Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 922: Time not with me

The Zhang family has been in the branches of these countries for many years, and most of the managers and intelligence personnel in the branches belong to the Zhang family.

Together with the deputy hall master, the master and deputy hall masters of the second-level branches are also Zhang's family.

Put an outsider directly in the position of the first-level hall master, if the wrist is not hard enough, he will definitely be emptied by the people underneath.

Xu Qinghe replied happily: "This is not a problem. The foreigners who were replaced by the Zhang family should still be in these branches.

My Xu family sent someone over to gather these foreign surnames together, which is not a weak force.

It is not a difficult task to have the headquarters press down and sweep away the Zhang family's power. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Since it can be done, then prepare as soon as possible.

Now that the Zhang family has been defeated, there is no ability to stop us at all.

It's completely unnecessary to build momentum or something, just come hard. "

Xu Qinghe arched his hands and said, "The subordinates will make arrangements and put them forward in the conference hall tomorrow."

After all, leave the courtyard.

Zhou Luan asked, "Why do you always think of these scammers?"

"The children of the poor were in charge early. When I was young, the Wang family was still a family that built a foundation.

There are powerful enemies all around, so I don’t think much about tricks, can I live now? "

Both Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian were cultivating in the house. Wang Daoyuan and Xu Qinghe had always been talking insidiously, Zhou Luan would not let them listen.

The two of them are Tianlinggen monks, so their cultivation speed is naturally not slow.

Wang Daoyuan didn't want them to cultivate too fast. After all, they were still too young, so they focused on growing their bodies.

The two of them spent most of their time on their own interests.

Even so, their cultivation levels have reached the third level of Qi training, and Wang Mingxian's cultivation speed is slightly faster, not far from the fourth level of Qi training.

The two of them are only nine years old now, and it is very good to be able to cultivate to the third level of Qi training.

Anyway, if you don’t build a foundation before adulthood, it’s no good to practice too quickly.

The techniques they practiced are naturally not simple. What Wang Mingyan cultivates is the killing sword art of the White Tiger Palace in Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. This is the core heritage of the White Tiger Palace and it is also powerfully left behind.

Wang Mingxian's exercises are naturally not bad. This exercise is called Yimu Changsheng Gong, which is mainly about cultivating vitality.

Can be used to heal injuries, but also to strengthen the body.

Of course, this exercise is not just for healing.

The attached several attack spells can deprive the enemy of the vitality for his own use, and the killing effect is also good.

The founder of this technique is the ancestor Aoki Godzun who likes to create secrets in Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

His strength is also among the best.

It just so happens that Wang Mingxian's special physique has strong vitality.

Cultivating this technique is also perfect.

The two little guys usually learn from each other, and Wang Mingyan's strength has always been the upper hand.

After all, Wang Mingxian's physique is very close to the spirit body, and he has an advantage in cultivation speed, but it does not directly improve his fighting skills.

The attacking spells of Yimu Changsheng Gong didn't have much effect when the cultivation base was low.

Wang Mingbian's physique obviously belongs to the category of combat body, and it is related to sword repair.

Now that he has cultivated the killing sword art, this technique is to cultivate the killing sword intent.

Although it is still too early for him to talk about sword intent, the spiritual power obtained from this exercise is not ordinary.

Complementing his innate sharpness, his fighting skills are naturally very strong.

The next day, Zhou Luan came to the meeting hall.

As soon as he took a seat on the main seat, an unemployed elder said: "Shadow master, his subordinates have received news that Zhang Meng Gui, the head of the Wu Guozhenze branch, has neglected his duty.

As the hall master, he never cares about the various affairs of the branch.

Every day, he only knows the sensual dog and horse, and also misappropriated the resources of the Zhenze branch for him to spend his time and drink.

If you continue to indulge, I am afraid it will be another Zhang Dingyi.

This chapter Meng Gui is Zhang Dingyi's nephew, and it is not impossible to be able to do the same thing.

In the opinion of his subordinates, he should be relieved of his position as the head of the hall, and he should be recruited back to the headquarters, so that he can think about it. "

This elder is from the Xu family and is not far from Xu Qinghe.

Zhou Luan asked: "Can there be evidence for this?"

The elder took out an animal skin book: "This is the account book and testimony provided by the former deputy head of the Zhenze branch. He has arrived at the headquarters and can testify at any time."

Immediately one of the late Jindan elders stood up and said: "This matter cannot be based on one-sided words. If Meng Gui is convicted in this way, I am afraid that the elders will not accept it."

At this time, another idle elder stood up and said: "What Elder Pill Medicine said is extremely true. It is impossible to say that he is at fault just because he is Zhang Dingyi's nephew.

Zhang Meng Jue, the head of the Linji branch of the Qi State, is also Zhang Dingyi's nephew, but his political achievements are among the many first-level branch heads, and he is also one of the best. "

This person was very objective. An elder named Xu took the initiative to return to the head of the Zhang family.

This makes many elders a little puzzled. When did the two reconciliation?

The third elder Cao Jing saw some clues. Although he did not know the complete inside story, he also saw that the Xu family wanted to recruit the two hall masters to the headquarters.

The meaning of the Xu family is also the meaning of Zhou Luan and the Supreme Emperor.

He also said: "The film master, since Zhang Menggui has this suspicion, he should be called back to the headquarters and handed over to the penalty hall for trial.

If you have had it, then punish it.

As for Zhang Mengjue, he has been the head of the Linji branch for decades.

Since the political achievements are outstanding, it should be promoted. "

Xu Qinghe was taken aback, this is my word.

He reacted very quickly, and then said: "The Three Elders are justified and should indeed call Zhang Mengjue and Zhang Menggui back to the headquarters.

If you have done something, you will be rewarded, if you have done something, you will be punished. "

Zhang Yue also nodded: "It really should be."

Zhou Luan said: "Since the three elders think so, they will be called back to the headquarters.

Those who have merit will be promoted, and those who have demerit will be demoted. "

The movie master and the three elders all agreed, and if the others objected, it would be death.

Zhang Yue arched his hands and said: "Yes, the subordinates will give orders to the two hall masters to let them come to the headquarters."

This operation made the non-primary elders a little confused, but a few Zhang Family elders knew that something was not good, this is the main movie's action on the branch controlled by the Zhang Family.

After discussing the matter, everyone dispersed.

The elder pill rushed to the Zhang Family Master Lingshan, and when he saw Zhang Dingming, he bowed his hands and said: "Uncle, today at the conference hall, the Xu family suddenly attacked Meng Gui.

Moreover, the three elders seemed to have colluded and pulled Meng Jue into the water by the way.

They said that they would be called back to the headquarters. If they were guilty, they would be demoted and punished.

Once the two of them are called back to the headquarters, the movie master sends someone else to take over as the hall master, and our previous efforts are all over. "

Zhang Dingming sighed: "Time is not with me, and now I have no power in my hands. We can't oppose the decision of the movie master and the three elders at all.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as there was a movement, the movie master reacted.

Do more, make more mistakes, do less, make less mistakes, and don’t do good.

At this time, you must not be caught in the pigtails, UU reading can only watch the changes.

Fortunately, the beginning and the end have been dealt with before, even if a small mistake can be caught, it is not a big deal.

Meng Gui was demoted the most, so he should be an idle elder because of his talent.

Meng Jue has always been cautious, and can at best find trivial things.

If he is recruited to the headquarters, he can only be rewarded.

Neither of them will be life-threatening, but the branches of Wu and Qi are no longer owned by our Zhang family.

For other hall masters to temporarily stop inserting family children, the movie master and Wang Daoyuan have already had very effective countermeasures.

There is no need to waste time as many family children can be uprooted here.

If you continue to hard top, you can only ask for trouble. "


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