Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 935: Older gingers are more spicy

Real Lei Yan said with emotion: "With this magic weapon, the elixir that Beiyuan Cultivation Realm can plant in the future will increase a lot.

As long as the spiritual energy is sufficient, more spiritual plants can be cultivated and more monks can be supported.

As a craftsman, it is worthwhile to be able to participate in refining this kind of magical instrument that has a profound impact on Beiyuan during his lifetime. "

Such a major event will spread in the future. The real names of Wang Daoyuan and Lei Yan stayed in the history, and they were called ancestors by later generations of craftsmen. It shouldn't be a problem.

Wang Daoyuan took out another gourd, this gourd is a third-tier top grade, and it is just an ordinary Xuanyuan gourd.

He only has one gourd vine that can grow Tier 4 Yimu gourds, and there are only a few Yimu gourds that can grow to Tier 3 top grade, and most of them are Tier 3 top grade Xuanyuan gourds.

The previous gourd had grown ten gourd seeds, which had been planted next to the life spirit fire.

After several generations of breeding, Otomu gourd should grow into a new gourd species.

In order not to arouse suspicion, now only the third-tier high-rank Xuanyuan gourd can continue to refine.

After Wang Daoyuan took out the gourd, Lei Yan really smiled and said, "You really have a lot of gourds in your hand. I feel itchy when you see your refining tools. Give me this gourd to practice."

Wang Daoyuan naturally had no opinion, and handed the gourd to Real Person Lei Yan.

"Most of my refining skills are on my own. In order to ensure success, I always follow the refining inheritance with a precise look.

The technique is too cautious and the materials used are too much. Just look at your technique, Master. "

This is also the difference between having a teacher and no teacher, whether it is a pill talisman or a martial arts spell, no one can give directions, relying on their own comprehension, after all, it is almost meaning.

Some people who are not savvy can't be trained at all.

Real person Lei Yan simply handled the gourd and began to inscribe the pattern of the interception space.

It was similar to Wang Daoyuan's previous approach, but it seemed more natural.

Ten days later, this third-tier high-rank Xuanyuan gourd was refined into a fourth-tier middle-rank magic weapon by the real person Lei Yan.

The function is similar to the Yimu Qiankun Gourd previously refined by Wang Daoyuan, and it can also absorb the aura and yin outside.

But without the vitality of Yimu Qiankun Gourd, it does not promote the growth of Lingzhi.

Wang Daoyuan looked stunned: "Tier 3 high-grade materials, can you even refine a fourth-tier middle-grade magic weapon?"

Real Lei Yan laughed and said: "Jiang is still hot. Although limited by cultivation level, I am not as good as you at the level of refining, but I have not lived in vain for more than a thousand years.

When I was more than three hundred years old, my refining level had reached the fourth-tier top grade.

After that, because Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm did not have Tier 5 refining materials, the level of refining had been stuck at the peak of Tier 4 and could not make progress.

It was hopeless to improve the level of the refiner, and later my cultivation was stuck in the late Jindan stage, so I could only focus on other aspects.

Using poor materials to refine better artifacts is also one of my goals.

Generally a somewhat level refiner can use materials to refine a high-grade magic weapon.

I have been immersed in this way for hundreds of years, and I have been able to use materials to refine high-grade artifacts.

If it is a lower rank, I can use the second-rank high-grade refining material to refine the third-rank high-grade artifact.

I wanted to continue to study in this area, but Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm already had a fifth-order aura.

Some of the Tier 4 pinnacle refining materials stored in Shenbing Pavilion's early years have been restored to Tier 5 lower grades, and I took advantage of the trend to raise the level of refining to Tier 5.

Now that blood-fired Fusang has been restored to the fifth-level lower grade, and the refining materials are sufficient, so I no longer have to continue to study this low-level material to refine high-level magic weapons.

Although this method saves materials, it is too time-consuming.

You still have a lot of room for improvement, and there is no need to spend too much time in this area. "

Afterwards, the real person Lei Yan refined another pure sun bead and put it into the newly refined Universe Gourd, and once again a wisp of purple gas appeared in the space inside the gourd.

Take the soil again to use the rain technique, cultivate the spiritual field in the gourd, and sow the spiritual valley seeds.

After half a month, Linggu also sprouted and grew.

In the months that followed, the master and apprentice did not refine any new spiritual artifacts.

After all, there is no precedent for the method of combining the pure sun bead with the spiritual space magical device, and many problems may arise.

Whether this combination is stable requires careful observation.

Wang Daoyuan took the time to refine two sets of puppets for farming.

In the creature space magical instruments, Lingzhi also has no contact with pests and diseases, so there is no need to remove pests and cure diseases.

Linggu can be self-pollinated, without bees and other insects to help pollinate, it can also set seeds normally.

If you are planting other spiritual plants, it is best to raise a colony of spiritual bees in it.

Wang Daoyuan also thought of a magical effect of this spiritual space magical tool, that is, beekeeping.

With a space of more than one hundred acres, it is not a big problem to raise thousands of spirit bees.

With this thing, the number of spirit bees that the family can raise can also be greatly increased, and a large amount of low-grade honey can be produced.

If these spiritual nectars are distributed to those who are pregnant, it is more likely to give birth to children with spiritual roots.

It took nearly half a year for the master and apprentice to refine the instruments and discuss the improvement methods.

Wang Shouzhe and Zhao Liang also reached the critical juncture of pill formation, and they had already eaten the pill formation and pine nuts.

When the half-year period came, a water-blue sphere about three inches in diameter appeared above Wang Shouzhe.

He is also a monk of the Three Spiritual Roots, but the main spiritual root is relatively low, and he is only five inches in his head, which is considered a real medium talent.

Such a monk, as long as he cultivates a good technique, there is still hope for the formation of alchemy.

It's a pity that he didn't have the vision of the Purple Mansion when he opened the Purple Mansion, so he was delayed for so many years.

Zhao Liang is a little struggling, he is a Si Linggen monk, and his aura is even more complicated.

If you can't make up another spiritual root and become a five-spiritual monk, then the four-spiritual root talent is the worst.

The robbery cloud on Wang Shouzhe's side was about to take shape, and only a golden core with a diameter of two inches appeared above his head.

Wang Shouzhe's robbery cloud was about thirty miles in the end, and the robbery quickly came down.

The magic weapon had already been prepared, and Heavenly Tribulation did not cause any impact.

On Zhao Liang's side, Jieyun was even smaller, only a little over twenty miles in diameter.

After more than an hour, the tribulation of both of them was over, they were unharmed, and the gifts of heaven and earth also came.

Wang Daoyuan sent the two Qiankun gourds over. He and Mortal Lei Yan as the Nascent Soul monk, the golden core monk's gift of heaven and earth, is almost useless to them.

However, the Qiankun Gourd is a fourth-order magic weapon, and it is still very beneficial to absorb the gifts of the golden core and heaven and earth.

The gifts of the two of them only lasted for a quarter of an hour, but the gourd still got a lot of benefits, and the spiritual field rank of the inner space has been slightly improved.

Zhao Liang and Wang Daoyuan are about the same age, close to four hundred years old, and they are already obviously old.

Now that he has formed a pill, his life span has been raised to one thousand years, his age is equivalent to that of an ordinary person in his forties, and his appearance has returned to that of a middle-aged person.

Wang Shouzhe is a few dozen years younger, and now he looks like he is in his early thirties.

Zhao Liang walked over and said, "Master, the disciple finally succeeded in forming a pill."

Real Lei Yan was very pleased: "Okay, UU Reading www.uukā, our Baoding has a thin line of people, and now there is one more Jindan monk.

You were raised by me alone, so I don’t have to worry about white-haired people sending black-haired people. "

Wang Shouzhe looked at the two gourds and asked, "Dao Yuan, what's the matter with your two gourds?

There are still spiritual fields and purple qi inside. If it were used to plant purple cloud trees, the family would never lack these things. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "When you and Zhao Liang are preparing to form a pill, Master and I have researched out this set of magical tools that can plant purple cloud wood.

It is still immature and can be refined in large quantities when it stabilizes in the future.

Not only can you plant purple cloud wood, but also other spiritual plants, and you can also breed spiritual bees in it.

In the future, the senior family members will be able to have a portable medicine garden. "


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