Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 847: Thunder Monkey Crossing Tribulation

After breaking through to the late Yuanying stage, to break through the Yuanying peak again, not only requires more resources and aura, but also requires a further understanding of the law.

It takes much more time than breaking through the late Nascent Soul Stage. I don't know how much more time is needed. Cultivation is of little use for the time being.

Obtaining such a spell that Guishui God Lei dreamed of in his early years, naturally, he had to study it carefully.

Back then, he had cultivated the God Thunder of Wutu to the fourth level, and now he is practicing the God Thunder of Guishui, which is also somewhat basic.

With the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's later stage, cultivating Tier 4 pinnacle spells, naturally there is no difficulty.

It only took five days to cultivate the Guishui God Thunder to the ninth floor.

He is cultivating the Divine Thunder of Guishui, not good at confronting the enemy head-on, but good at the yin behind his back.

Using water spiritual power to condense a spiritual power group with a diameter of more than three inches, this spiritual power group is almost colorless and transparent.

Without precautions, it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Coupled with his water spiritual power, it has the effect of Guishui Mingyan shielding the divine consciousness.

If you are fighting against people at sea, you can also hide Guishui God Thunder under the water.

Without special magical powers or secret methods, it is extremely difficult to find this method.

He threw the Guishui Divine Thunder in his hand to a rock more than a foot in diameter in the cave, and the entire Guishui Divine Thunder penetrated directly into the rock.

In an instant, the rock split into two halves, and the inside was broken into gravel.

Wang Daoyuan is very satisfied with this result. Water properties are good at penetrating and permeating.

Whether it is a human or a monster, the most vulnerable place is always the internal organs.

This Kuaishui divine thunder can penetrate into the cracks of the stone, and it is naturally possible to penetrate into the body of humans and monsters.

Concentrating all the power to the weakest place of the opponent, the lethality is naturally extremely strong.

Especially when encountering opponents with super defensive power, Guishui Shenlei has a miraculous effect.

Later, according to the ideas of the Zhao family, he deduced the Renshui God Thunder and practiced to the ninth level.

At this time, he did not dare to use it in the underground cave mansion, but came to the range of the Tianzhan mountain range.

Find a relatively empty place, and cast Renshui Divine Thunder on this small mountain bag.

After a muffled sound, the top ten-foot-high mountain instantly disappeared, and the eruption of water spiritual power swept more than three hundred li in a radius.

If there is a Golden Core cultivator within this range, he will be seriously injured.

Of course, this Renshui Divine Thunder is still a Tier 4 pinnacle spell.

The power displayed is naturally not as good as those real Tier 5 spells, but this power is also very impressive.

It can be seen from the cultivation method that the Five Elements God Thunder should have their own characteristics.

The first six layers should be similar, just imitating the power of thunder and not involving the application of laws.

The last three levels correspond to the Golden Core Realm. Although Golden Core monks cannot master the laws, they also need to imitate them.

The five elements of the **** thunder are all the rules of the five elements and the law of thunder attributes, and the different attributes of the five elements will naturally have different thunder methods.

What Renshui Shenlei pursues is explosive and destructive power, and the explosive power of water can only be piled up by quantity.

If you want more power, you can only consume more spiritual power.

The Zhao family's talents are still good. They wanted to overcome the natural flaws of the sword and created the Guishui Thunder Sword.

The combination of Lei Fa and the Tao of Sword Cultivation has greatly increased its power.

The Wang family did not have the inheritance of the combination of thunder and swordsmanship. Wang Daoyuan didn't need this thing himself, and he didn't have time to deduct it.

Seeing this Guishui divine thunder, Wang Daoyuan remembered the last five-color flame bead that appeared when he crossed the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation.

Before it appeared, he could fight against the supernatural powers.

As soon as it appeared, all of its own means were instantly breached.

Wang Daoyuan had always wanted to create this kind of spell, but he had no clue and didn't know how to do it.

Now that he has practiced the God Thunder of Guishui, Wang Daoyuan suddenly had some thoughts.

The law of thunder is similar to the power of heaven. If all the five elements of the **** thunder can be found, it will be deduced to the fifth rank.

Then think of a way to fuse the five elements of the gods of thunder, maybe it can reproduce the power of the five-color flame beads.

First deduce the Guishui God Thunder to Tier 5, the B Fire God Thunder and Wu Tu God Thunder, you can also fix it according to your own ideas.

As for the Gengjin God Thunder and Yimu God Thunder, in the 70,000-year history of the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, I have never heard of any monk who has used this method.

The five elements of the gods of thunder are deduced by the gods of the five thunders with his own magical powers. The five kinds of thunders are linked together and should be able to cooperate with each other.

Even if there are fragments, using the God Thunder of Guishui as a reference, the things that are deduced are all the same, and the connection between them is still there.

If there is no fragment to point out the direction, and if you deduced it out of thin air, the gap would be huge.

If you want to integrate the Five Elements God Thunder, the possibility is very slim.

After seeing the power of the God Thunder of Guishui and the God of Renshui, Wang Daoyuan came to the east end of Suilongling.

As soon as he landed here, Lei Yuan jumped over.

This guy's cultivation was also stuck at the third-order peak, after all, he was not a pure unicorn thunder ape.

Want to break through, will also be restricted by the blood of the black ape in the body.

It stretched out a hand to Wang Daoyuan, Wang Daoyuan naturally knew what it meant, and took out a jar of Baiguoyuan.

This Baiguo fermented wine recipe was derived from the memory of Lei Yuan's inheritance.

Seeing this thing, Lei Yuan's eyes straightened.

He quickly grabbed the wine jar and opened it for a few sips.

With an intoxicated look on his face, he sealed the wine jar again.

This is unprecedented. In the past, when Lei Yuan got the wine, he drank it all in one go, but now he just tasted it.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "You don't need to be so saving, you can break through Tier 4 as soon as possible, and help me understand the law of thunder attribute, I will give you more Baiguo Niang."

With Lei Yuan’s current bloodline concentration, breaking through Tier 4 is likely to awaken the little supernatural powers.

Little magical powers are originally the primary use of the law, from which you can comprehend the law of thunder.

The fifth-order spells and exercises all need to be combined with the law.

If you want to deduce the five elements of the **** thunder to the fifth rank, you must understand the law of thunder attributes.

There is still a difference between law and Shen Yun and true meaning, and Shen Yun and true meaning are also derived from law.

Just like Canglong Shenyun, this is a fusion of multiple laws mastered by the dragon clan.

A qualitative change has taken place, and it has something in common with the law, but there is a big difference.

Tier 5 spells can have no charm, but they must have rules.

Of course, both are more powerful.

Wang Daoyuan, as a five-spiritual monk, had already comprehended the Five Elements Principle.

Improving the five-element spell is so easy, but when it comes to the three strange attributes, it is more laborious.

Although the aura of fire and wood attributes is fused into aura of thunder, there is also a trace of thunder law in it.

Without Lei Ling root, it is not easy to rely on aura to understand the law.

The original version of the Five Elements God Thunder is only the pinnacle of Tier 4, probably because the law of thunder is not easy to comprehend.

If it is a cultivator with the Thunder attribute Nasal Infant, or a Thunder attribute cultivator with little magical powers, it will be much simpler to understand the law of thunder.

Master needs to guard the Southern Wilderness, and my brother is practicing in retreat.

Besides, it takes a long time to comprehend the Law of Thunder. Who has the time to show him the law all the time?

Lei Yuan is easier to talk, as long as there is wine, let him do anything.

Stayed here for more than two years, serving Lei Yuan with Baiguo stuffed all day.

This spirit wine is worthy of being obtained from its inheritance memory, and it is really of great benefit to Thunder Ape's cultivation.

For more than two years, I drank more than 300 jars of hundreds of years of Baiguo Nong.

This guy has fallen asleep, and it looks like he is about to break through Tier 4.

For more than two years, Wang Daoyuan has been deducing the Thunder of Wutu God and Thunder of Bing Fire.

Because the fragments are repaired, the repaired may be very different from the original, and it needs to be constantly revised.

After another six months, Lei Yuan finally woke up.

Not long after waking up, Jieyun began to appear in the sky.

Wang Daoyuan gave him some healing pills and Tier 4 low-grade defensive magic weapons, and then retreated to a distance. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Jieyun continued to expand, eventually expanding to about fifty miles in diameter, and Tianwei also covered twenty miles.

Soon, a lightning bolt fell from the heavens.

Lei Yuan was also full of thunder lights, directly carrying the catastrophe, unscathed.

The thunder-attributed spirit beasts had nothing to say about their ability to resist the catastrophe.

The first six heavenly tribulations had no effect, and the seventh heavenly tribulation, it took out a shield to resist.

Only two shields were lost in the three heaven tribulations, and Lei Yuan survived the golden core tribulation unscathed.

The robbery cloud in the sky did not dissipate, but was violently surging.

A quarter of an hour later, a giant ape with a golden hair, a first-born single horn, and a height of more than ten feet fell in the robbery cloud.

This is the unicorn thunder ape, the bloodline of the thunder ape has come.

As long as it crosses over, the unihorn thunder ape bloodline in its body will be greatly improved, and it will also awaken the unihorn thunder ape clan's thunder-shielding magical powers.

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