Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 859: Ten Thousand Beasts Valley White Tiger Hall

Latest website: Above the sea, there is no reference object, even the sun, moon and stars are covered, and the two puppets can no longer distinguish their directions.

If there was no command from Wang Daoyuan, they would have started chaos now.

If Wang Daoyuan went in by himself, there would be no problem in recognizing the direction.

The Yuan Ying monk is very sensitive to the aura, and can sense subtle changes in the flow of the aura.

Near the Tianzhan Mountain Range, the aura flows from the main vein of the Tianzhan Mountain Range to other places.

Therefore, as long as you follow the direction of the spiritual energy flow, you can infer the approximate direction.

It is difficult for monks below Yuan Ying to perceive such subtle changes.

Once it hits the sea of ​​mirage, it can only crash like a headless fly.

In those days, the mortal corpse relied on monster clones and luck to break through the sea of ​​mirage.

Those who can escape from the mouth of the Wanchuan River to the Zijinchuan River Valley are all lucky.

The two puppets took a lot of Spirit Gathering Orbs and rode on the flying boat, so there was no need to worry about the consumption of spiritual power in a short time.

Going further east, Xuan Bing and Xuan Ding discovered an island with a radius of more than ten miles.

Wang Daoyuan also took the attitude that it didn't matter to lose the puppet, and let Xuan Bing fall on the island to investigate the situation.

Xuan Bing came to the center of the island and urged the compass on his head with all his strength.

The surrounding situation quickly appeared on the compass.

Wang Daoyuan was still in a state of panoramic perception, using the compass to check the situation on the island.

The entire island is ruined, and it is obvious that there used to be large buildings here.

Moreover, there is also a fourth-order lower-grade spiritual vein on the island.

The compass was still not carefully explored, and only big things could be seen, but the veins and other objects could not be seen.

Relying on the divine sense, the puppet’s divine sense was in the fog, and it was almost the same as without it.

Wang Daoyuan was also unable to determine whether there were artifacts, formations, etc. on these buildings.

Among the ruined walls, there are still many monsters and human bones.

Xuan Bing stepped on some bones, and they all turned into ashes.

There is also a dragon-like horn in the bone pile, but unfortunately the essence has been lost, and with a light touch, it also turns to ashes.

Xuan Bing strolled around the entire island, but didn't find a formation that could still play a role.

Words or something could not be detected by the compass, so Wang Daoyuan decided to go and take a look in person.

It is still hard to say where the gate of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley is hidden.

The distance of his panoramic perception of the clone is now only more than 60,000 miles.

It was more than 30,000 miles deep into the sea of ​​mirage, only to see such a small island.

It is impossible to find the Gate of Ten Thousand Beast Valley even if it goes deeper than 30,000 miles.

If you want to get the remnants of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, you have to enter the sea of ​​mirage.

Wang Daoyuan's current strength, even without Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword, could still be equal to the Great Demon King.

In addition, the domain supernatural powers are good at more than one dozen, and if you come to three or five big demon kings, you can also retreat.

Even if there is a Great Demon King in ambush, there is nothing terrifying, maybe another Great Demon King clone can be captured.

The group of monsters who only know how to force themselves are not to be feared at all.

What he was worried about before was what tricks the Ten Thousand Beast Valley left behind.

The location of a branch hall in Zijinchuan left people and monsters afraid to cross the catastrophe.

There would be more layouts on the mountain gate, and Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to rush into it.

Now that there are puppets exploring the way ahead, there is nothing to be afraid of. If there is danger, the puppets will be unlucky first.

He held a Tier 5 high-grade flying boat and flew to the island where the two puppets were.

After more than an hour, the flying boat landed on this small island.

The sight Wang Daoyuan saw with his naked eyes and divine sense was much clearer than that of the puppet's compass.

On this ruined wall, there are indeed many traces of formation patterns.

It's just that the damage to these patterns is too serious, and it's impossible to even repair them.

Looking at these remaining array patterns, some are fifth-order patterns, while others are more complex than fifth-order, at least they are also sixth-order.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley paid much attention to this small island and laid a sixth-order formation.

Wang Daoyuan cast a spell to clear away these ruined walls and rotten bones.

Some traces of the Lingtian were also found on the ground. Unfortunately, after so many years, the Lingtian has long been destroyed, but there is no trace of Lingzhi left.

After all, Ten Thousand Beast Valley was trampled by monsters, and everything that could be eaten would not be left.

Wang Daoyuan searched for a long time before he found a broken stone stele.

The writing on it was incomplete, Wang Daoyuan carefully distinguished it and found the words "Zijinchuan".

This small island may be under the jurisdiction of the Zijinchuan branch.

In this way, the mountain gate of Ten Thousand Beast Valley is still deeper.

There is nothing of value on the entire island, and Wang Daoyuan will temporarily settle here.

Order the two puppets to steer the flying boat and continue to the east.

He himself stayed on this island temporarily, waiting for news from the front.

After the two puppets flew more than 50,000 miles, Wang Daoyuan did not dare to stay on the island and wait, lest he lose contact with the two puppets.

He took a flying boat, followed the two puppets, always keeping a distance of 50,000 miles.

The two puppets flew more than 60,000 miles again and discovered a new island again.

This island is not small, thousands of miles in diameter.

This scale is not a big island on the side of the Seven Star Sea.

But Beiyuan Xiuxianjie is dominated by land, and the islands are very small whether it is in the West Sea or the East Sea.

An island with a diameter of thousands of miles is already a rare big island.

In the middle of this island are several mountain peaks connected together, and there is a fourth-order peak non-attribute spiritual vein in the mountain.

There are many ruins of broken buildings on the mountain, and broken rocks are everywhere.

There is no formation on the island, and it is estimated that it has been completely destroyed.

Wang Daoyuan set up the fifth-tier high-grade flying boat and flew to the big island.

After more than two hours, I came to this island.

Most of the buildings in the entire island are concentrated on a few peaks in the middle.

Seen from the west, the appearance of these mountain peaks looks a lot like a tiger rushing forward.

Especially in the thick fog, it is not true to see, and the sense of oppression is extremely strong.

The terrain around the peak is relatively flat, but there are many traces of spiritual fields.

Unfortunately, now there are only some weeds and weeds of very low grade.

Wang Dao flew far into the ruins at the foot of the mountain and carefully inspected these dilapidated buildings.

Finally found a stone tablet, this stone tablet has been divided into several pieces.

Turning out these broken pieces and putting them together, I saw the six characters "Ten Thousand Beast Valley White Tiger Hall" engraved on them.

Zijinchuan is just a branch hall, here it is called Baihutang directly, not a branch hall.

The scale of the building on this island is indeed far better than the Zijinchuan branch.

It seems that the status of the Baihutang is higher than that of the Zijinchuan branch.

Right now, Wang Daoyuan came to be interested, and the Zijinchuan branch found the true dragon forging body skill.

Baihutang has a higher status, and maybe you can find more cheats.

After clearing the ruins, a long stone step appeared in front of him.

This stone step is verified from the southernmost side of several mountain peaks to the highest peak.

If these buildings are intact, they should be symmetrically distributed on both sides of the stone steps.

This layout is similar to that on the Zijinchuan side, with several courtyards, and the central axis of each courtyard is on the same line.

The scale of the building on the Baihutang side, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is much bigger than Zijinchuan.

The ruins have been cleared, and there are no traces of secret rooms on the ground of these buildings.

Follow the stone steps all the way up to the top of the stone steps.

There is a platform with a length of more than three hundred feet and a width of more than one hundred feet. There are traces of walls and pillars on it. It looks like it used to be a hall.

This is already the core building of Baihutang. Whether there are any good things, it depends on this.

Wang Daoyuan released the Guichen Flame and burned the foundation directly.

Without the protection of the formation, no matter how strong you are, you can't withstand the burning of the dust and flames.

After dozens of breaths, the entire foundation became a pit more than ten feet deep.

At the center of Dakeng, a big hole about three feet square was exposed.


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