Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 939: Ambassador

   Wang Mingchen's words made Li Sheng overjoyed.

  Wang Daoyuan, as the Emperor of the Kingdom of Yan, his words are more useful than the imperial edict.

   With this praise, the future will be guaranteed.

   hurriedly said, "The emperor is too acclaimed. With this ability, the minister can only play a small role, not be a big talent."

   Wang Mingchen smiled and said: "Palace Master Li Guoqian, you have been in charge of the various branches of the Zhao Kingdom for hundreds of years.

   Even before the restoration of the Zhao family, the entire Zhao country was in ruins, and the business of each branch was not greatly affected.

   This is also the leader of Hall Master Li, how can it be said that it is not a great talent?

   With so many branches in the country of Zhao, it would be too much trouble if they were all directly under the control of the General Chamber of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

   I intend to let the Chamber of Commerce follow the structure of Blood Shadow and set up a first-level branch and a second-level branch.

   Sanhefang City can set up a first-level branch, the post of the branch president of the Sanhe branch, it is better to be the head of the Sanhe branch.

   The country of Yan has not been established for many years, and the manpower is still too few, but the territory is very large.

   If Hall Master Li made some achievements, it would not be a problem to award the title to the land. "

   This is the promise made plainly and clearly, Li Sheng's face was full of joy: "Thank you, your majesty, the minister will be gracious, in return for your majesty's great kindness."

  " Hall Master Li doesn't need to be polite. When I send someone to discuss with Zhao State, all branches in Zhao State can put up the Chamber of Commerce sign.

   also asked Hall Master Li to make preparations, so as not to get into trouble. "

   Li Sheng patted his chest and promised: "Your Majesty, don't worry, there will be ministers, and I promise that there will be no problems.

   Chen will return to Sanhefang City to prepare to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

  Wang Mingchen nodded: "San Bo, you send Hall Master Li."

   Wang Daochang handed over and said yes, and took Li Sheng to leave the imperial study room and sent it to the outside of the imperial city.

   After he returned, Wang Mingchen asked: "Twelfth Uncle, San Bo, who should Zhao Guo send to contact?

   Although the relationship between our country of Yan and other countries is pretty good, no one really manages Hongshe Temple, who is responsible for liaising with other countries. "

   Wang Daochang said with a smile: "Why don't you let Mingshan go, he is the son-in-law of the Zhao family, and you are close relatives by blood."

   Sending him over can also show the sincerity of our Wang family. "

   Wang Shouye nodded in agreement: "Daochang is a good idea. It is better to send Mingshan to Zhao Guo as an envoy.

   He is closer to you, and Yuquanhou is more suitable in terms of status.

   contacted Zhao Guoguo again, and it would be more appropriate for him to be Zhengqing of Hongyou Temple in the future. "

   "If this is the case, then call him over and appoint him as Zhengqing of Hongyou Temple."

   After that, Wang Mingchen took out a jade charm and passed the letter to Wang Mingchen.

   A quarter of an hour later, Wang Mingchen rushed to Qingli City.

  When he came to the Imperial Study Room, he saluted Wang Mingchen and said: "See your Majesty."

  "Clan brothers don’t need to be polite. In the future, our Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in Yan State will do business in various countries, and it is inevitable that we will have to deal with other countries.

   Although the Hongfu Temple was established a long time ago, it was also used to arrange the residence of foreign envoys.

   only arranged for a few people from the Zifuqi tribe to take care of it, and did not send any staff from other countries.

   There are relatively few Jindan monks in the family, and the Zifu monks are envoys, and they look down on other countries.

   Therefore, we plan to establish the post of Hongyousiqing.

  I discussed with the twelfth uncle and the third uncle, and you are the most suitable one. "

  According to the conventions of various countries, the status of Hongyousiqing is not low.

   Although it is not as good as Wang Shouye and Wang Daochang's right and left prime ministers, but it is not lost to the hall masters, at least he is much higher than his current Guiyan County prefect.

   Wang Mingshan arched his hands and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the minister is willing to take up the post of Zhengqing of Hongyou Temple."

   Wang Mingchen smiled and said: "San Bo, prepare seals, official robes and other things for the Mingshan brother.

   Going out to the country of Zhao, I have to be a little bit prepared. "

   Three days later, Wang Mingshan took a flying boat and headed to Longyou City, the capital of Zhao State.

   The two places are only tens of thousands of miles apart, and the Tier 4 flying boat only takes half a day to arrive.

  He came as an envoy of the country of Yan, and the country of Zhao also attached great importance to it. Zhao Qingjie went to greet him outside Longyou City in person at Hongyou Temple.

   As soon as he saw Wang Mingshan, he said, "My niece and son-in-law are counted, please come with me to see my emperor."

   Zhao Qingjie is the younger brother of the current Emperor Zhao. After the Ninth Prince's Broken Pill became a baby, he passed the throne to Prince Zhao Qingxuan.

  Wang Mingshan’s wife, Zhao Yuying, is Zhao Qingxuan’s daughter and niece of Zhao Qingjie.

   The city of Longyou in the Zhao country is a hundred miles away, which can be shot more than the Qingli city in the country of Yan.

   Under the guidance of Zhao Qingjie, Wang Mingshan entered Longyou City and came to the Palace of Emperors in the Imperial Palace of Zhao Kingdom.

   At this time, only Zhao Qingxuan and a few young Jindan monks were in the hall.

   Many of the Zhao’s Golden Pills who participated in the Zhao family’s restoration of the country in those days have already sat down.

   Even Linhaiwang and Zhao Lingjiang are still very old.

   After Emperor Zhao Guotai and Zhen Guo Gong Zhao Jingguo broke through the realm of Yuan Ying, they stopped taking care of things.

   Zhao Guo's usual affairs are also managed by Zhao Qingxuan and a group of Zhao family descendants.

   Wang Mingshan came to the front of the hall and bowed and said: "Yan State envoy Wang Mingshan, see Emperor Zhao."

   Zhao Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, what's the important thing for the Emperor Yan to send you here?"

  "I enlighten Emperor Zhao that there are many industries in our country, but the royal family is short of manpower, so the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was established to develop industries in various places.

   A few years have passed, and there have been little achievements.

   Now I plan to do business in Zhao State, and there are already some Zhao State shops willing to cooperate with Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

   After all, this business was done in the territory of Zhao Guo, and Emperor Yan did not want Emperor Zhao to misunderstand him, so he asked me to discuss the matter with Zhao Guo.

   Of course, since you are doing business in Zhao, you will naturally abide by the laws of Zhao. "

  Zhao Qingxuan nodded: "It is a matter of the two countries. I need to discuss with the ministers, and I also ask the envoys of Yan to stay at Hongxu Temple temporarily."

   Wang Mingshan arched his hands and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the foreign minister retires."

   Then, under the leadership of Zhao Qingjie, he left the palace and went to Hongyou Temple to wait.

   This is a diplomatic relationship between the two countries, and you can’t just talk about private matters before the official business is over.

   Zhao Huang and Wang Mingshan also said some scenes, but did not talk about the relationship between the son-in-law.

   After he left, Emperor Zhao asked: "The country of Yan should have been prepared for this. What should we do?"

   A middle-aged monk in the middle of the Golden Core replied: "This Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is clearly the wealth-gathering organization of the Yan State imperial family. I heard that the chairman is the Emperor Yan himself.

   When they enter the country of Zhao, they are blatantly coming to the country of Zhao to collect money.

   In my opinion, I can never agree to this. "

   Emperor Zhao is noncommittal: "Yuqi, what do you think?"

   Zhao Yuqi is also the Zhao Qi that Wang Daoyuan met when he traveled to the northern part of the mountain when Wang Daoyuan was building the foundation. He is now the prince of Zhao Guo.

   Zhao Yuqi handed over and said: "Father, the sons and ministers thought that it would be OK to agree to this matter.

   As far as I know, this Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce Yan Country only produced a piece of skin, UU reading www.uukanshu. Under the skin of com, there are still various branches of Blood Shadow.

  The Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Yan was born in Blood Shadow, and it is said that she is now a senior in Blood Shadow.

   Blood Shadow is a great power handed down from the ancient times, and our country of Zhao simply cannot match it.

  The establishment of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce shows that Yan Guo and Xueying have reached some kind of cooperation.

   There are already some Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce shops in Song State, and I have already negotiated with Yan State.

   If we object, Yan Guo will give Song Guo some support in the future, and Zhao Guoke will be attacked by both sides.

  Even if Yan Guo didn't do it himself, Blood Shadow's hands were not clean. How many Golden Core cultivators in Zhao State could kill them?

   There was news from the intelligence personnel from Song Kingdom that the shops of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce also understood the rules, and they were just doing business with peace of mind and developing industries within the Tianzhan Mountains.

   didn't do anything to harm Song State, we naturally didn't need to be afraid.

   Yan State also has enough room for expansion, there is no need to grab the territory of Zhao State. "

   The blood shadow has been walking the upper-level route, and the small forces don't know about the blood shadow.

   Zhao Guo has been a royal family for more than 10,000 years, and he still has some understanding of the blood shadow.



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