Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 918: Guest Yingmen

As soon as this statement came out, the elders looked at each other, not knowing what Zhou Luan wanted to do with Zhang Dingming, and even Xu Qinghe did not continue to answer.

Zhou Luan went on to say: "The Great Elder is already a Nascent Soul monk after all, and now there are four or five Nascent Soul monks in the four top powers.

Even the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Zhao, who was reinstated after the destruction of the country, already had two Yuanying monks.

Many other second- and third-rate countries already have Yuan Ying monks.

There are only two Nascent Soul cultivators in the blood shadow so far. They are no longer as good as Zhou, and are they even weaker than Qin and Zhao?

We haven't had the Supreme Elder for thousands of years, so let the Great Elder serve as the Supreme Elder. What do the elders think? "

Zhang Dingming can serve as the Supreme Elder, and the Zhang family will still have a chance. The elders of the Zhang family faction naturally strongly agree.

The elders whom Xu family and Zhang Yue had wooed, unconditionally supported Zhou Luan, and naturally agreed.

The neutral elders are the ones who really think about the blood shadow.

This proposal is of great benefit to Blood Shadow, and they naturally have no objection.

So everyone shouted: "Shadow Master Shengming."

Zhang Dingming was a little bit astonished. There were so many people who agreed to be Tai elder.

"Since the elders have no opinion, Zhang Dingming listened to it."

Zhang Dingming stood up and said to Zhou Luan, "Zhang Dingming is here."

"Although you have made a big mistake this time, but thinking that you have worked hard and the blood shadow is just using people, you will be named the Supreme Elder.

But capital crimes are exempt, and living crimes cannot escape.

From now on, you will concentrate on cultivating and no longer manage any affairs. "

Zhang Dingming saluted: "Thank you for the great kindness of the movie master."

Zhou Luan said again: "After ten days, a ceremony for the canonization of the Supreme Elder will be held in front of the Patriarch Hall.

The Grand Elder was promoted to the Supreme Elder, and the former financial elder Zhang Dingyi died. Who do you think is more appropriate to take over? "

Elder Han replied: "According to the rules of the blood shadow, if the elder resigns or sits, the second elder should take over.

The third elders continue to take over as the second elders, and the highly respected and powerful elders are elected to take over as the third elders. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "If this is the case, then the second elder Zhang Yue will take over as the first elder, and the third elder Xu Qinghe will take over as the second elder.

As for the Three Elders, then Elder Cao Jing will take over.

Elder Cao has served as a mine elder for many years, and his qualifications must be sufficient.

Over the years, he has been conscientious and has never made any mistakes. It is just right to take over as the three elders.

Before Zhang Mengguang was the chief financial officer, he had the savings of several generations, but he was still so poor, which shows that he is extremely incorruptible.

Presumably, the elders do not want another Zhang Dingyi in the Finance Hall, so let Zhang Mengguang take over as the financial elder.

Xu Qingquan, the penalty hall, made a lot of contributions in investigating the Zhangdingyi case and was promoted to the elder of the mine.

Elder Han is upright and upright, and it is more appropriate to take over the post of Chief of the Penalty Hall.

Elder Wu Jun is also known for his integrity, so he assumed the post of Chief Financial Officer.

What do the elders think of such appointments? "

Among the blood shadow real power elders, the highest status are the three elders and the blood wolf director.

The position of the Blood Wolf Director is equal to that of the second elder, but this position is special.

The status is extremely high, but there is no power to decide big things.

The following are the elders who control a wide range of industries such as finance, penalties, and mines, forest farms, elixirs, and refining equipment.

Although the actual influence of these elders is quite different, their status is the same.

Under these elders are the chief directors of the halls.

Further down, there are the hall masters and deputy hall masters of each first-level branch.

Although they can be regarded as elders with real power in name, they are far away from the decision-making level, and their actual influence is at the level of idle elders.

It's not for experience, the general idle elders are not willing to be the hall masters.

Although Zhou Luan's appointment was not exactly the same as Wang Daoyuan's previous statement, it was considered to have taken care of all factions.

Naturally, Zhang Mengguang needless to say, this is the key figure in the division of the Zhang family faction.

Elder Han is a true neutral faction, and promotion of his position can be regarded as a win over the neutral faction.

Wu Jun is Wu Xiang's own younger brother, Wu Xiang is considered to be a neutral group, and is closer to the Wang family, so naturally he has to draw in.

Elder Cao had surrendered before, and now some of his descendants have established a family in Guiyan County.

All factions are very satisfied, and naturally there is no objection.

Zhou Luan smiled and said: "If this is the case, then arrange it like this, and canonize all elders together in the Patriarch Hall ten days later."

Afterwards, she walked out of the conference hall.

The other elders are also happy and sad, and most of the elders are full of spring breeze.

The Zhang family’s parents are always full of sadness, no one is a fool, and it is natural to see that the Zhang family will only be surviving in the future.

And those non-primary elders who are attached to the Zhang family are thoughtful.

The big tree of the Zhang family is about to fall, and even Zhang Mengguang, the Zhang family's own family, can be reused, and these people are not a problem.

Soon after Zhou Luan returned to the Zhou family courtyard, Zhang Mengguang came to see him.

After he was promoted to the elder of finance, instead of showing any joy, he was full of sadness.

"The film lord, the Supreme Emperor, after this incident with Zhang Dingyi, I really don't want to stay in the blood shadow headquarters anymore.

I also asked the film master to give me a job in the Shanbei branch, even if it was a secondary branch deputy hall master, I was willing to do so.

Although Zhang's family has suffered a major setback, it is after all tens of thousands of years of foundation.

If they retaliate, my wife and children will be over. "

Zhou Luan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will naturally protect your family.

I remember that you have a son who was cultivated in the early stage of the Purple Mansion, and it was not a problem at all that he became the deputy head of the second-level branch.

What do you think of the Linhai branch? Although it has just been established, it has ample aura and rich products. "

Wang Daoyuan also said: "Let your family live near this small courtyard first. When Ming Ren and Ming Xian reach ten years old, I will take them back to Yan Kingdom to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. By the way, bring your family together. past."

After hearing this, Zhang Mengguang was overjoyed.

When he reported against Zhang Dingyi, he was ready to die.

Now with the assurance of Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, not only can he serve as the financial elder, but he can also serve in the country of Yan from his family. Staying away from this place of right and wrong is naturally the best of both worlds.

What's more, the family can still be protected by Wang Daoyuan himself.

Even if Zhang Dingming made the shot himself, it would be difficult to hurt them.

He saluted and thanked him again and again, and then left.

Soon after Zhang Mengguang left, someone came to visit again.

The visitors were a late Jindan and a middle Zifu monk, and this late Jindan monk was Wu Jun's younger brother.

After the two came in, Wu Jun arched his hands and said: "I have seen the movie master, I have seen the Supreme Emperor."

Zhou Luan asked, "I wonder what Elder Wu has to do?"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "Not for important matters, but for personal matters.

This is my son Wu Weizhong, who is fairly talented, but he did not become a candidate for elder.

It is not a solution to let him do nothing at the headquarters all day, I just want him to experience it in the branch.

The Shanbei branch has added two second-level branches. I want to ask Weizhong for the position of deputy hall master, and I hope the shadow master will allow it. "

This meant that he wanted to board the boat of the Yan Kingdom. As Wu Xiang's younger brother, Wu Jun came to show his favor, which also represented the meaning of the Wu family.

The Wu family is in addition to the Zhangxu family, UU reading is also considered a pivotal family.

What's more, Wu Xiang is still the blood shadow director.

Cao Jing had already stated his position before, and now the Wu family has also come.

Coupled with the manpower gathered by Zhang Yue, more than half of the non-primary elders are already on Zhou Luan's side.

The remaining few elders in real power have very limited influence.

Zhou Luan smiled and said, "The Shanbei branch is just in the process of employing people. With the talent of the noble son, being a hall master is not a problem."

Just as Wu Jun wanted to thank you, someone asked to see him outside the door.

The visitor was still an acquaintance, it was Xu Qinghe.

This is really a guest. In less than an hour, three elders with real power came one after another, including a second elder.


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