Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 871: Spirit Planting Secret Art

Wang Shouye thought for a moment, and said: "The family's annual consumption of Linggu is calculated at 2 million catties, and the first-order Linggu is lowered, and the four seasons are planted throughout the year.

The annual output per mu of lingtian is eight hundred catties, which requires 2,500 mus of lingtian.

Although Linggu's rank is extremely low, it consumes Lingzhifu's energy extremely.

It needs to be planted and harvested four times a year, and it needs to be watered many times.

A Lingzhifu can take care of ten acres of Linggu, even if it is very good.

Two thousand five hundred acres of spiritual land requires two hundred and fifty spiritual planters.

The family can gather so many Lingzhifu, but the family can't just plant Linggu, there are other important Lingtians to look after.

If you encounter diseases or the like, it will be even more troublesome. How many mu of spiritual land can a puppet look after? "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head and said: "The puppet's account is not calculated like this. A puppet can only do one thing.

For example, a puppet that specializes in the magic of rain, if it is equipped with three fourth-order spirit gathering orbs, it can water a hundred acres of spirit valley fields for a long time.

There are also puppets who are responsible for plowing, sowing and harvesting. A puppet is responsible for one hundred acres of Linggu fields, which is not a difficult task.

One puppet that only needs to plow the land, sow, harvest, and perform the rain technique, as a group, can manage one hundred acres of Linggu.

Only 25 sets of puppets are needed for 2,500 acres of spiritual land.

There is no need to worry if the insects are dealt with by spirit bees.

If you encounter Linggu disease, this is very complicated and needs Lingzhifu to deal with it. "

Of course, this is the cultivation method of Tier 1 Linggu.

If you want to cultivate the spiritual field to the third level and above, it will take a lot of effort.

Planting special spirit valleys will cause more troubles.

When Wang Daochang calculated this account, his face showed a pleasant surprise: "If this is the case, even if there are tens of millions of ordinary people in the Wang family, it will be easy to feed."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "If the puppet's refining method is leaked, it's nothing, but the spirit gathering orb must be kept secret.

Without the Spirit Gathering Orb, no matter how good a puppet is, it must rely on the Spirit Stone to actuate it.

To cast a rain spell, it probably needs to consume a low-grade spirit stone.

If 2,500 acres of spiritual fields are planted in spiritual valleys, if they rely solely on Ganlin technique to sustain them.

It takes at least three months to perform the Gan Lin technique for a mu of spiritual field, and consumes tens of thousands of spiritual stones a year.

With the Spirit Gathering Orb, these spirit stones are saved. "

Lingtian is not only about output, but also consumes a lot of resources to maintain.

If you have a water source with abundant spiritual power, you can directly use these spiritual channels to irrigate the spiritual field.

If there is no suitable water source, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of the spiritual field.

The closer the place is to the spiritual veins, the easier it is for the land to be nourished by the spiritual veins, and the easier it is to maintain it.

Some places don’t even need to be maintained, and spiritual plants can be planted after opening up wasteland. The spiritual energy penetrated by the spiritual veins is enough to maintain the consumption of the spiritual field.

Most of the spiritual fields were opened near the water source and near the spiritual veins.

The spiritual field that needs to rely on the rain technique to maintain, and the spiritual artifacts produced are sold, it is not enough to pay the Lingzhifu's wages.

Such a spiritual field is a bottomless pit, and no force is willing to open it up.

Therefore, the spiritual field of the world of cultivating immortals is so precious.

But with puppets and spirit orbs, as long as the surrounding aura concentration is high enough, spiritual fields can be opened up anywhere.

Wang Daoxing said: "Or, this spiritual field for planting Tier 1 Spirit Valley should be placed in the Green Willow Secret Realm first.

The space over there is large enough, but there has been a lack of manpower, and there is still a lot of land that has not been developed into a spiritual field.

The concentration of aura in the secret realm is extremely high, and it is convenient for the Gathering Orb to absorb aura.

Continuously nourish the spiritual field with the rain technique, but only plant the first-order spiritual valley. After a few decades of planting, the spiritual field can be advanced. "

This is naturally the best. In my own secret realm, I don't worry about the puppets leaking out, and I can also cultivate a second-order spiritual field.

He took out a storage bag: "Just do it like this. You will arrange the specific affairs. These are 300 Tier 4 Spirit Gathering Orbs, which are enough for the time being.

There is a large amount of inheritance from Ten Thousand Beast Valley, and high-level inheritance cannot be easily revealed.

I will go to screen, and those who are suitable for release will be handed over to the tribesmen for cultivation. "

Afterwards, he left Qingli City and went to the underground cave of Yuquan Peak.

The inheritance from Ten Thousand Beast Valley has been collected into the Spirit Orb Space.

Slowly check from the clone to find out the inheritance needed.

There are tens of thousands of animal skin books in these four universe rings, as well as more jade slips.

These things are all copies, it takes a short time to burn out, and the content is still complete.

It takes a long time to sort out all these things, even in the Lingzhu space.

Wang Daoyuan didn't need exercises and spells for the time being, so he didn't think much about it.

He sees more of those secret techniques.

However, some of the secret techniques that the clone occasionally turned out aroused his interest.

Among them is the inheritance of Lingzhifu from Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, which is quite clever.

The inheritance of the Lingzhifu of the Wang family is still the souvenir of the Netherworld Sect that Zhong Zhenyang sent back then.

The Netherworld Sect has only established a sect for thousands of years, and although there are many Jindan monks, it is only at a low level in terms of inheritance and background.

In the inheritance of Lingzhifu, only the basic means of cultivating Lingzhi are the basic methods. As for those secret techniques, don't think about it.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is worthy of being the largest power in Beiyuan back then, with a lot of spiritual planting secrets.

For example, a means to speed up the growth of spiritual plants, using some spiritual things to formulate special nourishment.

Performing some secret techniques can greatly reduce the growth time of Lingzhi.

Of course, different spiritual plants require different nourishment formulas and different secret techniques.

Among these secret techniques, there is a method to ripen Ziyun Longwen ginseng.

The combination of secret technique and special nourishment can shorten the maturity time of purple rhyme dragon vein ginseng for one thousand years to less than five hundred years.

The main medicine of Zhuji Pill, Zhenyuanguo, and Blood Jade Ginseng, naturally also have secret techniques and special nourishment, reducing its growth time by more than half.

Now Wang Daoyuan doesn't care much about Jidan building. After all, he has killed a large number of Tier 3 monsters over the years, and there is really no shortage of this thing.

What Wang Daoyuan is most interested in is that there is a secret technique for ripening baby fruit. The five thousand years of ripening baby fruit is too long.

Even in the Lingzhu space, the first stalk of Huaying Fruit obtained in the Seven-Star Secret Territory had not yet matured.

Lingzhifu is also one of the hundred arts of cultivating immortals, and his importance is no less than that of the Pill Talisman.

The inheritance of the Lingzhifu of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is not only as simple as ripening, but also the secret technique that allows the Huaying fruit tree to bear the baby fruit.

To perform this secret technique, you need a five-element spirit of the top grade of the fifth rank.

The golden core essence of the fifth-order monster beast, as well as the essence of the five elements, can be used.

It is also necessary to use matching secret techniques to incorporate the essence of these spiritual things into an unformed Huaying Fruit, and to continuously nourish this Huaying Fruit.

It takes more than ten times to use the secret method to transform the Huaying Guo into Tonic Fruit.

Of course, this method is very harmful to fruit trees.

A little carelessness may seriously affect the vitality of Huaying fruit trees.

Wang Daoyuan also had only two Huaying fruit trees in his hands, one was a branch that was folded from the Seven-Star Secret Realm, and the other was planted with a tonic fruit core.

That’s just a little bit of family but I dare not toss about it.

However, the ripening method can be used, and the ripening method is much gentler, and the damage to the fruit tree is small.

Of course, this crop of Huayingguo is useless.

Calculated according to the time in space, this crop of Huayingguo has grown for more than four thousand years.

It will not take long to mature, and there is no need to spend too much time on ripening.

With the rapid acceleration of the time flow in the Lingzhu space, Wang Daoyuan didn't have to toss these secret techniques.

On the family side, you can try it.

The secret technique that shortens the maturity time of the spiritual plant is of great value to the family, which is equivalent to doubling the value of the high-level spiritual field.

In this Lingzhifu inheritance, the fourth level and below can be placed in the family's Buddhist scripture building for Lingzhifu to practice.

As for Tier 5 and above, the family won’t be able to use it for the time being, so it’s better to store them in secret first.

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