Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 899: Recast Mo Yuding

The golden core appeared, and the next step was the formation of pill formation.

Wang Daoyuan didn't worry about this, the eighth sister's talent was already very strenuous.

There will be no special thunder tribulation in the heavenly tribulation, and the nine heavenly tribulations should also be relatively weak.

The magic weapons given to him were already enough to withstand the catastrophe.

Wang Daoyuan walked out of the secret realm and sent a letter to Zhou Luan, asking her to bring the two children.

Although Bamei's gift of heaven and earth is not strong, the effect is extremely obvious for children who have not yet started to practice.

There are some functions that enhance spiritual root talent, the most important function is to improve physical fitness.

A dark cloud appeared in the sky, and it expanded rapidly, reaching a diameter of more than thirty miles, and then stopped.

The magic weapon given by Wang Daoyuan was more than enough to resist such thunder.

A quarter of an hour later, the first round of tribulations fell, and the three tribulations failed to destroy the first defensive weapon.

Soon, all the nine tribulations fell.

The defensive magic weapon that Wang Daoyuan prepared for her, there are still two Tier 4 middle grades that are not used, and she herself is unharmed.

Zhou Luan brought the two children to the secret center. Wang Daoshu saw the two little guys and took out some cakes from the storage bag.

"Ming Blade Mingxian, come to Bagu."

When the two little guys saw the food, they forgot everything.

Release Zhou Luan's hand and ran to Wang Daoshu.

They are also one and a half years old, their muscles and bones are much harder than before, and they are very powerful in running.

Especially when I see delicious things, my energy is even stronger.

One person took a few pieces of cakes and gnawed them with their milk teeth that were not fully grown.

The dark clouds in the sky have turned into golden auspicious clouds, and the golden raindrops are falling, mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Wang Daoshu.

The two little guys see what they eat, regardless of whether it rains or not.

Sitting in Wang Daoshu's arms slowly eating cakes, he also absorbed a lot of golden raindrops.

After the gift of heaven and earth, the two of them also finished eating the cakes.

Thanks to the gift from Heaven and Earth, there will be no obvious changes for a while, and the two little guys naturally didn't respond, and the group returned to the Zhou Family Courtyard of Blood Studio City.

Wang Daoshu continued to look at the two children, while Wang Daoyuan began to improve the refining technique.

In the past few years, he has been continuously refining sword charms and weapon charms, which has greatly improved the skill of refining tools.

There shouldn't be much problem with refining the fifth-order high-grade magical artifacts now.

The Tier 5 top-grade materials in his hand are not very rich, and he has not dared to waste it casually.

Now that the level is reached, there is no need to save it.

Among the magical instruments of the same level, the long sword without special functions has always been the simplest, and the materials used are relatively small.

Wang Daoyuan also took out a piece of Tier 5 Taiyi Divine Gold, ready to refine a Guiyuan Sword.

He is the most familiar with this magic weapon and has been refined many times.

The veins are already very familiar, and the upper grade of the fifth-order is only slightly more complicated, but the basics are still the same.

Coupled with the spiritual assistance of forging an immortal cauldron, it shouldn't be a problem.

Wang Daoyuan also took out the immortal forging tripod, and began to forge magical artifacts in the main room of the small courtyard.

He also didn't arrange the formation to hide the movement of forging.

Wang Mingxian didn't feel the sound of iron strikes, and he felt a little noisy.

Wang Mingyan was different. Hearing the sound of iron strikes, he became energetic and insisted on entering the room to watch.

However, Zhou Luan was still very majestic.

With just one look, Wang Mingyan was shocked.

Wang Daoshu took out some snacks, and successfully diverted his attention.

Wang Daoyuan is also considered a familiar road, and it only took two days to refine a fifth-tier high-grade Guiyuan sword.

The first refining of Tier 5 high-grade artifacts was still a bit flawed, but the problem was not big.

Afterwards, put the refined Guiyuan sword into the forging celestial cauldron, and then put it into the spiritual orb space for storage.

With Jaki in the Lingzhu space, he doesn't need to worry about the matter of holding the magical instruments.

Jia Qi has also stayed in the Lingzhu space for three and a half years. Calculated according to the time in the space, it has been about three hundred years.

He is the five spiritual roots, the highest water spiritual root has two inches and four cents, and the lowest earth spiritual root has one inch and five cents.

This cultivation talent is already comparable to the slightly worse Tianlinggen.

Moreover, with the improvement of the cultivation level, after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, the cultivation talent has already surpassed the Heavenly Spiritual Root.

Needless to say, the exercises he cultivated were completely consistent with Wang Daoyuan's exercises, except that the seeds of spiritual power were not spiritual fire.

In the Lingzhu space, there are enough pill tubes, and the aura is also at the level of the fifth-order high-grade spiritual veins, and the cultivation speed is naturally not slow.

Now, his cultivation has reached the late Yuan Ying stage.

It just so happened that Wang Daoyuan's refining level had already reached the top of Tier 5, and he wanted to help him refining Mo Yuding.

Three days later, after the Guiyuan Sword was cultivated, Wang Daoyuan took it out of the Lingzhu space.

A murderous aura came out, covering the entire Blood Shadow City.

Zhang Dingming and Zhang Yue were dealing with official duties, and suddenly their faces changed drastically.

Zhang Dingming took a breath: "A strong murderous aura, and only the emperor can have such a murderous aura.

The strength of the old man is like the difference between Tianyuan and the Supreme Emperor. "

In the Zhou family courtyard, Zhou Luan and Wang Daoshu are playing with their children.

Zhou Luan was already quite familiar with his murderous intent, Wang Daoshu's cultivation base was too low, and he couldn't feel the power of it.

Wang Mingxian didn't feel anything at all, but Wang Mingbian was stimulated by this murderous aura, and his body was sharp and sharp.

Afterwards, Wang Daoyuan walked out of the house with a long sword.

Wang Mingchen looked at Guiyuan Jian, his eyes couldn't move away.

The peach wood short sword in his hand was not fragrant at that time, and after throwing it away, he ran over to hold Wang Daoyuan's leg to act like a baby, wanting this Guiyuan sword.

He hasn't started to practice officially, and he can't even use the magical tools, let alone use the fifth-order high-grade magical tools.

Wang Daoyuan put away the Guiyuan sword and said with a smile: "This little guy is really a born sword repair seedling, so he can feel the killing intent at such a young age."

Zhou Luan said to the side: "That is, don't look at who gave birth."

Wang Daoyuan is self-aware, and there is no hope of winning in a quarrel with her, so he directly admits to counseling.

"What the master of the movie said is that the bright blade can have such a talent, mainly because you, the mother of Bingxue, are smart."

After playing around with the two little guys for a few days, he returned to the main house.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to recast the Mo Yuding Ding. This artifact was originally of the water attribute, and it was Master Huang's natal artifact.

Now I want to use it for Jia Qi, he is a cultivator of the Five Spirit Roots, so the water attribute magical device is naturally not suitable.

Wang Daoyuan intends to incorporate the other four attribute spirit creatures when he is recasting.

The fifth-tier high-grade spiritual things are out of play, and they can only be used with the fifth-tier low-grade spiritual things to make do with it.

This kind of material has been obtained a lot in Qixinghai before.

The earth-attribute spiritual objects choose the heavenly stone to increase the suppressive power of the refining pot.

The fire-attribute spirit item uses the red flame fine iron to increase the refining ability.

The metallic spirits use Suolong Gold to increase the strength and gather the attributes of the five elements by the way.

Wood attribute spirit is a kind of spiritual wood root that can create illusions, and can increase some illusion techniques.

It is still very difficult to recast a natal magic weapon and still want to retain its original function and enrichment results. A little carelessness may destroy the magic weapon.

Especially water-attribute magical tools, which are incompatible with flames, need to incorporate a lot of precious water-attributed spiritual Dao is far from Guishui Mingyan, but it will not lose its essence.

Recasting magical instruments is also a necessary content in the inheritance of refining instruments, and Wang Daoyuan is not short of this thing.

Roast the Moyu Ding with Guishui Mingyan to refine its original veins.

Then use the spirit fire to refine the essence of the four additional materials and cast them into the Mo Yuding Cauldron.

It took three months of effort to recast this Mo Yuding Ding.

After Mo Yuding was recast, the shape did not change much.

It's just that the ornamentation has turned into five dragons, which fits well with Judge's vision of the Purple Mansion.

Wang Daoyuan put it into the Lingzhu space, and after asking Jia Qi to recognize the master, he tested its power.

The five functions of water protection, fire protection, suppression, refining, and creation of illusions are complete, and the intensity is greatly increased.

Wang Daoyuan also breathed a sigh of relief. He was able to recast Mo Yuding. This Tier 5 high-grade refiner was well deserved.

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