Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 943: Soul Youkai

Latest website: The two came to the imperial study room, Wang Mingchen and Wang Shouye practiced in the secret room behind the imperial study room, while Wang Daochang was dealing with daily affairs.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan and Wang Delin's arrival, they found that Wang Delin was already in the realm of the Purple Mansion, and their voices trembled a little.

"Delin, are you opening up the Purple Mansion? What is the vision of the Purple Mansion?"

The Wang family was restricted by the exercises and seriously affected the potential monks. One was Wang Daoxing and the other was Wang Daochang.

Although he is a monk with three spiritual roots, his main spiritual root exceeds eight inches.

This talent isn't great, but it's definitely not bad either. It's not a problem for the semi-divine beast Zifu's vision to appear.

But before he opened the Purple Mansion, his cultivation techniques were very ordinary, and the vision of the Purple Mansion was just a fire-winged quail.

The bonus to fighting skills is minimal, and the possibility of comprehending small magical powers is extremely small.

Even if it is understood, it is a very poor little supernatural power.

Therefore, he is naturally very concerned about Wang Delin's vision of the Purple Mansion.

Seeing him look nervous, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "You are really worrying about it. De Lin has an excellent talent, and the cultivation technique is also extremely smart. The Zifu vision is naturally not a problem.

Delin's vision of the Purple Mansion is called Xuanming Zhenshui. This vision is so rare that you may not have heard of it.

In terms of potential alone, it is stronger than the average monster.

Moreover, it is relatively stable in awakening little supernatural powers. "

Wang Daochang's face was full of joy: "This way I can rest assured that I stepped on the pit that I stepped on back then, but I don't want my younger generation to step on it again."

Before the words were over, the ancestor of Wan Ling flew out from the backyard.

"I heard you say that Xuanming True Water, Delin's vision of the Purple Mansion is Xuanming True Water? Show me quickly."

Wang Delin urged to inject spiritual power into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the center of his eyebrows exuded a purple light.

Then, a cloud of black water appeared.

The ancestor of Wanling used his divine sense to investigate: "Sure enough, it is Xuanming True Water, and the disciple who can awaken Xuanming True Water's small magical powers can also become the heir of the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

Tian Linggen has both a spiritual body, and it will not be difficult to comprehend little supernatural powers in the future.

I think the technique he cultivates is also the Xuanwu Tang's Xuanwu Yushu Gong.

This technique is not only suitable for cultivating basalt visions, but also suitable for manipulating various spiritual waters.

Among the successive hall masters of Xuanwutang, Xuanming true water was condensed.

This technique has also been improved by them, and the power is really good.

Xuanming Zhenshui, Nanming Lihuo, Yimu psychic body, and a sword body are all powerful poses.

Even when Ten Thousand Beasts Valley was in its heyday, they did not appear at the same time.

There are only a few thousand monks in the Wang family, and such a powerful descendant can appear at the same time, so God treats the Wang family so much. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "God don't make a loss-making business. The more things you give, the more things you have to take away.

I have only heard of Xuanming Zhenshui, I have never seen it before, and I don't know how to teach him.

You happen to be there, and Delin will leave it to you to teach. "

"It's also a great thing to have talents and educate them.

He worked as a errand in the Imperial Study Room before, and he did not ask me much about his cultivation practice.

After all, he is also half of my disciple.

Instructing him to practice cultivation is justified. "

"I'm here this time, I have some questions about cultivation that I want to ask."

The face of Wan Ling's ancestor turned out to be overjoyed. After dismissing Wang Delin, he and Wang Daoyuan went to an underground secret room behind the Royal Study Room.

The Imperial Study Room is the largest building in the imperial palace. In front of it is the place where official affairs are handled and courtiers are received.

There are more than a dozen quiet rooms for cultivation in the back, and a few secret rooms built underground to discuss some confidential matters.

There is also a place to store inheritance and confidential files deep underground. The walls and floor tiles are made of Tier 4 high-grade materials, and there are also formations.

Even the Yuan Ying monk, it is impossible to enter quietly.

When he arrived in a secret room, Wang Daoyuan was a little curious: "I said that the ancestor of Wanling, I asked you some questions, how do you feel like having a big happy event?"

The ancestor of Wanling smiled and said: "During the growth of the son of Qiyun, and in the future, whoever makes the most credit will get more benefits.

It can be considered a great achievement if it can help you grow.

If you have any questions, just ask them.

Although I'm only an instrumental spirit, I live longer than most powers, and I have seen more powers.

I can't solve the problem, I guess it's no use to find other powers. "

Wang Daoyuan sat cross-legged on a futon and recruited Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying said directly: "The exercise I practiced is called the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue, which was originally created by a golden core monk.

It uses the essence of spiritual things to condense into spiritual power seeds.

The spiritual power refined by the spiritual power seed is more refined, comparable to the spiritual power cultivated by the Tianlinggen monks.

I used the Five Elements Spirit Fire to condense the seeds of spiritual power. After breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm, I absorbed the real dragon forging body skills of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley and the exercises of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal, deducing this exercise to the fifth level.

The goal of Yuan Ying monks' cultivation is to bring Yuan Ying closer to real life.

I have always wanted to turn the five seeds of spiritual power into the inner organs of the Yuan Ying, and continue to strengthen the Yuan Ying.

When the Heavenly Secret Sect was resisting the Xihai Monster Race, he entered the Heavenly Secret Tower and got the help of the Blood Spirit God, turning the spiritual power seeds into the five internal organs of the Nascent Soul.

Now that I can transform my spiritual power into the power of qi and blood, my physical body is also growing very fast.

Physical strength alone can suppress general semi-divine beasts of the same rank.

It’s just that my domain supernatural power consumes a lot of divine consciousness, so I want to continue to improve this technique so that my spiritual power can be directly transformed into the power of divine consciousness. "

Wan Ling's ancestor carefully checked his Nascent Soul: "Your method of transforming your spiritual power into qi and blood really means a blood god.

Your physical body is indeed strong enough, and it seems that this technique is really good.

Spiritual power transforms qi and blood, and there are some such methods in Ten Thousand Beast Valley, but they are far inferior to the methods of the blood spirit gods.

As for the method of directly transforming spiritual power into divine consciousness, Ten Thousand Beast Valley really does not have a similar inheritance.

I have seen dozens of great abilities, and I know a little about their skills.

But I have never heard of any great power that can transform spiritual power into the power of divine consciousness just by relying on exercises.

It's just that this means of transforming spiritual power into divine consciousness, you don't need to worry at all.

When you reach the realm of God Transformation, it can be transformed naturally, so why bother? "

"Any cultivator can transform the spirit, qi and spirit into each other, but there is only one blood spirit god.

The efficiency of transforming the spirits and spirits of the monks into the gods is far inferior to that of the blood spirit gods.

In terms of physical strength alone, there is no great power that can be compared with the blood spirit deity.

The enemy he will face in the future is too powerful, and his background is not comparable to the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm.

If you want to have the last laugh, you must do everything to the extreme. "

The ancestor Wanling fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said: "I don't have the technique of transforming spiritual power into divine consciousness, and I have never seen any great power.

I have been in contact with many great powers and earth immortals following the masters of the past generations.

From their conversation, I also learned a lot of secrets.

I have really heard of two things related to the transformation of spiritual power into divine consciousness.

One of them is that when the demons invaded, a great power encountered a weird transformation of the gods and demons.

That demon race should be a line of ten thousand magic demons, and when fighting with the powerful human race, it casts all kinds of magical spells that consume a lot of consciousness. UU reading

But the demon clan persisted for a very long time, and his divine consciousness seemed to be inexhaustible.

Under the siege of the three great powers, he still retreated.

Someone later speculated that this demons should have the means to transform spiritual power into divine consciousness.

It's just that the demons later died in the chaos, and this matter was not resolved.

Another one is more illusory. Legend has it that there is a peculiar race in the depths of the extremely cold ice field.

This race is known as the ‘soul demon’ and is known for its powerful spirit attacks.

They are between the soul and the entity, and can directly absorb aura and transform it into the power of divine consciousness.

This race rarely appears in human vision, and the human race knows very little about them, and it is even uncertain whether they exist. "


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