Several people sighed for a while, but there was nothing to do.

Go directly to the conference hall to petition, it is very likely that he will be directly beheaded without waiting to speak.

It is not common for the people in the Financial Palace to get out of their bodies after they robbed their books.

There are wives and children in the family, and no one wants to take their lives into it.

Such scenes are constantly being staged throughout the Blood Shadow Headquarters, and everyone is looking forward to slaying Zhang Dingyi as soon as possible.

Moreover, most people think that the deduction of salaries is not only Zhang Dingyi's business, but also Zhang Jia and Zhang Dingming's participation.

Such a treacherous and evil person can actually serve in the position of financial elder for two hundred years.

Even if the elder did not participate in the ghost stone, the younger brother did this, can the elder know?

So the great elders are either collaborating with each other, or sheltering and conniving.

In any case, he is not qualified as a great elder.

The Xu family is not too anxious to watch the excitement.

Xu Qingquan and Xu Qinghui are able to stand up to find evidence, and they want to dig all the land under Zhang Dingyi's name, and each stone must be carefully studied.

The financial hall also temporarily stopped drawing salaries on the grounds that the treasury was empty.

The middle- and lower-level disciples could have calmed down and waited to see the excitement.

Now that no salaries are paid at all, how can they feed their families?

After tossing around here for more than a month, the blood shadow middle and lower disciples couldn't hold on anymore.

Many Zifu and Zhuji disciples did not do their own work anymore, gathered in the Bloodshadow City and blocked outside the Finance Hall.

People gather more and more, and accidents will cause chaos.

The Penalty Palace is under the control of the Xu family, so he just waits to watch the excitement and will not take care of these things.

After blocking for a long time, someone who was not afraid of death finally stood up in the crowd.

This person was thin, pale, and was seriously deficient in energy and blood. It was the monk surnamed Zheng who felled spiritual trees in a forest farm north of Blood Shadow City.

He walked to the entrance of the Finance Hall and yelled: "When will you be able to pay salaries? My family has stopped cooking.

I can hold it on my own. The child has just embarked on the path of spiritual practice, and the wife is still pregnant. They can't hold it.

If I can't get my salary today, my wife and children will starve to death, and it will be meaningless for me to live by myself.

The big deal is going to die, even if you can't grab something, you can still splash your blood. "

A steward walked out of the financial hall: "What is the use of yelling at the entrance of the financial hall? Zhang Dingyi has greeted hundreds of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, and the spirit stones in the warehouse of the financial hall are also in short supply.

If you don't take him down, how can I have a spirit stone for you?

My manager is the same as you. I haven't eaten any spiritual things for a month. Wives and children can only survive by eating the weeds in the courtyard. "

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Brothers, since the Finance Hall can't send out the spirit stone, let's go to the conference hall to see the shadow lord.

I begged her to cut Zhang Dingyi and let the Zhang family spit out the spirit stone that had detained us. "

Thousands of people on the field are full of resentment long ago, wishing to tear Zhang Family alive.

As soon as someone incited, the fire that had been held in his heart for many years broke out, and one after another roared toward the conference hall.

The skinny monk surnamed Zheng was walking in the forefront and was stopped by guards in front of the main hall.

He shouted inside: "Shadow lord, we have no way to survive. Please also ask the shading lord to show favor so that we can have a bite to feed the family."

Soon, thousands of people gathered outside the conference hall.

Among them, dozens of people shouted towards the hall.

The conference hall is protected by formations, no matter how noisy it is outside, the sound cannot be heard.

However, there are guards who can pass the letter.

These escorts were also arranged by Xu Qinghe. Now that the matter has become a big issue, it is time to close the net.

One of the guards walked into the main hall and arched his hands towards Zhou Luan: "Thanks to the shadow lord, thousands of people gathered outside the main hall for discussion.

Some people can no longer open the pot at home, and if there is no food, the family will starve to death.

They demanded that Zhang Dingyi be beheaded, and the Zhang family would return their hard-earned money.

Some people also say..."

"Say what?"

"They said they wanted to fight before they died, they couldn't kill the Zhang family, and they had to splash the Zhang family's blood."

Zhang Dingming's face was dark, but he dared not say anything.

Zhou Luan sighed: "If there is still a bite to eat, they won't get to this point. Let's meet these low-level monks together."

After all, a group of people walked out of the hall.

When the monks outside the hall saw Zhou Luan coming out, they knelt down and pleaded: "I ask the shadow master to give us a way to survive. There is no spiritual stone in the financial hall. If you can't get the spiritual stone, the family will starve to death. "

Others shouted: "Zhang Dingyi deducted our hard-earned money. This kind of human crime deserves ten thousand deaths and should be killed immediately."

There are also some more extreme ones, shouting to exterminate the nine peoples of Zhangding and Yi.

Zhou Luan said loudly: "Disciples first calm down, I am also from the middle and lower level of Blood Shadow, and I also know your suffering.

But now that the case has not been cleared, we can't kill people rashly.

There is really something that can't be revealed. I still have some private money here. I will send it to you first, and let's talk about it after we get through the current difficulties. "

Someone in the crowd immediately shouted: "The shadow master is kind to our lower-level disciples, and we also know it in our hearts.

Otherwise, he would not investigate Zhangdingyi's beast.

It must be the Zhang family who relied on power to oppress the shadow lord. "

This should be a member of the Xu Family School, and after a few words, the anger of the people was successfully drawn to Zhang Family.

At this time, another person shouted: "I have a grievance, and I beg the movie master to avenge me."

This person is a middle-aged man, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Purple Mansion.

"What's the grievance, just say it."

The middle-aged man said: "My name is Zeng Qiu, and my father Zeng Rong was originally the deputy head of the Jinshan branch of Shen Guodu.

When Zhang Dingyi was the head of the beast in the Jinshan branch, seeing my sister's beauty, he forcibly snatched it back to the cave.

My father went to rescue my sister and clashed with him.

He was not sure to beat my father, so he let my sister go.

But this beast held a grudge and took other people to slaughter more than 30 people in my family.

If it weren't for someone to save me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to live today.

Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and the evil deeds of this beast are exposed.

The lord of the movie personally intervened before I dared to denounce him, and I still have the shadow beads left by the person who saved me at the time. "

This is the orphan Xu Qinghe mentioned before, and he still has evidence of Zhang Dingyi's destruction of the family.

The deputy director of the first-level branch of the blood shadow, the status is equivalent to the idle elder.

Not to mention that he is a hall master, even the great elder cannot be killed for no reason, let alone Zhang Dingyi also destroys the whole family.

The deputy head of the first-level branch requires the unanimous consent of the major elder, the second elder, and the third elder to be appointed.

One of the deputy hall masters said that it would be gone, and was still stunned that there was no sound of wind, apparently someone from the headquarters took action to suppress the incident.

To suppress this kind of thing is also a capital crime.

Once it is clear, it is estimated that a large number of elders will be involved.

This trick can be said to be a killer's trick, as long as it is confirmed, the Zhang family will also have to hurt.

As soon as this remark came out, more than a dozen people cried out injustice.

Some accused Zhang Dingyi of killing people and taking away money, and others accused him of taking away his wives and daughters.

"Punishing elders, go to investigate this matter.

Elder Han, Elder Cao, Elder Wu, the three of you go to the supervision and review. "

The four said yes, and then took these people to the penalty hall to verify and then called Zhang Mengguang, the chief manager of the financial hall: "I remember that there is a treasure of Zhenku in the Zongmen Treasury, which is used to For emergencies.

Now there is no danger for the blood shadow, first set aside a part of the Zhenku Lingshi to help these disciples in emergency. "

Zhang Mengguang said quickly: "The shadow lord must not be, these Zhenku Lingshi are related to the foundation of the blood shadow.

In the event of an accident, but no spiritual stone is available, the Zongmen Foundation may not be guaranteed. "

"Zhenku Lingshi is related to the blood shadow foundation, and the disciple of the disciple is not related to the foundation?

How much contributions these disciples have made to the sect on weekdays, but now they have reached the point where they can't be revealed.

Let these disciples chill, who is willing to contribute to the blood shadow in the future?

As long as the heart is still there, what is the spirit stone? "


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