Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 853: Teach puppetry

Da Hei flew to the water's edge and took his own look, feeling very satisfied.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Why did you transform into my elder brother?"

Da Hei sighed, "When the old master passed away, I was still too low-minded, and I can't remember his appearance clearly, but I still have some impression of the appearance of the young master.

Your appearance is more like the eldest master, and when you see you often, you can remember the appearance of the eldest master.

It’s not very convenient to look the same as yours. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "If you swallow so many tribulations, there won't be any problems, right?"

"Second Young Master, don't worry, since my cultivation base has been upgraded to Tier 3, a small space has appeared in my belly.

With the improvement of cultivation base, this space is getting bigger and bigger and stronger.

The things swallowed into this space will also be quickly refined and blended into the flesh to improve cultivation.

After reaching the fourth level, my space is already very stable, and the space can be divided into many separate parts.

The swallowed things can be hidden separately, refined, or preserved before being spit out. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. Isn't this just "taking the way of the other, and giving back to the body"?

When fighting, it is equivalent to double the consumption of the opponent, and only consumes the power of the divine consciousness to display the small magical powers.

According to his previous performance of Swallowing Heavenly Tribulation, he could swallow the attack at the initial level of Jin Dan without injury.

At the mid-term level of the Golden Core, he can swallow it even if he is injured.

Now that it has absorbed a lot of gifts from heaven and earth, it should be stronger.

In the ancient times, tengu could swallow the sun and the moon.

The sun was transformed by the Golden Crow, and the Golden Crow's strength was only slightly weaker than the Five Elements Divine Beast.

Tengu can swallow it, and the strength should be a level.

Therefore, the upper limit of Dahei's growth is still extremely high.

It is a pity that the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm does not have the special aura of the ancient times, and it is very difficult to break through the great realm in the future.

Wang Daoyuan still had a lot of the blood of the ancient alien beasts and the demon pill left, and there was still some hope for him to break through the fifth rank.

As for higher cultivation bases, you can only wait for a trip to the end of Xihaitian in the future.

Wang Daoyuan asked again: "You are so talented, do you remember who your parents are?"

Da Hei shook his head: "The thing I can vaguely remember is that he almost starved to death when he was young and was taken in by his master.

The owner lost his father when he was young and was lonely.

After I grew up, I helped my master hunt, and life was a little easier.

The master also became a dear, and there are three of you brothers.

After living in Qingxi Village for more than a hundred years, I really want to go back and have a look.

With your strength, there is no need for me to guard.

I'll go to Yuquan Peak first and take a look at the master's grave.

Go back to Qingxi Village and look at the old house.

Also go to Suilongling to see my descendants. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Since you have been transformed, you must have a name.

Spirit beasts follow the owner's surname. I think your mouth is quite long in its original shape. Long-mouthed dog is ‘you’, so let’s call you Wang You. "

Then he passed a message to him: "Don't talk about space."

Da Hei smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master, Wang You retire."

After all, driving the cloud to the southwest.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to return to Yuquan Peak after Wang You crossed the Tribulation, but now Yunyi and the others are falling asleep again. It is only a matter of time before they break through.

Both Yunyi and Arowana like Yin Qi and water, and it is perfect to break near the source of the Hades River.

Wang Daoyuan also opened a cave on the unnamed hill to the north of Younan Mountain, and set up a formation for isolation and exploration, and lived here temporarily.

After breaking through the late Nascent Soul stage, cultivation doesn't have much effect.

There is a lot of territory in Yan State, which requires a lot of manpower to manage it.

The Wang family couldn't provide much manpower at all, and the requirements for the puppets were even greater.

Wang Daoyuan has puppet art in his hands, but he hasn't spent much time on refining it before.

It's time to spend some time to improve the level of puppet refining.

He is refining puppets in this newly opened cave mansion.

Previously on the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, after the cultivation base broke through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, a puppet that harvested the Spirit Valley was refined there.

That puppet is only a first-order inferior product, which is too simple.

Wang Daoyuan intends to refine a second-tier low-grade puppet that can cast the rain technique, which is an extremely important spell for the conservation of spiritual fields.

The rain that it descends has a lot of spiritual power.

These spiritual powers are integrated into the spiritual field and can prevent the spiritual field from degrading.

Where there is a spiritual spring, you can use spiritual spring water to irrigate it, and the effect is better than that of the Gan Lin technique.

Just like Yuquan Peak, many Tier 4 spiritual fields have been developed.

But on such a large family territory, not every place has spiritual springs and rivers.

Most of the spirit veins still rely on similar spells such as Gan Lin technique to maintain the rank of the spirit field.

A puppet that only casts a spell is not difficult to refine.

It only needs to teach the soul of the puppet to determine which spiritual fields need to use the rain technique and the method to perform the rain technique.

The second-order puppet is really not difficult for a fifth-order refiner.

It only took a day to refine it.

It only took two days to cultivate the soul of the puppet.

Wang Daoyuan installed a fourth-order low-grade spirit gathering orb on the puppet and placed him on Younan Mountain.

At this time, a few lingzhifu juniors in the clan were watering the lingzhihu.

The puppet looked around the lingtian, and found a lingtian far away from Younan Mountain, and began to perform the Gan Lin technique.

It is also relatively unfamiliar, and the casting speed is relatively slow. It took more than ten breaths to perform the Ganlin technique.

A dark cloud with a diameter of twenty feet appeared in the sky, and rainwater with a strong spiritual energy fell from the cloud and poured it on the spiritual field.

This spiritual field was originally not sufficiently spiritual, but after being irrigated with the rain spell, the spiritual power in the soil suddenly increased a lot.

There is a special soul in the puppet, and it can also become proficient through practice.

As long as you can perform successfully, you will be able to become proficient by practicing for a while.

Several Lingzhifu who were watering the lingtian saw this situation, and their faces were full of excitement.

One of the Lingzhifu in the late stage of the foundation construction said excitedly: "The most energy-consuming thing for Lingzhifu is to maintain the spiritual field.

Now with this thing, the most troublesome thing is saved.

I was able to take care of 30 acres of second-order spiritual fields before, but now it is not a problem to take care of 300 acres. "

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Zhao Liang, asking him to bring some talented craftsmen and formation masters from the clan, preferably those with experience in crafting flying boats.

After all, the puppet is also a combination of refining art and formation, plus some rule inscriptions, this is still a bit similar to refining flying boats.

He also asked him to bring the Dragon Fish of Uncle Twelve by the way, that blue dragon fish had been stuck at the third-order peak for a long time.

Accumulation is definitely enough, but a breakthrough opportunity is lacking.

Monster beasts with high bloodlines need further awakening of bloodlines to break through the great realm.

Unlike humans, who have enough realm, they can break through as soon as they reach their senses.

This is also a big advantage of the human race over the monster race. UU reading has a talented human race that breaks through the realm much faster than the beasts.

The dragon fish was reluctant, so Wang Daoyuan controlled the clone Gray Peng and grabbed it from the Jade Dragon Spring.

Then Hui Peng carried Zhao Liang and a dozen others to You Nan Mountain.

Wang Shouzhe and several other formation masters also came to Wang Daoyuan's cave to learn puppet art.

Wang Daoyuan also took out the first puppet, the puppet that harvested the Spirit Valley that was refined in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

Disassemble it into a pile of parts, and explain to the parts little by little.

Wang Daoyuan also carefully explained where there were doubts.

These array masters and refiners were all cultivated by the family, and they all had experience in refining flying boats.

Array patterns and instrument patterns are naturally not difficult for them, and the only thing that can hold them is the law inscription.

Wang Daoyuan couldn't understand this thing, so he could only let them paint a gourd.

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