Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 876: Clan factions

   Chapter 877 Factions within the Clan

  Wang family has experienced hundreds of years of development, and the tribe has a large scale.

  Once there are more people, various internal problems will naturally arise, and these signs are also appearing in the Wang family.

  The biggest internal problem is that the descendants of Wang Shoufeng have formed factions. This tribe has guarded the Five Elements Secret Realm for more than 300 years and has a lot of manpower.

  At that time, Wang Shoufeng failed to fight for family power and was hidden by snow for decades.

  Later, the Wang family developed the Five Elements Secret Realm and sent Wang Shoufeng and a few people here, and his descendants also took root here.

  The Wang family began to infiltrate the blood shadow, and some of his descendants also joined the blood shadow.

  Wang Dechong, who is now in charge of the affairs of the Shanbei branch, is the great-grandson of Wang Shoufeng.

  However, the head of the North Branch of Xueying Mountain is still Wang Daojian, and Wang Shoufeng's line does not have a high right to speak there.

  The status of this line mainly depends on the Mysterious Realm of the Five Elements.

  It is just the people who really hold the power of the Wang family, and they are still the same group back then.

  Naturally, it goes without saying that the country of Yan can only be passed on from father to son, and there is no reason to pass it on to the tribe.

The patriarch can fight for it, but the current patriarch is Wang Mingshan, and the next most competitive person is Wang Dezhao.

Although the people of Wang Shoufeng's lineage had some scale, they still couldn't make a big wave.

  Especially now that the family is still in the expansion period, the resources are too much to swallow, and there are no obvious contradictions between the clansmen, and the factions naturally can’t cause trouble.

  Wang Mingchen and the others paid attention to breaking the sectarian barriers when they migrated.

   While relocating the tribes of the Five Elements Secret Realm to Younan Mountain, they also moved some tribes from the vicinity of Yuquan Peak.

  It is impossible for any big family to be harmonious, and factions are inevitable.

  As long as it does not harm the family’s interests, there is no need to be cruel.

  However, some preparations still need to be done.

  If the faction is allowed to grow, it will inevitably cause a big split in the family in the future.

  Since the Wang family had the Green Willow Secret Realm, the status of the Five Elements Secret Realm has plummeted.

  Wang Daoyuan is now cultivating Ziyunmu here, so the value of this thing naturally goes without saying.

  The Five Elements Secret Realm has such important things, Wang Tongwen, as the head of the Secret Realm, will naturally have a higher status in the future.

  He handed his hand: "You don't need to do this kind of trivial matter. The great-grandson is also the Lingzhifu. Planting purple cloud wood is more than enough. You will give me these things, Qi Taigong."

After Wang Daoyuan confessed some things, he left the Five Elements Secret Realm and returned to Yuquan Peak.

  In the past six months or so, the clone has also sorted out the inheritance.

  The exercises that are suitable for the people to practice now have been copied in two copies.

  One copy is placed in Yuquan Peak, and the other is placed in the Imperial Study Room of Qingli City.

  After returning to Yuquan Peak, he went straight to the Standing Office.

  Wang Mingshan is doing business here, Wang Daoyuan took out a Qiankun ring: "This is the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley I got, there are techniques, spells, alchemy runes, and Lingzhifu inheritance.

   can cultivate to the fourth-order peak. As for the inheritance of a higher level, it is better to wait for the tribe to cultivate to the golden core peak, and then come to me for it. "

  Wang Mingshan took the Universe Ring, and his divine sense went in. He was stunned at that time.

  The Universe Ring is full of animal skin books and jade slips. All the inheritance before the Wang family is incomparable with these.

  Of course, this is only part of it.

  These inheritances were all cultivated for my own disciples, and the inheritances were so bad that they were not taken out at all.

  Ten Thousand Beast Valley's inheritance left by the dozens of Mahayana Patriarchs, as well as various rare secret techniques, naturally cannot be easily released.

  These things must be the core inheritance of the Wang family, and only the core members of the family are qualified to practice.

  There is a complete real dragon forging body skills, which can be practiced to the late Mahayana period.

  After that, he left Yuquan Peak and went to Qingli City.

  Come to the Imperial Study Room in the imperial palace. This is where Wang Mingchen usually handles his official duties. It is also the place where all kinds of classics are collected in the imperial palace.

  At this time, Wang Mingchen is handling official affairs here, and Wang Shouye and Wang Daochang are also here to help.

  Seeing that Wang Daoyuan was coming, Wang Mingchen hurriedly came over to salute.

  Wang Daoyuan took out two Universe Rings, one is Tier 4 Universe Ring and the other is Tier 5 Universe Ring.

  "This is the Ten Thousand Beast Valley inheritance that I have compiled. The things contained in this fifth-order universe ring are cultivated by our own family.

  The fourth-order Universe Ring contains the inheritance collected from the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, which is much shallower than the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

  There are a lot of casual cultivators who work for the country of Yan, and use these superficial inheritances to reward those who have made merit.

  For those casual cultivators, any inheritance here is invaluable.

   By the way, there are also complete B-Fire God Thunder and Wutu God Thunder in the Ten Thousand Beast Valley Heritage. You can also practice when you have time. "

  Wang Mingchen took the Qiankun Ring and said with a smile: "Although there are a lot of casual cultivators who have taken refuge in our country of Yan, they have always had a low level of cultivation. Lu Yuan is already the highest among them.

  Ranxiu wants only two things, one is to improve the cultivation base, and the other is to establish a family.

  Now Qingli County and Linhai County, as well as the future Younan County will not be handed over to casual repairs, and the attraction of establishing a family is not enough.

  In terms of improving the cultivation base, the Yin Yang Ziyu and Ziyun Mu Xin are not enough for our own, so it is impossible to give them a casual cultivation.

  Now that these exercises are available, it should be able to attract a lot of casual cultivators to take refuge. "

   "I hope, the foundation of our Wang family is still too shallow, and there are not enough manpower to manage affairs.

  The original local family of Qingli County has a shallower foundation than our Wang family.

  Up to now, there are still only two Zifu families, the Yang family and the net worth. It is hopeless to count on them.

  Add one for other families, the population is not as large as our Wang family.

  Although there are some cultivators with good talents, but without the support of massive resources, there are at most a few Purple Mansion cultivators.

  I hope these inheritance can attract a few casual students. "

   Then, he took out the Red Luan Nirvana Fire from Yinglong’s vision: "This is the Red Luan Nirvana Fire that your mother gave me. For me, there is no other use except for healing the wounds by using the Nirvana Secret Art.

  I also used it once when the Nanhuang Demon was pacified back then, and it was not used at all.

  More exposure to the spirit fire related to the Feng clan will also be of great benefit to you, so you can use it first. "

  Wang Mingchen took out a small gourd and put the flame away.

   "Thank you, my father, my son will not fail my father's expectations."

  This gourd is his natal magic weapon. Its function is similar to that of the Meteorite Royal Fire Gourd, and it is also from the hands of Real Lei Yan.

  Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said: "There is no need to have too much burden. Even without the magical power of Nanming Lihuo, it is not a big deal.

  Dignified Tianlinggen monks, they must still have magical powers.

  A spirit fire in a small area can only increase some combat power. "

   Then, Wang Daoyuan asked again: "The descendants of Uncle Six have already become a faction. What are your plans?"

  Wang Shouye sighed: "It seems that you have also noticed that the sixth brother also made a lot of contributions to the development of the Five Elements Secret Realm.

In order to guard against him, the family did not give him a chance to build a foundation.

  He has no complaints, and the senior family members have not suppressed his But there are inevitably some contradictions among the juniors below.

   Six brothers’ descendants are squeezed out in other places, and it is inevitable to hold a group for warmth.

  The cultivators in the Five Elements Secret Realm are also led by the descendants of Brother Six.

  This faction has taken shape, they have done nothing to harm the family, and it is not easy to take care of them.

  After all, they have done a lot to develop the Five Elements Secret Realm. "

  Wang Daoyuan nodded: "I refined two magical artifacts in the Secret Realm of Five Elements, and they cooperated to produce purple qi, and I planted some purple cloud wood in the Secret Realm.

  The person in charge over there is Wang Tongwen. He has a good talent. In the future, he will be promoted to the family or the court.

  On the Five Elements Secret Realm, send another monk to take care of it.

  The family has enough properties and the site is big enough.

  Split the descendants of Uncle Six and gradually dispersed them in various industries.

  Talents should be treated equally, and barriers should be gradually eliminated. "

  (End of this chapter)

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