Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 868: Small 5 line thunder trick

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After hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was a little excited.

I knew that this peach sapling was unusual, but I didn't expect it to have such a big effect.

The severe injuries that the cultivator had basically abolished can be fully recovered, and by the way, the potential can be increased.

Peach core refines artificial spiritual roots, this is only useful for those monks who have four spiritual roots and lack wood spiritual roots.

This peach kernel has a stronger effect on strengthening the spiritual root, and the artificial spiritual root is still a bit different compared to the natural spiritual root.

It can directly increase the height of the wood spirit root, and the increase is also the natural spiritual root.

If it is a wood-attribute Tianlinggen monk, if he eats this peach kernel, he may become a one-foot Tianlinggen. This is an inborn genius.

Every additional point of Linggen has a great impact on talent.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "Is there a Xuantian Biling Peach Tree in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Hall Master Canglong shook his head and said: "There were two plants in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts before, but it was a pity that they were destroyed in the monster turmoil.

However, other secret realms in the Sky Slash Mountain Range had also planted this thing back then.

After Mingchen forms the pill, we will hand over all the secret realms that Ten Thousand Beast Valley knows.

When the time comes, you can check it out. "

They refused to say that Wang Daoyuan did not force it, so he asked something else.

"Back then, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley and Shenbing Pavilion were side by side. How do I feel that Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is much stronger than Shenbing Pavilion?"

Hall Master Bai Hu looked proudly: "Then you need to say? My Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has been established for more than 200,000 years.

History is much longer than other forces.

There are more than ten Mahayana monks among the ancestors of the past dynasties.

Among them, there are five who can be called powerful.

Regardless of the fact that there is not much difference between the monks in the middle Mahayana period and the great power, but in the Mahayana period, it may take thousands or even thousands of years to break through the first order.

And becoming a great power is not just about practicing to the late stage or peak of Mahayana.

More than half of the spirit and energy is transformed into immortal power.

At the realm of great power, the ability to resist the three-failure catastrophe is already extremely strong.

Relying on his own celestial power, he can also carry it hard.

As long as you find some spiritual things to assist you, you can carry it on forever.

Unless it is when the body is seriously injured and the three-fading catastrophe suddenly occurs, it is not easy to sit down.

Therefore, as long as Da Neng continues to survive, there will always be a chance of becoming immortal.

Ordinary Mahayana monks want to survive the Tribulation of the Three Decays, they have to fight for their background.

Even if he got through by luck, the damage he suffered was extremely serious.

It is not easy for a Mahayana monk to become a mighty power, and it is very difficult to condense the power of immortality.

Using the Xianli fighting method, the power exerted is not comparable to the spirit and spirit. "

Wang Daoyuan really didn't know much about great power, thinking it was just the name of a powerful person among the Mahayana monks.

Hall Master Bai Hu continued: "The other four forces are far behind, and the Heavenly Secret Sect is better. The Yin and Yang Divine Venerable had such a powerful power back then.

Since then, the Xuan Family has produced two Mahayana monks, but unfortunately they have not reached the level of great power.

At the Shenbing Pavilion, your Patriarch, the Patriarch of Baoding, was only a monk in the middle of the Mahayana, and died of the Tribulation.

The head of the line has a powerful inheritance, but the first generation ancestor of the Shenbing Pavilion is his disciple, and he has not become a powerful.

The Fengxue Shrine was even worse, the founder of the mountain was only a middle Mahayana monk, and he didn't even have the power to inherit.

The worst is Taiyi Sword Sect, which started with the Taiyi Divine Sword map drawn by the Guiyuan Sword Immortal disciple.

Founder of the Mountain was only an early Mahayana monk, and since then there has been no Mahayana monk.

The background is also the worst, only 70,000 years from now.

Speaking of the inheritance of sword repair, Taiyi Sword Sect was not as good as my Baihutang.

It's just that my Ten Thousand Beasts Valley learns from others' strengths, and I don't want to compare this with them. "

After that, he took out a scroll: "This is the picture of the Guiyuan sword left when the Guiyuan Sword Immortal was still at the Mahayana cultivation base.

There is no way to make a copy of this thing, and it's useless if I keep it.

Your sword intent is also Guiyuan sword intent, so I will leave this to you. "

Although there is a better Guiyuan sword map, there is no harm in leaving this thing.

Wang Daoyuan asked again: "When I first came here, I heard the Lord Xuanwu mentioned the Five Thunder Gods.

This Da Neng should be the founder of the Five Elements Shen Lei, I want to hear his deeds. "

The Xuanwu hall master said: "The Five Elements God Thunder is indeed created by the Five Thunder Gods, and he is also a Five Linggen monk.

This five-element divine thunder uses the five-element spiritual power to urge it, and its power is comparable to that of the thunder method, but its spiritual power is not much consumed.

Coupled with the extremely fast speed, the five thunder gods have extremely strong fighting skills.

In the early days of Yuan Ying, he was given the title of True Monarch.

He was also a native of Sanxiu and had been traveling north of Yanshan Mountain in his early years.

Later, he established a sect and founded the Five Thunder Sects.

Based on the power of the five elements god, thunder god, deduced the small five elements thunder tactic.

After he cultivated to the realm of great power, he moved the Five Thunder Sects to the middle of the Qianyuan Realm, far away from our side.

He had a good relationship with a senior of my Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, and my Ten Thousand Beasts Valley also got two complete small five-element thunder formulas, namely, the God of Wutu Thunder and the Thunder of Bing Fire.

There are no other three kinds of thunder tactics circulated in the outside world. How did you get the Guishui Divine Thunder? "

Wang Daoyuan talked about the Zhao family's affairs, and the Xuanwu Hall Master suddenly said: "The ancient monk that Emperor Zhao Wu found was 80% of the disciples of the Five Thunder Sects.

The most destructive of the small five elements thunder tactics should be the Yimu Shen Lei and the Geng Jin Shen Lei.

After the eruption of the Emu God Thunder, all living creatures within its power coverage area will be robbed of their vitality, making it extremely difficult to defend.

Gengjin Divine Thunder naturally does not need to say, after the eruption, a series of spiritual power threads will be formed, and the lethality is not inferior to that of the flying sword of the same rank cultivator.

Coupled with the penetrating damage of metallic spiritual power, there are few cultivators of the same rank.

Lei, the **** of Guishui, is hidden and invisible.

The power is also good, ranking third.

Although the explosive power of the third fire **** thunder is strong, it is not much stronger than ordinary fire attribute spells.

Wutu Shenlei took the road of ban, and its lethality was even worse.

My Ten Thousand Beast Valley has also produced several powerful forces, and there is no shortage of various inheritances.

The ancestors of the past did not pay much attention to these two kinds of thunder tactics, so they did not deduct them later.

In the inheritance given to you, there are two complete Lei and the other three Lei Jue, which have not been spread outside.

Therefore, when I saw you cast the fifth-order Guishui Divine Thunder, I thought you were the descendant of the Five Thunder Gods. "

It's not bad to be able to get the complete Wutu God Thunder and C Fire God Thunder here.

If the power of these two kinds of thunder tactics is poor, it depends on who uses it.

With Gui Chenyan and Chiyang True Fire, the power is definitely not small.

Besides, spells are not static.

The two kinds of thunder tactics on Ten Thousand Beast Valley's side are only in the late Jindan stage, and the latter still have to be deduced by themselves.

It is no longer possible to get a complete small five-element thunder formula.

A Divine Thunder of Guishui, ranked third in power, was only discovered accidentally after tens of thousands of years.

The strongest Gengjin God Thunder and Yimu God Thunder, the Five Thunder Sects will only be more cautious and less likely to stay outside.

Ten Thousand Beast Valley has occupied the Sky Slash Mountain Range for tens of thousands of years.

Emperor Wu of Zhao found the **** Lei of Guishui by taking the luck of shit.

But for tens of thousands of years, there was only one Emperor Zhao Wu.

With one's own ability, trying to find these two kinds of thunder tactics is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

I can only wait to go to the south of Juetianyuan, the center of Qianyuan Realm.

I already know about the problems I want to know, and I can't stay here forever.

He arched his hands and said, "Several seniors, I should also say goodbye.

After leaving for too long, the Great Demon King of the Sky Slash Mountain Range and the Extreme Frost Icefield might have any thoughts. "

Hall Master Zhuque smiled and said: "If you have something to do, do not hesitate to go, and if you have any needs over Mingchen, just come to us.

I dare not say anything else, if there are any problems in cultivation, we old things can still help. "

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