan returned to Yuquan Peak, and he didn’t have to take care of the handover.

  Only one month later, the handover in Linhaizhou was completed.

Among the thirteen houses in Linhai, only two Jindan monks, Gu Chengfeng from the Gu family and the second son of Linhai Wang, remained.

  The other eleven families have a weak family background, and there is only one golden core monk.

  There are also two families, the only golden core monk, who was also damaged when the Zhao family was restored, and there is no golden core monk now.

  Linhaizhou is too risky. For a strong family, this is a good place to build a foundation.

  For the weaker family, that is the place to die.

  They also only left a small number of tribesmen, most of the tribesmen migrated to the fief west of the Tianzhan Mountains.

   Now Linhai Prefecture has only three Jindan forces, so there is no need to divide it into thirteen counties, but into three counties.

  The place near the sea, including the mouth of the river, is Linhai County.

  East of Linhai County, with Wanchuan River as the boundary, it is divided into two counties, namely the South County and the North County.

  The three counties are about the same size, but the estuary of the Wanchuan River is in Linhai County, and Linhai County will continue to expand in the future.

  Wang Zhian, as Linhai State Shepherd, is in charge of the three counties, and Linhai County is directly under the jurisdiction of the State Shepherd.

  The prefect of Nanjun is Zhao Qinglang, the second son of Linhai King, and the prefect of Beijun is Gu Chengfeng.

  After demarcating the place, the Wang family began to move about a hundred monks and fifty thousand mortals to the past, spreading branches and leaves in Linhai Prefecture.

  The number of mortals in the Wang family now exceeds one million, and fifty thousand mortals are nothing.

  There was no movement from the Xihai Monster Clan. Before Wang Daoyuan could recall the Xuanbing Turtle, Master Xuantian sent it over.

  With it sitting in Linhai Prefecture, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  The response from the Zhao family was also extremely fast, and Zhao Jingguo sent the seal of the mountain to Yuquan Peak.

   Seeing Wang Daoyuan, Zhao Jingguo arched his hands and said: "The origins of Linhaizhou’s spiritual veins preserved in the seal of mountains and rivers have also been eliminated.

   is just the refining material of this seal of mountains and rivers, it has not been nourished by the fifth-order aura for tens of thousands of years, and it has not been able to accumulate to the fifth-order in a short time. "

  It seems that the Zhao family is really a little anxious, and Zhou Luan also heard news that there is movement from Song Guo, and 80% of it is Song Yan who is preparing to break through the realm of Yuan Ying.

  Once the madman succeeds, and there is no Yuan Ying monk on Zhao Guo's side, Song Guo will definitely attack Zhao Guo again.

  "It’s okay, the material of Shanhe Yin used to be Tier 5, but now it is used to forge Tier 5 artifacts. It’s not a problem.

   is just the origin of the spiritual veins in the seal of mountains and rivers, as well as the achievements of the sacrifices for thousands of years, will receive some influence. "

  Zhao Jingguo quickly said: “It’s okay to lose some spiritual vein origin. I don’t know how long it will take for the Supreme Emperor to refine it.

  Presumably, you also know that Song Yan doesn’t stop, and I’m worried that when the time is late, he will come to look for things again. "

  Shanheyin is not a complicated magical implement, and it will not take much effort to re-forge it again.

  Mainly after the forging is completed, it needs to be kept in the forging cauldron for a long time.

  However, UU reading www. has Lingzhu space, it doesn't matter at this point.

  "As little as ten days, as many as one month."

  Zhao Jingguo was overjoyed and took out a storage bag: “The seal of the mountain and the river and the refining method are all in it, and the God Thunder of Guishui is also in it.

  There are some leftovers left over from the refining of Shanheyin. I don’t know if they can be used. They are all here. "

  Wang Daoyuan took the storage bag: "Please also ask Zong Zhengqing to go to Qingli City to rest first. When the refining is completed, I will send you a message."

  Zhao Jingguo left, Wang Daoyuan returned to the underground cave and took out two thin animal skin books from his storage bag. They were Guishui Shenlei and Shanhe Yin Refining Methods.

  Wang Daoyuan checked the content of Guishui Divine Thunder, Guishui Divine Thunder cultivated to Tier 4, and it really involved the true meaning of Thunder.

  When casting Guishui Divine Thunder, you need to take into account both the law of thunder and the law of water attributes.

  Thunder to stern to yang, Gui water to yin to soft.

  The two can be combined together without any conflict. Wang Daoyuan also deeply admires the methods of the Five Thunders.

  (End of this chapter)

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