Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 886: Jian Qi Phantom

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "This vision is not bad, but it matches the Shadow Sword Art extremely well.

The potential of the seemingly non-existent sword is not small, and it is very suitable for assassination.

By the way, do you have the natal magic weapon? "

Wang Degong replied: "I already have it. Grandpa Eight Gu used Moon Shadow Spar to create a magic weapon for me."

Moonshadow spar also has hidden characteristics, which matches his vision very well.

His Eighth Gu grandfather is Zhao Liang, and he is now a Tier 4 middle-grade refiner, and he refines natal magic weapons for the early cultivators of the Purple Mansion, which is a piece of cake.

"How do you comprehend sword intent?"

"It all depends on the picture of the sword you left in the Qingli City Palace, and the grandson's shadow killing sword intent has already seen the way."

The sword picture in the Palace of Qingli City is the Guiyuan sword picture obtained from the Baihutang in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Guiyuan Sword Intent is not something anyone can practice, but the sword intent of Guiyuan Sword Immortal is all-encompassing.

Shadow Killing Sword Intent, which is relatively partial, is also found in the sword picture.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, you can comprehend the sword intent, and you have a suitable natal magic weapon. Your strength is relatively strong in the early days of the Purple Mansion.

In addition, the Shadow Sword Art is extraordinary, even compared with the genius among the blood wolves, it can also be ranked first. "

Three days later, Feizhou came to the blood shadow headquarters.

He had already passed a letter to Zhou Luan through Xueying's intelligence channel.

At this time, the Second Blood Shadow Elder Zhang Yue was already waiting in the small valley.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan flying away to the ground, he stepped forward and said, "See the Supreme Emperor, the movie lord is welcoming at the Blood Shadow City."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be polite, let's get to the headquarters as soon as possible."

Zhang Yue responded with a yes, and led the way before his head, and the group soon came to the Blood Shadow City.

Zhou Luan took Wang Daoyuan and others to the gate of a more luxurious compound.

The plaque in front of the door reads the two characters "Wang Mansion", which should be Zhou Luan's mansion prepared for the Wang family's children.

The entire compound is divided into three entrances, and the house is relatively spacious, so it is not a problem to accommodate dozens of people.

After entering the yard, there is still an old servant in the yard.

Zhou Luan smiled and said, "This yard is yours. It's up to you where you want to live.

This is your steward. If you have anything, leave it to him. . "

After all, walk out of the yard with Wang Daoyuan.

"The talents of these ten juniors are pretty good, especially the junior from the Purple Mansion.

This was the early stage of the Purple Mansion, and there was a looming sword intent on his body, and his ability to hide was extremely strong. When did our Wang Family come out of this kind of talent? "

"He is the eldest grandson of the second brother, and his name is Wang Degong.

For the monks of Erlinggen, the main spirit root is the golden spirit root of eight inches and three cents.

The Zifu vision is still a looming sword, and his personality is also suitable for being an assassin.

The others are three spiritual roots, and the main spiritual root exceeds seven inches. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "In this way, these people can all try to enter the blood wolf.

As for whether they can succeed or not, it depends on their ability.

However, this Wang Degong, with his strength, would have no difficulty in entering the blood wolf.

Moreover, it is not a problem to become a top-notch master in Blood Wolf. "

The two came to the discussion hall in the center of the city, where the elder Zhang Dingming and the second elder Zhang Yue, as well as Xu Qinghe, the person in charge of the Xu family, were all here.

The cultivators of the Blood Shadow Headquarters are divided into three factions, Zhang Family, Xu Family, and non-primary cultivators. The three of them also represent all three factions.

Zhou Luan said: "Dao Yuan has brought some of the staff of the Shanbei branch, who are also children of my Wang family.

According to the rules of Blood Shadow, each branch has the responsibility of recommending talents to the headquarters.

Among these ten people, nine were three-spirited monks with a main spiritual root of more than seven inches, and one was a two-spirited purple mansion monk with a main spiritual root of more than eight inches.

With such a talent, it should be no problem to enter the blood shadow, right? "

Most of the elders outside the Zhang and Xu family are talents recommended by each branch or their descendants.

In addition, Zhang Yue, the second elder, had always been on Zhou Luan's side, so he was naturally fine.

The Xu family is still very obedient, and Xu Qinghe has no objection.

If you say that you don't want to see Zhou Luan the most, it is Zhang Dingming.

The Zhang family has always been slightly stronger than the Xu family, and Zhang Dingming has little problem with infants.

Xu Boyu is old and frail, and the success rate of Broken Pills is not high.

The position of the shadow master must be Zhang Dingming's.

Now Zhou Luan came out halfway and became the movie master.

The Xu family and the elders who were not in the direct line supported her, but the Zhang family became the weaker side. How could this make him happy?

Zhang Dingming said: "Second spiritual root monks whose main spiritual root exceeds eight inches can directly join the blood wolf without testing.

However, Brother Zifu was in trouble.

The members of the Blood Wolf joined during the foundation building period or even earlier, and after years of training, did they break through the Purple Mansion.

After the opening of the Purple Mansion, he was a candidate for the Elder Blood Shadow.

This Wang family's child directly became a candidate for the elders, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

In the view of old age, let him compete with other members of the blood wolf.

If he can win, give him the status of an elder candidate.

However, you must first practice a few years among the blood wolves and practice the various inheritances of the blood shadow.

As for the other nine people, they need to pass a test before they can qualify for the blood wolf. "

Neither Wang Daoyuan nor Zhou Luan had any opinion, and they were quite confident in Wang Degong's abilities.

Under their noses, Zhang Dingming didn't dare to play with Yin.

In that case, it was giving Zhou Luan a chance to reorganize the Xu family.

As for the other nine people, it is not necessary to go into the blood shadow.

Generally, a monk who can't get into the blood wolf can still become the disciple of the elders.

Given Zhou Luan's status and the strength of the Wang family, there are so many elders who are willing to accept these royal family members as disciples.

Becoming an elder's disciple can also be well cultivated.

Zhou Luan replied: "Just do what the first elder said, and the second elder, please arrange these things."

Zhang Yue arched his hands and said: "Yes."

Afterwards, he withdrew from the conference hall and went to arrange competitions and tests.

If this matter is left to Zhang Yue, the problem will not be big.

Soon, Zhang Yue returned to the hall.

"Cinema, I have arranged it.

The location was set in the blood wolf camp, and five blood wolf cultivators participated in the competition. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "So, let's go take a look together."

He picked up ten Wang's children and headed to the blood wolf camp west of the Blood Shadow City.

There is a hill on this side and a valley in the middle. There are already a dozen people waiting here.

A cultivator of the late Jindan came out and bowed to everyone: "Blood wolf chief Wu Xiang, I have seen the movie master."

The Blood Wolf Director has a very high status, second only to the movie owner and the great elder.

Zhou Luan said, "Manager Wu is welcome, let's start the competition now."

Elder Wu rushed to the back of the five young cultivators of the early Purple Mansion and said: "Shanbei Branch Wang Degong has joined Blood Shadow, and it is up to you to test his strength.

Compete against each other without hurting others.

Xu Yize, you come first. "

Wang Degong took out a gray-black long sword and stepped forward.

After meeting with Xu Yize, he started.

Xu Yize disappeared in an instant, and a moment later, a jet black long sword appeared behind Wang Degong, resting on his neck.

There was joy on Zhang Dingming's face, but he was stunned for the next moment.

Wang Degong's figure suddenly dispersed, turning into countless sword auras.

Xu Yize hurriedly shouted: "I admit defeat. UU Reading www.uukā"

The sword energy disappeared, and Wang Degong's figure appeared.

Zhang Dingming sucked in a cold breath: "Sword Qi phantom, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake.

The technique of invisibility and hiding, even the Nascent Soul cultivator of me, can only be discovered after careful investigation.

This is the Shadow Sword Art of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. How can the Wang Family have such a powerful inheritance?

Sword Qi was sent and received freely, and even the middle-term cultivator of the Purple Mansion among the blood wolves could hardly beat him.

There is no need to compare the remaining four. Wang Degong is already a candidate for elder. "

Although the blood-clothed **** is also powerful, he was born in a casual cultivation.

Soon after becoming a mighty, he died in battle.

The inheritance is similar to that of the general Mahayana monks, and it has not been perfected much.

After that, Blood Shadow never produced a Mahayana monk, and really couldn't bring out the inheritance that surpassed the Shadow Sword Art.

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